Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spreading the word

While some of our commissioners and Sports Advisory Board members are working hard to raise non-municipal dollars to fund the Middle/Wildcat Turf Project, I hope this message is also delivered to the field sports groups. Parents, you need to spread the word.


Anonymous said...

Has the Commission been formally asked to comment in public on or about the safety of the artificial turf being specified by Gateway Engineering ? Are they requiring that the specifications meet any acceptable safety standards, if there are such ?

If not, why not ? If so, what was their response ? Of course, Gateway may not have completed their specifications just yet, but they will very soon according to the published schedule of "The Project".

Anonymous said...

Location of property is a useful argument in an assessment appeal. It might be interesting to see how much you can knock off your property assessment if your home is located near one of these toxic fields.
If you can prove to the hearing officer that toxic chemicals are being released in your neighborhood you might find MtL loses more tax revenue than Mr. Brumfield/Bendel/Silverman/Linfante fund raising brings in.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Gateway is inflating their billings to offset their contributions to "The Project".

Lebo Citizens said...

12:07 AM, according to the SAB video, Gateway made the $4,000 donation in 2013, with another donation yet to come in 2014.

I understand that some sports associations are being strong-armed for donations. Can these groups be sued when the toxic turf lawsuits start?

Which field sport will be using the toxic crown jewel for the first time? When are those sign ups? Will there be disclaimers on the registration forms? Warnings on LeboALERTS announcing sign ups?

Since our tax dollars are being used to fund this toxic endeavor, LeboALERTS should be issued on a regular basis, announcing the dangers of being exposed to toxic turf. Warnings to those with latex allergies, as well as other health related concerns, should be issued during Relay For Life press releases since it is held at the toxic high school turf. Does anyone else see the irony?

Anonymous said...

I'm looking into opening a Gatorade refreshment truck at Cedar Field for all those "hi-performance" kid athletes that'll be playing on these 120 degree plus heat islands!

Anonymous said...

Good idea!
Mt. Lebanon moms and dads will buy almost anything if you associate it with kids sports!

Lebo Citizens said...

I hope your refreshment truck won't be idling and you will be using drinking cups that are recyclable. Isn't that what Kristen Linfante's environmentalists/friends are most concerned with, No Idle Zones?

Anonymous said...

No idling of course, but there will be plastic bottles which will cut heavily into profits when the municipality switches to PAYT.
By the way when PAYT happens, will the sports groups/rec dept. have to pay fees to empty all those stuffed field trash cans?

Lebo Citizens said...

Seriously, which group is slated to use Middle/Wildcat Fields first after it is turfed? Would it be soccer? I hope all the soccer moms watch the video produced by a soccer mom which I uploaded to this post.

Anonymous said...

My guess, soccer will be first priority, then lacrosse with baseball and softball relegated to to the remaining fields like Brafferton, Jefferson, Foster, etc.

Lebo Citizens said...

I sent the following email to Commissioner Bendel, Athletic Director John Grogan, and Recreation's David Donnellan.

Good morning Gentlemen,

On March 15, 2014 at 10:58 PM, Dave Franklin posted this on my blog post,

"On 10:42, to date soccer has made the single largest donation to the turf project...

Dave Franklin"
How much was soccer's donation? Since you are members of the Turf Project Task Force, I thought I should ask you directly, rather than waiting for Dave Franklin to respond on my Lebo Citizens blog. To date, Mr. Franklin has not answered my question.
Thanks in advance.
Elaine Gillen

Lebo Citizens said...

I heard back from John Bendel. He writes:

The soccer association has made a pledge to the turf project. Since they are a private association, I do not feel comfortable providing the specific amount of their pledge without their approval to do so. Several other sports associations have made pledges and the Commission expects to receive a status report on the totals in early April for pledges and cash on hand as of month-end March. The status report with the totals can be shared at that time.


Anonymous said...

The president is like a lone tree in an empty field - (s)he leans whichever way the wind is blowing.

-Francis Underwood, House of Cards

Anonymous said...

File a RTK and demand the amount!

Anonymous said...

Well, John Boy, I don't feel "comfortable" sharing public money with a group that won't disclose their portion of the effort. Nice try but the numbers need to appear. Like this week.

Anonymous said...

We need obama's EPA to clean up toxic turf.

Anonymous said...

The Mt. Lebanon Soccer Association is a 501(c)(3) organization with total assets of $185,749, according to the latest IRS Form 990EZ (for tax year 2012) available on Being a 501(c)(3) their financial records are subject to public inspection as they are, in essence, subsidized by the taxpayer. The amount of any contribution they make should be public record. Anyone giving money to the MLSA has a right to know how their money is being spent.
Bob D.

Lebo Citizens said...

So now what? Three comments calling "Foul!" How about shooting an email to the commission and ask Mr. Bendel directly?
How about someone else filing a RTK for a change? How about another mother of all RTKs on artificial turf? We learned lots from mine.

Let me know what you hear. This toxic turf process has been kept quiet from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

$750,000 of taxpayers hard-earned money and probably tons more before all is said and done is going into this unwanted turf.
Bendel's going to play friggin' guessing games with the commitments of money from the sports groups and "non-public" yet public employee supported money.
We've seen millions of dollars squandered on buying property for "recreation" that no one uses, $80,000 to buy "air rights" over the T station that no one will ever use unless commission pigs start to fly and the community sits still for it.
Bendel thinks he's working for "Her Majesty'S Secret Service" and community assest management is "For Your Eyes Only" top secret operations.
What a bunch of fools we are!

Lebo Citizens said...

Here is a suggestion, for what it's worth. Go to the commission meeting tonight and let them know how you feel about this. I can't do it. I'm working. And even if I could go tonight, I am just one person.

I was reading some of Mike Madison's old posts on Blog Lebo yesterday. He pleaded with his readers to get involved with the high school project. Nothing has changed.


Anonymous said...

Writing to Bendel does about as much good and gets one about as much information as talking to a wall.
As for speaking at a commission meeting, Linfante and Brumfield pretty much told it like it is to the ESB and the community.
They don't need our advice and the have the three votes.

Lebo Citizens said...


If you live near Middle and Wildcat Fields, and don't want to deal with heat islands, traffic, noise, and lights (they're coming!), GO TO THE MEETING TONIGHT!!!!! LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!

If you don't want your child exposed to toxic turf, GO TO THE MEETING TONIGHT!!!!! LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!

If you are a member of the ESB and even if you aren't, and have concerns about our environment, GO TO THE MEETING TONIGHT!!!!! LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!

If you donate to any of the field sports organizations and don't support toxic turf, GO TO THE MEETING TONIGHT!!!!! LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!

If you are a Mt. Lebanon taxpayer who thinks our unassigned funds, now assigned to this turf project, is wasting your tax dollars, GO TO THE MEETING TONIGHT!!!!! LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!

If you voted for any of these clowns and you feel they are not representing you, GO TO THE MEETING TONIGHT!!!!! LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone simply call the president or another board member from each association and just ask what they have contributed?

I am sure they would tell you. They have told their respective members/parents I am sure. Especially those who were at meetings where this was discussed and voted on.

It really isn't a secret.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thanks, 9:02 AM. Why don't you do that?

Anonymous said...

I hear you Elaine, but we've gone through Sablegate, the petition, illegal electiion activities, lying to the public and nothing changes.
There must be government reform policies but apparently we won't see that in the new Home Rule Charter either.

Lebo Citizens said...

Here we go again. Please keep your negativity to yourself. I am hoping for change. I am not doing this to provide you entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:02, here's a better suggestion.
The sports association presidents or board members don't have computers or phones.
Rather than residents calling them, why don't they just post the info here like any other commenter or call Elaine with the info.
Its not like she's that hard to find or they can't trust that she'll handle the info in an open and honest manner.
Seems like a lot more efficient way to get to the truth, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

9:02 am: The sports groups haven't told the average parent anything. I am pretty sure Bendel used the word "pledged", which suggests the money hasn't been donated yet. In the Community Endowment contract with the SAB, I believe it stated that the donor identity and amounts are public information.

This is the strategy frequently used by many elected officials/staff within the municipality/school district. They act like they are giving you the right answer, when they know they aren't. The delay and evasiveness is just a source of frustration and an effort to slow down/thwart you effort to obtain publicly relevant information.

Anonymous said...

Is that how Bendel operates? He delays his answer until next month, after tonight's meeting, hoping the taxpayers forget about it?

Anonymous said...

People seem to have forgotten a simple fact.
Public employees and elected officials work for or represent us, not the other way around around.
It is not our obligation to spend countless, frustrating hours trying to pry information out of their stingy little paws.
It is our obligation to hold them accountable, but we seem to have forgotten how to make that happen.

Anonymous said...

Undesignated tax dollars aren't Bendels, Brumfields, Linfantes, Fellers or the Rec. Depts to do with as THEY see fit.
Kluck was right, by all rights it should be refunded to the taxpayers or we should at least have a vote in how it is spent.
Perhaps that is a suggestion for the Home Rule committee.
Any undesignated tax collections should be given back to the taxpayers or a referendum approval must be mandated by the taxpayers for any use.
After all taxpayers assume taxes are collected to be used for something specific, not sitting in a jar somewhere for people like Bendle, Brumfield and Franklin to dive into for their private little agendas.
If the initiative, like turf, has all the community support they claim it has, it should easily pass a referendum vote.
What could they be afraid of?

Anonymous said...

Here's how I see the undesignated funds.
The local government told us we need XXXXXXXXXX dollars to run and maintain Mt. Lebanon. I have no problem with that.
If we need, no expect, decent police/fire protection, good roads, good infrastructure we have to pay for it.

But now, for what ever reason, whether bad estimating, windfalls, discounts, or efficient operations we have a surplus above and beyond the rainy day fund.

Why do 3 commissioners suddenly get to say-- "hey, I know lets buy some artificial turf! I like artificial turf and we have $750,000 we don't know what to do with."

I liken to this conservation in my household.

"Hey, honey, I just found a couple of hundred dollars down between the couch cushions. I think I'll go on the golf weekend up to Nemacolin Woodlands with the guys!"

"Wait a minute big boy, that'll just cover my trip to the day spa and give me some mad money out at the Tanger Outlets"

Guess what happens next!

With our beloved Bendel, Brumfield, Linfante, and Silverman and staff it more like "losers weepers, finders keepers... sucker!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Complain all you want on this blog people, but it does nothing. Showing up for a meeting and sharing your concerns might not influence every vote but you have to lose some to win some. You can't just give up when you lose otherwise you will never win. Whining over the Internet doesn't affect change. Giving up when we lose only let's down the people that do fight for the same things that we believe in. If no one shows up tonight at the meeting I would suggest Elaine give up on this blog and shut it down and certain School Board Members and a Commissioner resign. It would prove they are wasting their time.

Anonymous said...

11:24 perhaps you're right that they are wasting their time.
If certain board and commissioners resigned, do you think that might wake the community?
It'd make the main stream press for sure if they played their cards right and made it a joint public announcement.
It might wake up Harrisburg, and itwould certainly cut down on realtor traffic on Cedar - which is the turfers prime reason for turfing in the first place. So they'd at least expose to Western PA residents and corporate sponsors how opague Lebo gov't. has become.

Anonymous said...

How many years now have we been singing the same song-- show up at meetings and voice your opinion.

It ain't happening!!!

People won't even turn out on election day.

Lebo Citizens said...

Wait a second. Who should be resigning?
Anyone resigning isn't going to wake up anyone. Remember how FOUR women resigned from PTA Council? It accomplished nothing.
PLEASE stop passing the buck. Why does it always come down to, "someone else taking action" around here? Take responsibility and fight your own battles for a change. I can do so much.

Lebo Citizens said...

The school board made life so miserable for a school board director, that he resigned a few years ago. How did that work out?

Anonymous said...

Yes they did Elaine, but they were just one person and the board president/BOSN group had already pubically minimized and mocked their efforts in the media.

Remember Posti is a PR expert. If you're going to play in their court you must play by the same rules.

If 11:24 is serious about the resignations idea, then go out fighting. Whats to lose?

Anonymous said...

From our community magazine—
"CELEBRATE TREES, CELEBRATE EARTH What better way to celebrate the coming of the green than with a weekend of green activities? On Friday, April 25, stop by Markham School at 2:30 p.m. for a tree planting ceremony. The event is part of Mt. Lebanon’s annual Arbor Day Celebration and a requirement for retaining our Tree City USA status. Coordinated by Principal Robert Freil, the day will include student poetry readings and music performances. Look for student-created posters on the theme of “Trees are Treasures” in stores along Washington Road leading up to the event."

Why don't we start a real unique Arbor Day Celebration.
Lets buy several tons of pellitized rubber tires, dump it on Wildcat Field and let the kids roll around in it for several hours. They'll love it and there will be plenty of laughs for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, how many people packed the Little Theatre for Sablegate?
How many people attended the hearing and spoke out against the HS renovation.
Do you forget one board member wrote that she was voting to go ahead with the project BEFORE... BEFORE she even heard her constituents comments that state requirements demanded she consider.

Then the community re-elected her!

Anonymous said...

James Fraasch was pigeoned holed as persona non grata by certain members of the board and community.
The commission has done the same to his wife and to ex-commissioner Kluck.

Anonymous said...

See what happens to government officials who do their job well. You have to be a real jerk to run for office in MtL or your efforts will not be appreciated.

Did anyone notice that the one school board member who revealed the school board wasted $7,6 million using a flawed structure for the second bond issue has been silent lately. I wonder if he is still welcome at executive committee sessions?

Pooch, we could sure use that $7.6 million in future teacher contracts and pension payments. It is time to give Mrs. Cline the Extra Mile Award and put her out to pasture before she decimates the entire school system with Pooch's vote. If this is not done quickly we should hold Super Timmy responsible.

Anonymous said...

Rather than pizza lunches with kids how about webinars with parents and taxpayers?

Nah, that'd be toooooo 21st century!
Plus he might get some tough questions.

Worthington and Hilliard are suburbs of Columbus that are pretty comparable to MTL.

Anonymous said...

Had we listened to that ex-director and saved the $7.6 million, we wouldn't be needing a $100,000 fundraiser chairwoman that helps to drive up pension costs.

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to you all BUT there is NOT a chance in hell that Brumfield will allow the Home Rule to be changed to anything that will limit HIS ability to do whatever is needed to fund his kids' athletic dreams. Only hope is Smith or another democrat quits or is sent to jail and he replaces them.

Anonymous said...

Then showing up and speaking at a commission meeting really IS A WASTE OF TIME if Brumfield has unlimited ability to do whatever is needed to fund turf.
Thanks for the negative advice.

Anonymous said...

Promise me 9:08 that you'll let Elaine down gently when you tell her that Lebo is no better than Frenchman's Bend and Brumfield plays the role of Will Varner far better than Orson Wells ever did.
Its certainly going to be A Long Hot Summer down on Cedar from now on.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Posti is hardly a PR expert. If she were, she would have been successful with her effort as a sole practioner. She failed miserably. And she failed the community with her lies and deceit while on the school board. Hardly an expert.
Second, someone keeps writing "going to meetings is a waste of time. They dont listen. Wah wah wah wah". Then what are you doing to change things, whiner? Sitting around telling people nothing will work? Thats really productive. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Portland Timbers and city renegotiate stadium deal, costs because artificial turf fails after just three seasons

Anonymous said...

11:13, good strategy-- fight with people that are on your side rather than come up with a strategy that will work.

Lets take analyze you comment.
Posti works for PAWC as a public spokesperson, a PR position, she also worked in PR for Motorola.
She may or may not be any good at it but she is drawing a salary in the field. There are of course hacks in almost every profession, but usually that is confined to matters of opinion.
Now onto your other points.
Someone wrote essentially that Brumfield is going to do whatever he wants to get whatever he wants.
He said he doesn't have to consult with advisory boards or solicit public input.
Linfante told everyone in the meeting where the ESB spoke up that turf was a done deal- they had the three votes.
So, you can throw your tantrum, mock people, but what have YOU changed? I presume you've spoken at meetings did it change any thing.
The high school is being renovated for over $113 million, Sable was handed expensive walking papers without a publuc justification, Steinhauer got a generous raise, the pool is being renovated for over $3 million, field signs were approved against the advice of the zoning board, ESB protest the health implications of artificial turf and the bill for it will most likely exceed $1.2 million.
No, lets mock allies and keep talking.
Oh yeah, forgot they bought McNeilly against the advice of talkers as well.
Please forgive me if I've turned a little cynical about speaking at chambers and looking for another idea.
If you had any prospect of getting 200-500 angry people in a commission or board like Whitehall did recently I might be more enthusiastic.
Hell, we can barely getthatmany people to vote.

Anonymous said...

11:13, who said nothing will work?

Lebo Citizens said...

Sigh. 12:00 AM, when was Sablegate? Ten years ago? When was McNeilly purchased? Nine years ago?

Linfante and Brumfield can say whatever they want. It doesn't make it true. There are many people working hard to clean up Mt. Lebanon. It might not be fast enough in your eyes, but it does take time.

Unfortunately, no one goes to school board meetings anymore, except the same two or three people. Shame on us! They take a bigger bite out of our budgets than the municipality. Parents should be outraged. I am thrilled and relieved that my kids are out of the school system, but I really don't have the time or the desire to face those thieves.

So do me a favor, 12:00 AM. I can't change what happened ten years ago. No one can. Let's try to make a difference today. OK?

Anonymous said...

The comments at 11:55 and 10:01 are just two examples of someone's defeatist attitude. The true irony is, that person keeps reiterating nobody votes but in the same posts basically says going to meetings and speaming out does nothing. I'm just asking that person for a solution. I would say anyone who sits around only posts about the sky falling is part of the problem around here.
And, Eeyor, you're wrong. Going to meetings in large numbers and speaking out does effect things. The Commission has reacted to public sentiment--the way it should. So how about going to the meetings and speakig instead of hiding in the dark and trying to dissuade others from participating? It's almost like you're working for Brumfield and his buddies.

Anonymous said...
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Lebo Citizens said...

Can we focus on the dangers of artificial turf? All I am asking is to spread the word about toxic turf. If you don't want to go to a commission meeting and speak, don't.

Have the sports groups disclosed to parents how toxic rubber crumb infill and even organic infill artificial turf is?

This isn't Sable or McNeilly or any other subject right now. I vowed at the November 25 meeting that I will do everything in my power to spread the word about toxic turf. Work with me here, OK?

Anonymous said...

We could possibly have a stellar natural grass field that recovers quickly with a rough estimate of under $350,000.

Its been presented to the commission, it offers a lot of alternatives for fixing not one field but perhaps several others WITHOUT requiring non-public funds.

How come the public doesn't hear about it?

Anonymous said...

That is great Elaine that you have vowed to spread the word about toxic turf and no one has worked harder, risked more and been more diligent.
The question is though what happens if you stop it? What then?
Franklin and his buddies have a legitimate gripe, there isn't a decent soccer/lacrosse field, in fact it getting to the point that there aren't many decent fields in all of Lebo.
So we stop toxic turf, what do we do then?
Or is it just about fighting with each other over everything?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Lebo Citizens said...

We'll spend a million dollars to pollute along Cedar Blvd. and then spend thousands to clean it up.
Proposed federal EPA rule would protect streams, wetlands

Lebo Citizens said...

OMG, we're back on the teachers, enrollment, and the school district. I am removing those comments. This is about toxic turf.

Lebo Citizens said...

I would like to share something that might put this all into perspective.

Your kid and my kid are not playing in the pros

"When I inform you as a parent that your child has just ruptured their ACL ligament or Achilles tendon, if the next question out of your mouth is, "how long until he or she will be able to play?" You have a serious problem."

Why parents want to subject their babies to toxic turf is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

I think some of those school comments were accidently posted here rather than under the school budget topic where they belonged.
On a 2" smartphone screen its easy to lose your place as you enter text.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to take a moment and reflect on this synthetic turf debate within the context of how children play sports globally. In this video, you will see happy children playing soccer with bare feet, on a mixed dirt/grass field, with netless soccer goals. They play without refs, coaches, shinguards, field markings, benches, uniforms, practice shirts, or Gatorade. Do you think their community is divided over the characteristics of their playing field?