Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"Sharpshooting" 2018

I watched enough of last night's commission meeting to know that I had to file a Right To know for the proposal and contract between White Buffalo and Mt. Lebanon.

Kelly Fraasch made a point to voice her opinion about the cost of this program. Not only is she against the "sharpshooting" program in general, she thought the cost of $771.10 per deer for up to 100 deer was outrageous. When the commissioners first came up with the idea that we had too many deer in Mt. Lebanon, the cost was estimated to be around $250 per deer.

The vote was 3 to 1 in favor of continuing the deer killing program. Dave Brumfield checked with Steve McLean and Craig Grella before he voted yes. Steve "Fiscally Responsible" McLean supported it. We're still waiting for Craig's decision to be published.


Anonymous said...

I know you don’t appreciate anonymous comments from this taxpayer but perhaps your readers will.
Kelly is correct... the cost per deer is way to high and White Buffalo’s own website confirms her assertion.

Approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) as a humane form of euthanasia, sharpshooting to manage deer populations that are overabundant requires trained personnel to use a variety of techniques to maximize safety, discretion and efficiency. This method is often implemented in suburban and urban settings with access to both public and private lands. Costs can range from $200 to $400 per deer for sharpshooting and processing is an additional $70-$125 per deer. Typically all meat harvested is donated to area food shelters for distribution”

Then they also quote this price range for—
“Managed Hunts
As an expansion of legally regulated hunting methods, managed hunts can be successful. Using vetted and trained hunters to manage deer populations that are overabundant may require state agency and law enforcement involvement to assist with a variety of issues. Costs range from $100 to $200 per deer harvested depending on the manpower required.”


Apologies for submitting, but I thought taxpayers would appreciate seeing how they are getting fleeced.

Lebo Citizens said...

5:00 PM, I don't know what your problem is. You were the one who said that you won't be commenting anymore. You do this every year, it seems. I have published hundreds of your comments - Giffen Good, Dick Saunders, etc. What do you want from me? So much drama. And yes, I sent this to you privately too.

Anonymous said...

5:00, it's way TOO high.

Lebo Citizens said...

The reason why I filed a RTK is because $771.10 is right in line with the cost of "non-traditional lethal methods" a.k.a. torturing the animals.
Read 7:28 PM's comment from March 8, 2017 on https://lebocitizens.blogspot.com/2017/03/dear-pass-time-and-groad-570.html
It is all going the way I predicted.

Lebo Citizens said...

When you read the blog post that I linked in my previous comment, notice how Keith McGill was disrespectful to Nick Meduho as well. That poor guy was treated lousy in this "community."

Unknown said...

I will never forget my interview with the mayor of Green Tree where he mockingly 'thanked' MTL for killing all the Green Tree deer ... at no cost to the taxpayers of Green Tree ... and at a ridiculous cost to the taxpayers of MTL.

Anonymous said...

DeNicola is overcharging (robbing) Mt. Lebanon, because he knows that he can get away with it. He knows that he has a blank check. He knows that he's in charge and owns the commissioners and manager. There's no competitive RFP process, and so he can charge what ever he wants. Do you think he'd get away with mugging the taxpayers if Dan Miller was still on the commission? I don't think so! I know he wouldn't! He'd have his ass booted out of Mt. Lebanon faster than you could blink. DeNicola is a smooth con man, and Mt. Lebanon is the perfect mark.

Anonymous said...

10:11 hit the nail on the head. DeNicola is laughing all the way to the bank. This is Municipal Corruption 101, folks.

Anonymous said...

I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Deer hunter who killed woman is charged with manslaughter http://a.msn.com/01/en-us/BBFWO2U?ocid=se