Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What was your first clue, Kristen?

Lebo Lebo commission tables zoning change after outspoken criticism by The Almanac's Nick Lewandowski
Commenting on the decision to table the motion, commission president Linfante expressed a continued commitment to transparency. “I recognize some of you may not trust us,” she said.
I couldn't help but laugh when I read Kristen Linfante's quote.  What tipped you off? Was it when you lied about the ESB's position on artificial turf? Was it the emails in my RTK where you stated that you would apologize for misrepresenting the ESB? Was it how you pulled a fast one with your nomination petition? Uh, when you said that no one in your family plays sports, yet I hear that your son has quite a pitching arm for baseball? Could it be your deer incident report? How about trying to get a straight answer about Steve Feller asking you for your personal emails for my RTK request? And of course, there is that tiny issue about moving to Mt. Lebanon in 2005, and the new assessment window begins a little less than four months later. Were you even unpacked? And that is just what you have done.


Anonymous said...

How about all the wipe of all the comments and replies from her co-authored Reallebo blog!

Something in there that shouldn't be replayed?

Lebo Citizens said...

Her campaign motto, Cooperate, Collaborate, and Communicate and then removes her valuemtlebanon website. She was supposed to follow up with the McNeilly public/private partnership and never contacted the parties involved. She filed a police report over something on my blog comparing the situation to Gabby Giffords. She is a card carrying Mother Klucker too. Her false accusations, uncovered in my RTK, against Kelly Fraasch. Her heckling from the audience when I was trying to present the petition signatures to cap the high school renovation project to $75 million.
And Ward 3, you still elected her. And now, she is president of the Mt. Lebanon Commission. As I told someone last night, she and I go way back.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps younger Lebo property buyers are not familiar with the chattel technique to reduce the reported, recorded and transfer taxed value of the purchase. Believe law may allow up to 15% of the selling price consideration to be treated separately as chattel. At closing a separate check for the chattel portion can be presented. The buyer should itemize and value chattel in the event of audit or challenge.

Lebo Citizens said...

Hmm. That's odd. The videos to the meetings are usually available on the municipal website in the afternoon of the following day. So far, no videos.
Looks like the podcasts on my website are the only recordings at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Well... I'm sure she and Dave are watching them as much as they are watching the news and print media. Time to start putting more pressure on them! We somehow need to get all the groups together and fight as one.

Lebo Citizens said...

2:01 AM, I saw it happen on Monday night. Three hot topics. Turf, newcomers tax, and Castlegate. It was a rough night for the commissioners and staff.

Anonymous said...

The newcomers tax. I'm sure Dave Ballfield sees that as a nice funding source for his toxic turf.

Add in what Elaine has uncovered and I think it's pretty clear the deadbeat athletic supporters aren't good for their percentage of the money for that project.

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell these newcomers but going after the new people is the Lebo way. We moved to Lebo from out of state and had no idea about the property tax issue nor did our Howard Hanna broker explain this to us. Within 30 days of closing on the house we were being "sued" to almost double our assessment. It took almost 18 months for the hearing to occur and we "won" meaning out assessment only went up 50%, which was the offer from the town hired lawyer. What I learned is it doesn't matter what anyone else's house is assessed at...they don't consider comparables in the process. The only thing they consider is the sale price.

Going after newbies is how the system works in PA. The only way around it is if you are politically connected. We watched a comp on Longuevue "sell for less" at a transaction that was not arms length and the town LOWERED their assessment. Once I found out the family is VERY connected I understood why.

So until the system in the state is fixed, you will have this anti newbie mentality. It's kind of built into the system as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Yes, being connected is definitely the way to go. One of the 150 homes actually did win against the municipality. They somehow escaped a higher assessment and the only possible reason is their connection. They had ZERO increase. Hopefully that story comes out. The system is broken and the Mt Lebo commissioners are not going to fix it, only make it worse.

Lebo Citizens said...

Connection? What connection? Are you going to spill the beans, 3:55 PM?

Anonymous said...

We got socked because one house on our street was purchased by a guy in New York City as an investment property. He paid an outrageous high price. We were all compared to it and its purchased price. When we appealed we were able to show that larger homes sold for much less and won. Only 2 on the street appealed and now the township is appealing the appeal. The woman that heard our appeal told us to keep all our "stuff" because Mt Lebanon was aggressively attacking reductions.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thank you, unpublished commenter, for "spilling the beans." I am afraid to list any more information because they are private citizens, even though one is connected with the Allegheny County Courts. Will the people who are speaking to the PG on Sunday please share this with them?

Lebo Citizens said...

I don't know why, but the 3/11/14 commission meeting video is not available on the municipal website. The only recording available is on my website, Lebo Citizens.
I will not be able to attend the March 24 commission meeting, due to a work conflict. Will someone please volunteer to record it for me, in case this happens again?

Anonymous said...

What street is the politically connected home on? Give me a clue and I'll find it. I'll add it to the already damning evidence presented to the PG.

Lebo Citizens said...

Same as a certain ballfield that got skipped over recently because it was "too costly." wink wink.

Lebo Citizens said...

Commission meeting video is up.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the people that was at the commission meeting on March 11th fighting against the zoning change on Castlegate Avenue on the Mt. Lebanon/Brookline border. If you were there, too, you know our concerns. I saw someone post above that maybe the groups should get together. We like this idea, too. I'm not sure how this works in a BlogSpot, but if your group is interested in merging for awhile, let us know. They may have temporarily postponed the zoning--but its not going away. And we've heard there is a lot of political connections and investments that (if true) will not be in our favor.

Lebo Citizens said...

8:34 AM, I was the second to the last speaker during Citizens Comments. I hate to break it to you, 8:34 AM, but this is a done deal. This is how the three commissioners (and school board directors) roll. They can appear to be listening to constituents and guests, but vote the way they want. Ask yourself this, 8:34 AM. How many commissioners asked questions? Who is the only one who sincerely listens to speakers and follows up with questions on every issue? Kelly Fraasch. She is getting quite a bit of crap from the SAB. You saw what Tim White and Dave Franklin said about Kelly in my RTK. (Tim, did Dave forget to tell you that your emails were subject to RTKs? Oops.)
Brookline, I welcome your enthusiasm. I hope it is enough, but it is doubtful. There was a situation with McNeilly Park, where Baldwin residents got involved, and stopped developing McNeilly Park, so it isn't always the case. As far as joining forces, we'll see you at the next meeting. Unfortunately, I will not be attending due to a work conflict. I hope someone will record it for me.

Anonymous said...

Good people of Brookline, thank you for standing up. The weak knees who inhabit the core of Lebo are a sad lot. It's pretty sad when people from basically another community have more enthusiasm and unity than our own residents.

Something to keep in mind. You folks are represented by different individuals at the state level. Please reach out. And use your city connections to shine light on all of the dirty dealings in the Lebo bubble. Working together we might be able to turn things around.

One last thing. A lot of people were stunned by the childish smirking and attitude of two of the commissioners. One, Dave Brumfield, is a Lebo guy. The other one, Linfante, is a Left Coast transplant who has stated openly in the past she wants to reshape the area. Well, neither of them are reflections of most of us. I think the majority of people in Lebo are pretty decent, hard working, normal people who sure as hell wouldnt behave in such a rude manner. Point is, those two live in their own little world and they are not Mt. Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

It's not a done deal if the zoning hasn't been changed. The Brookline and Lebo residents should continue showing up at Commission meetings, sitting in the front rows, speaking and petitioning to get Mt Lebanon to begin acting like good neighbors.

No one wants to buy a 300k townhouse off Castlegate. These developers seem to do no research before they start causing problems. Please, show me the evidence their plan could possibly be successful.

Lebo Citizens said...

You're right, 9:42 AM. "It ain't over till it's over."
-Yogi Berra
9:31 AM, throw in John Bendel. He was arguing with Bill Matthews. Bill Matthews!

Anonymous said...

Amazing considering Bendel isnt bright enough to argue with people. Oh, and he was wrong. He had no idea what he was saying.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone who voiced their support for Brookline. We will continue to show up. We have asked for support from our representatives. At best, they are in favor of the development and expressed to us they have no real jurisdiction. At worst, they have ignored our calls/emails entirely or--at least in one case--sent an email to a concerned resident that stated she (the politician) has spent enough time looking into this project and it has taken her away from "productive, pro-active, and important" work. That's a quote.

The project they are intending is not going to be built across 8 acres of the parcel as they imply. According to Mt. Lebanon's comprehensive plan, the sloping area (which is the majority of the land) cannot be built upon--due to topographical issues. This means the whole plan is going to be shoved up against our houses.

We had a meeting with the developers and asked specifically what they plan to do if they can't sell their 300,000 townhomes. They told us they may sell them at 250,000 (which is still laughable considering the location, proposed high density, and the fact that Castlegate/Dorchester is little more than an access road). They said beyond this, they have no back up plan.

They also expressed that they are receiving some sort of funding through the Housing Authority and explained that this is a separate entity than HUD. We brought up the mess that occurred at the Just Inn in Mt. Washington (worth googling, scary stuff) and they assured us this would not occur here--a promise they can't keep. The residents in Mt. Washington were given the same kinds of claims.

When asked if the developers would put their plan in writing for those of us who live adjacent to the property, the response was a chuckle throughout the room.

So sorry to go on so long. We just want to keep you informed, as well, since ultimately if this plan goes awry--it will effect us more, but still could result in potentially negative ramifications for your community, too.

Again, thanks for supporting our efforts and we'll see you at the next meeting.