Monday, January 8, 2018

More unbalanced reporting from Hayes

I stopped subscribing to the PG because of their "Outdoor Editor" John Hayes and his unbalanced "reporting." I got what I expected to read when someone forwarded a link to his article in yesterday's PG. In Michigan, a deer management experiment scrapped in Mt. Lebanon begins its second season

The PA Game Commission's mouthpiece is buying into the BS that deer killer Tony DeNicola is dishing out. Who else would be charging to kill 250 deer during a non-lethal "experiment?" Why does baiting not work during frigid temperatures OR milder temperatures? In either scenario, DeNicola is justifying his failures. 

Hayes also forgot to mention that DeNicola originally quoted MTL commissioners $250 per deer for "sharpshooting." This year, our commissioners are willing to pay $771.10 per deer, even more lucrative than Timmy's annual increases! That is based on killing 100 deer. What will be the true cost this year?  We will learn more in April, after DeNicola has cashed his check.


Anonymous said...

First of all, WHAT deer? I can't remember the last time I saw a deer in Mt. Lebanon. Maybe last winter.

Second, I'm sure Hayes didn't write this headline that includes Mt. Lebanon scrapping the sterilization idea before it could get off the ground. The actual headline in the hard copy of yesterday's P-G made our nature-hating community sound even worse.

Finally, I am embarrassed to live in a municipality where killing deer in backyards and parks is viewed as recreational. I can't think of any other reason why they would be engaged in such insanity.

Anonymous said...

The Post-Gazette continues to demonstrate unprofessional journalism. This is not the quality newspaper it used to be. John Hayes is not a news reporter, but the Post-Gazette's Outdoors Editor and Columnist. He's a pro-hunting columnist with a biased agenda. His articles have no journalistic objectivity. His biased articles only reference one side of an issue, and often include inaccurate data. Most of his referenced "experts" either work for a pro-hunting agency or belongs to a pro-hunting organization. Post-Gazette readers who are unaware of his bias agenda think he's a real reporter reporting the facts. Unfortunately, the Post-Gazette allows Hayes to write articles like he's an objective reporter, and publish these articles in the news sections of the paper. This is unprofessional and unethical journalism. At minimum, the Post-Gazette should make Hayes identify himself as the Outdoors Editor and Columnist, and do fact checks on his articles when they are published in the news sections of the newspaper.

Hayes acts like PR mouthpiece for the Pennsylvania Game Commission's (PGC) efforts to promote "hunting" in all of Pittsburgh's city and suburban neighborhoods and parks for its hunter constituents who want to "hunt" in our parks and back yards. He uses his bully pulpit position at the Post-Gazette to target local communities and pressure its commissioners (council members) to implement hunting programs. Hayes then focuses on specific communities, like Mt. Lebanon, to try to create controversy and divisiveness over hunting, which he then writes articles on continually to feed the controversy. I guess from his perspective, if he can get residents fighting each other then he gets a lot of comments on his articles, which makes him seem relevant and gives him job security.

No doubt, he considers his focus on Mt. Lebanon a success from his perspective, and he can't let go. He's not only the mouthpiece of the PGC, but it also appeared like he working hand in hand with Mt. Lebanon's PR department to promote and normalize the turning of Mt. Lebanon's parks and neighborhoods into a private hunting preserve and shooting gallery. Hayes regularly wrote articles about the Mt. Lebanon commission meetings in the news section of the Post-Gazette, but I don't know of anyone who has ever saw him attend a meeting or interview anyone at a meeting. So if he wasn't at these meetings, how was he getting the info for his articles about the meeting?

Again, John Hayes is the Post-Gazette's Outdoor Editor and Columnist. His job is to write opinion articles on hunting and fishing in the outdoor section of the newspaper. He should not be allowed to impersonate an objective reporter and write articles in the news section of the newspaper about Mt. Lebanon or other communities, i.e. he is not an objective reporter, but has a biased pro-hunting agenda.

What's so disturbing about all of this is that Hayes is promoting the use of lethal weapons that threaten the safety of families, children, and pets in the communities that he promotes his hunting agenda in. This should not be the business or the agenda of the Post-Gazette.