Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Parent offended by article in The Devil's Advocate UPDATED

I uploaded the podcast from last night's school board meeting. The last seven minutes or so, during Citizens' Comments, Suzy Harouse, from Cedar Blvd., confronted the school board about a highly offensive article published in the student newspaper, "The Devil's Advocate." I do not have a copy of the newspaper, but if a reader would send me a copy, I can post it here.

Ms. Harouse went on to say that after checking with administrators in our district, as well as other districts, that they too, found it offensive. Dr.Timmy was surprised that this parent had received a copy of his email concerning this situation, one that was sent at 2:00 AM. He was also offended by this woman's comment. Both he and President Elaine Cappucci said that it was the student's right under the First Amendment.

Funny how I just approved a link/comment about The First Amendment, under Mt. Lebanon Magazine Sued Updated 2X.

October 22, 2013 8:39 PM Devils' Advocate article is here.
Suzy Harouse's comment is available here.


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Anonymous said...

Does the Devil's Advocate allow and publish unedited "Letters to the Editor" ? If so, Ms. Harouse should have an option to respond without district criticism or harassment. If not, we should organize and picket the admin offices.

Ms. Harouse has a First Amendment right to object as well.

John David Kendrick said...

Can someone with legal expertise explain something to me?

I have often wondered how a school can manage first amendment rights and still comply with The Buckley Amendment?


I haven't seen this article so without refering specifically to this case, would an article in the school newspaper that names and opines about a student constitute an unauthorized release of information by the School District?

Steve said...

Which article?

Lebo Citizens said...

From what I gather, it was an editorial about bullying, but I am not positive.

Anonymous said...

When do either the Board or Steinhauer NOT get offended if someone has something negative to say at the meetings? The mere act of getting up there with any sort of complaint or question or issue seems to be so repulsive to them. And the attitude appears to be: "How dare you question anything that goes on in OUR buildings?" The condescension coming down from the top towards parents is appalling. Whether it's curriculum issues, problems with coaches, or something objectionable in the school newspaper - parents and community members are treated with incredible disrespect. I hope they successfully handled this woman. Remember: They ARE the professionals.

Anonymous said...

They should change the district's mission statement, the one about providing the best education possible... to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".

Or maybe, la,la,la,la,la,la,la!

Anonymous said...

Where does it say that the SB was offended by what Ms. Harouse had to say 2:04?

Anonymous said...

I saw the article. It was a humorous piece in the opinion section. My daughter, who is a student at the HS, assures me that other students understood the article to be humorous. The situations described are absurd and are not, in fact, practiced.

No individuals have been named, nor have they been harmed, because in this teen's attempt at farce or pseudo-farce, there are no named individuals. So, it is not a piece on "bullying," per se, but instead a humorous look at fictional interactions between freshmen and seniors. That the tongue was in cheek was readily apparent to me.

Ground the helicopters...

Anonymous said...

We discussed this column within our family, as I was hoping that it was written mostly in jest. However, the tone of the column does seem to promote bullying, and we wondered if the writer recognizes this. The papers are available to anyone at the high school.

Anonymous said...

4:52, does it really matter? The point of her post [at 2:04] was that the Board are adversarial to the community - and she is correct.

Why is it that every single issue facing the school district or the municipality has to come down to a legal opinion of responsibility? What happened to the concept of a community that is governed to meet the needs of the residents?

It's unbelievable what has evolved in Mt Lebanon. Unless you are the so-and-so of the such-and-such at the law firm of $$$-ew-la-la-la-$$$ you don't have a right to an opinion, you don't have a voice and other than paying taxes to a bunch of adults with pacifiers that we fondly refer to as our teachers the average taxpayer is shit under the shoes of our local despots!

Anonymous said...

You are assuming that the School Board responded with "criticism and harassment"? I will need to watch the broadcast to know this. Perhaps they are defensive because they so seldom have anything positive addressed to them. They are easy punching bags, and yet all of them, whether you agree with them or not, put in an inordinate number of hours for a volunteer position. I do hope that Ms. Harouse contacted the high school administration before addressing the SB. If the principal and DA advisors did not respond, then approaching the SB could be another venue.

We parents may disagree with the column (and I do), but the students do have the right to publish their opinions in their newspaper. It was not a reporting piece, it was an opinion. We don't have to agree with it, and we can take offense to it, but we should also use it as a point of discussion rather than be so ready to make it a legal issue. Perhaps the DA editorial board could follow up with reaction (and even rebuttal) to this column, particularly by another senior. And perhaps students themselves could (as they always should)discuss the distinctions between senior/freshman jesting and bullying amongst themselves. Teach one another.

Anonymous said...

Who supervises or edits the Devil's Advocate? Not every submission needs to be published, obviously. Somebody published it without concern about how students and families might be impacted.

Anonymous said...

5:36 Our teachers are " bunch of adults with pacifiers"? Really? You sound like the whiny baby who needs the pacifier! Our teachers a mostly a good lot, who teach our children well.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the board meeting be showing on the school district Comcast and Verizon channels by now?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they have to edit the comments before they will show the board meeting.

Lebo Citizens said...

It seems as though Timmy CALLED the headmaster at 2 AM and followed up with an email. I am sure they are editing the meeting again this time. Again, Lebo Citizens, thanks to David Huston, has the unedited meeting on lebocitizens.com.
I updated this post to include a copy of the article, as well as Mrs. Harouse's portion of Citizens Comments.

Anonymous said...

That has happened before.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but this time Ms. Harouse started with an extremely condescending tone and very smugly asked the board if they knew what "The Devil's Advocate" is. I think she was a bit surprised that not only do the board members know what it is, most, if not all, of them read the article in question. I don't think the article was terribly funny or successful, but I don't think it was a call for bullying either. Ms. Harouse is certainly entitled to her opinion, but I have to agree with the earlier poster: Ground the helicopters already.

I thought the gentleman who very respectfully brought up the issue of extremely hot classrooms at Hoover had a much more pressing concern. He even had a possible low-cost solution. The board did not dismiss him but rather referred him to Facilities to see what would be possible.

Lebo Citizens said...

9:04 PM, I guess those speaking in condescending tones get edited out of meeting broadcasts? The board knew she was coming. There had been an email exchange between the parent and Timmy. Perhaps the parent will share those emails with Lebo Citizen readers. There is waaaay more to this, folks.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of "They are volunteers. They put in so many hours." They asked for this. They ran a campaign. They were elected. Elected officials have to take some heat. And responsibility. And keep those they are in charge of overseeing accountable. Poor overworked board members. And 4:52 - it doesn't say anywhere in this post that the Board was offended. I didn't need to read that anywhere or even attend the meeting to know they were offended. It's a given - criticize and they will shut you down. Or refer you to someone else. Whatever the subject matter is you are complaining about....it's never their area of expertise. I have no idea what the Devil's Advocate article was about or why this parent was upset. But she had a right to be heard. A right to criticize. And a right to a satisfactory response. Perhaps if Ms. Harouse had been a man, Dr. Steinhauer would've reacted differently and Elaine's post about this wouldn't even exist.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, a quick read of the student article and I'm of the opinion its much ado about nothing.
Entering any new situation as a freshman its natural to be low person on the totem pole.in school, work, sports,fraternities, Congress.
Its a part of growing up. A little hazing is something far different from bullying.
My only issue is - did Tim really call one of his staff at 2 am over this!

Lebo Citizens said...

Not his staff, 10:10 PM. He called a headmaster from a different school district. There was an email that was sent to Timmy by mistake. Allegedly, Timmy called and gave him a piece of his mind at 2:00 AM, and followed up his conversation with an email.

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

I'm pretty sure this is the same parent that Elaine featured last month when she attended the School Board meeting to take issue with how the volleyball team was selected.

As a parent of two high school students, I was pleased to hear Dr. Steinhauer stand up for the author.

Dave Franklin

Anonymous said...

We've all been through high school, right? So we aren't scared by intimidating or threatening editorials by seniors thinly veiled as humor.

This article appears to perpetuate a cycle of fear and humiliation suffered by freshman at the hands of upperclass students. The article is most hurtful to freshmen who, perhaps, have suffered from bullying or exclusion in middle or elementary school.

WE are all OVER the fear of being a freshman who may be hazed or worse -- but the freshmen aren't.

Anonymous said...

The complainant must be one of those helicopter parents who must protect their kiddo from life. Lighten up. If your kid is offended by this, he will never make it in the real world!

Anonymous said...

I don't know the parent who attended the school board meeting but my guess is that she is familiar with situations that have occurred in our school district or elsewhere in which a student suffered tremendously due to bullying. It really does happen and kids suffer. Sometimes they leave the school, become depressed, and sometimes they kill themselves.

People who work with youth throughout the nation are working toward addressing mean/bullying behavior. This editorial would have been easily accepted 15 years ago but in our current youth climate, it's not welcome.

Anonymous said...

That's right 10:27, we all learned to deal with being a freshman, a sophmore, a junior and then a senior.
Its a right of passage that one shouldn't miss and learn how to deal with.
The current crop of freshman will survive, just as all the freshman did before them.
This isn't bullying. That is not to say bullying freshman doesn't exist, but that opinion piece isn't it.

Lebo Citizens said...

Yes, Dave. Same parent. If you listened to what she said, the two are related. Both are about bullying. Do you think it is normal for someone enraged enough to call a person he didn't even know at 2:00 AM?
10:27 PM, do you realize that this was approved last night?
"Revisions to Policy JICFA, Hazing: RESOLVED, That the Board approves revisions to Policy JICFA, Hazing, in the form presented."

Anonymous said...

So ms. Harouse whines when her kid doesn't make a team, then she complains about a tongue in cheek article. Her kids must be Mortified!

Lebo Citizens said...

It's a rite to passage, not its a right to passage. The faculty advisor, Dawn Begor, should have caught that.

Lebo Citizens said...

Ms. Harouse is not whining. Timmy called a friend of hers at 2:00 AM! Did you know that she has not been reimbursed for the pay to play fee from August? Don't you find it ironic that the board approved a revision in the hazing policy while Timmy and Cappucci defended the student who wrote about hazing?
This is not about Mrs. Harouse. This is about a bunch of hypocrites who have chosen not to air the school board meeting where they were defending a student's First Amendment rights.

Anonymous said...

Headmaster, school district--- little odd, never heard the title used in a public school district.
Private schools, yes.
This isn't bullying or are you accusing the whole senior of bullying the entire freshman class?

Lebo Citizens said...

Who said anything about a public school? You're questioning THAT? Everything else makes perfect sense to you?

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the therapists at Outreach would think of this piece? Funny, hostile, bullying? As a therapist in Mt. Lebanon, I assure you the parents of bullied local teens I have seen would not find this a humorous opinion piece. Tactless on the heels of the recent teen suicide in the news that is associated with bullying.

Anonymous said...

The headmasters email sent to Tim by mistake. Was the headmaster interjecting his opinion into the issue?
Gotta wonder about his professionalism!
And no, I'm not a friend of Tims.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the wb defended what the student wrote, they defended her right to write it.

Lebo Citizens said...

Not friend of Tim[']s, the email was forwarded to Tim by someone other than the headmaster or Suzy. This has nothing to do with his professionalism. I realize that Timmy can do no wrong, but for just a minute, pause and think about Timmy's professionalism. Think for a moment how the board can pass a policy on hazing at the same time defend an article published in the student newspaper that condoned hazing. Consider how the board continues to violate Suzy's rights and sanitizes her comments. But please, continue to defend Timmy and the board.

Anonymous said...

Tim does a helluva a lot of things wrong in my opinion and calling anyone at 2 am over something like this is probably one of them.
But then, I don't know the contents of the email, who mis-sent it, or why he targeted the headmaster.
Perhaps the student's opinion piece was the student's reaction to the new hazing policy.
So do we now restrict the student author's right to free speech? Their right to have an opinion on the interaction between freshman vs seniors. An interaction that has gone on for years and years. Kids have a right to do normal things, like grow up.

Anonymous said...

Restrict the student's right to free speech ? Do the students have a right to write about anything ? Doubt it !

Anonymous said...

What about the very prejudice article about a present sitting commissioner a few years ago. What a short memory this town has that is convenient to their agenda!

Anonymous said...

You're right, 12;24. Let's open gulags in the remote frigid regjons of Alaska for student misfits that don't follow the party guidelines.
This kids didn't advocate hazing or bullying anyone specifically. They didn't point their index finger, pull back their thumb and go "bang."
I thought common sense still existed in the world, but I'm not so sure any more.
We don't keep score any more at kids games any more because the losers might feel bad.
Every kids a star because even though they couldn't throw a strike if their life depended pitcher is prestige position on the ball team.
I find it amazing that our parents, grandparents, great grandparents made it through their awful, bullied lives and survived long enough to rear a generation of crybabies.
Heaven help us.

Anonymous said...

Here's a solution.
We shut down the student paper and gather all the students, freshman, sophmores, juniors and seniors, together at the start of each school day.
They all hold hands and sing Kumbaya for fifteen minutes.

Anonymous said...

I suppose Dr. Timmy would consider the Top 25 list to be free speech also.

Anonymous said...

6:55, how about the Pledge of Allegiance instead?

Anonymous said...

What's with the seniors only cafeteria on 6? The administration might try telling parents there is no seniors only cafeteria, try telling that to the students.

Richard Gideon said...

This situation is a classic example of "reaping what you have sown." It is also an example of Plato's observation that "a contradiction cannot exist."

Districts across America set up "zero tolerance" policies, and then when parents take them literally they become defensive and often retaliative. Take the case of Erin Cox, a Massachusetts teen who was suspended from her school's volleyball team because she gave a drunken friend a ride home from a party instead of letting the friend drive drunk; or how about the California high school that suspended several students for wearing T-shirts emblazoned with (gasp!) the American Flag on Cinco de Mayo; or one of my favorites, "Administrators at Eastern Wayne Middle School later sent parents a letter explaining that they sent a masked gunman to various sixth-grade classrooms as an 'enrichment lesson on exhibiting good citizenship and observing your surroundings.'" Nice going, guys!

My personal opinion of the piece in "The Devil's Advocate" is that it is just a stunt, typical of high school kids trying to be funny and failing miserably; but then, think of all the stunts that kids up at the high school have pulled over the decades. Hasn't the District been preaching against "inappropriate behavior" for years? So why should the District be "offended" when a parent is "offended" over what she perceives, rightly or wrongly, as "inappropriate behavior?"

The kids have First Amendment rights - no question about it; and so does Ms. Harouse. And in today's culture of super-sensitivity, brought on largely by well-intentioned but often misguided school administrators, we can expect to see more battles between the First Amendment and policies designed to "protect the children."

Plato, all your office.

Lebo Citizens said...

7:49 AM, the students are not required to say the Pledge of Allegiance. You know, with student rights and Freedom of Speech.
12:24 and 6:57 AM, I think there are limits, but condoning hazing and bullying isn't one of them. Since we are being governed by bullies, they don't recognize it as such.
I think Suzy has guts to stand up, identify herself and say what she believes. Good for you, Suzy. We need more people like you. How about running for school board in two years? Maybe we can write in your name next month!

Richard Gideon said...

CORRECTION: Plato, call your office.

Anonymous said...

Can you post the article in question?
Also, check around but I'm pretty sure it's illegal to edit out comments from a school board meeting. It's an official record of a public meeting so they're supposed to keep it intact. If they've been cutting out unflattering comments, that's a huge ethics violation.

Lebo Citizens said...

I posted the article in the update portion of this thread.
The school board has a policy that permits them to edit meetings.

Anonymous said...

8:45 you may be "pretty sure" but you are wrong. If, during the comments section of the meeting, one resident slanders another, the board most definitly can edit those comments.

Anonymous said...

9:45 I can go along with that.
The problem is, what if no slander took place?
What if the school district chooses to cut out portions of the meeting just because it feels like it?
The same district has no problem using taxpayer dollars to further an individual student's bullying agenda in the school newspaper.

Lebo Citizens said...

I was out of commission this morning and just got home. Has the meeting been aired? If so, was anything edited?

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure everyone on here is "bullying" Emma WHILE YOU'RE ALL COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR KIDS BEING BULLIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous person who claims that "The same district has no problem using taxpayer dollars to further an individual student's bullying agenda in the school newspaper," please check your facts.
The Devil's Advocate is completely student funded through advertisements acquired and money donated.

Anonymous said...

It's an opinion piece. It's her opinion. Hop off.

Lebo Citizens said...

I never mentioned the student's name, so I hesitated about approving this comment. My kid isn't being bullied. The parent isn't blaming the student. She would like answers as to why her headmaster friend was called at 2:00 AM. I can't be sure, but I think Timmy threatened him with a lawsuit. The parent would like to know why this was approved by the Devil's Advocate advisor. I don't believe the students have the right to say anything they want. It has been demonstrated over and over that the school district does not believe we have the right to say whatever we want. Shouldn't the advisor or Mr. McFeely screened the newspaper as the school board does with broadcasts? I would like to know if the meeting has aired.
I have been rereading the comments here and appreciated one parent's approach about discussing this with their child.
11:15 PM makes an excellent point. "Wonder what the therapists at Outreach would think of this piece? Funny, hostile, bullying? As a therapist in Mt. Lebanon, I assure you the parents of bullied local teens I have seen would not find this a humorous opinion piece. "
I don't believe anyone is bullying the student. We've all been discussing how administration and staff have handled this.

Lebo Citizens said...

To the people who submitted anonymous comments about me, I wasn't even at the meeting. Somehow, I am the one who is blamed.

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

Elaine, it does seem that you have information on this topic that is not available to those of us who listened to the meeting. As such, would you be so kind as to share with us the names of the "Governors and sitting Senators up and down the East Coast" who have commented on this article at the request of this parent?

Dave Franklin

Lebo Citizens said...

Sorry Dave, I don't have that information. If someone does file a RTK, I am willing to post it. I am a little under the weather today, or else I would do it. Yes, your instincts are correct Dave. There is much more to this story.

Anonymous said...

Now what is wrong with a seniors only cafeteria or table? Is that bullying as well?
Gee the teachers have a teachers lounge, guess they are the biggest bullies.
Then we have the Duquesne Club downtown. Are members bullying the whole city?
This whole issue is rediculous. I'm with Gideon on this one.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we keep in mind that by the time a parent makes it to the school board meeting to request help or air a concern, s/he has probably tried other avenues for addressing the issue and not been successful. So while parents might look condescending, emotional or whatever, remember that something has occurred prior to his/her speaking that we don't all know about. If the superintendent is emailing or calling people at 2 am, we have got a problem here Mt Lebanon. SOS.

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

Elaine, I think you probably misinterpreted my instincts. Instead, I am very curious to know which other states' Governors and Senators have the time to read and comment on an opinion piece in the Devil's Advocate.

Dave Franklin

Anonymous said...

Lets do away with JV and Varsity teams. Why should 11th and 12th graders get the priviledge of playing the big game Friday night while the JV kids are ostracized and forced to play Saturday mornings.
How dare everyone bully these kids on the JV team and make it public knowledge that they are somehow inferior to the varsity players.
Its not fair, they're are students at the high school, there shouldn't be any distinction.
Lets do away with the awarding of Letters and Letterman jackets as well.
Someone might feel bad that they couldn't achieve one.
Actually, I'm thinking about going before the board and complaining about the Great Alumni program.
Its making me feel bad and helplessly inferior that I'm not considered a Great Alumni too!
Damn bullies, it shouldn't matter than I wasn't a Lebo graduate. I'm being singled out and that isn't nice.
Oh, I'm excerising my right to free speech.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, someone has put up a sign that reads Academy Avenue Goes Both Ways.
I'm offended over the double entendre and that someone would use a sexual remark about a whole street.

Anonymous said...

1:47, I checked my facts.
"The district provides about one quarter of the paper's $8,000 annual budget."


Where did you get your facts?

Anonymous said...

4:49 Things have changed since 2008. The paper is self-supporting. The advisor, however, is a paid teacher, and the building is "maintained" by our tax dollars. ??2008??

Anonymous said...

A question that no one is talking about... exactly what does Ms. Harouse want?
A retraction? An apology? Censorship?
No one is denying (I think) Ms. Harouse's right to step up and voice her opinion at a school board meeting about an article in the student paper.
But isn't it ironic that her opinion is an indignation about a student's opinion on the interaction of seniors towards freshman.
Essentially, the big issue here is that We're debating Ms. Harouse's right to free speech That enables her to take away a student writer's right to free speech!

Lebo Citizens said...

Suzy did not know about this blog or website, so I am not sure she will join in the conversation.I talked with her last night and also listened to the podcast again. I believe she is looking for an apology from Timmy. If you listened to what she said, she is very upset with how he handled this situation. Suzy contacted him, but he pushed her off to McFeely. Then Timmy went after her friend. She felt that Timmy considers the school board as his disciples.

What is funny to me is when the whole volleyball thing happened, John Grogan told her, "They're blogging about you." She didn't know what he was talking about.

She doesn't have an issue with the student and if you listen to what she said, she made that clear. For the board to be updating their policies on hazing and bullying, and then Timmy bullying Suzy and her friend, I think she is saying that there is a disconnect.

I encouraged Ms. Harouse to write a letter to the editor, either here or with the student newspaper. I think Hell will freeze over before Timmy apologizes to anyone. He's above that.

Anonymous said...

Handled what situation?

Hazing? Bullying? I didn't see either in the article. I saw it as nothing more neferious than an older sibling calling their younger brother or sister baby. Or a senior greeting a freshman with "hey frosh." Or a frat brother or sorority sister referring to a potential new member as "plege."
There was a time in this country when entering freshman at colleges and universities were required to wear dinks (benies) that identified them as new freshman.
Upper classmen could stop them and ask them questions about the school, the professors, etc. It truly was a 'rite' of passage. It didn't kill you, maybe made many uncomfortable but in the end it made the survivors stronger.
Its a shame in my opinion that we've thrown everything away because no one should feel uncomfortable- ever.

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that there is no satisfactory way to say "end of discussion" to a citizen. Obviously, both sides are convinced they are right. For the citizen, nothing short of capitulation will satisfy.

Smartshcan used to smile broadly (or smugly, depending on your perspective) and say something to the effect of "we need to agree to disagree." I guess that was a more polite rejection, but I'm sure it didn't,in reality, make the citizen feel vindicated, understood, or heard. I think Dr. Steinhauer certainly could have modulated his tone, but regardless, Mrs. Harouse would have left dissatisfied. And I must disagree with you Elaine - when I listen to the recording, I don't get the impression that Mrs. Harouse wanted just an apology.

Lebo Citizens said...

I am trying to catch up on my emails. Someone directed me to stopbullying.gov. One of the tips from that site that really stood out was Tip #2.


Tell a trusted adult.

Suzy Harouse went to a trusted adult because she felt that the message was not a positive one. Look what happened.

Suzy became the problem. The headmaster from a private school became the problem. I became the problem. Timmy blew it. He compounded the problem.

What would happen if a student wrote about how everyone should use heroin? Is it still his or her right to have it published in the student newspaper? Would Timmy defend the student's rights? Timmy is not acting like a trusted adult or a responsible one.

Anonymous said...

Now Elaine, you're being silly.
Should a student be able to write an article endorsing the use of heroin, an illegal substance, of course not.
On the other hand should a student have the right to make a case for legalizing heroin? Most certainly, if that is what they truly believe.
That doesn't mean that everyone must start shooting up because they wrote it, though.
The same goes for Ms. Harouse. She may feel that the opinion article was hazing, bullying. That is her right and she has a right to take it up with Tim.

We still do not know what transpired in the discussion between the two.
Did Tim disagree with her "opinion?"
Was she going to 'bully' him into submission?
We still don't know what she was looking for from the Superintendent, do we?

Anonymous said...

Reading this subject and comments I'm beginning to believe the initial conversation between Tim and Ms. Harouse must have gone something like the scene in the movie "A Few Good Men" where Lt. Calloway (Demi Moore) objects to a line of questioning which the judge overrules.

After court is adjourned this conversation takes place between Moore and Sorkin (Lt. Weinberg).
"Lt. Weinberg: "I strenuously object?" Is that how it works? Hm? "Objection." "Overruled." "Oh, no, no, no. No, I STRENUOUSLY object." "Oh. Well, if you strenuously object then I should take some time to reconsider."

Weinberg is being sarcastic.

Lebo Citizens said...

It is clear that anything I say is silly. Timmy is right. Timmy is always right. We are blessed to have his leadership.
Anyone who questions him or our "illustrious" school board is a helicopter parent, a bully, or just plain bad news. Let kids sit through the Pledge of Allegience. Let kids continue pushing around other kids. We'll keep having fundraisers to support Outreach and updating our policies.

Believe what you want. It's all good in the 'hood.

Lebo Citizens said...

One more thing. How can you judge a person in five minutes or less when half the time allotted was getting the public up to speed on the issue? I spoke with this woman for an hour on the phone. We have serious problems in the district, and no one wants to admit it.
I have shared what I know. Believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

The high school staff and community need to keep in mind that the majority of MLHS students are underage.

That means their reading material should be appropriate for their ages.

Anonymous said...

No one said Tim or the Board is always right, Elaine.

Anonymous said...

Here is my guess: The parent went to the superintendent with a big concern. She expected a reasonable response but probably did not get one. Her concerns were probably handled in a manner that sent her the message that a) she is wrong and b) go away. As a result, she becomes very upset. She seeks additional support and her concerns have been validated by countless other people. She is dismayed that as a taxpaying resident with at least one student in the school that she has been mistreated. This experience has amplified her original concern.

So I am going to suggest a mild peace-making alternative for the school district to present. Not only should Steinhauer apologize to her and to whomever else he offended, he could urge the high school to take the following action:

Invite and encourage students to respond to the writer's provocative opinion piece, especially freshmen. The writer and staff can read all the letters and feedback they receive, print a representative sampling of them and do their best to respond. The student author of the provocative piece may reconsider her argument, if she desires, afterwards. A good outcome would be to have a variety of different voices suggesting alternate points of view. Students can submit their work to be printed or quoted anonymously if desired.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your second paragraph somewhat 8:10.
Why not letters to the editor making the case from a freshman point of view. How about sophmores, juniors? They went through it, was being a freshman all that traumatic?
As for Steinhauer apologizing, we have not idea of the conservation between he and the parent.
Perhaps, the parent should apogize.
We weren't there.

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

Elaine, let's get one thing straight. Your opinion of the school board and our superintendent is well known. If the result of this meeting was that the faculty advisor was censured and the student expelled, I have little doubt that the title to this thread would have been "Timmy Overreacts To Satire Piece; Suspends School Writer."

Elaine, please indulge me one question. Do you HONESTLY believe that this parent has received responses from multiple governors and senators from "up and down the East coast?" Certainly you of all people know that NO ONE has that sort of access. Doesn't that speak volumes?

Dave Franklin

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say it again:
It occurs to me that there is no satisfactory way to say "end of discussion" to a citizen. Obviously, both sides are convinced they are right. For the citizen, nothing short of capitulation will satisfy.

I feel that Dr. Steinhauer could have taken a different tone, but his response was "case closed" and that will always be difficult for a complainant to swallow.

And, I read in your blog about Mrs. Harouse's volleyball travails. Elaine, Mrs. Birks' children never played volleyball. They played football and ran track, so you can be CERTAIN that she did not have difficulty with THIS coach, but instead another coach.

The volleyball tape may have been edited because Mrs. Harouse directly NAMED and disparaged another parent.

No, I don't think the SB is always right, but, Elaine


Anonymous said...

Some of the perceptions of Tim and the board are well founded.

I'd say no one is right or wrong 100% of the time, Mr. Franklin.

Doing a search of Harouse it appears there could possibly be some name dropping possible. I'm with you that I find it dubious that governors and senators are following or getting involved inour student paper.

Myself included!

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

Amen 9:15! Can I get an hallelujah?!?!

Dave Franklin

Lebo Citizens said...

Besides taking pictures of water fountains and tweeting, here is how the rest of the day is spent.
MTLSD visits 102313
Thirty three visits is an all time record, Timmy.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that's the bullying behavior starts at the top and filters down. When are we going to get administrators who act in in a professionally manner?

Anonymous said...

Gee Dave, I thought anonymous comments didn't carry any weight with you?!
Oh I see. If they agree with you they get an Amen. The ones that don't are chickens and need to get some backbone.
Sorry Elaine, off topic but think Mr. Franklin's double standard needed to be pointed out. I'm sure we'll be discussing artificial turf soon.

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

Classic. Here goes.....9:15, please know that "signing your name would lend credibility and legitimacy to your [comments]." Honestly, it would.

Dave Franklin

Anonymous said...

Dave, you must be wrong about your suggestion that multiple Governors and Senators got involved in this thing. After all, this blog is read in more than 83 countries.

Lebo Citizens said...

Dave,you also said that people need to go to meetings and state their names and speak at meetings. Suzy did just that. Next thing you know, you have her lined up in your crosshairs. Look out, it is Open Season! You are the perfect example why people prefer remain anonymous.
I am enjoying that you are high fiving with your rival.
So let's get back on topic. We have a concerned parent who felt there is a disconnect or a double standard and is being treated poorly by the District for bringing it to their attention.

Lebo Citizens said...

8:12 AM, is that sarcasm? The current number of countries where I have received hits is 97.
Again, this isn't about me. It is about an article that was approved by the administration and an irate, out of control superintendent.

Lebo Citizens said...

Has the meeting been aired yet?

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

Actually, it is about you Elaine. If you ran this thread and provided the recording for everyone to hear, we could have all come to our own conclusions based on what was presented. If you recall, the parent came to the board meeting to complain about the article. She asked for an apology to freshmen. You, and only you have turned this into an issue of what you call an "irate and out of control superintendent." You've asked us to stay tuned because "there is waaaay more to this folks."

You've essentially piggybacked on this parent's complaint to the Board to further your long running campaign against this administration. You've found someone who has a beef with the administration and you've put her face on your billboard. I'm not sure that's what she signed up for when she stood up to speak to the Board.

Dave Franklin

Anonymous said...

Of the 97 countries that read this blog, I am sure that three of them are Oz, Mars and Venus. Sarcasm? No, I just think a reality check.

Anonymous said...

I, for one, do extensive traveling worldwide through my business and welcome Mrs. Gillen's efforts. Mr. Franklin, not everyone is trapped inside the Bubble.

Lebo Citizens said...

Dave, what are you hoping to gain? You wrote the following under "Shame on Remely"

"From where I sit, I think a large number of our residents are satisfied with the operation of the municipality. That probably doesn't hold true for the school district given the numerous promises and representations that were made about the school project. I think residents are a bit more wary or at least confused when it comes to those issues, but at the end of the day anon posters won't change anything in my opinion. "

Are you now saying that I am alone with my feelings about the administration? One minute you say that you won't respond to anonymous comments. Then you do. You say that people aren't credible when they remain anonymous, yet aren't credible when they identify themselves here or at meetings. You encourage people to come forward at meetings, and then go into attack mode. On some days, people are not satisfied with the operation of the school district, but on other days, I stand alone. Which is it, Buddy? I am having a difficult time trying to understand your position.

JE Cannon III said...

Mark down this day in history. I'm agreeing with the school board.

The article is satirical. And frankly, I can't believe that mother is making a big deal over this. It's ridiculous. Kids nowadays are taught that if anything at all, anything, hurts their little feelings, it shouldn't exist. Um...get over it. Life isn't always fair or kind. You want your kids to live a sheltered existence? Then make it happen. Keep them home. But you don't get to dictate behavior or opinion to the rest of the world. It's also disingenuous and dishonest to twist the piece into some advocacy on behalf of bullying as opposed to just reading it at face value Maybe we'd all be better served by teaching kids you don't have to always accept things and resolve issues through sharing your feelings and holding hands. There will always be bullies. It's ok to fight back. At their age a good punch in the mouth sometimes fixes the problem.

I also take issue with what I heard on the audio of the comments. Implied threats of politicians being involved? Claiming the board actually agrees the article shouldn't have been published but they're too scared to say anything? How does she know?

Over-sensitivity is just as bad as a lack of it. Let's all get on with life. At the end of the day, some article in the school newspaper doesn't affect our taxes, our infrastructure or, in my case, my sleep patterns. I could care less. This is the proverbial transformation from molehill into a mountain.

Anonymous said...

Elaine: Franklin is bullying you !

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

Well said James.

Dave Franklin

Lebo Citizens said...

I repeat. Has the meeting been aired yet?

Lebo Citizens said...

I had my iPad on my belly yesterday in the recovery room and was in and out of consciousness for most of the afternoon, but felt it was important to continue to publish blog comments and keep lines of communication open. Who the hell does that? We have a school district that does not operate like that. So Dave, continue to lob the insults. Yes, 10:02 AM, I am aware of what Dave Franklin is doing.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Franklin et al would not be reading this blog and commenting if it wasn't serving a purpose in this community. Yes, we don't know all of the facts but we know enough to question the professionalism of leadership within the district.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Cannon-Are you actually advocating that students assault one another if they don't like what another student is saying or if they feel that they are being bullied? "At their age a good punch in the mouth sometimes fixes the problem." What would that accomplish besides escalating an already bad situation? I guess you were never taught to "use your words". How sad for you. I do agree that it's ok to fight back, but it should be with words, not violence. I'm sure you have heard the expression, "The pen is mightier than the sword". I thought the article in the DA lacked any sense of compassion for the younger students in the school who are doing the best they can in navigating a new environment and trying to fit in. The writer may have been trying to be funny in a crude way but to me it just sets a mean tone and a hostile environment for the younger students. The older students should strive to make the younger students feel welcome and accept them as valuable members of the high school community. Just because the seniors have been there longer doesn't make them any better than anyone else. It's your accomplishments that set you apart from the pack, not how long you've been there compared to everyone else, in school and also on the job. We all know great teachers who have only been teaching for a few years and some not so great who have been teaching forever. I really hope the district can use this as a learning experience. I know the student meant this article to be satire, but it comes across to some people as condescending and belittling. And, yes, even a little bullying as in :"Nah, nah, nah, nah I'm better than you just cause I'm a senior". Very unwelcoming to say the least!

Anonymous said...

"Classic. Here goes.....9:15, please know that "signing your name would lend credibility and legitimacy to your [comments]." Honestly, it would. 
Dave Franklin"

Yes it is classic... Classic Franklin.

Is this the same attitude you apply as a participant on boards, Dave? Is that how it works in Dave's World.

You sign your name and that makes anything you put on the table credible and legitimate.

Make claims about field overuse, must be true, because we know Dave said it.

Make claims about the cost of natural grass vs artificial turf. Can't be anything to evaluate, Dave signed his name, its credible!

Trouble is Dave, your flip flop here more than a landed fish on a dry river bank.

You're not going to blog on Lebocitizen's anymore. Then like some movie plotergist... "you're baaaaccccckkk!"

You're not going to take anonymous comments seriously, because they lack credibilty and legitimacy. Then its "Amen" to 9:15's comment. Tell us Dave, do you think that was Mr. or Mrs. 9:15's submission that you found so credible abd legitimate?

See, Dave, you're a poster boy for why any comment signed or unsigned should not be taken as gospel.

Anonymous said...

12:57, yes sometimes a punch in the mouth fixes a problem and the law allows for such action in some situations.
And unfortunately, a senior is just a little bit better than a freshman. At least one would hope so, if student and district are doing their jobs.
You see at the end of the year a senior will gave his diploma, which is suppose to stand for something. A freshman will not and is still 3 years away from having one.

Anonymous said...

I think you are proving James' point. You are taking the writing literally as if the student is actually advocating for that type of behavior. As Franklin also said, this is simply a poor attempt at humor.

My thought is that if the faculty adviser to the newspaper actually felt the writing was provoking the behavior written about in the article, he or she would have axed it.

It was an attempt at bravado and humor that fell flat. Nothing more.

I can see why someone might be offended by it. Certainly I would be offended if I thought this person was actually saying people should be punched and took that one sentence out of context. But mostly this writer was trying to show how big of a bad-ass she and other Seniors are and that is precisely why it shouldn't be taken literally.

Don't be the person that hears someone is "in a bit of a pickle" and thinks that person is literally inside a giant cucumber in a pickle jar.

Don't be the person who, when they hear it's raining cats and dogs, doesn't go outside because your umbrella isn't strong enough to withstand that kind of downpour.

I'd suggest those who take offense to the article remove their head from their a**es, but then again it might be taken literally as well.

I said good day!

Anonymous said...

1:35 pm. When is a punch in the mouth endorsed as a method for fixing a problem? The entire reason for schools needing to promote anti-bullying practices is because people act and speak in a threatening manner like you are here.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, post that she kept up the blog from the recovery table and no one expresses conxern or wishes for a speedy recoveey.

Anonymous said...

n:35, By "better" do you mean "smarter"? That is questionable if you are measuring "smarter" by IQ scores or even SAT scores. Some freshman take the PSAT and the SAT and score higher than some juniors and seniors. Freshmen deserve to be treated with respect as members of the school community even though they will not receive their diplomas for three more years. Because seniors will receive their diplomas sooner than freshman does that mean they can disrespect the younger students and boss them around for the fun of it? That they can humiliate and haze them to make themselves seem superior in some way? I think all the students in the school should be treated with respect regardless of their chronological age or class standing. Just because someone has been there longer doesn't make them a "little bit better" than anyone else. And don't forget that not all seniors will earn their diploma that year. Though in MTL most do, there is still the occasional super senior and those who don't graduate at all and later earn their GED.

I would be very careful about punching someone in the mouth who only used words against me. The law usually frowns upon that.

Mt. Lebanon News and Views said...

1:25, to be honest, the only reason I come back to this blog is to make sure that Elaine's posts and many of the anonymous comments are not taken as gospel. I understand the impact and reach of this blog. Many people who don't attend meetings or otherwise follow along, read stuff on this blog and take it as fact. That troubles me. If it doesn't trouble you, so be it.

You may not like my positions on certain issues, but at least you know what they are. I don't have any secrets.

Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to have a meaningful conversation or exchange of ideas with someone who posts anonymously. Don't take my word for it. Ask Mr. Gideon or Mr. Cannon. We agree on little, but we share a common ground there. I'm not even sure how to respond to your comment or what good it will do. Heck, I can't even assure myself that a response won't come from someone else.

If that frustrates you, I'm sorry.

Dave Franklin

JE Cannon III said...

12:57, thank you so much for reinforcing the point I tried to make. We've become a nation of ninnies. Grow up. I'm advocating people standing up for themselves (ref: Declaration of Independence). You're the exact person that perpetuates bullying in the world. They target people like you. Take a stand. Bullies fear courage, they are averse to those with confidence. The pen is mightier than the sword...ok. Tell that to some scrawny 14 year-old as he's getting shoved into walls. "Hey, sorry they're picking on you. When you're done being bounced around and having your day ruined, well, here's a pen, write a letter to the editor". Asinine. I'd absolutely tell that scrawny kid to stop being a victim, square up against the bully and belt him. What I advocate is self-defense, not meaningless violence. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

Before reading the article in the Devil's Advocate, I was prepared to think it was nothing and typical Lebo parents overreacting. However, as someone who graduated from MTLHS within the past 20 years and who has children in the school district now, I was actually offended by it because anyone who has attended Mt. Lebanon will tell you this piece *it is not satirical*. If anything, it's toned down compared to what really goes on. To think otherwise is to deny the reality of how things have always worked in Mt. Lebanon:

Upperclass girls mostly -- sorry to be sexist, but it's true in my experience -- are threatened by the "new" freshman and do their best to terrorize them and make them feel threatened and unwelcome UNLESS they do what the author wants them to and behave like slaves or subhumans who are "not equal". It's ugly, it's anxiety-provoking, it's wrong and it's rampant in the high school.

The really bothersome thing is that by publishing this piece, the school district is saying "we didn't really mean it" re the anti-bullying programs in the elementary schools. THat was just lip service, I guess.

Perhaps not publishing it is not the answer though -- perhaps what should have happened is that this student author should have been provided with some good editing, teaching, and guidance before the piece was published. A good editor could have helped the author be more lighthearted or obviously over-the-top and satirical. As it reads now, it's just an entitled and obnoxious column that this young author will probably be a little embarassed by when she is grown. That outcome is not really fair to her, either and better teaching, editing and guidance could have helped make a more relevant piece or more humorous piece or just ....something more than what it is now.

Ask yourself, if you were a college admissions officer and read this piece of "jounralism" submitted with an application, is this a student you would want to admit to your school? Based on this piece alone, I wouldn't. A good editor or teacher could have helped her turn it into something that didn't elicit so much negativity. In its current state, it's just too close to the type of bullying that actually goes on in the high school every day and the school should have provided this young author with the type of editing/teaching/guidance she deserved.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty clear to me that the comments here are not gospel. Elaine, get well soon. Sorry none of us were considerate regarding your health status.

You are providing our community with a service by providing us with a forum for debate and consideration of community issues.

2:44 "Belt him"?? Disgusting.

2:50 Right on! Agree 100%. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Twenty years ago, as a freshman female going to college, I was warned by my older brother how upperclassmen view younger female students and to "watch out"/"avoid" their attention to prevent being harmed. This article illustrates that freshmen girls also need to "watch out"/"avoid" the upperclass girls.

What a joy it is to be a freshman girl.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reinforcing my point, 2:50. I think it's the mean girl ATTITUDE that's the problem. The "boys" just don't get it. And good luck telling a scrawny 14 year old to "belt" a much bigger and stronger 18 year old. I don't think that would be a wise move unless he wanted to get flattened. I think someone else needs to grow up. And btw, I've never been bullied. I was one of the "popular kids" who needed to grow up and think about other people for a change. You know, the golden rule and all that. If that makes me a "ninny" I'm proud to me one. Nice try!

I advocate self-defense also. If someone is physically attacking you, then you have every right to counter force with force. What we are talking about here is the subtle way that girls bully other girls. You are trying to compare apples and oranges. You don't have a right to use physical force if someone is only using words against you.

And Elaine, I do wish you a speedy recovery. I'm sorry for not expressing my concern earlier. You are providing a wonderful service to the community and you don't get the credit you deserve.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thanks for the well wishes, both here and in personal emails. I am fine now. It was no biggie. Just waiting for the biopsy report to come back.
If I do end up having to give up the blog, I feel comfortable in knowing that I can let Dave Franklin run it. He will get the facts out there. He does a fine job making sure that nobody takes anything as gospel here. Thanks, Buddy!

Bruce said...

In a day and age when our kids and teachers are routinely gunned down in our schools, why on earth did the editor ever allow this article to be published? This is not 1950, this is 2013 and that proverbial "punch in the mouth" is as likely to be a "bullet in the head" by some unstable, unpopular and bullied 14 yr. old. Besides, if you have any kids in elementary or middle school, you know the emphasis they put on anti bullying, in any way, shape or form. Why is HS any different?

Anonymous said...

I just read the article and listened to the comments from the school board meeting. The article describes exactly what happens in our High School and the Middle Schools to a T. There use to be a game students played at their lunch table called “Survivor” how it worked…people at the lunch table would decide if you stayed at that table or not. It was humiliating to be kicked off. The game was played at Mellon, back when the TV show Survivor was popular. It was a mean spirited game to say the least. I believe Mr. McFeely put an end to that game. I never thanked him – so thank you now. This article did not sound like satire to me. Usually Satire pieces are clearly labeled as Satire. This article stated the following: "If these guidelines are not followed, a higher power will be forced to assert their authority and your lesson will unfortunately be learned the hard way." This sounds like a threat to me directed towards all freshmen. Also, stated in the article was "Deal with it, it will all be over by June." What will be all over with by June? Sounds like another threat to me. What will be over with by June should have been stated.

The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature

Google Satire and decide if you believe this was a Satire piece or not. My opinion is that it was not written as a Satire piece.

Jack Mulliken said...

While we all have a right to say things, we also have a responsibility that goes with that right. The fact that they published the article, in light of all the news and attention around bullying, shows poor judgement.

What's even more poor judgement is the way the situation is being handled by the school board and superintendent. They could have defused this situation diplomatically but instead antagonized (at least that's what I got from the meeting). Now, they're going to have to deal with a parent who's going to go to the Commonwealth and possibly the media and they'll all be on the hot seat.

That's not leadership.

Anonymous said...

@thinktoday~ Did you know 47 U.S. teens are #bullied every 5 minutes & every 30 min a teen attempts suicide due to bullying.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bruce. I am in complete agreement with you. We need to live in the world as we find it today, not as it was is 1950.

Anonymous said...

I was considering a donation to the Blue Devil Club for the weight room but given Mr. Franklin's attitude and the Superintendent's lack of leadership in this situation I will find a more respectful organization for my contribution.

Thanks to the MLHS Staffer who approved this editorial for surfacing a lack of respect among students in our schools. The article should prove instructive to parents who are looking to move to a good school district.

Good luck with your test results, Elaine.

Anonymous said...

Dave, the only thing that frustrates me is lack of comprehension. Apparently, you missed the point of this last thought in my post.

"See, Dave, you're a poster boy for why any comment signed or unsigned should not be taken as gospel."

You see, i don't think people should accept anything I might write here as fact, the way to act or think.
Not should they take what you, Elaine, Cannon or Gideon as the last word either. Same with school directors, commissioners or any other politician.

If its slanderous, name calling sure disregard it immediately. But if its a topic like saying turf is cheaper than natural grass, the reader should question it, even though you signed it. And if I say, not so fast Mr. Franklin, turf is more expensive if you factor in replacement cost for turf over a 10 to 20 year life cycle.
The reader should ponder, why did the anonymous writer make that claim.
I shouldn't be believed any more than you.

Anonymous said...

7:42 there was a thread on Facebook from several girls who were resentful of their treatment in Mount Lebanon High School. It reflected poorly on the leadership of our superintendents since 1993. Fortunately, the class agent who was promoting the reunion took down the disparaging remarks, hopefully before too much damage was done to the school's reputation.

Anonymous said...

This is the platform for change. Right here. Can some of the "no big deal" people think about about reconsidering their positions? Perhaps the article would have been easy for them to deflect as high school students because they felt very secure and comfortable. But there are many students who are new, uncertain, insecure, perhaps going through stress or survivors of trauma, who need additional support. They need their teachers and school district to educate students who would otherwise torment them or even just mildly intimidate to be KIND.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Harouse's verbal commentary was sent to the entire school board. For consideration of . . . ?

Anonymous said...

8:25 how do you know that the people that consider it "no big deal" aren't people who WERE bullied, insecure and uncomfortable and learned that the best way to deal with bullying is to accept it for what it is, come up with their own solution, and dealing with it.
You see, I felt the pain of bullies and cowering behind parents, principals actually made it worse. I felt truly inferior, that I had to be protected.
It wasn't until I stood up for myself and said "you're not going to do this to me any more!"
Mommy, Daddy snd Tim can't protect a kid forever.
Perhaps some of the problems we're seeing today aren't the results of bullying at all.
Maybe, because we didn't let kids be kids, we haven't let them develop the tools to feel good about themselves.
Could it be we're actually hurting the kids by protecting from every slight and bruise to the ego?
Just a thought for consideration.

Anonymous said...

6:21 - I see this piece as complete satire. What the writer is referring to is how the freshmen in the school congregate in the hallways and block kids walking to class. In the stairwells, they walk on the left side instead of the right. Upperclassmen are nothing but tolerant of the freshmen, and I believe that what she meant as a "higher power" was that those who are tolerant now may not be tolerant in the future, although I understand how this may have been poorly worded. In no way, shape or form was this article a threat.
And "this will all be over with in June" probably means that the typically confused/awkward stages of adjusting to the high school will be over with, as she refers to in her article.
This was a satire. To quote your defintion, "Satire
The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature": She was ridiculing to expose and criticize the freshmen's stupidity/vices about their hallway etiquette and overall oblivion to the respect that should be given to upperclassmen as upperclassmen respect the freshmen.

My suggestion: instead of looking for things to criticize in this girl's OPINION piece, maybe we should look at why the piece was written. The Devil's Advocate is one of the most advanced high school papers in our area, and if the piece was written to threaten students, it would never have been published.
Instead of coddling your freshmen, teach them social cues. It is improper to walk up the left side of the staircase and to hold a conversation in the middle of a hallway between classes. That's all this article was meant to say.

Anonymous said...

It appears there is no level of civility. The attitude of the administration, parents, some students and even anonymous and signed bloggers on this blog is definitely part of society's festering wound that continually gets worse. How far do we as society have to go before we try to turn things around? Bullying behavior only begets more bullying behavior, hostility, aggression, and violence. This is so dumb!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Steinhauer sounded more concerned that the speaker had one of his emails than he did about the article's content.

Anonymous said...

The freshmen's "stupidity"?
"Respect given to upperclassmen"?
Sounds like hostile words, not endearing and respectful.

Anonymous said...

"Dissect the power struggles. If your child gets teased, bullied, or rejected, try to help your child find perspective on the behavior. Instead of saying, “That kid is so mean,” or getting into the details of who did what, you might say, “How does this person get so much power?” or “What gives her the power to do that?” In this way you are naming the behavior, raising awareness of it, and helping your child disengage from the struggle,” adds Lawrence Cohen, Ph.D."


Is this what we have here? A parent stepping in for the entire freshman class?

At any rate, I'll bet Remely is glad his remark about the police and fire dept. is no longer front and center.

Anonymous said...

How did the DA get the power to write that article?

Anonymous said...

Oh, my, my, my, my! Gosh darn! Someone called freshman - stupid.
Run for your lives, hide the women and children.

Anonymous said...

That's just it 9:01. There is a portion of the senior class that does not respect the freshman class and is far from tolerant of them. Calling the freshen stupid is not respectful or tolerant. I also find it hard to believe that freshmen don't know to keep to the right in the stairwells. They have only been doing it since elementary school. The schools in Mtl are all multi-level so all of the students should have mastered the art of navigating the stairways before they reach the high school. As far as congregating in the hallways, have you been to the high school? All of the students stop and talk in the hallways. If someone is in your way the proper response is to say "please excuse me" not ridicule and belittle them as if they have no right to be in the hallway. The seniors attitude seems to be how dare you be in my way? Don't you know I'm a senior and you're just something I wipe off the bottom of my shoe?

I don't believe that this is all the article was meant to say. It is the overall tone and attitude that is threatening.

Demanding that ALL students in the high school be treated with respect is not coddling anyone. Perhaps it is the seniors who need to be taught a lesson.

Just FYI I am not the parent of a freshman. I simply cannot tolerate bullying of any kind.

If it's a vice to walk on the wrong side of a stairway, God help us all.

Anonymous said...

The bullying on this blog is worse than i ever encountered ar MLHS. Lets talk about disrespect 9:46, calling Dr Steinhauer Timmy, calling folks stupid, at this point you are all bullying a girl who wrote a tongue in cheek article. Oh the righteous indignation!

Anonymous said...

I have seen bullied Mt. Lebo middle school kids for therapy that
were told by class mates while at school to kill themselves. If you think bullying is not a problem in Lebo you are wrong. I cannot see how the district condones this degree of hostility promoted by teens in a school newspaper. It makes our community seem callous and oblivious to the escalation in school violence of all types. Just look at the violence in schools in the news this week.

Lebo Citizens said...

Did the District leave town? They keep showing sporting events on TV. Has the meeting ever aired? The MTLSD website is down too.

Anonymous said...

Budget cut number 1 for 2014 - 2015 - no more board TV. We have to keep our students and staff invisible.

Anonymous said...

And 11:06, you are absolutely, positive that "bullying" like the Devils Advocate column is the root cause for the kids not being able to cope?
I mean gee, every kid in the high school gets the student paper.
There should be an epidemic. Kids line up for blocks in need of therapy.
Do we really need to get hysterical over this column?

I'm more concerned with Remely going cheap on fire alarms and such.
If the kids are tramatized over bullying, just think what being trapped in a burning building will do to them.

Anonymous said...

Bruce you are absolutely right on! OLWEUS is the new golden rule. Anyone that has students in elementary or middle school understands the emphasis againainst any type of bullying whatsoever.

And Mr. Franklin, get over threatening people that write anonymously. I will never post my full name here for very good reason. You in fact know me and we have spoken severallvtimes. No one wants retaliation. You have been known to yell and scream at people and side with your friends for your own agenda. I can yell too, but its the oppressive yelling u do and conveniently forgetting to acknowledge all sides is what I take issue with with you. U r basically saying people who wish to remain anaymously don't matter. I do not appreciate your arrogance, sir!

If your aspirations are for anything beyond the SAB. I suggest you stop dismissing anonymis commments.

Maybe some of you are too busy to watch the news. I think it is totally sick any type of satirical or whatever the article was about was published. Especially on the heels of an ELEVEN year old's suicide! She was bullied so bad, things were said to her like " go kill yourself" and "do us a favor and go drnk some bleach".

The ELEVEN year old girl jumped off a tower at a cement factory! Absolutely sick!

Whomever is the advisor should have known better. Poor judgment. Complacency. Favoritism?

Another thing, perhaps Dave would like to respond: it is arguable that children have the right to free speech. It is arguable that children have any rights at all except for high quality medical care and safety.

If some kid gets pissed, its not going to be punches, its gonna be bullets. Bullying in any form has a deep emotional impact that can negatively affect a growing child's brain.

My very first real job was working at a group home for abused children whose parental relationship was unrecoverable and severed by the state. These children were awaiting therapeutic fostor homes. A few days before I started a young teen hung himself from a tree on the property.

Years ago there was a kid that hung himself on a tree in Williamsburg Park. Wonder how that kid was bullied.

So maybe Elaine does not like Steinhauer. It doesn't really have much bearing on the issue.

So Dave Franklin, my name is Jake. I know you can be nice. Do you want to deal with things as they are or only as they serve your own agenda.

You seem to have a pretty thick skin. Protecting children who do not is a parents and I believe educators responsibility. Especially when the forum of bullying is a newspaper read by a thousand or more is the mode used. Thoughtless.


Anonymous said...

If you follow the logic of this article the seniors will get field space first and the freshman will get field space last. Why not let freshman parents pay for away fields and transportation. Next year freshman and sophomores can pay etc. In four years the away field programs can pay for themselves and parents who don't want to pay don't have kids in sports. Revenue generation and field space are both ahead without filling landfills with rotten turf every eight years.

Lebo Citizens said...

YAY! The school board meeting just started on TV! I won't be able to watch it to the end, so let me know if any of this is cut.

Anonymous said...

To those who say "suck it up," please take a few minutes to watch the video on this site.

Alex Kirshner said...

It's entirely reasonable that Ms. Harouse didn't like the article or find it funny; satire is an acquired taste, and some people are not wired to appreciate it. She could have sent a letter to the editor, and I'm certain that The Devil's Advocate would have responded either in print or by posting it prominently outside its office on the fifth floor of the high school. It always does.

This display, though, was childish, wrongheaded and appalling. Dawn Begor is one of the most ethical, hardworking folks I've ever met in journalism, and to call her professionalism into question disgusts me. Ms. Begor's role is -- and has always been -- to teach young journalists how to write well and push limits within ethical boundaries. Ms. Schoonmaker, the columnist, is only doing that. Her column doesn't make a single malicious assertion, but it is filled with funny, harmless jabs that everyone in Mt. Lebanon High School can relate to. Bullying is serious, Ms. Harouse is right. But this is not bullying, nor does it promote bullying. To suggest otherwise is pure fallacy.

Also, Ms. Harouse's cheap shot at Ms. Begor over a grammatical mistake was quite outrageous. Copy editing falls entirely on the paper's editorial staff; Ms. Begor's role in production is to help student journalists organize the paper and coordinate sending the pages for print. She doesn't babysit on grammar. That's the students' job, but guess what? These are 16- to 18-year-old kids. I'm sure Ms. Harouse has never made a typo, either.

The column fell completely within the legal boundaries set by the Supreme Court in Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier and other cases. Brian McFeeley is a smart man, and there's a reason he didn't use executive authority to step in and squash the column. This is one of the finest student newspapers in the country, in part because administrators like Mr. McFeeley are more devoted to students' professional growth than appeasing every irritable parent. Good on them.

This piece has done nothing to disrupt Mt. Lebanon's educational mission, and it seems like Ms. Harouse's complaint is nothing more than sour grapes. She should familiarize herself with the First Amendment and apologize to Dawn Begor and the paper's staff for this pointless, misleading crusade.

Alex Kirshner
2011-12 Editor in Chief, The Devil's Advocate.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you exactly how my kids are learning to stand up to bullies. They aren't learning so much from Olweus, although I appreciate the programming. They are learning from ME, their parent, standing up to the bullies employed by the Mt Lebanon Municipality and the Mt Lebanon School District. In fact, my children have gone from loving Mt Lebanon, sporting blue and gold almost daily, and considering it their home, to being ready to move. They were not bullied by fellow children. To the contrary, they are well liked, successful kids. What they have witnessed, is bullying, lies, dismissals, and blackmail, of families from the top administrators downward.

The only silver lining I have is that my kids WILL know how to stand up to bullies and it doesn't involve "belting", "punching in the mouth" or any of the other violent acts promoted by some commenters.

Anonymous said...

How absurd of Ms. Harouse to insinuate that Dawn Begor should face any level of punishment over this "controversy." She can take a look at last year's resolved court case Moore/Providence v. Watson/Williams, in which a a US District Court ruled that firing a student newspaper advisor over content written by a student is in violation of the First Amendment.

Ms. Harouse, if you truly believe that a 1/3 page column in the student newspaper telling freshmen they're lower on the totem pole than seniors qualifies as bullying in today's world, you're unfortunately misguided. Let's disregard the fact that most students merely skim the Opinions section anyway (and I say this as a former Editor-in-Chief of the publication in question) and that the most assertive statement in the column is that a lesson will be learned "the hard way," which is far too vague to have any legal standing as a threat, especially as it's directed at an entire body of people, not one individual student.

Honestly, Ms. Harouse, I'll be real with you. Bullying is wrong. Nobody deserves to be bullied, and thankfully, Mt. Lebanon HS isn't a place where hundreds of students are anxious to walk up and down the hallway in fear of a fistfight or being mercilessly verbally abused. But, Ms. Harouse, attacking a highly beloved teacher and a highly regarded newspaper might just start to paint a target on your own child's back.

To anyone who has an issue with this column, I'll remind you that time and again, courts have ruled that student newspapers like the Devil's Advocate nearly always fall under the same legal protection as the New York Times or Washington Post. I'd imagine that none of your heads explode every time you disagree with an opinion column in those publications. Whether a column calls for all Republicans or Muslims or communists or freshmen to go get the goal off the field after a game, you can get annoyed, but that's about it. All you really have a right to write your own response, so go ahead an exercise it.

Jennifer Kline
Former Editor-in-Chief of the Devil's Advocate

Anonymous said...

The post by Ms. Kline should serve as a wake up call to every parent in the district. This is a prime example of why many MTL citizens choose to remain anonymous when they wish to express a concern they have with a teacher or administrator. Retaliation, pure and simple. Ms. Harouse had the courage to stand up and express her opinion regarding "a highly beloved teacher and a highly regarded newspaper" and now a former Editor-in-Chief of said newspaper is lobbing thinly veiled threats against her child: "...might just start to paint a target on your own child's back." Everyone take a minute and think about this statement. Does Ms. Harouse have a first amendment right to stand up and express her opinion without worrying about the safety of her child in the high school building? Is this what Mt. Lebanon has come to? Anyone who dares to challenge the status quo or question a "popular teacher" has to now fear for the safety of their children. Shame on you, Ms.Kline. Maybe it's time for Ms.Begor to step aside if this is an example of the results we are getting under her leadership.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Excellent comment Ms. Kline.

Anonymous said...

I over heard this conversation between a young mom and her 1st or 2nd grader in Paneras last night.

"Mom, those Lincoln kids are such bullies! During basketball practice they kept callung the Foster, Washington, Markarm dumb kids because we didn't get awarded Blue Ribbons. Is that true?" "Are we dummies?" should we be riding short buses to school or moving to Dormont?
"They must be right, they're getting a parade, their picture on the school website." "its not fair, they're making me and my friends feel stupid!"

"Moooommmm, they don't win in basketball, we don't keep score," "why do they get to win on grades!"

Of course the above conservation is entirely fictional. But who knows, is there some poor student suffering in silence because one of the kids going to Lincoln said, "nay, nay, pooh, pooh yoou go to a dumb school!." or call them studpid.

This fanaticism, that kids can't hear someone call them a name, that there are no winners or losers, that everything must be pleasurable, everything must be equal is absurd.

Now then I'm on board about the relentess bullying of the girl that commited suicide. But stuff like this opinion piece in the student paper falls nowhere near that level of bullying.
If I freshman takes offense, withdraws and contemplates suicide over it, they've got the problem, not the senior class, not the student advisor or the administration.

Anonymous said...

1:18 (Why be anonymous? Use your name; we're all adults here), the statement of mine you chose to pick apart was unclear by my own fault. My point wasn't that the parent shouldn't voice her concerns; rather, that she's unfairly targeting the teacher and the publication, when neither are legally at fault. If the teacher and publication were in the wrong, there would be no issue with her calls for action.

I do not sincerely believe that her child will be subject to bullying just because the parent is wrongly calling for the termination of a popular teacher who has done nothing wrong. Many students have embarrassing parents (this particular one also apparently tried to file a legal complaint when her child didn't make a particular sport team), so no, I don't actually think this kid is going to get beat up at the next football game. I apologize for being unclear.

I take most issue with your concluding statements: "Anyone who dares to challenge the status quo or question a "popular teacher" has to now fear for the safety of their children. Shame on you, Ms.Kline. Maybe it's time for Ms.Begor to step aside if this is an example of the results we are getting under her leadership." I'll respond in bulletpoints:

1. The "status quo"--seniors feeling superior to freshmen? Is this really a new concept?
2. Questioning a popular teacher is not equivalent to arguing that said teacher should be reprimanded without legal grounds. Students and parents "question" teachers all the time without calling for their terminations.
3. Ms. Begor should step aside because I had her as a teacher two years ago and you disagree with my opinions? I also had DiNardo, Savarese, Jackson, Glover, Merriman, Ludwig, Kapron, among others, as well as a slew of college professors since graduation. Should they all step aside as well?

Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

The user saying "Shame on Ms. Kline" clearly has never met Jennifer, who is one of the best leaders Mt. Lebanon has produced in the past five years. She is one of the most intellectual, level-headed, kindhearted students I have ever met. She was also the one many people here on Lebo Citizens raved about in 2012 when she stepped up at a school board meeting and successfully argued against Steinhauer and the rest of the board for the community service director to keep her position, which they had previously agreed to remove.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:41 pm. Everyone is confused about Lincoln students winning a blue ribbon. Until proven otherwise, I believe the 7th graders at Jefferson Middle School are responsible for the test scores that resulted in the blue ribbon. Test scores from 2011-12 were submitted for the blue ribbon and the 5h graders then were first in the state. But guess what? None of them were invited to the parade, received a smiley cookie, took part in an assembly, had their photo taken, or received one of over 450 t-shirts that were given out in the celebration. So, if you hear little Lincoln kids bragging, ask them to point out where the little JMS kids are that didn't get any credit. Sometimes bullies and boasting kids just don't have their facts right.

The parade was just a marketing event for our blue ribbon school district.

Anonymous said...

Did the upset parent ask for the supervisor of the school paper to resign?

Anonymous said...

Jennifer just became my favorite poster of all time!!!
God bless you Ms. Kline.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Kline-I've already stated my reasons for wishing to remain anonymous so I won't reiterate them here. Thank you for your apology. I would like to apologize to you for my shame on you statement. That statement was unnecessary. I have never met you and it is wrong to judge you on the basis of one online post.

Regarding your other points:

1. Seniors feeling superior to freshmen is not a new concept. I only take issue with the mean girl and threatening way that Ms. Schoonmaker expressed that sentiment in her column.

2. I am not an attorney so I am not qualified to offer an opinion on Ms. Harouse's legal options.

3. No, I don't think all of your former teachers and professors should resign. I am only questioning Ms. Begor's judgement in this situation.

I am not so much as defending all of Ms. Harouse's actions in this matter, as I am objecting to the content and tone of the column in question.

Anonymous said...

2:36, I absolutely agree, that this whole fanfare over the Blue Ribbon is nothing more than a publicity stunt by the administration to feather their nest. Howe I believed was a Blue Ribbon school a few years ago. Markham and Foster were too at some point. They didn't have parades or big publicity stunts.
But this is how our current supertendent manages things. Its all show. Pizza lunch post... yeah, the little kiddies just love their school. What else would they say? Tim, in all honesty you spend too much time and money on promoting yourself and too little on supplies and materials for our education.
But that wasn't the point of the satirical comment.
People need to get thicker skins. Let the kids get bruised and banged up figuratively a little bit. It'll prepare them with the skills and tools to deal with real bullying, so they don't go off shooting up a school or mall because someone ot a Blue Ribbon and they didn't.

Seamus Roddy said...

"Shame on you, Ms.Kline. Maybe it's time for Ms.Begor to step aside if this is an example of the results we are getting under her leadership."

What a ridiculous, baseless, and detestable statement. If Jen Kline is "an example of the results" Mt. Lebanon has received under Dawn Begor's leadership, parents should be lauding Mrs. Begor -- not tearing her down on an internet messageboard.

I am unashamedly biased. I know, respect, and like Jen, Alex, and all of the other products of the DA. I know Dawn Begor well both in and outside of school, and think highly of her as a mentor and friend.

A recurring theme seems to be that those Mrs. Begor taught are smart, witty, opinionated, and well-spoken. As a teacher, Mrs. Begor pushes her students to think critically and voice their opinions with confidence in their writing skills. I know I became a better writer, thinker, and person under her tutelage.

Any inference that a Begor-lead publication is promoting bullying is absurd. This is a woman who takes an often disparate group of young men and women and makes them teammates and friends. Many members of the DA have entirely different interests and friends outside of the paper -- but Mrs. Begor's lab/classroom is a place where everyone's opinion is valued and respected. I have never seen -- and would never expect to see -- Dawn Begor tolerating any form of bullying in her classroom or in the publication she sponsors.

I find it ironic that a group of parents hiding behind anonymous computer screens are criticizing a teenager for taking a chance and openly voicing her opinion in a widely distributed publication. For many student staff members, having an editorial run in the DA is a practice in developing self-worth and self-confidence. I imagine it is a much more productive learning experience than anonymously venting about the "meanie" 10 year-olds at Lincoln School on a blog.

The DA is a top-tier student-run publication. Is it perfect? Of course not. But I would hate to see a group of 16-17 year olds stop working as hard as they can, voicing their opinions, and learning teamwork because of cranky, out-of-touch parents. Even in today's hyper-sensitive environment, it is imperative to teach high-schoolers to express their own opinions. Disagreement doesn't always have to be expressed by fear-mongering at a school board meetings.

Perhaps parents should take some of their children's lessons on cyberbullying. Calling into question a reputable teacher's ethics and credibility, bashing a high-school senior for exercising her First Amendment right, and casting "shame" on a college sophomore anonymously on the internet is inconsistent with any anti-bullying rhetoric. You are afraid of retaliation if you go to a school board meeting and voice your opinion, so you anonymously bash teenagers online? Look at the hypocritical message you are sending Mt. Lebanon's teens. The writer of the article in question has considerably more courage than most of those on this blog.

Perhaps the behavior of overbearing, zealous parents -- not the school newspaper, this year's seniors, or Dawn Begor -- are responsible for some of the bullying that inevitably occurs in high schools.

There's your "wake up call."

Seamus Roddy
Devil's Advocate Class of 2013

Anonymous said...

Re: Blue Ribbon Award at Lincoln: Can someone please confirm how Lincoln won this award? I'm not talking test scores. I believe the schools have to submit an application and then be nominated. And I believe the school has to meet certain criteria (Title I status) to even be considered. I'm not trying to take anything away from Lincoln's achievement. Congrats! I just don't think all of our Elementary Schools are even eligible to receive Blue Ribbon Status - regardless of test scores at each school. Does anyone know the details behind winning the award? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Blue Ribbon rules...A school can not apply for a Blue Ribbon unless the Principle as been the Principle for 5 or more years at the school that wants to apply. Yes the school must apply for a Blue Ribbon and another criteria is that at least 40 percent of the school’s students are from disadvantaged backgrounds. Another...The definition must include students who are eligible for free and reduced-price school meals and may include students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient, migrant, or receiving services under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. That would leave out Foster for sure and other schools in our district as well. That leaves Lincoln in the running though. Does Jefferson Middle school meet the criteria? That I dont't know but look at this link for the rules of Blue Ribbons. http://www2.ed.gov/programs/nclbbrs/2013/2013-application.pdf
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program is a United States government program created in 1982 to honor schools which have achieved high levels of performance or made significant improvements in closing the achievement gap in schools where at least 40% of the student population is classified as disadvantaged. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Blue_Ribbon_Schools_Program

Anonymous said...

Interesting 4:04 and 4:10.
Seamus Roddy, i don't know by venting satirically about the 10 year lod Lincoln 'Blue Meanies' (take a look at the Beatle Animated movie "Yellow Submaine") generated a lot of info about what the Blue aribbon really represnts.

Anonymous said...

I don't think most of the passionate comments are directed toward the writer or the teacher here. It seems to me they are more about how the issue was handled as well as the attitude the article conveyed. The student writer is free to write what she wants but the paper should follow-up with more editorials about the same issue if it wishes to be sensitive to the commotion it has provoked.

OP-Eds are usually the most frequently read part of newspapers.

I hope the students continue to write and think and questions their beliefs.

Anonymous said...

The principal at Lincoln is new.

Anonymous said...

Seamus Roddy is right about one thing-he is "biased." Ms. Kline crossed a line into dangerous territory when she wrote that Ms. Harouse's child will now have a target on her back. Pointing that out is not "bashing" Ms. Kline.

BTW, the correct word is implication. "Any inference that a Begor-lead publication is promoting bullying is absurd."

I make the implication, you make the inference.

This is what we old folks like to call a teaching moment. It is not meant to be a critique of your writing style.

I'm done commenting on this thread. Feel free to call my comment ridiculous, baseless and detestable!

Anonymous said...

The repeated use of "timmy" isn't disrespectful, it's juvenile.

Lebo Citizens said...

Whoa!!! I was in a class all day and didn't get a chance to read all the comments as closely as I should. I take issue with Jennifer Kline's comment, "But, Ms. Harouse, attacking a highly beloved teacher and a highly regarded newspaper might just start to paint a target on your own child's back."

Is that a threat?

I have filed a Right To Know for all communication to and from the administration concerning this article, and specifically the 2:00 AM email that Timmy was concerned that was in Mrs. Harouse's possession.

That is the real story here, girls and boys. I am reasonably sure that Mrs. Harouse would appreciate an apology from Timmy, based on his unprofessional outburst. I wasn't able to watch the end of the meeting, but I am especially interested in watching his reactions to Mrs. Harouse's comments.

Lebo Citizens said...

I want to thank the School District for keeping Mrs. Harouse's comments intact. I didn't notice anything deleted.

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of all this is ET insisting this blog isn't about her. If that helps you sleep at night!

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in how much of our administration and staff's time is going to be wasted on Mrs. Harouse's campaigns?

Lebo Citizens said...

Don't worry, 7:53 PM. They haven't spent any time with Mrs. Harouse.

Anonymous said...

Haven't spent any time with Mrs Harouse? That is simply a false statement. Upon her daughter not making a sports team she challenged the coach, the administration, the WPIAL, and the PIAA. That is unheard of, and at each step requires time and energy from school administrators. I guess I just sense a pattern here.

Lebo Citizens said...

So Timmy is justified to call someone at 2 AM because that person has a friend who allegedly gives coaches a hard time? I am trying to understand this.

Lebo Citizens said...

I removed 7:32 PM's comment about Mrs. Harouse's children and swimming. It was hurtful and not factual.

This is my most popular post in the history of this blog. Many parents share Suzy Harouse's concerns. Listen to the news. Read the papers. Unfortunately, nothing will be done by the administration. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

so what exactly do you want the Administration to do?

Anonymous said...

One thing the administration and school board director could seriously consider is examining how they treat parents and whether they actually seek to do something constructive about the concerns parents are presenting. Instead of viewing parents as "repeat complainers", seek to understand the situation and do something helpful that aims to improve the educational experience and well-being of the student and his/her family. All I have ever heard from parents about their experience with the school administration is a) no, b) go away, or c) you are wrong. I am sure there are exceptions -- but I don't know about them.

Anonymous said...

Suzy Harouse is brave. She is the most important voice in her child's life.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, earlier in this chain someone offered that this would be a perfect opportunity for the freshman and the bullied to speak up in letters to the editor an express their problems with opinion column.
Thought that was a good idea but I suspect the kids will waste far less time thinking about this topic than the adults have here.
As for Tim owing an apology or Mrs. Harouse owimg Tim one I have no clue. Wasn't in on their conversations.
I'm betting there are two sides to the story.
Other than that, we can't redact the column, lets see how important it is to the people it affects most... the students.

Lebo Citizens said...

What do I want the administration to do or Mrs. Harouse? I want them to get rid of Timmy, and move Dr. Davis to Superintendent, but that ain't gonna happen. I think Mrs. Harouse wants an apology from Timmy, but I can't speak for her. She certainly deserves one. She did say that a clarification should be in the newspaper.

We speak of teaching moments. This has teaching moment written all over it. I am glad that some parents have talked with their kids about this. I think the school board needs to address this and not brush it off as they did with the math parents. As the math parents had a spokesperson or two, Mrs. Harouse spoke in behalf of others. Listen to what Timmy said. He had responded to a parent, not Mrs. Harouse. Timmy claimed words such as arrogant and misguided were used to describe the student. Mrs. Harouse never used those words. She asked what the board and administration were going to do with this. My guess Suzy, it is going to be nothing.

Anonymous said...

This post has more comments than Ms. Posti's plagiarism. We have former Editor's-in-Chiefs - union members - telling us who are the popular teachers, or who are the union goons in the District. They are also telling us what is legal despite their lack of legal training.

I really don't care who is popular or what is legal. The point of so many posts here is that the author's behavior is not acceptable to the parents or the public and the union goons don't get it. If they did get it they would not have allowed Director Hart and his family to be publicly attacked in the school newspaper. When that happened I realized the union abuses the Devil's Advocate for their own selfish purposes. We would be better off without a school newspaper. Journalism class should be cut from the curriculum because it is an embarrassment to the District. But we all know Timmy won't Stand and Deliver.

Anonymous said...

Thats it shut down the press, close journalism classes.
Next we can conduct book burnings in the circle on Morgan Drive next to the Veterns Memorial.
All due to a few people finding an Opinion column offensive in the student newspaper.
I can't believe it.

Anonymous said...

More than a few. Shall we say...equally divided Ed ?
Don't shut down the presses.....cancel plans for... a rifle range !

Anonymous said...

Time for a poll Elaine.
Who wants the paper shut down and journalism classes cancelled?

One vote here for No.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we need a new journalism teacher. The headline of the article in the DA reads: "Its high time freshmen need to learn their place". Where is the apostrophe between the t and s? Just another typo? Does anyone proofread these articles? Seems like a pretty pedestrian mistake for such a highly regarded newspaper. One of the freshmen who the author feels she is so superior to should have a chance to write the opinion column next month. Do any of these student journalists know the meaning of the word "humility"? Definition of humility: The quality or state of being humble.

Anonymous said...

Probably the most interesting thing that came from these comments, was the difference in the use of the English language between the "adults" who continue to hide and the former staff member of the DA. Without exception, the comments from the students, were well written, grammatically correct and without any misspellings or typos. The pedantic comment about the difference between "imply" and "infer", is petty considering that both words are closely defined as the product of logic or evidence. Obviously, the students have learned how to use the English language effectively. If the "adults" did the same, it might make this blog somewhat interesting or at least readable.

Lebo Citizens said...

I see that Jennifer followed up with an apology for her statement and clarification that her choice of words did not accurately represent what she was saying. Jennifer regretted her choice of words. Thank you, Jennifer for contacting me privately.

Perhaps the author of the Devil's Advocate opinion piece should follow Jennifer's lead.

Anonymous said...

Attacks on grammar should cease and desist. The issue here is fundamentally about what sorts of attitudes enrich versus harm the educational and social emotional experience of students. For growth in the community, we need the administration to join in problem-solving and everyone needs to refrain from name-calling and put downs.

Anonymous said...

From "Effective Strategies for Creating Safer Schools and Communities Series" and in response to the Safe Schools Act via GWU:

Notions that bullying represents an inevitable “rite of passage” may cause some personnel to discount the seriousness of the situation and its potential legal implications.

Anonymous said...

No one seems to believe that the author of the op-ed was acting maliciously. She’s a high school kid who wrote a piece that was meant to be satirical and some people misinterpreted it. If you read the piece on its own, I can see how someone could be confused about its intent. But when the student hands the piece to her advisor and says, “Look at this funny article I wrote about seniors and freshman” it’s easy to see how it would be seen exclusively in this light. Under the circumstances, I don’t think the student or the advisor should be reprimanded or punished. However, given that some people did misinterpret the article, why not print a simple clarification (not a retraction) in the next edition of the paper that says something like, “We understand that some readers misinterpreted a recent op-ed about senior-freshman relations and believed that this article was an example of bullying. The opposite is true: the intent of the article was to satirize bullying in order to show that it is wrong. The staff and advisors of the paper support the school’s anti-bullying policies and we apologize for any confusion this article may have created.” Wouldn’t this be a simple, painless, and reasonable solution that would satisfy all parties? It’s also a great real-life teaching moment: when you say or write something that unintentionally offends a group of people, clarify your position and resolve the misunderstanding. See this example of a story from last year in which a professional journalist’s satirical piece was misinterpreted and he issued a clarifying statement to make things right: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/ryan-camp-calls-politico-reporter

Anonymous said...

8:12 AM-I find it ironic that you condemned the "adults who continue to hide" yet you posted under "anonymous". Why didn't you sign your name?

Lebo Citizens said...

I did talk with someone who wishes to remain anonymous, from Mt. Lebanon High School about this “opinion piece.” In my opinion, there seems to be a disconnect between how kids see bullying and how adults see it. Evidently, the students know the author and recognized that it was so over the top and out of character, they knew immediately that it was satirical. The role of the advisor is just that, to advise. The newspaper is completely student run. There are two editors-in-chief, two editors for each section of the paper and a team of writers. The students decide the content of the paper. As long as the students aren’t breaking any laws like libel or slander, and that they don't print anything that would cause a significant disruption of the school day, it goes to print. Even the principal can't legally step in and censor something that the students want to print that doesn't fall under the disruption rule. When the kids wrote critically of the no grinding policy at dances last year, Mr. McFeeley had to let go to print. The administration has a right to look over the paper before going to print; however, they do not have the right to censor. There have been many times the school solicitor had to go over a story to make sure the students are within the guidelines of the law. However, the law is not black and white. It is difficult to determine what "significant" would actually look like.
Last year, the editors wrote a rather scathing report about a comment Dr. Steinhauer made to the Mt. Lebanon magazine about construction. Remember how he was “transfixed” with the construction? He was not happy; however, he knew he couldn't do anything about it because it fell within the students' legal rights.

In fact, the article being discussed here was very similar to the opinion piece below it comparing the Mr. McFeeley's dance policy to that of the TSA, and suggesting that Homecoming be held at the airport.
Who knows? Perhaps the writers will do as 9:38 AM suggested, "print a simple clarification (not a retraction) in the next edition of the paper that says something like, “We understand that some readers misinterpreted a recent op-ed about senior-freshman relations and believed that this article was an example of bullying. The opposite is true: the intent of the article was to satirize bullying in order to show that it is wrong. The staff and advisors of the paper support the school’s anti-bullying policies and we apologize for any confusion this article may have created.'" Maybe the students will write about Lebo Citizens and how we are overreacting. It would be within their rights. But as parents and/or stakeholders, it is within our rights to question anything and everything that goes on at school.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, part of the Blog's title is "keeping citizens informed" If that is the goal, the person running the blog shouldn't be posting "mis-information" In this blog, you cited Mrs Begor's failure to properly copy edit an error. The "FACT" is that is not her role as adviser, that error gets published and is used as a "teaching moment" on how to make sure you properly copy edit. A "fact" you would know if you bothered to pick up the phone to ask her about before you popped off in criticism. There have been mentions of people apologizing for things said on this thread, why don't you take the lead and apologize for criticizing a respected teacher wrongfully, and for speaking to things of which you have no knowledge of. You have also repeatedly reference someone being "called" at 2 am, when in "fact" they returned an email at 2 am. Another great opportunity for someone to apologize for printing things that are absolutely un-true. It is within everyone's rights to question things that go on in the school, but nobody has the right to say, share and post things on a blog that are flat out untrue. Doing so while under the ridiculous disguise of trying to keep people "informed", is wrong. This article will indeed serve as a teaching moment for the journalism students. Here are the things they will learn. 1. That they have rights as to what they can and cant publish as a HS paper. 2. That what they printed is within those rights. 3. That if you write an article, be prepared to take the hits from people on what you write. 4. That adults can and will be petty, name call, spread mis-information, and show a lack of respect towards other adults. Hopefully it will also show them that when adults are wrong in accusing people of not doing things they aren't responsible for,(Mrs Begor) or they simply didn't in fact do (Mr Steinhauer's call), they take responsibility and apologize. Elaine, put your money where your mouth is, and take responsibility for your mis-information on a blog you started to inform, and show the students that when you accuse people of things falsely, you are big enough to acknowledge that and apologize.

Anonymous said...

Elaine it was nice to read that you appreciated Jennifer apologizing for her choice of words. Its a great example of how kids can be twice the adults that adults are. How about following her lead, we would appreciate that.

Richard Gideon said...

Elaine writes in her post of October 26, 2013 at 11:26 AM, "... there seems to be a disconnect between how kids see bullying and how adults see it."

Exactly. It would appear that some people have forgotten that teenagers are not, by anyone's definition, adults. Admitting this does not belittle them or diminish their free speech rights. It also does not mean we should treat them with - if you'll pardon the pun - "kid gloves."

This entire kerfuffle is the product of hypersensitivity, misunderstanding, and a atmosphere of contradictions brought about by the District itself; but I've already made those points in mine of October 23, 2013 at 8:11 AM.

As a former teacher following the posts in this thread, I've come away with two general observations:
1. To those who feel that grammar is no big deal, I disagree. Words mean things; ask Mr. Franklin or any other lawyer. The ability to use words so that one is not misunderstood is of paramount importance. Therefore, yes, we should point out errors, egregious or otherwise, in spelling, punctuation or grammar to the kids writing for The Devil's Advocate - and to people who post on Blogs, myself included (I corrected myself on October 23, 2013 at 8:24 AM in this thread). Indeed, we all make mistakes; but that does not mean we should forgo correction. We might understand each other better if we made greater efforts to write more clearly.
2. As someone pointed out earlier, the DA article is small stuff compared to other District issues: the math program, for example. Why have we not seen 192+ posts (as I type this) debating TERC math? Would the people who feel that grammar is "no big deal" make the same argument for mathematics?

Finally, I can only speak to the subject of this thread as a disinterested observer; but it seems to me that the priorities in this village are upside-down.

Anonymous said...

So, 1:10, you make good points.

What do you think about a school board director crafting a malicious pre-election e-mail packed with intentional mis-information, intended to injure the subjects, under a fictitious name that the PTA illegally circulated as fodder? If you had the evidence would you be willing to call them out on it?

That coward and her cowardly associates who participated in the act have yet to apologize.

At least Elaine signs her name. What do you say?

Anonymous said...

I believe in grammar and I am the person who stated we should stop picking on people for their grammar. To me, it's just a put-down.

The reason folks remain anonymous here is probably because they don't want to be called "multiple complainers" and they want responses from the municipality and the school district when they need to address something. The school district and municipality stop responding when you point out a concern. So if their little spies see that we write on the blog, we, too, will have a sign on our backs saying "Diss me".

Are Put Downs Necessary?

Anonymous said...

First off, I am not defending the actions of Mr Steinhauer, Mrs. Begor or the article itself. I am taking exception to mis-representing facts, and accusing two professionals of things they didn't do. I don't have any knowledge of a school board director mailing packets of mis-information. So to answer your question of "what do you say"? My answer is, "I don't speak to things of which I don't have working knowledge or understanding of" especially in a public forum. Which of course is the point I wanted to make to Elaine. If I did speak to it, and was in fact wrong, I would acknowledge that, and apologize to the person I wrongfully accused. I don't know all the details being discussed, but I do know that Steinhauer didn't call anyone at 2am, Mrs Begor purposely does not serve as a copy editor as per her role as advisor. I take exception to anyone who accuses people without having any knowledge of things she is accusing them of. If I signed my name to accusations I made in a public forum that I created, i'd have my facts straight or at least make ANY attempt to get them straight.

Anonymous said...

Unless you are Steinhauer, you don't know if he made telephone calls @ 2 am.

Anonymous said...

Irritable, absurd, misguided, embarrassing, ridiculous, cranky, out-of-touch, overbearing and zealous are just some of the adjectives the students used to describe the adults who have commented here. These words are disrespectful and the students could have made their points without resorting to name calling. In reading through the comments it seems to me that most of the adults are truly concerned about the children at the high school and want them all to feel welcome and accepted there. Have some of the adults over-reacted? My honest answer would be yes. That sometimes happens with parents who love their children. The teenagers of today will learn this soon enough when they become parents themselves.

Anonymous said...

It's important to note that if you listen to the audio of the board meeting, you will notice he was never accused of calling someone at 2am, he was accused of "contacting" them. I would agree anyone would be out of line calling someone at home at 2am, but an email? No. Again, at no point was he accused of calling someone at 2am.

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