Thursday, August 18, 2011

Two commissioners commenting within 24 hours!

Thanks goes out to Mt. Lebanon Commissioners.  Two of them took time out to comment on this blog. Thank you for the open dialogue, Dave and Dan. We may not agree, but it is refreshing to see open and direct responses from our elected officials. This is the way government should work.  Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! When elected officials take the time to respond that opens up the lines of communication. Allowing officials and their constituents to engage in discussion without being "DISAGREEABLE!" Like mature adults need a public forum to tell them how to interact!
Mr. Rothschild over at asked some rather simple questions relating to the "List" of HS changes. I hope the board will respond succinctly here for all to read and respomd.

Mr. Rothschild's questions:
"For example, one item on the list of cuts is food service equipment (#187A) which is listed as follows:

“MLHS will fund the food service equipment from another source”

I asked the Board for clarity on this item. It was stated that the value of the equipment is $900,000. It was my understanding that it was also stated that the $900,000 will be taken from an existing source that is currently in the operating budget of the school. This decision brings up questions which would be helpful for the Board to answer:

How does the $900,000 accumulate, where does the money come from?

Before the high school project came in over budget, what was this money supposed to be used for?

If the money is taken from this fund, how is it going to be replenished?"

Dick Saunders