Sunday, October 27, 2013

Vote against bullying UPDATED

Election Day is November 5, 2013. There are four seats and four candidates running for School Board. Search for these names on Lebo Citizens and see if you agree with their philosophies.

Mary Birks (incumbent)
Dan Remely (incumbent)
Mike Riemer
Bill Moorhead

The incumbents raised student parking fees, charged activity fees, promised a renovation under $95 million, cut the budget to the bone, and then turned around and gave sizable increases to our superintendent, who presently makes more than the PA Superintendent of the Year, in addition to having zero experience as a superintendent prior to his contract with Mt. Lebanon.

The incumbents have voted yes on every issue, including change orders. The incumbents have taken it upon themselves to try and ratchet up sundry "zero tolerance" policies, with great fanfare to the public. Whether these policies (hazing, bullying, plagiarism, alcohol, drugs, etc.) were well-intentioned is of little concern; the fact is they sent strong signals to parents that the District wasn't going to allow certain behaviors.

Now along comes Mrs. Harouse who reads an article in "The Devil's Advocate" and takes umbridge at it. Whether the article is satire or not is a side-issue. She goes to the Board and lets 'em have it. The Board, in class Lebo fashion, circles the wagons and excuses the article on First Amendment grounds. Again, that's not the point. I think we all get it.

The point is that over the years, District officials have crowed about how they want to protect the children from harm - harm in all of its various forms - and now they have to deal with a parent that takes them seriously. However, given that various policies at the high school are routinely ignored or flouted, I am surprised that anyone takes the District seriously.

I had a record breaking week and want to thank all those who read, commented, and sent personal emails to me. Obviously, the Devil's Advocate article struck a chord. One of the over two hundred comments contained a list of bullying characteristics.
These are some overt and covert bullying behaviors that parents may experience when dealing with the administration. Each behavior may vary in its intensity, severity, duration, etc. Parents should not experience any of these behaviors when dealing the school district.  
Dirty looks/gestures
Invasion of personal space
Curt tones of voice
Social exclusion/isolation
“Silent treatment”
Making light of bullying
Calling the parent “crazy”
Referring the parent to counselors
Excessively critical
Repeated reminders of errors and mistakes
False/exaggerated reports against the parent
Shouting/yelling/ swearing at the parent
Throwing objects
Failure to maintain hostile-free communication
Insulting or threatening phone messages/emails
Attempting to turn others against the parent
Unfair treatment
Hinting that the parent should move
Verbally attacking the parent in public/private
Excluding the parent/family from important meetings or activities
Withholding pertinent information from the parent
Blocking opportunities for engagement with the school
Unjust use of authority
Excessive monitoring
Unreasonable demands
Ignoring/undervaluing belittling the parent’s concerns
Defamation: false attacks against the parent’s reputation
Excessive teasing or cruelty
Questioning the parent’s competence
Excessive sarcasm
Destruction of property
Sounds like a typical school board meeting, doesn't it? I guess eye rolling would fall under "dirty looks/gestures." One person wrote, "Residents may want to carry a "Bully" sign to raise each time they observe one of these behaviors in the Commission or School Board meetings." Ask and you shall receive, my friend.

Stop the bullying sign
Stop the bullying bumper sticker

Unfortunately, the four candidates will still win. We know it. They know it. Have you seen any yard signs? No. Perhaps it is because three of them lost the best candidate on their slate. The fourth candidate only had State Rep signs.

I am still voting for Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Larry Fine, and Shemp Howard*, the Four Stooges. Don't sit home on Election Day. Get out and vote. Let the school board members know that you are saying, "No to bullying."

*Last names added for voting purposes. ;)

Update October 27, 2013 7:45 PM Mt. Lebanon boy gets suspended for class assignment.


Anonymous said...

I heard W. C. Fields is the write-in candidate against Brumfield in Ward 4.

I heard W.C. stands for What Cost Fields.

Anonymous said...

How do you vote for anyone that has nothing to say about how they will oversee the district or represent the taxpayer?

Anonymous said...

7:11, you don't vote for them.
It's okay, they'll still be elected.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 7:57 so sit back, do absolutely nothing, don't even give them a nudge that you will be watching.
Dan Remely and Mary Birks approved a construction project of $113.2 million dollars and probably growing.
Yet Dan has the audacity to accuse the Police and Fire Depts. of spending our money.

Something I've wondered, when Dan said "our" money did he mean the taxpayers or was he talking about the board?

Lebo Citizens said...

Don't miss the update. Mt. Lebanon High School made "The Blaze."

Anonymous said...

A two-day suspension? They overreacted.

Anonymous said...

From what the AP article states, it looks to me like passion and creativity are being punished. Is homelessness that scary to high school staff?

The student was able to stay in character because he could imagine how fractured his family would be if he actually ran over his sister.

I wonder if the administration is provoking the staff's sense of vulnerability due to their efforts to keep parents and other uninvited visitors from entering the schools with lock down drills, new buzzer systems, fingerprinting of PTA volunteers, cameras, etc. In sum, it seems like the administration has the staff on a high state of alert.

But the suspended student seems to believe that motor vehicles are a greater threat.

I think this student is wise beyond his years.

Lebo Citizens said...

Just like this blog, I am enjoying the comments about the AP article.

Anonymous said...

USA Today is also permitting comments on the AP article. There are some pretty funny ones.

But seriously, this is madness -- it's hard to imagine suspending a student for staying in character too long. He is a KID, after all, and he was super prepared for SCHOOL. Couldn't the teacher have given a heads-up to staff that some kids aren't going to be dressed normally for the school day?

Is there any room for kids to be kids in Mt Lebanon?

Anonymous said...

Question regarding the kid suspended in the Blaze article.

Had the kid dressed as a police officer and carried a gun, the staffer might have let him in without question.
Then later as his identity was uncovered and he was found guilty of carrying a weapon what should his penalty be?

It was an ill-concieved class assignment. The kid fulfilled the assignment so well he gets a suspension for far exceeding the teachers wildest imagination.
Terrible leadership and administering.

Anonymous said...

Just one more example of how the left hand of the MTL administration has no clue what the right hand is doing!
May be if a certain administrator spent a little less time pizza lunching with middle schoolers and instead having meetings with teachers, everyone would be on the same page and issues could be ferreted out before they occur.

Anonymous said...

Some students must have more rights than others.

Anonymous said...

Lets look at it this way, every eligible voter has an obligation as a citizen to vote.
If you like the work the two incumbents have done, by all means, vote 'em back in.
The two new guys, if you're willing to take a chance based on nothing more than a name, vote for them too.
But, if you aren't happy with things going on up on Horsman Drive, this is you're only chance to really exert your opinion unimpeded.
Since no one stepped up to contest the seats we'll be stuck with them.
You can though express your opinion, anonymously, but you'll have to go to the polls and let them know what you think!

Anonymous said...

With skewed walls, unlevel gym floor, missing boiler water feeds, missing elevator electrical feeds, duct work running through elevator shafts could it be that the architect, construction manager and contractors in reality are more of these in-character drama class students and no one has checked their IDs?
With Remely, Birks and fellow board directors approving every change order we could easily assume they're not paying close attention.

Anonymous said...

How could a high school project have so many problems? The backgrounds of the architect, construction manager and contractors should have been examined more closely. Instead, the behavior of children is criminalized and the parents are fingerprinted.

The suspension should be redacted from the student's record and another apology issued. The staff member didn't like being scared so therefore, somebody else has to suffer.

Anonymous said...

The hall monitor or staffer did exactly what one would hope they'd do,
Penalizing a student for getting deeply involved in a class assignment is what is rediculous.
The student did exactly as he was told, the hall monitor did exactly as they were told.
So there is a lesson to be learned here. There were shortcomings in the lesson plan and the kids enthusiasm for the assignment uncovered them, there should be no penalty.
Or are the teachers to old to learn new tricks.
May be that is what is wrong in the district, teachers, administrators think their degrees absolve them from mistakes and coninued learning.

Anonymous said...

After reading all of the comments and reading the article about the suspended student, I am sure I am in the minority, but kudos should go to the boy's mother who actually is accepting the punishment, sees that the issue is with her child who should have told people who he was, and thinks of it all as a life lesson. With the recent violence in school settings and other places that used to safe havens(movie theaters, McDonalds, etc.) how can a reasonable person not have restrictions such as those voiced at the school, and how can someone faced with a person, student or otherwise, giving answers such as this boy was giving, not have a reaction as he did? It's easy to make comments from the bleachers here folks, but when you deal with these situations on a daily basis, perhaps you will have a better ability to see that not every situation is so black and white and right and wrong.

Anonymous said...

The "staff member didn't like being scared"? When you asked the staff member, did he tell he he was scared? The staff member was "too old"? Did you know the age of the staff member? The teacher or administrator believes that their degree absolves them from what mistake? What is Ridiculous is your comment full of conjecture!

Anonymous said...

11:35 you are not alone. I absolutely agree with you and said so in so many words @10:38.
The mother is right to an extent in that her son should have fessed up to who he was, but in his youthful enthusiasms he played his role to the hilt. Exactly as he was suppose to do in the assignment as I understand it.
So, was this kid trying to break rules on purpose?
Was he trying to get away with an illegal act? No and no.
There is something here for everyone at the school. The drama teacher who didn't make it clear that if questioned by a staffer they needed to identify themselves.
The administration for not making a special provision for the students involved in the assignment to gain admittance to the building.
So, I agree not every situation is black & white. The kid shouldn't have been suspended. Told in no uncertain terms what he did created an incident and the lessons learned from it distributed to staff, students and parents so it doesn't happen again!
Someone in earlier post wrote: "live and learn." this is one of those moments wbere everyone needs to live and learn.
Unfortunately the only person that gets penalized is the kid and that isn't right.
You either penalize everyone involved or you penalize no one.
"Live and learn!"

Anonymous said...

If this kid had been in a Hollywood movie he might have received a nomination for an Academy Award for his performance.
Here inthe bubble he gets a two day suspension.
What is wrong with this picture?

Anonymous said...

Across a wide number of professions, individuals need to be level headed when they encounter an unexpected situation. Training helps in some cases. Having worked with homeless children and families, my inclination would have been toward compassion and concern. When I am confronted with homeless person, I reach for food and then I donate clothing, toys, money and food periodically to a couple of local organizations to help ameliorate their suffering. Goodwill, churches and numerous other organizations in the Pittsburgh area are devoted to these causes. There are also soup kitchens where school district staff could volunteer to learn more about homelessness. Personally, I am very troubled to hear about this situation and believe it highlights the deficits within our district.

Anonymous said...

Devils and dictators ---What a school district!

Lebo Citizens said...

Look at the list of characterisics of bullying and ask yourself if any of them apply to this situation? That is why I have this as an update on this post. Why wasn't the teacher called in to explain the situation so that everyone could see that it was a misunderstanding? I bet Timmy is relieved that the mother is taking this so well. They don't need another lawsuit against them. Which reminds me about the grievance. But that's another story.

Anonymous said...

12:37, all well and good, but what if the kid played and Office Depot or UPS delivery man and played it just as convincingly with a hand truck full of boxes.
Might he have gained access without identifying himself as a student?
After all a rush am delivery might not raise alarm bells with the hall monitor. What if he played the role of a new student teacher from a college, but one that was disturbed and carried a concealed gun? Might he have passed the check point?

Anonymous said...

12:02 someone can believe they are "too old" to play Old Maid or "Hop Scotch" better.
The saying doesn't necessarily refer to one's chronological age, but you go ahead and battle it out if it makes you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the kid exposed the not-so-hidden bias prevalent in Lebo and elsewhere. Do hall monitors ask to see identification from students? From the FedEx people? From food vendors? I'm guessing no.

Anonymous said...

12:57 The fear of crime by children is too excessive. The hall monitor has a right to protect him/herself and follow orders but the student didn't do anything wrong. According to the report, he stated that he was a student, but the hall monitor didn't believe him.

If the student had arrived exactly on time, none of this would have happened. The early bird was suspended. These actions reflect changes in our school and perhaps, other schools throughout the region and country, in which the high state of alert is taken too far and students are disciplined for what would have been celebrated were it not for a fear of school shootings.

Again, it's OK that the school staff wanted answers but it isn't OK to suspend the student.

Anonymous said...

Lee Strasberg is probably smiling for the kid now.

Lebo Citizens said...

I don't understand how one student's work is labeled "satirical" when addressing the entire freshmen class in an article, but another student gets suspended for his class assignment. Yes, 12:31 AM, some students have more rights than others.

Anonymous said...

2:50 --- exactly.
Making an assumption here, but I'll go with this kid is an enthusiastic drama student. Probably a good kid, too.
So he took a class assignment too literally. Does the punishment fit the crime?
What does a two day suspension achieve? Keeps him out of the school for two days... Oh boy! Our kids are safe from the make believe homeless person.
The administration can say: "we did something."
Has there been any change in the drama class curriculum yet?
Has this assignment been cancelled? Have there been new procedures and directives to fulfill the assignment?

Lebo Citizens said...

If there are any directors or producers out there looking for a 17 year old male to play a role, you might want to look up Michael Bodomov. He sounds like he could use a break.

Anonymous said...

An advantage of a private school is everybody on campus would have known about the assignment including the teachers. Compare that to ML where the departments don't talk to each other because the staff are too busy running out of the buildings after they have served their contracted minutes-per-day.

Anonymous said...

Since Timmy can't apologize perhaps he could hire this kid to apologize for him!

Anonymous said...

Remember Dudley, the dog, from the last election? His write-in votes didn't count because there was no last name stated. What last names are you going to use for Moe, Larry, Curley, and Shep?

Lebo Citizens said...

I didn't realize his votes didn't count because he had no last name. I thought it was because he was a dog. So just being a smart a$$, I guess Cher, Adele, Madonna, or even Prince pursuing a political career is out of the question.
Last name for Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp? They were Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Shemp Howard, and Larry Fine.

Lebo Citizens said...

Before Richard Gideon writes in, those weren't their real names. :) But in order for everyone to remember, if you are going to write in their names, let's stick with Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Shemp Howard, and Larry Fine.

Anonymous said...

Jay Leno just announced a high school student in Pennsylvania was refused entrance to his high school because he looked like a homeless person. Leno said he was really a college graduate looking for a job.

Anonymous said...

Heard that, laughed out!

Pretty much sums things up around here.
Our school district has become a punch line.
What is that old adage... "pride comes before a fall!"

Anonymous said...

The student obviously should have failed the assignment.....he should know that there are no homeless people in Mt. Lebanon.
Joe Besser

Lebo Citizens said...

Joe, sorry I left off your name as one of the Three Stooges. Even though your role was brief, we should not forget you.
I am still voting for the others, Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Shemp Howard, and Larry Fine.

Lebo Citizens said...

Remember, the incumbents, along with the rest of the board and Timmy, felt it was a First Amendment issue. Instead of defending the author, perhaps they should have defended the entire freshmen class.

Vote against bullying.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:48

I don't know what interaction you've had with teachers, but the fact that you are willing to throw such a nasty nasty assumption over the entire teaching staff of the district is very disheartening.

Most teachers, everywhere, are doing what they do for the students. Not for the glorious contract. They got into teaching because they love education, they love sharing knowledge with children and helping shape their lives while watching them grow into young adults.

This blog has taken up the flag of an anti-bullying talking point for the upcoming election. Labeling the educators of this town as non-caring slackers, while insinuating they are bad at their profession is not only rude, but fits plenty of the terms listed by Elaine. (By no means am I blaming Elaine, or calling her out for letting it post...just an FYI)

Anonymous said...

11:19 I agree with one part of your opening statements, it is not nice to throw a nasty blanket of ridicule over any group of working people.
But that is as far as I'll go along with you. This song and dance that teachers as a whole are saints because they work with our children is nonsense. If that is true what are the teachers and nuns that work in private schools for half the the compensation and benefits?
And please don't come back and say "because public school teachers are better!" See if you do, you're just throwing a blanket of a different color and insinuating/insulting private school teachers are somehow as a group inferior.

Teachers are no better and certainly no worse than any other group of professionals are there great doctors... certainly. Are there bad doctors doing needless procedures to pad their bills... certainly as well.
Are there great attorneys that perform strictly in their clients best interest and follow the laws of the land. Just as there are shisters and ambulance chasers.

You write: "Most teachers, everywhere, are doing what they do for the students. Not for the glorious contract."
Ask these teachers to park off campus and give their spots up so students don't have to walk across busy Washington and Cochran Roads at rush hour and you'll quickly see what that "glorious contract" means to them. We saw it action when they renovated Mellon as to what was important - getting the school done as expediently as possible for the students or not inconveniencing the teachers.

So yes, there are some very dedicated teachers, I had some, my kids had some, my grandkids will have some hopefully.
But if you're not going to let other people throw blankets or paint with broad brushes,  make sure you include yourself in that restriction.

Juat an FYI:

Kim Ressler said...

First and foremost, it is my understanding that this assignment has been done for a number of years without such incident. The teacher properly instructed the students to stay in character unless questioned by an administrator, in which case they should properly identify themselves and explain the assignment for that teacher. This student did not. He was questioned by multiple adults, and yet he waited until the police were called in order to try to clear up the situation. The teacher could have been contacted early on and the event avoided. Also, from what is being said amongst the high school students, he was not mistreated by the administrators or teacher. It seems they were discreet in their questioning and the student did not even know that the police had been called until he saw them. He dove into the assignment wholeheartedly, which is commendable, but he neglected to see that he could be viewed as a safety threat.

Kudos to his mother for her sensible reaction. Many students have rallied to his cause - kudos to them for exercising their rights to protest and speak against his suspension.

Shame on any of you who feel it necessary to compare this to bullying. If he had been given a pass on the suspension, we would hear complaints of either the lack of proper security at the high school or the lack of proper rule-enforcement. There will be disagreement on the appropriate level of punishment (I feel two days is a bit much), but a student broke the rules, and he has to pay the consequences.

Anonymous said...

Kim Ressler, you write "properly instructed the students to stay in character unless questioned by an administrator...."
I don't know, was the person that stopped the kid an administrator or were they just a hall monitor or a teacher?
I do agree this incident should be an object lesson - for everyone - and the two day suspension is unwarranted.
I'm betting the kid learned his lesson and two days suspension won't make it any more impactful.

Anonymous said...

Kim Ressler, assessing Elaine's list of bullying

behaviors, I disagree with you. The student's

punishment was excessive. You even admit to that.

"Shaming our behavior," is exhibiting bullying

tendencies, Mr./Ms. Ressler.

Anonymous said...

Kim, you took the words right out of my mouth!

To clarify, he was approached by campus security first, then by campus supervisor, then by principal administration, then the cops. He did not break character or offer up any information about what he was doing until the cops arrived and began the idea of booking him.

Do I think 2 days suspension was too much? Yes I do. Does it matter or does my opinion or anyone's opinion hold any weight? Nope! The mother agreed to the suspension, so that's it =P

Also, why is this being brought up now as occurred over a month ago...and is a case of poor choices by a student, not administration bullying.

Lebo Citizens said...

1:32 PM, it is being brought up now because I just read about it after the media got hold of it.
I agree about the punishment being excessive. Isn't that a form of bullying? I believe it is.

Anonymous said...

Kim Ressler, we've seen rules broken by administrators and by board directors yet I'm hard pressed to think
Of one instance where any one of them has paid the consequences!
Are we teaching our kids early on about the harsh realities of double standards?

Anonymous said...

Some of the topics being discussed on this blog illustrate tremendously undesirable behavior in the school administration. Bullying is a very serious issue and some behaviors might not constitute the full-on behavior pattern of a bully. But I do believe that if we are observing symptoms of bullying in public forums, then we might just want to put up a red flag. Because, consistent with my own experience in dealing with the administration, there are much worse things going on behind closed doors. Whether we call it bullying, lying, disrespect, sarcasm, put-downs, whatever it is-- it's not the behavior I want to see in the folks charged with educating my children. Trust me, people, I think some very bad truths are coming our way.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I remember how the glorious contract worked for our children when Washington School was renovated. A lawyer-parent had to force the District to protect our kids from asbestos exposure while the lazy overpaid teachers put in their minutes per week. Nice try, weak response!

Anonymous said...

Elaine . dont you think we should also be discussing the Doyle/Silverman race?? I have a strong feeling that even though he lives in a huge house on James Place Mr. Silverman is in the very very liberal thinking Camp of Kirsten Linfante .. very scary to have too of these like minds on the Lebo Commission.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, I did look at your list on bullying, and the first thing that occurred to me, is how many of those qualities you have shown. Calling the SB President "timmy" over and over, is "condescending" by anyone's definition. Also accusing Mrs Begor of failing to do her job editing when it isn't her job, and accusing Steinhauer of calling someone at 2am when he didn't is "dishonest or lying" by anyone's definition. Your failure to own up to that and apologize says everything about you. I think your credibility would go up, not down if you said "I misspoke" or "I was in error" At least people could believe your intent for the site is to inform, and not to express your personal feelings. You have no interest in informing Elaine, this site is a vehicle for you to rip people you dislike. Again, I don't know the School Board members, nor am I defending them, but your site isn't what you say it is, and you are someone who has in fact outright mis-informed.

Lebo Citizens said...

I can honestly say that I have never called the school board president, "Timmy."

Anonymous said...

5:59, I wonder if you were as critical when a school board director sent a letter diminishing the qualifications/expeeience of a rrsident when they spoke about the high school project?
Or members if the PTA sending out emails undermining candidates campaigns for the school board.
Is your indignation selective?
Reads like it.

Anonymous said...

"Proverbs 19:5 - A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape."

So 5:59, if I were you I'd start digging to find one instance in which Elaine called the SB president "timmy."

Anonymous said...

Mary Birks has a Steve Silverman sign in her front yard.
Mary lives in the fourth ward. Steve lives in the second ward.

Anonymous said...

5:59 where was your indignation when a one time school board candidate referred to residents as hijackers?
Or when your fellow posters are called "wingnuts?"

Anonymous said...

It is what it is! We have in this community a hostile school board, hostile administrators, and hostile teachers, and a hostile school environment. Both of my kids experienced hostility on all levels. When is everyone going to grow up! Three year old behavior! Enough is enough! One of my kids was bullied by D. Begor! There is no leadership in this school district! Dr. Allison left as he saw the handwriting on the wall and did not want to get embroiled in this mess! Dr. Sable investigated and discovered such a mess that if she revealed all of the illegal crap that was going on in the school district, the school district would be bankrupt from the resulting lawsuits!

Lebo Citizens said...

5:59 PM, this blog is to inform people, as well as express my personal opinions. In case you haven't noticed, it is also a forum for you to express your personal opinions.

Pay me $170,000 a year, 5:59 PM, and you can call me Timmy. It isn't even my name. I am not making decisions which impact your child's education. I am not an elected official. I answer to no one. I get paid nothing.

I try to save your money, not spend your money. I make you zero promises. You do not pay my salary. I don't work for you. You're right. I have no respect for Timmy. I also have no respect for our school board. Right now, I am not impressed with too many elected officials in Mt. Lebanon and it is just getting worse. I think this place is being run by bullies. If you disagree, please vote for them. They are going to win anyway, no matter how many people write in votes.

I don't even tell you how many bags of garbage you should have at your curb. It is none of my business. So if you want to tear into me about Timmy, go right ahead. Just so you know, there are many people who disagree with you. I am hoping he is man enough to grant my RTK asking for his emails. It appears I need to file a couple more.

Lebo Citizens said...

Was there a student protest this morning at the high school? Someone was driving on Cochran Rd. and saw students carrying signs.

Anonymous said...

Elaine - If you get to read Tim's emails, you'll need some good attorneys because you are going to learn some bad things for sure. How hard can it be to build a case that he is bullying the people that live here? By the way, does anybody know *excellent* attorneys related to education law?

Anonymous said...

First off it wont be a matter of if he is "man enough" to honor your RTK request to see his emails, if he is obligated too, you will get to see them. Why we are on the subject, are you "adult" enough to apologize when you are wrong? At this point you refuse to acknowledge that. While I recognize it is my right to express my opinion, unlike you, I haven't. I haven't given my opinion of the article in the school paper, the school board or Mr. Steinhauer. I have stated the fact that there wasn't a phone call placed at 2am as you have asserted, and that the sponsor of the school paper doesn't copy edit the paper, as you suggested she should do a better job of. I respect everyone's opinion, but I cant respect anyone who falsely accuses people of things, and then refuses to apologize for doing so. The fact you do these things under the absurd guise of trying to inform the community, is remarkable. Throwing out false accusations makes you an irresponsible member of the community yet you somehow want to hold yourself up as an advocate. You have zero regard or trust for community officials and administrators, can I suggest a good realtor?

Anonymous said...

I know excellent attorneys work for the teachers union. Some excellent "neutral" arbitrators work for the teachers too.

Anonymous said...

Why you ask vote for Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Shemp Howard and Larry Fine.

Well here's one reason. The Republican Party of MTL still list Mary Birks and Sue Rose as Rs holding seats on the school board.
That tells you how out to one of Steinhauer's pizza lunches that party is!

Lebo Citizens said...

11:56 PM, I decided to publish your comment even though you submitted a similar comment under the previous thread. You have accused me of not picking up the phone and calling Mrs. Begor. How do you know I have not been in contact with her? How do you know Timmy hasn't called anyone late at night, unless you are Timmy. Now you are suggesting I call a realtor. Stop bullying me.

Lebo Citizens said...

I haven't said anything about attorneys. I will handle this RTK the same way I have handled others. IF the district will release Timmy's emails, I will publish them here. Here is how I see it playing out. The district will take the full five days and then say that they need an extension of thirty days, which is permitted under law, to review it. What Timmy may not realize is that personal computer emails are not exempt from Right To Knows.

Anonymous said...

I didn't suggest you haven't been in contact with Mrs. Begor, I said you didn't ask her about the copy edit before you criticized her publicly for not doing so. Forget about me knowing that's true, you know it's true. Secondly, nobody other than you even suggested Steinhauer called someone at 2am. You went from contacted at 2am to called at 2am. The two things couldn't be any different in terms of appropriateness. But again, you're not interested in that, your interested in framing the facts to fit your personal opinion. I will ask two questions that you may or may not wish to answer and then I will drop it. Do you think someone who publicly criticizes a respected teacher falsely, should apologize? and secondly, how did you arrive at Steinhauer calling someone at 2am when there was no mention of a call in the initial complaint? My respect for you and this blog would go upi f you would answer those questions honestly. If you wont answer those questions or be truthful how are you any different then the people you accuse of doing the same thing? Citizens have the rights to question and challenge public officials, but its hypocrisy of you are doing the same things.

JE Cannon III said...

809: if you know something we don't regarding Dr. Sable and what she allegedly discovered, why not post it? I'm simply curious.

Lebo Citizens said...

9:55 AM, time will tell. People jumped all over me when I shared some information about the First Ward candidate. This is no different.
I explained Mrs. Begor's role on October 26, 2013 at 11:26 AM. This is about the school board and administration, not Mrs. Begor or the student. Mrs. Begor did not become the issue until all the college students started to write in and made her the issue.
I had nothing to do with the Devil's Advocate "satirical" letter.
It's OK if you want to keep attacking me. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

"Mrs Begor became an issue only when college students made her an issue" With all due respect you are simply not being an honest person, or at best are a revisionist. Go back and look at the chronology of these posts, you will clearly see, you brought her failure to copy edit prior to any student commenting. To suggest your post was in response is untrue, and wouldn't change the fact that what you posted was in fact totally inaccurate. Below is your post, feel free to look at the posts that precede it, and you will see YOU brought her in. You are not being attacked, you are being called out for not telling the truth. Two very different things.

It's a rite to passage, not its a right to passage. The faculty advisor, Dawn Begor, should have caught that.

Lebo Citizens said...

OMG. If you would have listened to the podcast, you would have known that was mentioned in the parent's comments.
Stop lawyering me.

Anonymous said...

October 24, 2013 at 10:02 AM here. Same comment as I contributed previously. Elaine: Franklin is bullying you !

Anonymous said...

Interesting point of view published in the Almanac.
"Commenting on the recently completed comprehensive plan, Brumfield said he would like to use the plan as a report card for the commission. He explained that Mt. Lebanon’s comprehensive plan is broken down by measurable goals, adding that the board should be striving to meet those goals.
“It would be a good thing if the community holds us to it,” said Brumfield."

Just curious... wouldn't zoning codes be a form of a comprehensive plan?

If so, why didn't Commissioner Brumfield hold the school district to those "comprehensive plan" zoning codes on the high school renovation?

Also, wouldn't levying parking meter fees and the collection of fines be a previous plan. What hapened to all those unpaid fines, the people that were charged with collecting them. Seems that money could've have been put to good use on pool maintenance, storm water problems etc.

Anonymous said...

8:09: not following Chapter 49 and regulating laws, etc....

Anonymous said...

So the next time someone comes along and recites how dedicated teachers are, and how concerned they are about the children, pay attention to how those teachers will fight tooth and nail over pension reform or file a grievance for additional wages, keep the above link in mind.

Sound fair 10/2913 @ 11:19?

Anonymous said...

4:43 Just saw the same article in the Post-Gazette and thought about this situation. Someone who has spoken to the student states that he was told the suspension won't go on his record. Police handled situation calmly but administration wanted a consequence. I'd request my records if I was the student.

I see now why everyone calls Mt. Lebanon "the bubble".

Anonymous said...

6:40, I'm told a parent can request to see their kids permanent record anytime they wish.
The parents may also request info be pulled or amended if the information doesn't reflect the full picture.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:56

it is not "can I suggest a good realtor." Proper english would be:
may I suggest a good realtor. My advice to you is call your realtor friend for yourself!

Anonymous said...

It's my assumption that there are mistakes made occasionally in conveying information on this blog but that they aren't intentional.

I think the 2 am concerns weren't really about whether a call or an email was made but more about why was there any activity. Any communication by our school staff at that hour suggests something is perhaps, not under control.

Lebo Citizens said...

In keeping with the theme of this post, may I suggest everyone reread the article as if you were the 1st vice- president of Outreach.
Oh wait. That is Mary D. Birks. The same Mary D. Birks seeking reelection.

There has been more scutiny over my actions than that of the school board and Timmy. Why is that? I am not seeking reelection of a FOUR YEAR term. I didn't have my contract terminating in almost SIX YEARS from now. I didn't attract national attention for suspending a kid for doing an assignment.

I am still having trouble understanding how the administration considered that article was satirical.
a way of using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc. : humor that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, government, society, etc.

Funny how Timmy is being protected, when it should be our students.

So when it comes time to cast your vote on Tuesday, are you going to vote for the 1st vice president of Outreach who voted for a hazing policy on the same night as she defended a questionable student newspaper article? I'm not. But I wasn't planning to, after Mary phoned me and called me "Queen" or when I asked her to answer a question at the budget forum. Her answer was, "No way!" How many times did she roll her eyes at another school board director, or even worse, a stakeholder during school board meeting? Should we use TERC Investigations to do the math?

Anonymous said...

So Mary called you Queen and rolled her eyes when you were speaking. Name calling and eye rolling are both poor form. How did get a director with inferior manners?

She must be what the teachers union wants.

Anonymous said...

Eye rolling, dismissive gestures and "whatevers" must be the official standard operating procedure when dealing with constituents questions these days.

I believe I've heard "whatever" used also in response by a couple of board members to citizens comments at school board meetings.

Anonymous said...

11:56, clearly you have a hard time understanding the difference between school district administration and taxpayers.
The school district has enormous power over the citizens.
They have the power to levy taxes, put liens on property, take property at sheriff sale, and eminent domain.
The school district also has the power to push its agenda on our children's developing minds.
The taxpayer can only pay taxes, vote and speak at the podium.
There is no vote now because we have four people running for four seats.
You can't speak at the podium because the school district censors your speech for the taxpayer-funded broadcast.
Parents complain about a defective math curriculum, but the self-proclaimed "math expert" music teacher administrator snubs the parents with formal education and experience in science and engineering.
The administrators are the hired help, and the taxpayers foot the bill.
Instead of asking the taxpayers to move, maybe the administration can find employment elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

After the RTKs are granted and information is prepared to share with the wider audience in this community, please seek to protect the names/identifying information of the residents who sought to right a wrong by contacting the superintendent. Their families already been through enough troubles for a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

How specific does a RTK have to be in order to be fulfilled? Has anyone not had their RTK fulfilled?

Anonymous said...

Elaine, I'm sending this link to you in order that if any parent needs help with dealing with the school district regarding bullying their child, this is a great resource. I find the sample letters are excellent and only wish I had these samples when I was dealing with the district. They are well written. Please keep my name out of this, but feel free to share with other parents if needed.

Lebo Citizens said...

10:13 AM, don't worry. I will redact any information before putting it up. The only person that needs to be exposed here is Timmy.

Anonymous said...

10:31am Great resource. Are their sample letters, forms, and resources for parents who have been bullied?

Lebo Citizens said...

10:15 AM, yes, there have been plenty of RTKs denied. Sometimes, it can be too specific; while other times, too general.
The best way to file a RTK is to know specifically what you are looking for. It helps to have the superintendent admit that emails exist, such as Timmy did last week.
I hope Rep. Miller will record his RTK session.

Anonymous said...

What are the new hazing policies. My child came home today and said that all the freshman hockey team had to wear their helmets all day. They were permitted to take it off in class. A teacher said this wasn't hazing because it didn't interfere with their ability to learn. When I went to the sport information session at the beginning of my child's freshman year, I was told that there is zero tolerance for hazing and hazing even includes "making your child wear two different colored socks". Anyone?

Lebo Citizens said...

Here is the updated policy on hazing, which was updated at the last school board meeting. They also update a policy on homeless students.

Here is the one about homeless students.

Does anyone see the irony of these two revisions being passed after what has been happening here in Mt. Lebanon?

Lebo Citizens said...

While I was on the Policy page, I found the one for Student Code of Conduct.

Check out number 11, all of which are punishable.
Intimidation, bullying, or hazing, including physical or verbal behavior.

Anonymous said...

We wouldn't need a hazing policy if the students, parents, and residents were shown respect. Perhaps the Board should eliminate the hockey club's subsidy after the election.

Anonymous said...

I'm 10:31 am. Elaine, more links for your readers.

Anonymous said...

Elaine: under Article XIII-A, Section 1310-A., who is the advocate for safety in our school district?

Anonymous said...

Elaine, is your email address posted anywhere on this site?

Lebo Citizens said...

It has been posted in various places here. Here it is again.

Anonymous said...

Rather than going through all the trouble of RTKs just ask the NSA. Timmy has a very limited memory and the NSA has EVERY phone call, email and Internet history. I'm sure too that NSA would be much more user friendly.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the hazing policy apply also to the teachers and administrators as well. It's well documented that teachers are subject to bullying by administrators in school districts!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to RTK, one can also question whether the behavior meets the ethical standards of Pennsylvania's Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators

Anonymous said...

It doesn't. Anyone can file a complaint with PA Department of Education. Be sure to document any and all complaints. It has nothing to do with a RTK. Forms are online which can be downloaded, filled out, then mailed in. I encourage all parents to document (who, which, why, where, and what happened) with pertinent names, dates, addresses, and phones #'s of any child who is being harassed or abused by another student, educator, or administrator. Keep a diary of all such events and document, document, and document! Write letters confirming all phone conversations, keep dates, who you talked to and the outcome. Diaries are admissible in a court hearing and are evidence. Harassment and bullying needs to stop in this district. By law, the district is required to employ a safety advocate for any type of harassment, bullying, or assault. A monthly report is required to the state. The advocate must have a separate office in the district. The law is not being followed by the district. We have no safety advocate in our school district. Please write to the PA Department of Education and report this. Names and addresses are on line. Please advocate for your child!

Anonymous said...

See comment on Oct. 31 about how how to write letters for documentation.

Anonymous said...

11:33 pm - "We have no safety advocate in our school district". Why isn't this part of the Dept of Education audit? It needs to become PART of the audit. The safety advocate also needs to be the resource for addressing hazards kids are encountering on their school walking routes.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the entire team wear their helmets to school? How is it then hazing? Another example of incomplete facts.

Anonymous said...

So if a whole team is forced to do something they don't want to do, it's OK? Like if a whole religion or ethnic group is marginalized or ridiculed? Just checking because we need complete facts.

Anonymous said...

No, first year only. They are very proud to wear them. It shows that they are part of the varsity team.

Anonymous said...

There are no repercussions if the player doesn't participate.

Anonymous said...

12:19 pm. That's what you might say but what really happens? When I played a WPIAL sport in this area as a freshman girl, we were told to wear certain things to school and the fear didn't come from wearing the item, it came from being identified to the upperclassman as a potential target. Some kids were put in lockers, harassed in bathrooms, written on, etc., during the school day. The freshmen might say they are proud because to say anything otherwise would create a problem.

Anonymous said...

12:28 and you were so tramatized by the hazing that you've... ???

You don't mention whether as an upperclassman you continued the hazing on the next class or you put a stop to it.

Anonymous said...

1:19 I learned to cut my losses by avoiding bullies when I see them writing aggressive notes to me.

Anonymous said...

12:28 After talking this over with my spouse, who was also hazed on a WPIAL team in the south hills, I realized that YES I DID STOP THE HAZING. We both did. He had his head stuck in a toilet and flushed in a locker room, and when he was an upperclassman and captain, he put a stop to ALL OF IT. The entire team didn't do that or anything like it to anyone. When I was a senior, I never hazed anyone either and don't recall any of my fellow seniors harrassing or hazing a freshman.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I plqyed WPIAL sports as a freshman and senior and never had or stuck anyones head in a toilet. Nor did I witness any other teammate recieving or giving a swirlee!
That must have been some school you went to 7:36.

1:19, you consider simple questions aggressive? Wow, wonder how you react when someone rolls their eyes.

Anonymous said...

9:54. If you are so unfamiliar with "swirlees", how on Earth were you so capable of the labeling? Thanks for the throw-back terminology on vintage hazing.

My guess is that you are commenting on this blog on behalf of the school district... trying to tame the concerns of residents.

Everybody knows that bullying, hazing, sexual harrassment and the like occur on a continuum and start with seemingly innocuous behavior.

Anonymous said...

11:11, I'm familar with a lot things I've never seen, lets take the sports of Cricket. I know it exist, heard it is somehat similar to baseball, but I've never seen it, played it or watched it.
Same goes for a GI shower.
I've never had the priviledge of serving in the armed forces, but I'm familiar with the term.
What a narrow little world you must live in.
Plus, you're complety wrong on my siding with the school district.
I just think think this hazing, bullying thing is thrown way out of proportion.
Yes, there is something definitely wrong with real bullying and even hazing. But a little "rite of passage" is harmless and actually builds pride and camraderie.
A few years back, a School district's football team was found to have some seniors 'tea bagging" some freshman (sick and I never heard of it until it was in the news), that is over the top.
But something like whereing you team jersey inside out for a week or your hockey helmet for the day is no big deal.
It makes that day when you can wear your team jersey the right way all the more special. You've made it, you're a member of the team.

I finf it funny that a community that takes such great pleasure in bashing a community like Dormont or Bethel gets so upset over a little senior/frosh hazing.
12:28 still hasn't said whether their hazing damaged them for the rest of their life or how.

Anonymous said...

Some personal thoughts on bullying for what they are worth.
Bullying in my opinion is something from which the recipient cannot escape.
Such as the overpowering upper classman that robs the smaller classmate of his lunch money everyday.
Or the girls that ridicule the girl that doesn't wear the latest fashions or is deemed attractive for whatever reason.
Taunting ones sexuality. That is bullying, is malicious and by all means unacceptable.
But stuff like requiring freshman hickey players wear their helmet all day is a different animal. Sure its hazing, some might call it embarrassing.
I look at it as a rite of passage to be worn with pride.
The wearer is actually declaring his athletic ability and his desire to be part of a team.
Plus there is a practical side. Wearing a helmet isn't especially comfortable or flattering. So getting accustom to having one on your head at all times makes sense.
Anyone that has taken a shot to the helmet from a hockey puck will understand why you want to become very, very comfortable in your helmet.
It is harmless hazing with a practical bent.
I imagine senior cheerleaders requiring freshman to participate by wearing an outrageous outfit plays a similar role. Getting new teammates used to being the focus of attention.
Plus, if this hazing gets to be too much the participant has the option of walking away.
Teabagging, swirlees and other forced participation is completely different than 'joining' the team.
We can't throw a blanket over it all as bullying. There has to be some common sense.

Anonymous said...

The new "hazing" policies are very weak. I think its OK with this district for kids to be humiliated, stuffed in lockers, written on, given swirlees and the like because according to the hazing policy online,
the behaviors have to "recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental health, physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, any District organization". I am sure that the attorneys for the district would state that swirlees in locker rooms are harmless, unless, of course, the kid hits his head and is knocked unconscious or swallows foul water that leads to disease. Last I checked, drinking toilet water isn't encouraged for health. Swirlee onward, Mt Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

Really, swirlees are epidemic on our district sports teams?
If so,perhaps our health education classes aren't doing the job.
Perhaps the focus on readin', writin', and 'rithmatic in our schools need to be supplimented with instruction in philosophy, civics and morality.

Anonymous said...

According to PA law on hazing, swirlees are illegal because they would qualify as "any other forced activity which could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual".

It isn't too dignified to have your head stuck in a toilet, now is it?

Anonymous said...

You're right 6:43, swirllees aren't dignified and they shouldn't happen.
Do you see anyone arguing here that they should?
This reader doesn't think anyone should be stuff in a locker either-- unless its a practical joke among their peer group that could happen to anyone in the group and they're all in on the prank.
There's a difference between adolesent silly, and probably stupid pranks and bullying some individual kid because he's small or different.