Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Support the retention of the Community Service Coordinator at MLHS

From what I understand, this email is being circulated among parents.  The Student Community Service page from the MTLSD website is located here.

     The Mt. Lebanon School Board has decided to eliminate the Community Service Coordinator job at the High School. Historically, there has only been one CS Coordinator position in the entire District. If this professional staff position is discontinued, there will be no advocate in the school district devoted to promoting volunteerism and encouraging our children's participation in character-building activities.

     Is this the message that you want our School Board members to send to our high school students and to our community?
     Please consider contacting all of the Mt. Lebanon School Board members if you disagree with this proposed budget cut: Mrs. Josephine Posti, Mrs. Elaine Cappucci, Mrs. Mary Birks, Mr. William Cooper, Mr. Dan Remely, Mr. Ed Kubit, Mr. Lawrence Lebowitz, Mr. Scott Goldman, and Mr. Dale Ostergaard. 
     Their collective address is schoolboard@mtlsd.net 
Thank you for your consideration.

Update March 21, 2012 10:15 AM 
Patrick O'Toole, 2012 PA Superintendent of the Year, earns $154,500 as Upper St. Clair's superintendent. Tim Steinhauer, who was hired with no superintendent experience, earns $151,400 plus reimbursed unused vacation days. http://lebocitizens.blogspot.com/2011/08/superintendents-raise-and-contract.html
According to the Almanac, USC asks teachers for concessions, (Saved in Google Docs) both Patrick O'Toole and Director of Business and Finance Frosina Cordisco with a salary is $125,452 are setting an example by taking a pay freeze.
Here in Mt. Lebanon, we want to eliminate the Community Service Coordinator. Another bright idea.


Anonymous said...

As is usually the case, someone is likely jumping the gun here.

Eliminating the position is in the realm of possibilities, as is closing a school and cutting programs.

Note that you cannot lay off teachers so their jobs are safe. The only way you let go of teachers in Pennsylyvania is through attrition (don't fill retiree positions) and closing programs. But, the PDE makes you justify why that program does not meet programmatic needs anymore. I suppose Corbett's PDE will be more lenient on this interpretation than Rendell's administration was.

The point is, in every tight budget you have your "needs" and your "wants". The CS Coordinator is not a "need". However, I'd support closing every section of a class that has less than 10 students before I got rid of the CS Coordinator because I do feel they bring more value to the district than a handful of students taking Japanese III.

This will be an interesting choice.

Albert Brennaman

Anonymous said...

Why cut a position that provides the students and the community with a valuable service.

Why not cut one that can be easily covered with little effort, though Elaine will provbably damn me for the suggestion.

Does the district really need a public relations officer? With MTL magazine now onlune, Lebocitizens and Bloglebo practically the entire community is a keystroke away.

Couldn't the board's recording secretary and Dr. Steinhauer email any information they need distributed to these outlets without the middleman?

Now of course, this will mean Dr. Steinhauer willneed to curtail his quest for divine guidance from the religious community at Panera's. As well as cancel those 2 milk carton lunches with the elementary students, but that a loss we'll have to accept. I mean really, how many of us ever knew who our superintendent was until he handed us our diploma at graduation.

Just a thought, seems like an $80,000 savings in slary/perks we could all live with.

Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

I met two superintendents from another state yesterday on the golf course. They agreed the hours are long during the school year but said they both work about 20 hours a week in the summer. Tell me again why we gave Tim extra vacation days at taxpayer expense. Bill Hook

Jennifer said...

Hi everyone,
Today, a group of kids from the school paper, the Devil's Advocate, created a petition to protest the elimination of the Community Service Coordinator, Mrs. Kolko. We visited the cafeterias during lunch periods and explained our reasoning, noting in particular the immense passion and dedication Mrs. Kolko has for students and for community service itself. Her contributions to the school and all of Mt. Lebanon are immeasurable. Many students were visibly confused and outraged that this option is even on the table. In one day, we collected over 700 individual signatures from students (and a few faculty members)--excluding, of course, the inevitable joke signatures! The petition will be presented at Monday's meeting.

Jennifer Kline

Lebo Citizens said...

Good for you, Jennifer!!! Have you thought of an online petition? I can help you with that. I am so happy that the students are standing up for what they believe in.
I hope the School Board will listen to you.
Elaine Gillen

Lebo Citizens said...

Jennifer, I don't want you to get your hopes up. The school board ignored four thousand signatures on a petition that I presented to the school board. If you are ignored, the school board is unknowingly teaching you a life lesson. Four thousand of us didn't want to see anyone lose a job over the renovation. We wanted them to renovate responsibly. Unfortunately, there is just so much money in this community and you can't always get what you want without sacrificing something else. Remember:
If Mr. Kubit can sit there week after after send out his infamous FAQ with a straight face...
If Mr. Peterson can sit there week after week and listen to single vs. primes after his article on the subject...
If Mr. Remely/Mrs. Cappucci can vote for the $109 million project after proclaiming it'd be less than $95 million....
If Mrs. Birks can claim she's for the kids while spewing the PSEA/PSBA propaganda on charter schools...
If Mr. Lebowitz can be in a youtube video showing companies how to legally hire non American workers..
if Mrs. Posti can tell me that I have hate in my heart after what she did to Mr. Taylor....
I don't think they are going to listen to you. But good luck anyway. I am willing to help in any way I can to promote your cause.
Elaine Gillen

Anonymous said...

That is really great, students actually taking an active role in their own lives and standing up for someone else.
Everyone of those kids should get an A+ in civics. Your parents should be proud.

Dick Bachman

Anonymous said...


Good for you! I just hope Ed Kubit doesn't tell you that he roamed the halls for a week and in talking with the students he found they were divided on the issue.

-Wilma Zellers

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, maybe you could give the board and education.
Using Elaine's online petition advice you could expand your petition to seniors that have benfitted from the community service program, from parents and from graduates that participated.
Using Facebook and Twitter you could probably double your number before Monday.
Your effort isn't just for you kids, it's for the whole community.

Giffen Good

James Cannon III said...


Kudos to you and the other students for taking a stand and being actively engaged in an issue, especially one for which you feel so strongly. That, Jennifer, is what it's all about.
As Elaine points out, many of us (4,000 to the school board's nine...ok, 11 if you count Cappuccis parents) knew full well the Taj Mahal of the South Hills couldn't be done within the financial constraints that existed. The response from the Board was to obfuscate, cheat, dodge, avoid, attack and flat out lie in order to force the school project on the community, a community that simply can't afford it. Many of us knew years ago one of the results of the ill-conceived and poorly thought-out "plan" would be the loss of personnel in the district. The Board heard it many times in the last several years yet ignored it. Why? Because they didn't want to look foolish by changing their minds. So when you're passing around the petition to save Mrs. Kolko's job, remember it is in jeopardy because of arrogance and vanity. And she is only the first. The painful reality is, you'll see other staff members start to fall to the wayside as the costs for the school project increase. And they will. In military parlance, those folks are considered collateral damage, all because of ego.

Last year, I ran for a position on the school board. As a Lebo alum ('87) I thought perhaps I could lend some common sense to a Board run amok. I found a pretty strong base of support for someone outspoken, someone willing to point at the folly of the Board's decision-making and ask for a little more thought. Well, instead of the allegedly non-partisan and selfless board members publicly applauding a fellow resident for making the effort, they circled the wagons in an effort to silence me. They made the mistake of assuming I could be intimidated. I was personally attacked (not on the issues but simply for who I am); several Board members broke the law by using the PTA and their houses of worship (both non-profits and prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity under IRS code) to circulate some poorly written hate mail; they broke the law again by telling voters it was illegal to vote for me; removed my signs and lied about who owned the space, and generally acted like sleaze-balls. But you know what? I beat 'em. Not at the ballot box, Jennifer, but I beat those crooks because I took a stand and didn't falter. It took strength, courage and a steadfast resolve to stick to my convictions.

What's my point? Well, Jennifer, you and your friends are demonstrating those same character traits. Standing up for what you believe can be both exhilarating and terrifying. It's exciting when you see progress in your quest and notice people talking about something you started. It means you're on the right track. It's also scary sometimes to wear your beliefs on your sleeve for the whole world to see. That invites criticism and, sadly, disdain from those who believe differently. But always know that if you are righteous in your cause, no matter what the opposition throws at you, in the end you'll be victorious whether on paper or in your heart. If I could go all adult for a second, I would end with this: There are a lot of people who are, and will be, proud of you for taking a stand. I am, and I know the people who actively write on this blog are. As Winston Churchill said: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts". So, Jennifer, please continue...

Anonymous said...


Congratulations for taking a stand and being willing to stand up for what you believe, especially in support of Mrs. Kolko who is valuable to our community. Our forefathers gave their lives for this right, so exercise it and hold it dear.

Like James Cannon III, I too decided that many voices in this community, including my own, deserved to be heard regarding our economic reality and contrary to the financial decisions the school board was making. Also like James, rather than accepting a differing viewpoint as part of our governmental process, certain school board directors and others chose to launch vicious attacks against my family and me on various occasions, apparently sometimes under fictitious pen names.

In the end, their attempts to bully me have not changed me. In fact, they have only supported my resolve to stand by my convictions in the face of adversity. Now that the very issues that I attempted to bring to the surface and was criticized for expressing are coming to fruition, I know more than ever that my efforts to sound an alarm were absolutely correct and I stand by them more than ever. I live in America and it is my right to express my opinion and so do you. I wish you the best of luck with your petition.

-Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

James Cannon III,
Your comment about the nine school board members (plus
Cappucci's parents) for a total of 11 school renovation supporters is a very hurtful one to that family. It would be impossible for Ms. Cappucci's parents to support the high school renovation because her father passed away several years ago after a sudden illness. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume--or at least hope--that you didn't mean to cause pain. But if you weren't engaged in personal attacks, it wouldn't have happened to begin with. You constantly complain that you didn't like the personal attacks on you during your campaign. I don't blame you. But you and the other participants on this blog routinely do so to others. The one that really sickened me was when Elaine posted a photo of Jakob Posti (a minor child) because you were busy attacking Jo. I'm not sticking up for Jo or any of the other school board members. I'm sure they can fend for themselves. But how about leaving minor children and still grieving family members out of your target area? Surely you have enough other things to complain about.

Lebo Citizens said...

Ok, I posted this because I want to point out that this anonymous person is "sickened" by my posting a picture of a minor child because I was busy attacking Jo. Look for yourself how I congratulated him. In fact I wanted the eleven others to have their fifteen minutes of fame too.
This sounds so much like Mary Birks. She is usually saying how she is the child advocate and I am not. Thanks for reading.

Lebo Citizens said...

I know I am on the right track when I get anonymous comments taking shots at me. It is just an effort to divert the attention away from the school board's follies. I am touching a nerve. Remember folks, I am not the one responsible for raising your taxes, cutting jobs, charging for studies or fees. I am not an elected official. I am just tired of all the wreckless spending.

James Cannon III said...

To Anonymous:

I see you support the free exchange of ideas. As you may know, I've devoted a good portion of my life defending that cornerstone of our sucessful and vibrant Republic. You're welcome.

Regarding Elaine's posting of a photo of Mrs. Posti's son, Elaine was simply reposting a story that first appeared on (brace yourself) the school district's website. So if you have an issue with the photo that was shown, you can actually thank Jakob's mother, Josephine Posti.

What I wrote about Miss Cappucci is what some people might refer to as "humor", albeit based on fact. If I'm wrong, I will admit it (unlike the school board) but weren't Cappucci's parents involved in the Save Our Schools campaign (or in her case, Save Our Scowls)? Further, my comment has nothing to do with her father's passing and thus, cannot be deemed a personal attack.

Nice attempt to frame the argument about personal attacks, especially on poor helpless children and grief-stricken relatives...but it doesn't wash. Whoever you are, I would suggest some fact-finding before attempting to stir the pot next time. You may also want to note that I sign my name to comments. If you would like to lend more credibility to your comments, I would suggest following suit and letting readers know who you are. Wouldn't that set the bar where you would like to see it in terms of courtesy and respect for one another? And perhaps in the future, you can direct me to the comments you made last year when I and others on my campaign team actually WERE personally attacked by the very two people you defend. Seeing your consistent desire for issues-based debate would likely create more support for your positions.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall "defending" anyone. Interesting at how garbled my message got.

About Jakob Posti's photo, did you really post it to celebrate his accomplishments and not take a swipe at his mother? Please. I don't disagree with you that it would have been nice to see the other students on the district site as well. But your point could have been made without posting his photo. He's a minor, and it didn't need to be included. Besides, considering the many things you find fault with on the district's site, why would you want to do what they're doing anyway? And coyly suggesting that your posting is the same as theirs even though it's in an entirely different context is just ridiculous. You've mentioned that you're a parent. Say for example that you had become Ward 3 commissioner and your child/children were still in school. Would you have wanted a photo of your child/children on a blog? And considering how many things you find disagreeable about Jo Posti, I'm sure you can attack her for years without involving her family.

And James, I was talking about a member of Elaine Cappucci's family. A family member of hers was very upset by reading your comment. (Again, I'm hoping that it wasn't intentional on your part.) I have no idea if Elaine Cappucci is aware of your comment, although I would imagine by now she is.

If I were defending Jo Posti and Elaine Cappuci, I'd directly cite what actions of theirs I was defending and why.

My note was merely to say that I wish you'd confine your comments to them and their actions and leave their families out of it.

And James, I'd be happy to sign my name as soon as all the other anonymous posters and ones with pseudonyms on this blog do the same--but we all know that's not going to happen.

I never objected to your criticisms of their actions as board members. I just asked for you to consider the collateral damage.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:38:

Since you are only willing to be anonymous, I will follow your lead. (I am not James Cannon III)

There is no doubt that Elaine Cappucci’s family has joined her advocacy of the costly high school facility. They supported her in full force at the polls in the last election. It is common knowledge that they were also a driving force in the “Build Our School Now (BOSN)” lobby. Suggesting that any of Elaine’s family supported her agenda is realistic. Her mother, brother, nephew, sister and other family members worked hard on her behalf at the polls, and that is their right.

Surely no disrespect was meant toward her father and grieving family whatsoever, but you must admit that given the activism of Elaine’s family it would have been expected that her father would have shared the family’s general opinion and somehow the perception is that he did. If he had no involvement in supporting Elaine’s agenda, then other family members should have been suggested by Cannon. In the end, Cappucci’s family in general has been on board with the direction of the high school project, and that is their right.

Now, here is where it gets ugly. Personal attacks were lodged against James Cannon and others involved with his campaign. James did not participate in that behavior nor did any others. However, in an effort to discredit James and others helping his campaign and prevent him gaining a seat on the board, a vicious email was widely distributed throughout the community attacking them and their families. It has been stated that Jo Posti authored and Elaine Cappucci, along with one other school board director, reviewed the hurtful and vicious e-mail that eventually made the rounds under a fictitious name to various organizations throughout the Pittsburgh area. The proof of this is only an ISP subpoena away.

So, you are correct, the other school board members certainly can “fend for themselves” in a sickening and destructive way

Lebo Citizens said...

Last comment I am posting from you without signing your name, but as James Cannon III pointed out, it was from the District website. To answer your question, yes I would be proud to have a picture of my child on a blog promoting his or her accomplishments. I complimented "the minor" on his subject matter since my son is a skateboarder and has been on a few blogs himself for his skateboarding and longboarding talents. That is why I offered to meet the others at Pamela's for a group photo, to be recognized for their talents, as well. So, as sickened as you are about me adding a photo of a minor on this blog, you have now drawn attention to it, so that those who missed before could see it again. And you mention his name, to boot. Wonderful. So how does this have anything to do with retaining the Community Service Coordinator? Since you seem like such a child advocate, perhaps your passion would be directed more to preserving her job than what I posted in December of last year. Thanks for your concern about what James Cannon III and I are doing. Elaine

Matt Kluck said...

Your path is noble and should be enabled by the officials who serve the community. Best of luck to you and I hope/pray that our public officials take notice.
Matt Kluck

Anonymous said...

#1. where was this righteous indignation when the PTA distributed malicious comments about family members of Mr . Cannon's running mates? How about damning those people by name too, in the interest of fair play.

#2. I actually prefer anonymous comments. That way I can focus on the topic rather than some preconceived notions about the author.

#3. Thanks Matt, for getting us back on topic.

Giffen Good