Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Steal This Report

In Steal this report: college plagiarism up,

You may know of it among your college friends, or if you're a parent, among your kids' friends: plagiarism is becoming as common as Wi-Fi connections at coffee shops.
The Pew Research Center, in conjunction with the Chronicle of Higher Education, recently surveyed 1,055 college presidents from two- to four-year schools, private and public. More than half of those top officials said they've seen an increase in plagiarism in the past 10 years. Nearly all of them say computers and the Internet have played a major role in the rise in stealing others work and claiming it as their own.
We could have our School Board President go on a college lecture circuit to discuss plagiarism.  What are we teaching our kids when one of our own does it and has no consequences?


Steve Diaz said...

I have a simple question, Elaine: since feeling sheepish enough to pull her blog and amend it in response to your diligent reporting, can we expect a public statement from citizen Posti to the effect that she was the recipient of beneficial constructive criticism from this blog? Maybe if she says nothing, the rest of us won't notice...I think that is the course she will more likely follow...

Lebo Citizens said...

In case there is someone out there who reads this blog, but not Blog-Lebo, Tom Moertel has uncovered ELEVEN incidents.


Anonymous said...

Posti could have copied information from her school directors' weekly packet or had some of what she posted written by an administrator or consultant. There are many instances where she was very detailed about the building program beyond what you would expect from a school director.

Also, each Posti says, "Posted by Josephine Posti." Her blog is not just signed as James did with his blog. Is it possible she could have been telling us all along that what she posted might not be her own work?

John Ewing