On YouTube, also check out: "Children & Synthetic Turf" and "What's the Deal with Synthetic Turf Particles" for more in depth medical and toxicological resources.
Update June 1, 2014 10:25 PM Why are the lights on at Dixon and nobody there?
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Sun, Jun 1, 2014 10:09 pm |
And we know Mt Lebanon has the "talent pool" to create better, healthy, and safe playing fields.
"I know of no [evidence] that artificial turf is harmful"
"Forewarned is Forearmed"
There is a reason the commissioners are holding a big Turf Update on June 12th at Mellon with a Penn State "Turf Expert" just 5 days before the bid opening.
Stop and think about it! Why? They're going ahead with the bid, they have the commission votes to proceed without community approval so why spend $11,000 to sell it?
Because all in- Gateway probably way underestimated the project to get it through and now the commissioners need to justify the added cost, because they're going to need to put those add alternatives in as Capital Improvements.
Keep in mind we could improve the fields by proper grading and resodding for a lot less money and still have a "Crown Jewel" sports field.
And -- "John Bendel has never seen any articles about the dangers of turf."
Are you tired yet of Commissioners that either can't read, can't hear - because numerous residents have pointed out evidence in commission meetings, or just outright lie?
Bendels own hired Penn State Turf expert has written papers on turf hazards.
Did Bendel hire him in because FieldTurf told him he was a good expert to support turf? Did Bendel check him out? Read any if his papers?
Do we want a commissioner that will fall under of spell of every snake oil charlatan that comes to town, simply because the comish is too lazy to read and play detective?
Better start getting involved people and electing officials that aren't too tired!
Why don't they start purchasing propery on cedar blvd as it becomes available and build more fields? There is a property for sale now? Of course that would mean they could not put the plastic grass in?
Remember these commissioners are cut from the same cloth that are building a $113 million high school that didn't have cafeteria tables & chairs, auditorium sound system & stage curtains! Plus handed out $5,000 in bonuses to the overseers of the project.
Now you've done it, 7:27!
Keep in mind they still don't have their indoor Sportsplex yet.
7:37 AM, sadly, we will be faced with this same battle for the 2016 capital project of artificially turfing the Rock Pile.
7:22 AM, as Ms. Beals said in the video, we need a PhD in toxicology in order to be a competent parent. Speaking of toxicology, no names or indication of a toxicologist being present at that $11,000 Infomercial.
What John Bendel forgets is that with one RTK, all the evidence that was sent to the commissioners as proof that turf is bad, could be pulled together. There is enough support from the community to fund the RTK, no matter how big it is.
He and the others can say anything they want. If Steve Feller decides to start deleting emails, which I doubt that he would, I can easily get back up copies from residents. All emails blocked by Dave Brumfield could also be replicated.
Elaine, even with your RTK that doesn't mean he saw the articles attached to the emails.
He could read the senders email address the subject then close it.
Isn't it odd that many of these artifical turf proponents will lobby for PAYT, Green Building & Energy conservation, organic fruits & veggies, hormone-free meats, etc., etc., while on the other hand they have no problem with their kids playing on tire crumbs and plastic grass.
10:20 AM, isn't that a perfect example of hypocrisy ?
PennFuture can help. PennFuture's staff consists of dedicated professionals who have well-honed expertise, skills and determination. The staff has years of experience and great knowledge that can help you in a variety of ways. PennFuture's staff is available to help citizens protect and promote Pennsylvania's environment and economy. Just contact the Communications Manager.
Oh wait. That would be Elaine Labalme, Kristen Linfante's neighbor, Real Lebo partner, and bestie. Elaine Labalme Communications Manager Ha! If you are with the media, you are to contact Elaine at the Media Room.
Are you frickin' kidding me, Kristen? Even your environmentalist friends are keeping quiet for you.
"Obama: EPA Has Guidelines for Reducing Carbon Pollution"
"U.S. President Barack Obama says the Environmental Protection Agency has designed "commonsense guidelines" for reducing dangerous carbon pollution from power plants.
The president said in his weekly address Saturday the proposed guidelines would cut down on the "carbon pollution, smog and soot" 'that threaten the health of the most vulnerable Americans, including children and the elderly."
He said up to 100,000 asthma attacks and 2,100 heart attacks would be prevented in the first year of the implementation of the guidelines.
Obama talked about the new plan at Children's National Medical Center in Washington where he visited children whose asthma is aggravated by air pollution.
The president said a shift to cleaner energy would not happen overnight and would require "tough choices."
Obama said "as president and a parent, I refuse to condemn our children to a planet that's beyond fixing."
But, Mt. Lebanon parents are going to condemn their children and grandchildren to playing on turf that has carbon black in it.
Makes sense to me!
Yes, Labalme's and Papke's silence is deafening.
The decision to hold the June 12 forum was based on requests from the community to address health and safety concerns about the synthetic turf. The only invited speaker to address those concerns is not qualified or licensed in the state of Pennsylvania or any governing body in the United States to dispense health advice, practice medicine, or comment on developmental factors in childhood onset, maintenance or exacerbation of disease. Thus, the commission and municipality have conspired to spend taxpayer money on false representation and negligence.
11:10 am
"[Not all] Mt. Lebanon parents are going to condemn their children and grandchildren to playing on turf that has carbon black in it."
For years, car washes have been a fundraising staple for high school sports teams, marching bands and youth groups.
Just get some kids together with buckets and soap, rent out a parking lot, put up a sign and hope it doesn’t rain.
But in Arlington, Va., you also have to hope the government doesn’t catch you.
Charity car washes and car wash fundraisers are now banned on school property there, after the Department of Environmental Services issued new rules for storm water and water runoff.
“There is an underlying reason why most types of car washing are not allowed under state and federal storm water regulations,” Those important reasons: washing cars can cause chlorinated water and soap to wash into local streams, which flow into the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay.
How will Mount Lebanon build the Sportsplex without car washes. There is just so much room for bake sales.
2:06 PM, you're right. We know that Linfante, Bendel and Silverman will allow their children to play on it. I can't speak for Dave Brumfield or I will get sued.
The anti-turf yard signs continue to be vandalized.
I understand pro-turf yarn signs are popping up. I have no idea why. Do they know something we don't know?
Sorry to go off topic, but there doesn't seem to be an appropriate post to put this comment under.
The Almanac has an article on MTL's deer population: http://www.thealmanac.net/article/20140529/NEWS/140529945#.U4seFyd5mc0
Don't you just love these Mt. Lebanon hired experts, but more so the tunnel vision of our head commissioner?
This time I'm referring to their expert on counting deer, not artificial turf. Think about the survey counts conducted in 2013 and 2014.
In 2013, they counted a deer population of 342. In 2014, 196 deer. So far, so good right? Mr. Benner, the wildlife expert claims "the most likely explanation for the different survey numbers is that the deer simply moved temporarily – especially given the severe winter in 2014."
Seems like a rational explanation since I haven't heard of any stories of 146 deer bodies accumulating somewhere.
But, if the deer moved temporarily OUT of Mt. Lebanon isn't it possible that in 2013 they moved INTO Mt. Lebanon?
Benner goes on to say in Maine he's seen deer roam 40 miles. Then he goes onto report "that sterilization is expensive and unlikely to work without a closed deer population."
Linfante 'Deerslayer proponent' loves Brenner's observation, asking “Would we just be sterilizing deer for other communities?”
Here's a question for you President Linfante. If deer roam 40 miles and we start shooting them in Mt. Lebanon won't we just be killing deer for other communities?
When do we stop, after we've eliminated every deer in 1,600 sq. miles?
Grrr. Yard signs. I can't help myself. When I see the word sewer, I think sew-er.
I am adding a photo from the Trib of the Southmoreland Field disaster from last summer after 2 inches of rain. You can find the photo and the article under the post, "And it never floods..."
9:17 AM, thank you for bringing this up. I have not had the strength to fight this battle too. The deer survey was spot on last year, but this year, Linfante questions the outcome. Ask yourself this, are you seeing less deer this year than last year? I am. We will always have family groupings, but there are less groups now. The "no deer feeding" ordinance had a HUGE impact on Mt. Lebanon. The wildlife expert said that himself. That was one of the non-lethal recommendations made to the commission and it was proven to be true. This move also prevents rebounding. When deer are killed, the food supply is greater for the remaining deer. The does are healthier, become more fertile and give birth to twins and triplets. When the food supply is reduced, deer travel to other areas where there is more food available. But according to Dave Brumfield, I am the one in this community consumed with negativity and hatred.
I would like to stay on topic, but as you said, there was no place to bring it up. Unfortunately, this is a battle for another day.
It is somewhat on topic if you look at the subject of commissioners experts.
As someone mentioned earlier on the June 12th Turf meeting that the commissioners won't have a medical expert in the meeting to discuss the health and environmental hazards of turf.
Just as no one, at least according to the Almanac article, presented info as you have that the no feeding initiative may have had a huge impact, for no expense, no shooting or steriliztion.
It was brought to my attention that the ESB school district appointee's term expired in March and has not been replaced. Is that the school board's answer to dealing with the turf at the stadium and how they are going to get the Rock Pile turf project approved?
That is a sign that the ESB is on the outs with the SB/Commission's leadership.
If you don't play their game, they take the ball away.
The commission renewed the SAB's appointees' terms on time. Imagine that.
My rights have been violated. I cannot email all of my commissioners, nor can I direct my questions to 20% of the commission. But I am the one threatened with a lawsuit.
Exactly, you hurt a commissioners feelings.
You are a very, very bad girl and must be shunned.
Correction @ 11:33- "apparently" hurt a commissioners feelings.
"Targets of shunning can include persons who have been labeled as apostates, whistleblowers, dissidents, strikebreakers or any one the group perceives as a threat or source of conflict. Social rejection has been established to cause psychological damage and has been catagorized as torture."
But apparently it is legal in the bubble!
Elaine - our rights are violated with every tampered yard sign and every evaded email. Our children's right to safe play is absolved. The Commission has forsaken the Citizenry.
Two Sections of the Home Rule Charter needing discussed.
Section 1005. Officials with Personal Interest in Contracts
Section 318. Citizens' Right To Be Heard
Regarding Section 318: Citizens' Right To Be Heard
Can a commissioner decide not to speak with or recognize a resident on MTL business or topics?
So if a commissioner ends up running a meeting or session of any type on municipal business-- they can decide which citizen comments they will see or perhaps chose not to recognize a resident that steps to the podium? Does the commissioner put their hands over their ears so the resident gets their right to be heard or do they need to leave the chambers and read their comments out of the commissioner's hearing?
How about if one sends a commissioner articles on environmental or health issues. Because they've locked them out from their municipal emails - they can honestly say I've never seen any articles about dangers of say... turf?
The solicitor is OK with this? Show me the code section that allows selective hearing of citizens right to be heard?
Poetry is not new here on Lebo Citizens, but what IS new here is poetry written specifically for Mt. Lebanon. This was sent to me by someone in response to the pro-turf signs that have recently popped up.
Even When It Rains – A Poem for Lebo
“Let our kids play
even when it rains.”
Proven safe, just today,
By those who stand to gain.
Let not hail,
nor sleet nor snow,
remind our children
of how things sometimes go.
That sometimes you must wait
for what you most desire.
And sometimes, even,
bad things transpire.
Like rain outs, and mud
(not to mention poverty that stings)
Because here in the bubble,
We’re above all these things.
So let our kids play
even when it rains.
May they never know nature:
All its beauty and pain.
Better watch it, some artistic, beautiful people may want to cull the poet out of the community.
A Commissioner can refuse to communicate with someone. They cannot refuse that person the opportunity to speak or express an opinion. That's a Constitutional violation, one I'm sure Mr. Weiss would walk away from rather than defend.
“We don’t have the luxury to sit back and wait until science figures out what’s really going on, what the mechanisms are, what the doses are, and that sort of thing. We’ve seen with lead and mercury and other poisons that it takes decades. And during that time we are essentially exposing the next generation to exactly the kind of chemicals that we want to protect them from.” - Philip Grandjean, MD
The toxins that threaten our brains
Why are the lights on at Dixon? It's all part of the Commissioners Green agenda, don't you know?
To save the planet- we must tear up oxygen producing grass and trees and replace it with expensive tire crumbs and plastic. Then run energy consuming fields lights to make sure coal-fired power plants are pumping out as much carbon into the air as possible.
It's really logical if you're a commissioner.
For the person that brought up Car Washes... The "Gubermint" no longer allows it as "bad chemicals" end up in streams, rivers and other waterways. Hmmmm! BUT not here in "The Bubble". Anyone else see the unicorn on Crystal Drive?
That happens more than you would expect.
I think the Commissioners should pop for a $1,000 worth of "No Idle Lighting" signs at the ballfield.
The signs will convince people that the commissioner care even though by installing artificial turf.
Besides, those No Idling Zone signs are working so well around the schools.
Correction - "care even though by adding artificial turf, they don't."
Elaine are you going to attend this $11,000 joke of a meeting?
Here Mr. Bendel is an article that discusses the hazards of artificial turf from The National Institute of Environmental Health Science.
"For athletes, the little black rubber pellets may seem little more than a nuisance. Others express more concern, especially when it comes to children’s exposure to the infill. Patti Wood, executive director of the nonprofit Grassroots Environmental Education, argues, “This crumb rubber is a material that cannot be legally disposed of in landfills or ocean-dumped because of its toxicity. Why on earth should we let our children play on it?”"
Doesn't the above post speak volumes about Penn Futures and Labalme.
Grassroots Environmental Education talks about crumb rubber and toxicity to oceans and Labalme sits mute on the subject.
Yes, it easy to get an education here in the bubble, isn't it.
Labalme can't say anything, she lobbied the commission to spend on the hockey rink. In fact she asked for both hockey rinks for the kids. The community be damed as long as she gets hers.
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