Friday, January 5, 2018

Letter to the Editor

Television, radio, newspapers and social conversations are full of complaints, but we forget that we are the ones responsible for putting them there. Last November, in Mt. Lebanon's election for a commissioner, this was made very clear to me.

The Republican candidate's name is on a plaque naming him the community's "outstanding citizen." He is a life time resident. He is a very active volunteer for the fire department, (including teaching the classes for citizens and fund raising). There are very few community events he doesn't actively participate in.

The Democrat candidate has been a resident for four years. In that time, he has made no known contribution to our community but has managed to get three police citations, one involving drunkenness.

The Democrat won (14% to 12%) simply because Democrat registrations far out-number Republican. As long as people vote a straight party ticket; instead of taking the time to learn about the experience, ability and character of the candidate, we will get exactly what we've got. The strength of our democracy depends on voter wisdom and participation in all elections.

Ann Roper
Mt. Lebanon, PA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Republicans have a brand problem. Nowadays, the smallest example of that is using "Democrat" as an adjective. If you're trying to win hearts and minds, try calling people what they call themselves.

See also: your president.