Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Candidates Forum? UPDATED 2X

I see that the PTA has budgeted $100 for a Candidates Forum on their 2013-14 Budget. Mt. Lebanon PTA Proposed Budget 2013-2014 I heard a rumor that there will be a Candidates Forum this Thursday? Can anyone send me details?

Update October 9, 2013 10:10 AM This Candidates Forum goes down as the most quiet event ever! Nothing is on the School District website. There is no mention on the PTA website. Nada on the League of Women Voters site. I did find this on the Mt. Lebanon Public Library list of events.

Thursday, October 10, 2013 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM 
League of Women Voters Lunchtime Series
Contact: Mt. Lebanon Public Library 412-531-1912 events@mtlebanonlibrary.org

Legislative Update from Rep. Dan Miller (D), 42nd District 
Learn about his priorities
Hear about the legislation he has co-sponsored
Share your thoughts with him 
Meet the candidates; they will be representing you! Take this opportunity to meet and know the people who will be leading Mt. Lebanon and the Mt. Lebanon School District in the future. 
Candidates for the Mt. Lebanon Board of Commissioners:
Ward 2
Jack Doyle (R)
Steve Silverman (D)
Ward 4 (unopposed)
Dave Brumfield 
Candidates for Mt. Lebanon School Board:
Michael Jon Riemer
William J. Moorhead
Dan Remely 
Location: Meeting Room A

Where is Mary Birks????

I don't see the Upper St. Clair Commissioner listed. From what I understand, the president of the League of Women Voters is from USC. I don't know what is going on there.


Anonymous said...

WARD 2 Commissioners will be the main event.

Thursday, October 10
12:30 p.m.
Mt. Lebanon Library

Anonymous said...

Guess it's for the unemployed/retiree demographic only.

Anonymous said...

Waste of $100.

They must be pushing a favorite candidate. A Dem maybe?

Lebo Citizens said...

I spoke with Jack Doyle ( http://votejackdoyle.com/about-jack-doyle/ ) tonight before the Commission Discussion Session. All candidates running for the commission will be invited to this forum, including an USC commissioner candidate who is running unopposed. This segment will be 20 minutes long. They will be questioned altogether. Also, I apologize since I am still at the commission meeting, I don't remember if the school board candidates will be there.

Anonymous said...

Why is a USC Commissioner attending? Is this a joint USC/Mt Lebo meeting?

Anonymous said...

12:30, the bigger question is, why would an unopposed candidate show up at such an event?

Lebo Citizens said...

Please read my 10:10 AM update for more information.

Damion said...

I have to agree with 5:50PM, what are they thinking having it during working hours? I can never understand why politicians always have "BIG" town house meetings during the day when all they will get are the non-working folks or people that can afford to leave work for a few hours. I am certainly not one of them. I'm not a privileged Lebo citizen.

Anonymous said...

It used to be held in the evening and there was a town hall that was held on a Saturday morning that was well attended.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they can combine the candidates forum with the School District policy meeting.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but Linfante and her cohorts protested the Saturday morning Town Hall in an effort to derail it. I guess she and others don't want people to know what is going on. Holding meetings when stakeholders can't come is a solid strategy to avoid controversy.

Anonymous said...

Because of the voter apathy, that's basically all the voters they have to reach, PTA moms and seniors that vote straight ticket.
Part of the blame for voter apathy lies with the Woman's League.
They seemed to scan audience questions for their lack of controversy and make the Meet the Candidates night useless for deciphering differences between candidates.
They ought to call Candidates Softball Night.
I'm still writing in Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp. I like people that can look at themselves in the mirror and say... "i am a stooge!" as opposed to someone else that doesn't have clue.

Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous that this meeting is being held in the morning on a work day. If the PTA wants to be influential, they need to be inclusive.

Damion said...

It seems to be, being a relative 'outsider', that many of the organizations/clubs/associations, etc. are not very inclusive at all. If I am wrong, I apologize but that is my experience in the year and a half that I've been here.

Anonymous said...

The problem with these League of Women Voter "Meet the Candidate" events is that no one keeps track of the candidates pledges and promises.
First of all, only softaball questions usually get asked... "Are you for good schools?"
The stock answer... "yes, i believe the kids are our futue and good schools keep our home values high." everyone claps, nods in agreement and leaves not having a clue as to which candidate actually has a plan for good schools, or lower taxes, or safer streets, or fewer deer, or less flooding.
If the League were really serious about voters being informed they'd check the incumbents record vs campaign promises. Then after investigating their performance, ask the new candidates how they could do better.
As the "Meet" works now we'd be just as informed if they just projected the candidates campaign flyer on a big screen!

Lebo Citizens said...

So, how did it go?

Anonymous said...

Fart! I'm a PTA parent and would have gone!

I take issue with those that inferred PTA moms are synonymous with over privileged! Or, those who could attend the meeting are over privileged!

My parents taught me how to count my pennies and live within my means. I have a flexible job so I could have kids and participate in their life. including the effing PTA!

I may live in this Godforsaken place, but IMO I know a lot of double income parents who could NEVER take the risk of giving up granite kitchens, additions, vacations, Mercedes, 70" TV's and a specific address! I drive a car for a decade, do not buy designer clothes and care about my neighbor's welfare, not what they have or don't have!

Just loved it when Raja pulled up to preschool helping his kids get out of his gas gusseling $100K black Hummer! Yeah, I'd trust him to spend my money well! NOT! He has been one of the biggest A holes I've ever met in Mt. Lebanon! Wasn't he a Republican?

And while I'm on my rant it really does no good to keep calling out all the democratic liberals as being responsible for the crap around here!
Certainly there's a load of crap, but it does not align with political values at all. Start calling it for what it is: PERSONAL AGENDAS!

Anonymous said...

Damion, I would consider myself an outsider to much of the inner workings of Mt. Lebo as well.

What I have found is that no one is going to hold your hand while you go to the bathroom here as per organizations or info good to know if you live here. I'm not trying to be mean.

The best advice I ever got was "you get out of it what you put into it".

I also hate to admit my mother-in-law was right saying experience does help.

When I first moved here I sought out becoming involved. I became very involved but luckily avoided being on the school board! Then, I backslid. Life circumstances caused me to become less involved. I felt very much like all of Lebo was inclusive.

The thing is you have to find out what shape peg you are and where you fit. You have to make yourself seen and heard. In their face if you have to. I have found it all to be in my attitude. Even with politics.

I'm on an upswing, now, though! Can't you tell?;)

Anonymous said...

12:48 am, I am glad to hear you are feeling better but unless you have challenged the status quo in Mt Lebanon, you really don't know if it is inclusive or not.

Anonymous said...

11:15 I've challenged the status quo. In fact, I plan on being quite a P/A. I think it depends on the organization. I have to say, my challenge to the status quo (politicians) was pretty crappy, but I feel good about it!

Perhaps I am confused by the meaning of status quo?

Lebo Citizens said...

From what I hear, Remely and Birks could not attend. Birks had a conference or something. I heard no reason for Remely's no show. The crowd was pretty light. There was a very cordial exchange amongst everyone.

John David Kendrick said...

Hello Damion,

I think that it is absolutely wonderful that you're getting involved in politics, thinking about making a meaningful change in our community, and perhaps running for political office?

The various anonomyous comments are pretty much what I've experienced in Mt Lebanon. We moved here in 1976.

Mt Lebanon is a very cliquish and clannish commuity. Mt Lebanon is full of scoial climbers of both sexes (definition #1 @ http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Social%20Climber ). In fact, just read a copy of the community publication, MtL, and it will become immediately obvious.

There really isn't a difference between Republican and Democrat in Mt Lebanon. Mt Lebanon is a single party town and the torchbearers run unopposed on both tickets. You will quickly learn that the machine has held the reigns of power in a very tight circle and the torch is passed from generation to generation. From time to time we see politicians like Matt Smith or Dan Miller who have become popular and a political threat to the machine - so the machine engineers an upward trajectory, maneuvers in a way that they hold progressively higher office and basically move them out of Mt Lebanon without them ever knowing what happened. This leaves the community to insert the same inner circle back into local office, and so it continues...

I am delighted to see you taking an interest and becoming involved in community affairs. Many of us will look forward to your candidacy.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Median household income falls again
Andrew S. Ross
Published 9:02 pm, Tuesday, September 18, 2012
A couple of snapshots of the state of the nation:

According to the U.S.Census Bureau, real median household income fell for the second year in a row in 2011 - two years after the official end of the Great Recession - to $50,054. That's an 8.1 percent drop from 2007, just before the recession's onslaught. Hardest hit: white and African American households.


To see evidence of the status quo your going to have to dig up some numbers.

Household incomes have been stagnant of falling for years.

Then compare the number of andthe salaries of our municipal and school district employees. Compare say the number of students over 10,20,30 years to the number of school district staff.

Plot the test scores, plot expenditures and the staus quo will become apparent.

Also, read MTL magazine. Does it strike anyone that it has become the local Town & Country magazine for our communities lawyers and investment people. There are very few people featured that actually build stuff.

Anonymous said...

So, how does a write-in candidate work? Say, against an unopposed candidate?

I would appreciate your comments.

Lebo Citizens said...

10:29 AM, first of all, I want to thank you for considering this. I hope you decide to run as a write-in candidate. Voters should always have a choice. I will support you here, to help get the word out.

Anonymous said...

10:29 anyone can write anyone in at the voting booth. Their is a button for each office that one selects for the window that allows the voter to type in a name... Their own, a neighbors, one of the Stoogers, whomever.
As for someone thats wants to be a write in, I'd suggest writing up a case for your consideration. Give it to Elaine, I'm pretty sure she'd publish it, send a PR announcement for immediate release with your platform, why you're running, etc. To the editors of the Almanac, Trib, PG and Lebomag.

Anonymous said...


Mt. Lebanon's seniors might want to ask the two incumbent school directors how they justified their vote of a 7%+ salary increase after reading this.

Social Security raise to be among lowest in years

By The Associated Press
Associated Press, 212-621-1500

Published: Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013, 10:45 a.m.
Updated 31 minutes ago
WASHINGTON — For the second straight year, millions of Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and federal retirees can expect historically small increases in their benefits come January.

Preliminary figures suggest a benefit increase of roughly 1.5 percent, which would be among the smallest since automatic increases were adopted in 1975, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

Next year's raise will be small because consumer prices, as measured by the government, haven't gone up much in the past year.

The exact size of the cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, won't be known until the Labor Department releases the inflation report for September. That was supposed to happen Wednesday, but the report was delayed indefinitely because of the partial government shutdown.

The COLA is usually announced in October to give Social Security and other benefit programs time to adjust January payments. The Social Security Administration has given no indication that raises would be delayed because of the shutdown, but advocates for seniors said the uncertainty was unwelcome.

Lebo Citizens said...

I got this in an email, 10:29 AM. I still say to go for it.
"Too late in the game unless the person has a bunch of money, starts hammering the ward with mailers and door hangers, and is going door to door all day every day."


Anonymous said...

What does the write-in have to lose, if they run a bare bones attempt?
If nothing else they create name recognition and if they get any kind of numbers other than one, they've sent the unopposed party and candidate that their are unhappy people out there.

Lebo Citizens said...

Another country heard from, 10:29 AM.
"It would take a herculean effort at this point, not to say it couldn't be done. I would send a mailer to every house including simple instructions on how to write-in at the polls. Have the ward polls fully staffed ALL DAY. Poll workers should wear the candidate's name on a large button and hand-out the write-in instruction sheet. Walk door-to-door as much as possible.

There will be low turnout. Also, have a team of people calling those who haven't come to vote to remind them to get to the polls.

Most importantly, any literature needs to be especially motivating as to why a person should for for them and not the opponent. WIth Brumfield, there's much material to work with! If this person has 50 dedicated people and $10,000.00 I think they could do it."

Lebo Citizens said...

10:29 AM, 12:35 PM is right. What do you have to lose? There were people voting for me because they would vote for anyone but Joe! I think you have a similar situation in your ward. There are more important issues in this community besides artificial turf. Give voters a choice.
Don't go through life saying woulda, shoulda, coulda. Just do it. I will do all I can to help you.

Damion said...

Mr. Kendrick,

I appreciate your thoughtful response and encouragement. I know what you mean about the social climbers, as both my wife and I have personal experiences with that. Thankfully, I will have a few years to drum up a campaign following by meeting as many voters as possible. With help of some certain people, I feel like I'm on my way. If anyone wants to get in touch with me, they are more than welcome at damionaderinger@gmail.com