Saturday, May 11, 2013

A moral compass for the town?

One of the good old boys from the RCML strikes again. This time, T. Michael Brown submitted this opinion to the PG. Political boasting In case he has forgotten, Dan Miller was first on the scene of a burning house, while driving through Ohio. Firefighter makes valiant effort Is Remely proud of himself for wanting to relax the fire codes standards for our high school renovation? They push...and push...and push Is this why he sent one of his henchmen to attack Miller?

Does the name T. Michael Brown sound familiar? It should. Is this the same T. Michael Brown I knew it was the same T. Michael Brown all along. Ironically, I had contacted then president of the commission, Dan Miller, since I didn't know what to do about the packet. President Miller recommended that I not make any accusations toward T. Michael Brown. Then this article came out. Candidate withdraws from Mt. Lebanon commission race

T. Michael Brown's letter is laughable. He certainly is no moral compass for Mt. Lebanon.


Anonymous said...

I seem to recall this Brown character was a Mt. Lebanon Republican Committee person as well as a Remely supporter.

Dan Remely, call off your shameful dogs or you will absolutely regret it !

Anonymous said...

Is that the best Remely can do? Thats disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of Remely's by any means, but I don't see the association between he and TM Brown.

It is funny on a recent MTLRC mailer one panel has
":I'm a Republican because...
I believe our nation needs to protect the dignity of every individual.., "

Not that the local democrats are much better, but this shows just how hollow the republican party has become.

Anonymous said...

The time for a new Republican Committee that reflects the true heart of Mt. Lebanon Republicans has come.

Too many people have distanced themselves from the RCML because of things like this. Who would want to be associated with this?

Anonymous said...

What a laughable last ditch effort for a campaign on the ropes. Does Mr. Brown think that he is actually helping Mr. Remely by posting this ridiculousness? There are a number of reasons that the RCML has little to no respect in the community. This is one of them.

Richard Gideon said...

Today I received a flyer from the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, urging me to "say no to Dan Miller for state representative on Tuesday, May 21st." Now one would think, coming from the state Republican Party, that the name "Dan Remely" would appear somewhere on this paper - but it does not. Why? Does this party not know that Libertarian candidate George Brown is also running for state representative? And if they do, do they not realize that by not endorsing their own party's candidate by name they open the door a little wider for George?

So many questions!

Lebo Citizens said...

RG, is this what you got? Republican Committee flyer
I think the Remely gang is cranky because the
PG endorsed Miller.
The Remely gang forgot how Remely has voted to increase taxes starting with the 10.5% increase in 2010.

Richard Gideon said...

Yes, that's it.

The P-G would endorse Joseph Stalin if he were still alive and running as a Democrat.


Lebo Citizens said...

RG, at least they are endorsing Sue Means over Krista Harris. So they are not all bad.

Anonymous said...

Today's mail in our neighbor contained a Remely flyer.
On one side it reads: "Experience Leadership Values"
Does anyone care to explain just what the hell hat means?
Are there "Leadership Values" that are better than good old fashion values?
Are "Leadership Values" those in which you act upset over something, but come vote time approve it anyway?
On the flyer's reverse side it reads: "Dan will stand up to the career politicians... " really? Dan couldn't stand up to Posti, Cappucci, Birks and Kubit to keep the high school project anywhere under $90 million.
Suddenly, he's going to get some cojones when he gets to Harrisburg? Yeah right!

Anonymous said...

Who creates these mailers?

Krista Harris declares she's "A Taxpayer Watchdog". Vicious, mean, a real fighter, right?! Better hold her back, she's snarlin', foaming at the mouth ready to look for areas of savings in the county... Just as soon as she rocks the baby to sleep.

Sheesh, does anybody buy into this pablum?

Anonymous said...

That's the Republican Committee Flyer that they hope will propel Remely to the State House?

Didn't they learn anything from the Raja vs Fitzgerald race?

Are they so mentally and perhaps morally bankrupt that they have nothing to say positive about their ideas, objectives!

If Miller was that bad... the voters so infuriated with his represntation... they already know about it.

They don't need some dunderhead republican flyer trying to tell them something they should already know. Do your homework republicans, start thinking with your heads rather than your butts... most people have a pretty good opinion of Miller.

Anonymous said...

Richard: Here's who the Post-Gazette endorsed in the last gubernatorial election:

--Neil Berch