Friday, August 19, 2011

Important message from Dr. Steinhauer

Note: This was not sent to me by Dr. Steinhauer.  It was sent out to parents with children in Mt. Lebanon Schools. One of those parents, in turn, forwarded it to me. 

Dear Mt. Lebanon Parents,

I am writing to inform you that the Mt. Lebanon School District administration was notified by the Mt. Lebanon Police Department today, August 19, 2011, that Christopher Childs, a former volunteer with the High School track team during the 2011 season, was arrested on multiple charges alleging improper contact with a Mt. Lebanon High School student after the school year ended. The former volunteer is no longer involved with the team.

We are cooperating fully with the Mt. Lebanon Police Department. I want to assure you that we will take all appropriate measures to protect the health, safety and welfare of Mt. Lebanon students.

I also want you to know that the District guidelines require coaches and volunteers in the athletic department to submit state and federal criminal clearances before working with students. This individual’s clearances showed no prior violations of any kind.

The safety and security of each and every student is our top priority. We take our responsibility very seriously and work diligently to have comprehensive procedures and guidelines in place to protect our students.

If you or your child has any information or concerns regarding this matter, please contact the Mt. Lebanon Police Department. Please feel free to contact me with any general questions or concerns.


Dr. Tim Steinhauer
Superintendent of Schools
Mt. Lebanon School District

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