Monday, August 19, 2013

It's heating up...

I never did get an apology from Susan Morgans for sitting on my recorder on two different occasions, or for writing to the Post Gazette and talking trash about my blog, but I did get this today from her.

I would like to call to your attention...

This was soon after I published Library Fundraiser on Saturday. It might have something to do with this:
Nothing is on the website promoting it, but that doesn't surprise me. Oops, that is another story.
So Susan was not editor-in-chief at that time, folks. I do remember something about how she avoids traffic around North Meadowcroft, but I can't be sure. I don't want to convey misinformation.

I do think Lebo Citizens readers will enjoy reading the August 15, 2013 Lebo Life blog article, a blog of blogs by Cliff Tuttle. Mr. Tuttle also has his own blog, The editor added that part. You may recognize his name from an annual list that I publish. Perhaps Ms. Morgans should vet her writers a little more carefully. Or at least, tell Mr. Tuttle about Lebo Citizens. ;)


Anonymous said...

"Josephine Posti sounded giddy during Monday's meeting when she singled out the media to say that this list will be available to publish. I apologize in advance if this causes any heartache for those individuals who can't afford to pay their taxes and have filed bankruptcy. My heart goes out to you. "


The person who just giddily pointed out that a specific individual appears on this list whose only offense appears to be that he writes for Susan Morgans' blog (and didn't mention my blog in his list of worthwhile reading)

Lebo Citizens said...

Sure. That's it. Read what else was submitted.

It reflects poor judgement on Morgans' part.

Anonymous said...

Its called rat-running and Morgans boasted about doing it in her magazine editorial last fall or this spring I believe, despite lack of sidewalks and speed bumps and police attempts to reduce the rat-running.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, you are in good company. Mrs. Fleming-Morgans won't promote the library or the weekend event.

Lebo Citizens said...

*judgment. Grrrr.

Lebo Citizens said...

Susan Morgans' wrote: "In the future you might want to check that poster's information before publishing it and thus defaming me (or anyone else)."

Thank you for finding the articles dated April - June 1996, Susan. I have so much information coming my way, it has turned into a full time job. I did not publish the articles you sent, per your request. However, I was not able to remove the attachments from your email before making it into a pdf.

It is our constitutional right to anonymous speech online. I try my best to verify everything that comes through, but I also have freedom from liability for hosting that speech.

Since you do read my blog, I am responding to you here. And thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

Elaine you should probably consult an attorney in order to better understand the law. There is no constitutional right to libel anyone in any forum. Moreover, since you permit some comments and disallow others (I.e. editing) you very well could be liable for untrue information about others posted by others in this firum. There are also plenty of lawsuits against anonymous Internet posters (including right here in Allegheny County) where John or Jane Doe is sued as the defendant and the court subpoenas the IP addresses of the anonmous posters, identifies them, and holds them liable for libel. So, your "constitutional right to comment anonymously online" like all constitutional rights, has some significant limitations. In addotion, knowingly permitting others to publish untrue information here could subject you to an action for negligence, among other things. Just some friendly legal advice from one of Mt. Lebanon's many lawyers.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thank you for the friendly legal, although anonymous, advice. I don't knowingly permit others to publish untrue information.
For the record, Susan Morgans has never received a speeding ticket anywhere in the Pittsburgh area. I have not verified that, so if it is untrue, please forgive me.

Anonymous said...


What would you say to the author of the libelous "Bill Zellers" pre-election e-mail written by a sitting elected official and targeting residents that was circulated through the Department of Defense computer network having strict policy about appropriate use of their secure network?

I still have the traces of the e-mail, and the IP addresses have already been determined. Does that cause you any concern? Do you have any friendly legal advice for that person? Would like to know your thoughts on that.

Anonymous said...

7:47 Interestingly, the previous post is more in line with current events around lawsuits against elected officials who post under fictitious names than those of frustrated citizens who have no say in how their money is being squandered.

Can you share your perspective on that please?

Anonymous said...

Only Ms. Morgans thinks we care about her driving record.

Anonymous said...

Dave B. - Didn't know you were a US Constituational Lawyer? Did running after ambulances get too tough?

Anonymous said...

Dave's a heavyweight at over 300 lbs. and must have just run out of breath, but he's a lightweight at everything else !