Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Are people finally starting to catch on?

New Yorkers Fleeing State:
The Tax Foundation ranked New York highest in the nation in the combined state and local tax burden in 2008. And as small-business lobbyist Mike Durant noted, New York has also "consistently ranked worst or in the top three worst in business climate. You can't suck every penny out of people and expect them to remain in New York."
 Replace New York with Mt. Lebanon and it really means something.

And this gem from James Fraasch's blog from 10/11/2009 (Oh James, we wish you were still on the Board)

"Next, let's take a look at New York. You may remember back in April/May that New York planned on implementing a 30% increase in taxes on the wealthy. They saw it as an easy way to close their budget gap. The income tax increased 3.45 percentage points to 10.4% on people earning greater than $250,000- one of the highest rates in the nation. Other states across the country waited to see what the outcome of this taxation would be. Well, here in this article from Miami (Florida was apparently one of the states watching) New York Governor David Patterson admits that the higher tax rates have "yielded lower than expected state wealth". Twenty-percent lower to be more exact."
"The second lesson to be learned (thanks to New York) is that increasing taxes on the wealthy will only make the wealthy leave. There were some high profile defections from New York from Rush Limbaugh to Tom Golisano (owner of the Buffalo Sabres) to Nancy Bell (a manufacturer who moved her facility to Florida). All three of these people moved their residences to Florida to avoid the higher taxes. The fact is, you need the wealthy. You need them to stay and invest and employ people."

Is New York finally learning what happens when you tax people more than anyone else?  Those people can vote with their feet. The exodus of people creates a terribly vicious cycle where the same tax burden is spread across a dwindling number of residents.

I have news for you.  Our taxes are going up next year. The commissioners have held out as long as they could.  It is coming. Add to that, the recreation bond that is in the works. While the School Board plays games with multiple-prime contracts just to get the bids down for the high school renovation, we can look forward to more budget cuts. 

As James Fraasch wrote back in October 2009,
Income tax and sales tax revenues to governments will not recover until employment recovers. This means we have at least two more years of state and federal budget cuts coming.


Anonymous said...

All of your posts are from the extreme right wing? Where is the balance? Jake Haulk and Fox news?? This is the reason that folks think that your blog and the few folks that post are all part of the "fringe".

Lebo Citizens said...

I published this anonymous comment for all to read. Why do I need balance, my friend?

Anonymous said...

But New York doesn't have McNeilly Park?

Now, if the commissioners were smart they'd refer to the storm water sewers as America's longest underground water slide and everything would be hunky-dory!

People would be moving into Leboland in droves. Not to mention the rise in tourism. Hell, the first of the new hotels is already being erected!

- Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Wonder if anonymous sent the same post to Center Court? I'd say that represented the left wing "fringe"!

Wait, I forgot... Center Court doesn't allow comments.

- Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Earlier this year writer Steven King, investor Warren Buffett, and film-maker Michael Moore all lamented publicly that “the rich” weren't paying enough tax. Steven King is quoted as saying at some rally in Florida, “Why am I not paying 50%?!” - to thunderous applause. Michael Moore told Wisconsin teachers that “there's plenty of money – you just don't have it!” So in honor of the recently passed US budget I have set up a link on my commercial web site so that anyone feeling guilty over not paying enough Federal tax can send it in on their own. You see, it seems the Treasury Department has this nifty web site called Pay*gov – a secure facility where the conscience ridden may dig down deep and send it in. Here's the URL:

Now, how about Mt. Lebanon? I've suggested to the Commissioners that they should set up the same thing. I didn't send the idea to the School Board because I don't know what language they speak. That said, if the “..only $18 a month” crowd feels that increased taxes are no big deal then they shouldn't wait to be forced to pay them. I'm sure both the Municipality and the School Board will appreciate any contribution one may wish to make, and will probably give you a nice mention at one of their meetings.
Richard Gideon
PS: To “Anonymous” - As a Libertarian, I am equally hated by both “wings” and enjoy every minute of it!

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. This blog will always be considered part of the fringe because everything is taken to the extreme. Many people might agree with some of your thoughts, but not when they are personalized and presented as attacks.

Unfortunately, when someone other than a "regular" dips his/her foot into the water to express even the slightest opinion to the contrary, they are promptly slammed by a select few that you allow to post anonymously. That's hardly the way to encourage a free flowing discussion.

No one is suggesting that you can't challenge, question and opine, but if its credibility you seek, I'm afraid you have already lost the battle.

Anonymous said...

Agreeing with Anonymous... slammed... really?
Are you suggesting that asking if anonymous directed the same question to an obviously "left leaning" blogspot is a slam?

Wonder where your indignation was when certain parties called for Mr. Fraasch's expulsion from the board for distributing public information and presenting his observations and views on the subject.

Whose attacking, Agreeing? Anonymous calls the people that comment here "fringe". Many, I think are part of the 4,000 strong "fringe" that wanted a smarter HS plan.

You on the other hand, I assume are part of the other "fringe" that couldn't deliver a formidable petition or write -in campaign supporting the $113 [really $127] million boondoggle.

Look in the mirror, Agreeing.

- Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Richard, brilliant idea!

Each of the SB's teams shown in Elaine's post before this one is essentially tasked with the same thing.

"This team was tasked with finding new revenue sources which could be a recurring source of income for the District.
(A report for this team is not yet available)"

I'd suggest they start an appeal to the "its only $18/month" crowd to set up a donate point.

- Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, the majority of workers today believe they'll need less than $500,000 to retire. Add Social Security benefits in jeopardy, and a very large number of Americans simply don't have enough money for retirement, even if they continue working past the age of 65.

Bill Hook

Lebo Citizens said...

I am not seeking credibility. Frankly, my dear [Scarlett,] I don't give a _ if you agree. The select few have very good reason to post under a pen name. I will listen to anyone who emails me and explains the situation as to why they want to post anonymously. This was the last anonymous post. Next time, show some guts and sign your name or email me privately as to why you can't use your real name and we can work something out. No one is forcing you to read this blog. If you don't like what you read, why do you waste your time?

Now back to the topic at hand, is the NY Post right wing?

I know when I've touched a nerve, because the comments go off topic. Quoting James Fraasch almost always guarantees that reaction. You KNOW he was right.


Lebo Citizens said...

Here is the rest of the link again. I have more trouble adding it like this.


Anonymous said...

Allegheny Institute, Fox News, NYPost-- damn right wing fringe!
Dick Saunders

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I really enjoy reading all the Lebo blogs, the ones I agree with and the ones I usually don't. Here's an example why.

On Center Court Mrs. Posti has a post titled:
"School Vouchers Have No Strong Effect on Student Achievement"

This is interesting, and why a smart person doesn't listen to one position. Here is the headline from the article she referenced under that headline.

"School Vouchers: No Clear Advantage in Academic Achievement"

"No Clear Avantage" is substantially different than Mrs. Posti's claim that vouchers "Have No Strong Effect"!

That's evidence why blog readers should always be on alert for spin on any blog.
At least Elaine allows comments from people even if they disagree with her and has a forum for open debate.

Thank you Elaine for being on the fringe with open discourse.

Dick Saunders

Matt C. Wilson said...

So, I for one read the comments from the (I assume) two anonymous posters and I'm concerned.

I'm concerned because this blog, and any blog or other public commentary webisite, should be an opportunity for anyone to weigh in.

If people feel like there is a bias then it's necessarily going to turn some people off. I think that's evidenced by the two posts, and that's a shame.

I won't deny that the people on this forum are strong minded. I won't deny that they tend to be of a particular opinion on the high school project and on other looming financial matters facing the community. But to decry them all as irreconcilably "right-wing" is also a missed opportunity for conversation, and that too is a shame.

I myself disagree with the pen name policy. For years I have posted to this and other local interest blogs under my given name, and backed it with my Google profile and other identifying info in my posts. I can understand why select, sensitive posts might be suitable for anonymity. But - Giffen, Veblen, and Dick, I wish you'd at least post everything else in full disclosure. (Dick, if you were actually named after Ben Franklin's pseudonym then my apologies :)

So, with that in mind - I would love to hear some alternate voices. I'm pretty convinced, by the facts, that we are embarking on some financially disastrous decisions in the community. I don't think that position necessarily makes me right wing, and I don't think I'd be willfully ignorant in the face of an alternately optimistic set of conclusions from the facts.

The trouble is, in my mind, I'm not seeing anyone strongly analyzing the facts and concluding anything rosy. I see a lot of wishful thinking, and citations of authority figures, but not factual analysis. And some things I learned in my days at MLHS were Plato's (Aristotle's) fallacies. So I'm not going to buy whatever "an expert" says until I develop a personal level of trust of that expert by understanding their factual analysis.

So, if you're feeling silenced, or marginalized, don't. If you've got salient facts to share, PLEASE DO! And be bold enough to put your name on it. Trust me, no one will bite. :)

Lebo Citizens said...

Matt, you do know that there is more than one David Hasselhoff, don't you? ;>)

As I wrote to someone who contacted me privately, if I moderate comments, then I am accused of censorship, but if I publish everything, I am criticized for that as well. Bottom line is that I cannot please everyone. I have always encouraged public participation, on blogs, at meetings, by contacting government officials, by voting, etc. If someone feels uncomforatble signing their name, I have given them an option so that they can be heard.
This blog gets alot of traffic. Thank you all for reading, but there is a "fringe" group that would love to see me go away. An effective way to shut down a blog is to discourage comments. Both the Puritans and Quakers relied heavily on shaming, shunning and banishment -- all forms of community discipline -- to deal with people who upset the collective order. (Please don't write in to tell me who is Quaker or ask me why am I picking on a certain group, because I am not.) And it is not about Republicans or Democrats either. We have a School Board that is shaming, shunning, and banishing constituents who don't accept everything with blind faith. If folks are looking for balance, then perhaps they should start with the School Board.
I do believe that people are starting to catch on. It is high time for constituents to be heard.

Lebo Citizens said...

Correction: This blog gets a lot of traffic, not alot of traffic. Sorry about that. It has been quite a day.