Friday, September 29, 2017

Accountable? Accountable? Are you kidding?

Unfortunately, I live in Caste, Cappucci, and Remely Country. Their loyal neighbors are displaying CCRB yard signs, as if to say, F.U. Mt. Lebanon.

It is mind-boggling how these four have the audacity to even be running for an office. They make the claim on their website that they are accountable. Accountable for what? I'm not seeing it.

The evidence is overwhelmingly against them. The Timmy Ticket is divisive. They didn't run with Riemer and Strotmeyer. Remely had a prepared statement containing personal attacks toward Riemer. Cappucci was trying to throw Strotmeyer under the bus during her five minutes of resident comments. These four are key players in the Million Dollar Heist. Then there is the $113 million high school renovation which our former superintendent AND a Allegheny County Common Pleas Court judge advised them to scale it down.

This group also hired Pursuant Ketchum TWICE (once for the Feasibility Study and then again for Counsel. Through a Right To Know, the PK proposal is here.)

Of course, there is that darn ethics issue. And the overpaid and underworked superintendent.

On the commission side, we have a guy who risks his life fighting fires, while his opponent, with so many connections, gets his day in court two days after the election for public intoxication and similar misconduct.

I don't understand how these people have the cajones to run for public office. What is even worse to me, is that Cappucci, Remely, Caste, Birks, and Grella are banking on the uninformed voters to elect them.


Anonymous said...

Not so sure it’s the uninformed voters that’ll re-elect them so much as the apathetic, lazy or too just busy non-voters that refuse to perform their civic duty and at vote them out.

Then you have the teacher’s that will vote the union line because they’ve been told these four will take care of them.

How’s that $910,000 loaned to the fundraiser that didn’t go to smaller classes or your pensions working out for you? Pursuant Ketchum made a lot, DeLuca and Sloane did pretty good and alumni get their catered tailgate parties.

Anonymous said...

A teacher who votes for Birks, Cappucci, etc. is a fool. That's the crew that gave Dr. Steinhauer his massive pay day without thinking that teachers would see it (surprise, they did!) and wonder why they weren't getting the same or even something remotely comparable. It sets a horrible precedent, but, I suppose, makes it easier for him to pick up the next round of drinks when out at Houlihan's with Mary, Elaine and Larry.

Maybe vote for the candidates who want to spend money on education (i.e., teachers and technology) and not turf and feathering Steinhauer's retirement.