Thursday, March 22, 2012

"The List"

No, not THAT list.  This list. The list that Molly Born refers to in today's PG. Staff cuts possible in Mt. Lebanon schools

From Center Court Blog, the March Board Report.

...we have started in-depth discussions concerning next year’s budget. Last month we discussed the possibility of using some of our undesignated fund balance in addition to reductions and a small millage increase in order to close a budget gap of about $2 million for next year in addition to possible exposure from a grievance filed by MLEA for about $900,000. Those reductions could include cuts that may mean possible reductions in payment for supplies and services, paid extra duty assignments and positions vacated by retirees. As we discuss these possibilities, along with any use of reserves or increasing millage, we would like your feedback. Dr. Steinhauer has prepared information about the possible reductions being discussed and it's available here. The next budget meeting will take place at 7PM March 26 in the JMS library.
In addition to public meetings, we’ve scheduled a couple of community coffees during the next few weeks. These are opportunities for you to sit down with a small group of Board members in an informal setting, ask questions, share your concerns and enjoy some time together. The first two coffees will be Saturday, March 31 from 9-11AM at Coffee Tree on Washington Road and Wednesday, April 25 from 7-9AM at Orbis Caffe (formerly Aldo's). I’ll be at the March 31 coffee with Mr. Goldman and Mr. Ostergaard and Mrs. Cappucci will be at the April 25 coffee with Mr. Cooper and Mrs. Birks. No appointment is necessary and we hope to see you there.
Of course, none of this is found on the District website.  You have to go to the unofficial blog to get official information. (Why do we have Cissy Bowman again? I forget.)


Anonymous said...

Besides the list, Mr. Kubit mebntioned something about making the Harris survey available to stakeholder groups they may have missed.

Since Elaine, I find it highly doubtful that they sent the result of the Harris survey to Lebocitizens (we are stakeholders I believe) and you didn't report it. The real results from Harris, not the distillation the district wants us to see, perhaps Mr. Kubit can rush that right out to you so that we may study it.

I mean they are in favor of transparency aren't they?

Andy Bradford

Anonymous said...

In the list under revenue generating ideas.

Charge students $50 for parking passes. Curious why only the students?

Why not the administration/teachers?

Wonder how many residents, especially those that work downtown, get free parking?

Seems to me these students parents paid for the parking lot already. Why should they have to pay for their kids to use it?

Wait, I know they don't have a union. To the staff, pony up too or you can always find work elsewhere.

Godfrey Hardy

Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope JoPo, Goldy & Osty do head for the "Coffee Tree on Washington" on 3/31 cause there ain't no such place ! Maybe they'll become and stay as lost as they are as SB can only hope.

Veblen Good

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, another find example of President Posti's fine eye for detail.

This is the same person, that publically blamed the wrong utility company on KDKA radio for a power outage at one of PA American Water's pumping stations a few years back.

Lebo Citizens said...

I only published that unsigned comment because I remember when that happened. It was February 5 and I was listening to my handcranked emergency radio. It was the first time I realized that Josephine worked for the water company. I remember people calling in and saying that she screwed up. I also remember how nasty she was to the reporter that night. I attributed that to a long night, but hindsight tells me she was just being Josephine.

Anonymous said...

Check out Number 5, "Reduce Consulting Fees", $40,000.
I advised the board against the PK feasibility study last Monday, but they went ahead and unanimously voted for it!
#21 The District spends $4500 a year for two video cameras?
I've been audio recording all the meetings for 2 years for free.
#22 How much will the District spend on legal fees to send an attorney for assessment appeals? There's a no brainer to save money fighting taxpayers.
David Huston

Samuel Adams said...

USED! That's what the teachers' union JoBama, Smiling Eddie, Angry Elaine, Mary Two-Face and Larry Let's-Get-Nuts. Where is the union? And charging residents MORE money for parking? I though JoBama and her crooked cabal of cronies wanted only the best for the yutes? Now-gasp!-she discovers she can't afford it? Wow, Jo, kinda like trying to compete with the most popular girl in school but coming in second every time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I trying to think back. Didn't Dan Rothschild or Dirk Taylor suggest that by using their alternative plan, the building could be updated in phases. That several floors or a wing could be mothballed and renovated at a later date.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the very cost-cutting measure Dan Remely was looking for when he discussed renting out one of the elementary schools so it would be available should we need it at a later date?

Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

The elementary schools are "half-empty" according to an administrator's quote in MTL. Bill Hook

Anonymous said...

Ms. Gillen -
Am glad to see that you have stuck to your guns about not accepting anonymous comments. In the last 6 posts of yours, there were 63 comments. Exactly 14 of the 63 comments were NOT from you or from anonymous posters. How do you expect to encourage responsible, respectful, and intelligent dialog if barely 20% of your commenters will sign their names?
- "Sally Hennings"
PS - This is not really Sally H.

Lebo Citizens said...

Getting nervous that you are on the wrong side of the issues, eh Sally? worried that what I have been saying for the last two years have come true? I would be more concerned about how your neighbors are spending your money, rather than how I run my blog.
Thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

Dear “Sally”,

Certain elected officials have apparently launched personal smear campaigns under fictitious names. Which are more harmful, deceptive elected officials unfit for public service or participants on a blog?

-Wilma Zellers, beloved wife of PTA supported and noted Mt. Lebanon author William Zellers

Anonymous said...

Hey not really Sally Hemmings.
Tell me what have you and your Pals done to preserve "Domestic Trsnquility" here in Leboland?

Seems to me Elaine's opened her blog to everyone, even you though your motives are in plain sight. She provides a free exchange of ideas and information. Which you obviously don't want to engaged in. Don't ask how PK arrived on the scene, don't ask where the $41,000 is coming from. No you worry about whether somebody signs their name or not. A freedom you obviously found advantageous.

Thomas Jefferson
PS: not really TJ, but I figured I better tell you Sally.
PPS: Why don't you submit a RTK.

Lebo Citizens said...

Here's a cost saving idea. Instead of telling us to file right to knows when we ask questions, why not be open and honest from the beginning?
According to the March 11, 2010 PG article, RTK requests were costing an average of $2600 per request.
Another item on the list was to reduce legal fees. Why not eliminate the legal reviews for those RTK requests?

Lebo Citizens said...

How about number 24? We don't want to screen applicants? Oh that makes perfect sense.
I would love to see the rest of the list. I know it went to 68 or so. That was where closing an elementary school showed up on the list. My guess would be in order to see the rest of the list, one would have to file a RTK. This would result in a thirty day extension for legal review. And we gotta keep those legal fees down.

Anonymous said...

Just the concept - Right to Know is ridiculous. We the taxpayers have to file a right to know with "OUR" school district. Shouldn't that be automatic?

Yeah Sally, you keep worrying about signatures. Tell me did you beat yourself up for not signing yours?

Not "the" Thomas Jefferson again

Lebo Citizens said...

I really need to read something else instead of this list at midnight. It is just keeping me up. How about Number 26 Reducing Contracted security at District events. Didn't the board just approve revisions to Policy JLI, School Violence, Terroristic Threats and Terroristic Acts?

Anonymous said...

Sally Hemmings writes: "how do you expect to encourage responsible, respectful and intelligent dialogue if barely 20% of your commenters will sign there name?
Then admits to not using their real name.

Now there is a real intellect.

Ben Franklin - my real name, no... not my real, real, not, real, not. Oh what the kluck, what were we discussing?

Samuel Adams said...


The answer to your question is this: only people who have something to hide try to keep it hidden. The school board is corrupt and using the same tactics that landed Bernie mnadoff in prison. Some of them should know better, like Larry, and the illustrious solicitor. I would say of all those involved, those two have the most to lose. But that's why they set up Jo and Mary and Ed to take the fall. When it starts raining indictments, Larry will be the only one with an umbrella.
Excepting Goldman and the other guy, the school board needs to step down. So does Jan Klein. If there existed an honor code, they would all be guilty of violating it. Let's face it--several of them are guilty of violating existing law. I am going to explore the option of filing suit against each of them individually. It seems the only way to stop the madness. Well, that or a revolution but those days are gone. Unlike the school board, we patriots don't always have to resort to thuggish behavior.

Lebo Citizens said...

Samuel, I have been saying that for a long time, but that is just the hate in my heart talking again. I have heard rumblings of a tax revolt. I would never suggest that, but that would be interesting if we could put our tax money in escrow until we get their attention. Wasn't it one of your friends who said, "Taxation without representation is tyranny" ? At least that was a primary grievance with the colonists which lead to the American Revolution. That grievance would make the MLEA grievance look like chump change.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, you point out: "I really need to read something else instead of this list at midnight. It is just keeping me up. How about Number 26 Reducing Contracted security at District events."

This is just one more indication of the MTLSD board/administration's self-serving agenda.

The Almanac's editorial headline this week: "Bottom line is school safety."

What was the unanimous vote cast by the board this week? Increasing their bottom line by - as The Trib rightly calls it, "picking taxpayers pockets' thru a PK fundraising study.

Giffen Good

John Ewing said...

Then there is this INCENTIVE numbered 7i:

"Incentive for perfect attendance ‐ Reduction of substitute costs"

As if a $100,000 + salary is not enough to have you in school on time.

How about a PENALTY for non-attendance such as
1) Bring a doctor's excuse if you are absent, and
2) Publish your name on a blog if you are absent on a Friday or a Monday along with the number of times you coped a three day weekend.
