Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What About Vouchers?

What is the status of school vouchers here in Mt. Lebanon?  Would they be available for children who are attending St. Bernards? This question has been asked of me several times.


Michael Goodin said...

My understanding of SB 1 as it currently stands (it will undergo many changes as it makes it way through the state legislature) is that it is targeted toward lower income students in under-performing school districts. I don't think students in Mt. Lebanon would qualify for vouchers to any private school since the Lebo school district is a top performing district. On the other hand, lower income students from Pittsburgh may qualify for vouchers to use at St. Bernard's.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thanks, Michael. So, is it conceivable that those vouchers could be used at Mt. Lebanon schools too?
My latest post explains why people were asking.

Anonymous said...


Cut and paste this website for the voucher bill that passed the Pa. Senate:


John Ewing