Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My 1st RTK in 2010 was about the toxic turf at the High School

Please sign this petition if you want to halt public funds for use of artificial turf at Wildcat and Middle Fields.

I was reminded of my very first Right To Know. As it turns out, it was about the lead content in the artificial turf at the high school. Imagine that. Four years later, I am still writing about toxic turf. The analytical report is disturbing. Our children play on this. Relay for Life uses it every year. OMG.

The High School turf was supplied by General Sports Venue. I tried to reach them by phone, but I think they are no longer in business. That is unfortunate, since our Athletic Director John Grogan wrote such a glowing review to the company. In fact, look at what is on page 4 of the company brochure:
AstroTurf’s GameDay Grass all-rubber infill systems are composed of highly durable cryogenic rubber, extracted from post consumer recycled tires by certified recyclers all across the US. These materials have been rigorously tested by the international scientific communities for both environmental and human health hazards and have been found to pose no risks. In fact, the EPA approves the use of post-consumer tires for the purpose of athletic fields. In a typical field, AstroTurf will use up to 12,000 recycled passenger tires.
Here is what the EPA is saying now.   http://www.epa.gov/nerl/features/tire_crumbs.html  It shouldn't even be in our playgrounds!!!

The AstroTurf at the high school will need repeated antimicrobial treatments due to the standing water caused by poor e-layer drainage.  http://www.astroturfusa.com/

Turfaide is an antimicrobial treatment designed to prevent stringy fungus from clogging the drains. It was not designed to kill MRSA. Turfaide needs to be applied every 90 days. According to  http://www.antimicrobial.com/products/turfaide/, it takes 240 gallons of the stuff to cover our 72,000 sq. ft. It costs $169.99 for 5 gallons or http://www.centaurmaintenancesupplies.com/newproducts.html $157.99 for 5 gallons
We'll say, at $160 for 5 gallons, it's $32 a gallon. $32 times 240 gallons is $7,680 every 3 months or $30,720 a year.

The FAQ says a specialist needs to apply the product:

Q.Can I apply it myself?
A.No. The long-lasting treatments of TurfAide 2 and TurfAide 4 must be applied by Sport Coatings certified applicators due to EPA regulations. However, the entry level maintenance program of TurfD involves training of a local field manager on the proper application technique so that subsequent applications may be self-applied.
Check out this article about Turfaide and MRSA:

William C.H. White, who also happens to be the CEO of AEGIS Environments, which produces the microbe material in TurfAide: "The idea that we are controlling disease organisms, we don't make any claims about that. And we won't. The microbe problems on synthetic fields have to do with biofilms causing sliming and plugging of drainage. They have to do with staining. What we're concerned about are the odors that can be generated both by aerobic and anaerobic organisms within the matrix. These are things that can be avoided to increase the life and functionality of the field."
But is applying anti-microbial products on a field a viable solution?
Hageman isn't so sure. "When it comes to turf, we do not know if that will prevent infection," he said. "There's just no data to support that it prevents infection."

From: David Reese
Date: July 19, 2010 10:11:10 AM EDT
To: "'John Ewing'","'Dan Goff'"
Subject: RE: California sues Astroturf
I’m breaking my self-imposed rule of ignoring you. Probably Ed Kubit, along with a host of other people, has the same self-imposed rule.
As usual, you go off half-cocked over a subject you know virtually nothing about. Our consultant, Milo George (one of the foremost natural and artificial turf experts in the country), specified the turf properties and appropriate e-layer that best fit the requirements of our athletic programs (in general, a monofilament fiber, all rubber infill, 48 oz. face weight, etc.). Manufacturers bid on the spec, not “Tiger Turf”, A-Turf, Field Turf Duraspine or any other number of “brands”. Our coaches and players seem to be absolutely delighted with the product and are anxious to begin play on it. Maybe you should talk to them, eh?
Oh, and just an FYI: we had the old decrepit turf independently tested for lead content last summer when we were trying to get people to respond to the need for replacement. We had a company from Cranberry test it with a Thermo Scientific Niton XRF Analyzer (the same device companies use to test for lead and other elements in toys, consumer goods, etc), and all of the readings came in between 21 and 40ppm. There is no reason to believe that the new turf would show different results.
Whether or not you choose to believe it, we got a first class product at an incredibly fair price.
Maybe you should devote your valuable time and resources to continued stonewalling of the high school renovation. It seems like everyone but you are happy with the new turf.
So what IS a safe level for lead? The Consumer Product Safety Commission has ordered an enforcement review of marketing of artificial turf products for children because the agency has found lead levels in artificial sports fields above statutory limits in children’s products. Significantly, there is no safe lead exposure level for children.

The following shows the bidding irregularities on the toxic turf back in 2010.

From Josephine Posti's blog http://jposti.blogspot.com/2010_03_01_archive.html:
We will take action on awarding the turf replacement project to the lowest responsible bidder (General Sports Venue) for $406,693. This project was originally estimated to be $750,000. Due to a technical error in the bidding process, we had to re-bid the project, thus action at a public committee meeting.
School Board Approves Turf ReplacementMarch 25, 2010
At the March 25, 2010 Audit/Finance Committee meeting the School Board awarded the High School field complex synthetic turf replacement to General Sports Venue in the amount of $406,693. Work on the turf will begin on June 14 and is scheduled for completion by July 20th, weather permitting.

There should be a movement for turf abatement at the high school. It should be removed from our playgrounds. It is toxic, yet our school board, commission, and staff endorse artificial turf and want even more!

Update May 6, 2014 6:39 PM A reader read this post about standing water on the high school stadium turf. Both photos are from the same area, just taken at different angles at the stadium.


Anonymous said...

A spoonful a day and maybe they'll go away ?

Maybe we ought to rustle up , corral, hog tie and force feed spoonfuls of crumb rubber infill to a few of these elected and appointed officials from Muni & School, and maybe they'll all go away ? Like the predators and varmints they appear to be.

How in heavens name have we allowed these deceptive people to be in charge ?

Texas Joe

Anonymous said...

This one's a no-brainer: if there's no safe lead exposure level, it shouldn't be around our kids.

Are these people just looking to get sued? Lawsuits have been filed all over the country because of lead-based products used in schools.

Anonymous said...

Simply because approximately 70% of registered voters sat on their rumps and figured somebody will take care of things for them, Tex.

Anonymous said...

You are so, so right pardner ! Remember the old excuse, "let George do it, I'm busy!".


Anonymous said...

...Tex, for the lazy, apathetic or just plain stupid 70%ers, they have no clue as to what is happening.
For now many are OK, they're confortable, meeting their bills so an $8/month sewage fee, a $25 sport registration increase, and a .51 mill school district tax increase is acceptable.
Then in a few years, the PSERs crisis really hits, student parking permits go to $100, sewage hits $16/month, then extra garbage can charges hit under PAYT.
The police start shooting the soccers moms with radar guns as they rush the little ones to their sports games at Wildcat/Middle because it was their game to bring snacks. That little sporting outlet ends up costing $200 in fines and court cost plus the healthy baked chips and Capri Suns.
But hey, it doesn't matter, the politicians will take care of us... they'll tax the newcomers and the millionaires.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Derringer will take care of it when he runs for office.

Lebo Citizens said...

How about Mrs. Cappucci, ESB liaison, working with the ESB and the PTA to remove the toxic turf from the high school? While she is at it, she can squash the Rock Pile toxic turf project for 2016.

Anonymous said...

Elaine - Mrs. C's SIL is PTA Council President this year, thru 2015.

Lebo Citizens said...

Democrats Linfante, Brumfield, Bendel, Silverman, Cappucci, Lebowitz, Cooper, Riemer, and Birks should listen to the White House climate report tonight.

Report: Climate Change Creates Public Health Costs

"One chapter of the White House's new climate report focuses on the serious impact climate change has on human health — everything from heat-related illnesses to increased allergies and asthma due to changes in growing seasons and air quality."

Toxic turf creates heat islands which increase heat-related illnesses and affects asthmatics because of air quality.

Anonymous said...

5:35 PM, the bubble is doomed - rumor is Brumfield's wife is running for school board ?

God is punishing us.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Rock Pile, is there any truth to the rumor that the giant mound they've created there is just the start of Great Amazon Pyramid.
It has been inferred that all residents will be forced to endure long hours of servitude to presidential gods and their ministers.
While toiling the following chant will need to sung... All we own, belongs to the state and its children!!! Eeeoh!

Unknown said...


If God and the voters of Ward 3 grant me that honor, then I would certainly do everything in my power to reverse all the wrongs prior administrations have done, but I would be only one person. There will have to be more like-minded people on the commission to make a significant change.

Anonymous said...

The antimicrobial treatments and costs are not included in the SAB/TPTF/Donellan/Bendel presentations of intended turf for Wildcat & Middle ! Why not ? This a suggestion they are not necessary even though turf manufacturers say they are ?

Come on Commissioners, what's your official position on all this ? It's time you take a stand.

Anonymous said...

If Mrs Dave runs for school board, she is fair game. Let's see how she and her hubbie react to some mudslinging.

Anonymous said...

She Who Shall Not Be Named was in church one Sunday and was very RUDE to a second grader. If she behaves that way in church, how will she behave on the school board?

Anonymous said...


Since when are CDC recommendations to avoid exposing children to lead negotiable?

Do people in Mt Lebanon shun vaccines too? How about seat belts?

Lebo Citizens said...

How about that standing water on the turf? Didn't we get a LeboALERT last year about eliminating standing water which harbors mosquitoes, carriers of the West Nile virus?

Yeah, Daves, brilliant idea to have the school district maintain "your" crown jewel. They can't maintain any of their fields, including their plastic one.

Anonymous said...

Where is David Reese now, hiding under a rock somewhere ?

Lebo Citizens said...

What is with the name "Dave?"

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to you all but Dave Brumfield is the nice one. Michelle is the tough one mean one. You think Dave is bad you haven't seen B A D yet. The teachers union would love her... They would get 20% raises and free Macy and Giant Eagle cards. Maybe even a new car every other year. Seniors watch out! You don't pay enough taxes so get ready to pay more fees.