Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Brumfield says, "Corbett Sucks!" UPDATED

With Charlotte Stephenson's permission...

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Charlotte Stephenson wrote:

Dear Mt. Lebanon Commissioners, Representative Miller and Senator Smith:

I am writing to express my deep concern and disgust regarding the unprofessional and destructive behavior on the part of Commissioner Brumfield during a recent public budget planning meeting. During the facilitated discussion around common tenants that our Democrat Commission holds, Mr. Brumfield clearly stated that one of them is that "Corbett sucks". The video of this disparaging comment can be reviewed on our municipal website at Choose "Budget Pre-Planning Meeting" "May 19, 2014" Video and begin listening at 14:20 to hear Mr. Brumfield's comment.

As a Founder for the Denis Theatre Foundation's revitalization project and Advisory Board member, this public remark only undermines all of the efforts that our Board of Directors has made to secure financial support from the RACP funding [Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program] in Harrisburg. All inroads previously made to reach out to Governor Corbett could be completely negated by such a reckless remark by our Mt. Lebanon elected official should it be discovered.

Mr. Brumfield, I respectfully request that you resign your position as Commissioner. You have tainted the office, which you have agreed to uphold and may have caused harm to your constituents in the process. Those of us who invest our own resources and work tirelessly to protect and develop our community don't need you to undermine our efforts. Please demonstrate to our Governor's office that you stand alone in your derogatory statement by stepping down.

I look forward to knowing who Mr. Brumfield's replacement will be.


Charlotte Stephenson

Cc: Denis Theatre Board of Directors


On May 21, 2014, at 5:25 PM, David Brumfield wrote:

Ms. Stephenson,

I wanted to respond to your email since some of the recipients may not be aware of the context of my quote. During an informal budget planning retreat our consultant asked the group what democrats can agree about. My response was, as you said, "Corbett Sucks". I would confess that my statement was cruder than I would have said in a public meeting. I should have said that Democrats could agree that "Corbett's policies and administration have been disastrous for Pennsylvania as a whole and Mt. Lebanon specifically." I could have gone on and pointed to the indefensible withholding of Plancon H funds from the High School project, the cuts in the education budget, increasing funding to private corporations through school vouchers while cutting education funding everywhere else, the failure to address our crumbling infrastructure, unwillingness to address the property tax issues, unwillingness to tax the Marcellus Shale industry, opposing gay marriage rights, trying to disenfranchise voters with voter ID laws, refusing to accept federal medicaid dollars under the ACA, and failing to protect workers by making it more difficult to recover unemployment benefits. Yet with all of my reasons to rail against the job Corbett has done I think more of him than to believe that he would refuse to fund a worthy project such as the Denis Theater just because a Commissioner expressed a negative view of him. If you believe that Governor Corbett is such a man you clearly have a much lower opinion of him as a person than I do of him as a Governor. Should anyone ask I would readily apologize for the word I used but not for the sentiment that motivated it. That would include Mr. Corbett or any resident who just did not like my choice of words.

I believe it goes without saying but I will again decline your second or perhaps third request that I resign.

Dave Brumfield

From: Charlotte Stephenson
Date: May 21, 2014 8:52:08 PM EDT
To: David Brumfield <>
Cc: Commission <>, Dan Miller <>,

Subject: Response to Request for Brumfield Resignation
Mr. Brumfield,

I wish to clarify some of your points because, like many other public statements you make, they are inaccurate:

Any recipient can simply watch the video to determine the context of your quote. It is a shame that you are unwilling to accept your attitude and behavior as potentially detrimental to the efforts being made on behalf of the Denis. Further, although you represent residents across the spectrum of political affiliations, your derogatory remark about Governor Corbett only serves to alienate those who do not agree with you.

I believe you are confusing my only request for your resignation with that of many other residents who have also requested this of you. While I admit that your support of the artificial turf project has been frustrating to me, I see this lapse of judgement as your prerogative for having been elected. As you know, the turf project will spend at least $750,000 of unassigned municipal funds when there are many other more worthwhile and economically beneficial projects to support in our great community,

What is egregious is your cavalier attitude and flippant remark about our Governor who we depend on in various ways, including the possible receipt of funding for the Denis project.

Charlotte Stephenson

Note: Please contact State Representative Dan Miller and Senator Matt Smith if you disagree with the course our current Commission has chosen.

Update May 22, 2014 11:57 AM Charlotte Stephenson has a Letter to the Editor in today's Post-Gazette. "Newcomer" tax and turf unnecessary


Anonymous said...

I knew he was a Democrat of the new-stripe (that is, unrecognizable to the party of Jefferson, Humphrey, Kennedy, or even Clinton), but I did not realize what an extremist Dave Brumfield is! By giving him the opportunity to reveal his out-of-step views I believe you have done a great service to the local electorate. Brava Charlotte!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how Dave focuses on the school district's issues? Here we have a municipal commissioner who seems more interested in the apologies of the school board than with his own commission's assault on the ability of young families to move into our community, or for the ability of our seniors to stay in their homes, or for fairness among neighbors who are taxed at significantly differing levels.

All of this assessment appeals business is now revealed as the commission serving as hand-maiden to the school board in reaming the residents of as much property tax as possible, while all the while the school board, despite long-standing and significant surpluses, presses on for the maximum tax increases allowed by law every year.

If anyone is acting contrary to the public interest and a sustainable education program in Mt. Lebanon, it is Dave Brumfield, acting in concert with his unanimous commission as well as the school board that has only one courageous member willing to vote "No" on irresponsible fiscal excesses.

Anonymous said...

Enough! Brumfield accuses everyone else of not listening and intolerance but he is now revealed as the hyper-partisan ideologue. Get off the high horse, Dave and learn how to listen and speak WITH the people you serve. You are nothing more than a bully on a high chair.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight-in order to "not alienate" those who don't agree with him, he shouldn't say what he thinks? Isn't it better to be honest? Poor choice of word? Maybe, I guess that is a matter of opinion. Funny how Ms. Stephenson feels free to say the things that are important to her regarding the spending of funds are of much more value than the improvement to recreational facilities. Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Elaine: Why don't we demand that Dan Miller and Matt Smith contact us on these matters? They owe this community an explanation of where the local Democratic Party stands on such important issues. Dan and Matt what are your views? Where do you stand on the Brunfield tirade? Or on the Linfante Tax and the bullying of the public whenever dissenting views are offered in public comment periods? Dan was Kristen's campaign chairman, what does he think of her stewardship now?

Anonymous said...

Brumfield makes some wild claims and some accusations about the Governor and education spending. The Commonwealth Foundation of PA contradicts his claims and does so with facts! Read the attached link below.
"7 Little-Known Facts on Pennsylvania Public School Spending

For years, teachers unions in Pennsylvania have claimed the governor cut $1 billion from schools. But the real story is more complicated. A huge influx of federal stimulus funding expired, a loss school districts and others were aware would happen. At the same time, state funding for public education has increased. See the real facts on school spending below.
1) State spending on public education is at the highest level ever.
Last year, the state legislature approved nearly $10 billion in state funding for PreK-12 public education, an all-time high. In addition, total funding (which includes local funds from property taxes, state and federal funding) continues to exceed $14,000 per student.
2) The “cuts” in the 2011-12 budget for education came entirely from temporary federal stimulus funds that expired.
The money came from the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which included both direct funding to school districts and money to preserve jobs. When the federal funds expired, Gov Corbett and state lawmakers increased public education funding from state funds to replace some of that amount. Gov. Ed Rendell, in contrast, did the opposite, using federal dollars to increase funding for schools while cutting the funding from state tax dollars."
Brumfield needs to step up and show the facts that disprove the information and clear graphs in the Commonwealth Foundation's report.
If he can't, he should make a very public admission correcting his false claims. Apologize to Ms. Stephenson, his constituents and to the Governor.
I'll give Brumfield a chance to redeem himself, but verbalizing "Corbett Sucks" in a municipal meeting recorded or not shows just how classless and clueless this guy is, in my opinion. If he says this kind of thing in public, what does he say about people in private?

Anonymous said...

11:30PM No one is arguing that Mr. Brunfield should not be candid, we are just noting his closed mind, rigid partisanship, and inappropriate name-calling. He acts more like a pompous overlord than a responsible elected official. Perhaps you agree with his apparent position that he has no obligation to try to represent the whole community? The primary point about Mr. Brumfield's behavior and remarks is that he cannot be an effective person, let alone a leader, with such an approach.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever read George Washington's Rules of Civility? There are 110... and of course, a few don't apply to Dave's public role in Mt Lebanon as we don't have to watch how he eats, behaves in his home, or walks down the street, at least too often.

But of the other guidelines, Dave's behavior repeatedly suggests that civility is a major failure and this reflects poorly on his role as a public official representing Mt Lebanon, and at the same time, the PA Bar Association.

Anonymous said...

11:32 Do I understand you correctly to say that the primary reason that education funds have been cut in PA is not any action or inaction by Governor Corbett, but the action of President Obama to cut Federal education assistance? Dave Brumfield can be counted on to spin that fact, partisan that he is!

Anonymous said...

Charlotte Stephenson is the only one willing to point to the Emperor and acknowledge that he wears no clothes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dave: How would you like those of us who disagree with you to start talking about you like that, say in public comment time? Watch your mouth, it is the first rule of "civility" which you and the other commissioners are the first to lecture the public about. Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

A public apology is the customary obligation for those who publicly insult and disparage. Give a clean apology, with not partisan BS, Dave--show how "civil" you can be, if you can.

Anonymous said...

11:40, I don't say it, the Commonwealth Foundation shows very concise numbers and clear graphs supporting their claim that 'state' funding for k-12 education are at record levels.
Do I know for sure this to be the truth, no, but I have seen similar claims published in several state newspapers. Now Brumfield could easily show me and more so the Commonwealth Foundation to be fools by backing up his claims with numbers.
I don't believe he can and won't because that is his usual MO, IMO.
I suggest you 11:32 to seek the truth yourself and not rely on Brumfield or I, then act accordingly.

Anonymous said...


Funding the Denis would have a much greater positive impact on our community for the common good than turfing two fields on Cedar Blvd., regardless of one's political affiliation.

Some Commissioners think that increased Gatorade and pizza slice purchases after baseball games will be a boon to the local economy. I, however, believe that all ages drawn to uptown for cultural events or entertainment at the Denis would have much greater impact on the local merchants and economy. Let's think...dinners at local restaurants year round or pizza slices during sports seasons, hmmmm.....

Also, honesty is a virtue, but when your political bias alienates those you are meant to serve it is detrimental to your purpose in my humble opinion. Our Commissioners serve a variety of constituents. They should at least attempt to appreciate the opposing political views of those they serve rather than adopt a biased view according to their own political affiliation. Dave Brumfield publicly disparaged Governor Corbett in spite of those in his ward who support the governor. It's just not cool.

-Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

Total overreaction here and does anyone really thing that Corbett would do something so childish as to say you don't get any money because someone said he "sucks"? IF he did that, then shame on him. People in politics making off color statements about one another isn't all that rare. That is crazy, grow up people. Way to make something out of nothing. And no one here ever says anything off color? No one here ever calls names, makes false accusations, attacks, right?

Just because she notes in her emails that this project isn't important to many people doesn't make it true. There are many more opinions than Mrs. Stephenson's. And does anyone really think anyone on the commission is going to resign just because someone on this blog "DEMANDS" it?

Anonymous said...

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your our reputation; for tis better be alone than in bad company." — George Washington, 1st  President of the United States

It is time for our MTL Democrats to either speak out about this crass behavior or to stay silent and voicetheir approval of it. Recently events and actions at school board meetings, town halls and polling places by democrats seems to point out that there seems to be a lack of 'neighborliness' and civility invading your party.
I don't believe this has always been a trait and know many fine gentlepeople (gender neutral of course) democrats. Not censoring this rogue causes me to have doubts that I might be wrong that there are any gentlepeople left in the party.

Anonymous said...

“Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.” 
– George Washington 

Anonymous said...

Oh please, ms Stephenson, get off your high horse. I will now never support the Denis Theater foundation.
11:47 some of you have said ugly things about Mr. brumfield on this blog. pot,kettle,black.

Anonymous said...

Dave Brumfield, it's time to go.

And if you are expecting Dan Miller or Matt Smith to do something about it, dream on. They're both Party Men. Party Men stick together. They'll endorse him no matter what he wants to do.

--Tom the Tinker

Anonymous said...

Brumfield makes the following  statements as to why he believes "Corbett Sucks!" While it's very easy to blabber on and cast stones from the cheap seats, lets hear how Our hugely popular democrat would solve the Governor's problems. Then see if his fellow Democrats agree. I'll try to point out the facts as I know them in brackets [...]. which I'll gladly like to hear countered if possible. Something Brumfield won't do with respect and civility!

"Corbett's policies and administration have been disastrous for Pennsylvania as a whole and Mt. Lebanon specifically." [Under Corbett unemployment has fallen to the lowest level in years]
 I could have gone on and pointed to the indefensible withholding of Plancon H funds from the High School project, [following the HS project and evidence of shoddy prep of plan con documents maybe the hold up is justifiable. At any rate with a state budget facing huge shortfalls where does Brummy propose the Gov. Get money]  the cuts in the education budget, [ increasing funding to private corporations through school vouchers while cutting education funding everywhere else, [with stagnant public school performance, there is a world outside Lebo, and 23% of Lebo grads needing college remedial English and Math perhaps Brumfield has a better plan] the failure to address our crumbling infrastructure, [this is a good one! Ask Lebo residents with flooding basements if they like Brumfields infrastructure solutions] unwillingness to address the property tax issues, [another juicy one, Brumfield's local solution- screw newcomers but not Linfante] unwillingness to tax the Marcellus Shale industry, [stifle energy independence from Middle East oil eh Dave?!]  opposing gay marriage rights, [read the yesterday's newspaper Davey boy] trying to disenfranchise voters with voter ID laws, [why shouldn't someone have ID, you need ID to drive, cash checks, go to the library] refusing to accept federal medicaid dollars under the ACA, [because the Feds don't cover ACA bills] and failing to protect workers by making it more difficult to recover unemployment benefits. [you don't have to cover UC benefits if people are employed Dave!]

I'll wait for your brilliant responses Dave and demoractic associates. What'll it be-- Anonymous Sucks or "What the Kluck?"

Unknown said...

Dan Miller and Matt Smith won't touch this with a 205 mile pole. They don't care. Time and time again, they prove they don't care. SO what makes people think they will do anything now? I hope they prove me wrong, but I doubt that will happen.

Anonymous said...

A question for the Big Thinker-Dave Brumfield, Esq.!

If Gov. Corbett is the villan and evil-doer you portray him as, explain these items to me.

With your claimed devastating Governor's cuts to K-12 education and a high school in complete structural disarray-- MTLSD went from #2 to #1 in the region according to the Business Times.

Please, don't tell me that we covered for Corbett with local tax increases, because though that may be true, the district still spends like there is no tomorrrow. With Pennsylvania still facing deficits carried over from Rendell for Corbett to send more ed money-- he'll have to raise taxes on us.
"Asked why Pennsylvania doesn't have a surplus, Budget Director Charles Zogby didn't hesitate: “I don't know that we missed the trend. Because of the prior administration, the governor came into office well behind the starting line.”
Corbett took office in 2011 with a $4.2 billion deficit from Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell's eight-year tenure, Zogby said. Rendell pumped federal stimulus money into education and other programs knowing it would dry up, he said."

Don't forget Corbett is also facing the Public Employee and Teacher Pension crisis.

Keep adding municipal and school district employees, that'll fix it, right Dave?

Now onto turf--

"In a year where WPIAL lacrosse showed parity in the regular season, two programs are looking to establish themselves as being among the elite, and a few are out for revenge.
Highmark Stadium will play host to the girls and boys lacrosse championships Thursday and Friday, respectively, with the Division II finals starting at 6 p.m. and the Division I finals following at 8.

The girls and boys teams from Mt. Lebanon and Quaker Valley will play for a WPIAL title.

The Mt. Lebanon boys (12-8) will face Shady Side Academy (13-4) in the Division I finals; the Quaker Valley boys (17-0) will take on Indiana (11-4) in the Division II finals, and the girls teams will face each other in the Division I game."

Yep, curious-- our poor kiddies just won't be able to perform witbout million dollar turfed fields!

Anonymous said...

Dumb Field Sucks

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Paula Dean? She made an off the cuff comment and her empire crumbled! Dave B. man up and resign, that would be the best out come for all of Mt. Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

We have 5.2% unemployment in PA -- Humphrey-Hawkins defined full employment as 6%. Seems that the Governor is doing very well by all the people, Dave. Your name-calling reflects on your lack of intellectual fire power, not on the Governor's effectiveness. One of many reasons that Dave will never rise to be the Governor or anything else that matters.

Anonymous said...

Where are the civility police! Where is Ms. "Civility" herself - Kristen Linfante - will she speak out about such boorish behavior by her colleague? "I won't write the check."

Anonymous said...

Is there nothing in the commission's rules or practices that bans such banality in its proceedings? Someone teach Dave Brumfield some manners, including respect for people with whom he disagrees--the may be a "Democrat" but he is no democrat.

Anonymous said...

Think about this all you "Corbett Sucks!" democrats.

If Corbett or heaven forbid Wolf decide to pour even more money into k-12 education — #1. with a state operating with deficits already, where do you suspect the Governor finds the new money to send to schools ?


#2. with over 350 Pennsylvania school districts, many of which are in dire financial straits, where do you think you new K-12 education taxes are going to go? Here to affluent Mt. Lebanon or districts like Chester-Upland, Philadelphia, Scranton, Allentown, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh or Duquesne.

At least by keeping your hard earned money here— if we had voters that could get off their lazy asses and vote for fiscally responsible school directors— we could spend 'our' money on 'our' schools for the things we determine to be important!

Think about it.

Giffen Good

Anonymous said...

Brummie just shows the lack of respect he has for himself, his office, and the people he serves with such a cheap and mean mouth.

Anonymous said...

I'm quickly losing respect for Miller and Smith.

"Birds of a feather flock together!"

Anonymous said...

Unworthy is the only conclusion to be reached on the Brumfield record.

Lebo Citizens said...

During the Budget Retreat, the facilitator asked the commissioners by what percentage of the votes did they win their seat. Dave Brumfield bragged that he had 99% of the votes. The facilitator said that is unheard of and was impressed. What Dave failed to mention to Ron O'Donnell was that he ran unopposed. Dave went on to say that only 17 people voted against him, with one vote being for a dog. Too bad the dog didn't win.
Oh, and 12:07 AM, more than one person has demanded that Dave resign, to the point that Dave Brumfield can't keep track.

Anonymous said...

8:48 wish I had your optimism.
Don't forget we elected this guy to office here.

What does that tell you about our community?

Anonymous said...

Fear and intimidation are the hand maidens of oppression. Dave should ask why he had no opposition -- if he thinks it is because people love him, it only proves his psychological flaws.

Anonymous said...

Where are the other commissioners? Kelly, is Brumfield's mouth acceptable to you?

Anonymous said...

What about Silverman? Will he speak out against Brumfield's offensive comments?

Anonymous said...

And Mr. Bendel? Where do you stand on "civility" and the commission?

Anonymous said...

New rules from the commission. Everyone just say whatever they want. Free for all politics. In fact, why not allow physical assault, too? Just like the cane attack on the floor of the House of Reps before the Civil War, no holds barred -- right Dave? You are a model of decorum and civility -- you brute!

Anonymous said...

Kelly wants all the Republican and Conservative support, but she never fails to back whatever the Democrat Machine spits out. Kelly is no friend of the opponents to Linfante, Brumfield, et al......Kelly is also an imposter and should either start speaking out against the excesses of her colleagues or expect to lose all of her non-Machine support.

Anonymous said...

Amateurs, amateurs, they are all amateurs. It is the commission that can't shoot straight. The deer have nothing to fear.

Anonymous said...

Bendel will never be a hero. He sits back and let's Brumfield do the active bullying. Then he says that Brumfield's arguments reflect a "dispute" instead of what they really are.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
[W]e are just noting his...inappropriate name-calling. He acts more like a pompous overlord than a responsible elected official.

May 21, 2014 at 11:36 PM

Holy moly.

Richard Gideon said...

I'm glad Elaine broached the subject of votes. If you watched the Budget Retreat video you may have head the various commissioners say or agree that they were elected "by a majority of Mt. Lebanon residents." This simply is not so. Mr. Brumfield took glee in stating he received "99% of the vote." Really? Let's look at his plea. Here are the figures from the Allegheny County Board of Elections for the 2013 general election, Mt. Lebanon, Ward 4, Commissioner:
Total registered voters in Ward 4: 4960
Total ballots cast: 969
Votes received by Mr. Brumfield: 709
Write-in votes: 16

What Mr. Brumfield received was 99% of the votes of those who bothered to cast a vote in his Ward for commissioner. Remember, there's a difference between "votes" and "ballots." The facts are these: only 19.5% of registered Ward 4 voters even bothered to vote, and of those who did not all of them voted for Mr. Brumfield. The fact of the matter is Mr. Brumfield can, at best, show evidence of support from only 709 voters out of 4,960 in his Ward. Therefore his demonstrated support in Ward 4 is 14.3%. It should also be pointed out that since only 969 registered Ward 4 voters cast ballots, and the total commission vote was 725, of the 969 people who did vote 244 of them decided that voting for Mr. Brumfield wasn't worth it.

To be fair to Mr. Brumfield, none of the commissioners can demonstrate with facts that they have the support of the majority of registered voters in their respective wards for the simple reason that the majority of registered voters in any Ward fails to vote. In the last general election for "Commissioner, Ward 2," Mr. Silverman gathered 54.4% of the vote; but only 34.2% of Ward 2 registered votes bothered to vote. And thus it is for the commissioners representing Wards 1, 3, and 5 in previous general elections. In the Primary Election just held, only 22.8% of registered Democrats and 10% of registered Republicans bothered to vote. Just why Mt. Lebanon residents are failing to vote is a mystery. We may all speculate on the reason or reasons for it, but to date nobody has any data that might help in turning this situation around.

That the current crop of commissioners received a simple majority of the people who voted in a commission race is not disputed; that the current crop of commissioners can claim that they represent the majority of Mt. Lebanon residents, or even the majority of Mt. Lebanon registered voters, by the votes they received in an election is simply not true.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Dave Brumfield - I think he's arrogant, and I am very opposed the turf project. But I fail to see the big deal here - it was an off color comment, but it wasn't hate speech by any means.

Anonymous said...

8:52 in response to your question as to whether there are any rules that ban such behavior by commissioners. Short answer no, but we will get a chance on voting if the Home Rule Charter should be gender neutral.
Lying and sucking comments will still be OK!

Anonymous said...

To all:

The issue here isn't really about Brumfield's "Corbett Sucks" comment.
Whether you defend it or disapprove your position speaks more about you than it does Brumfield. For you defenders, I must point out that even Brumfield the lawyer, admits his guilt in not being respectful.
But this is small beans.

The big issue are the facts that Brumfield suggest prompted his ill-chosen words. Those facts are the debate we should be conducting.
There is much evidence that suggest Brumfield is wrong.
Is that evidence true or is Brumfield right?
We better know before we vote for our next governor in November.
I for one don't give a hoot if Brumfield thinks Corbett sucks or not.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Stephenson, I beg to differ. The opening of one small theater in town won't be the economic boom you try to sell. Just because you say it is of more value doesn't make it so. You are so bold to think your opinion is the only one that counts!

As far as the comments, it is overly dramatic to say he disgraced the governor. I am sure the governor doesn't care one bit about this. Maybe you should ask him. You people feel free to call names, make outlandish accusations, and even go after people's kids with your comments, and now you want to make a big stink about someone saying the governor sucks???? GET REAL!

Anonymous said...

First 10:48 here!

Based on the comments made by 10:48 the 2nd, I rest the case I made in my first paragraph.

To 10:48 II-- the theatre won't be an economic boom, but Brumfield's artificial turf will be the "crown jewel" that attracts rich homebuyers.

Interesting! Why is Stephenson full of crap, but your buddy Dave is oh so smart?

Lebo Citizens said...

It has been said that the commission has turned into the school district. I brought that up to Dan Miller, when Matt Kluck, Kelly Fraasch, and I sat in Dan's office. Everone in Dan's office had heard that before.
Now we have Dave Brumfield spouting off about the Governor. What is Dave upset about? Education issues.
Dave and Kristen were willing to go door to door over the high school project. Some Mt. Lebanon residents ask for new high school
Not much has changed except neither of them believe in referendums now. Kristen and Dave have turned the commission into the school district. Both of them have had residents demanding their resignation. Kristen and Dave, you have ruined what once was a respected local government.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious 10:48 #2, are you a Giant Eagle shopper trying to rub elbows with the USC elite, a blue collar Bottom Dollar shopper or one of those annoying foreigners that buys food at Costco?

Anonymous said...

Brumfield's comment is not likely to damage the Denis Theatre Foundation's efforts.

Of note, the Denis Theatre Foundation has been a class act in contrast to Brumfield and his turf task force.

Revitalizing an empty theatre is a better choice for economic development than creating a costly landfill on what was previously a crown jewel grass field. It would cost a tiny fraction of the money spent on the synthetic turf to improve our grass fields.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:48 the 2nd-- "What the Kluck!"

Curious, the Denis Theatre might attract well-dressed affluent couples looking for evening of dining at a nice restaurant and some mind-stimulating entertainment.

Artificial turf on the other hand, will divert harried parents rushing home from work to attend a MWC Youth lacrosse or soccer game. As Silverman proposes the economin boom will be a few more hot dogs and Gatorades sold at the field snack bar or 7-11.

Wonder which project the Washington Road restauranteurs want to see move forward?

I wonder which Linfante's Appollo Fire patrons would prefer to visit? I suggest you GET REAL, 10:48 #2.

Lebo Citizens said...

Don't miss Charlotte Stephenson's Letter to the Editor which appears in today's PG. I linked to it in today's update.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the invisible Mt. Lebanon Republican Committee has sent a message to Corbett campaign headquarters informing of what is being said about the Governor and his policies in Mt. Lebanon?
Brilliant strategist that they are, probably not.

Anonymous said...

Maybe all the young families with kids should just move. That seems to be what you are all striving for. Hey, you are right, I spend more time with my kids than I do going uptown for dinner. That is where my life it at this point and I am really happy with that. We do patronize uptown businesses weekly, so your comparison doesn't really hold any water. But if you want the older crowd with no kids to be the ones you cater to, watch what happens when young families leave. REALITY CHECK--people move here for the school district. If you let that go and you stop investing in the things that appeal to families, watch what happens to your taxes then. On a whim, I just called 4 people and asked them if they would frequent events at the Denis--all 4 said probably not. I didn't ask them to compare rec facilities, I just asked them the question. Is 4 an overwhelming number? No, but not everyone is clamoring to go to the theater contrary to your claims.

Lebo Citizens said...

12:26 PM, there is no doubt in my mind that you are not part of the theatre crowd. Here is the difference, which you obviously can't comprehend. The Denis Theatre Foundation is not asking for unassigned funds to support their foundation.
Isn't it always the case when we object to something that Brumfield and Linfante are pushing, we immediately hate young families with kids?
Thanks for your unbiased survey. I am sure we will see you at the unbiased artificial turf forum being held next month, in the Mellon AUDITORIUM for the vocal "minority."

Anonymous said...

You just love to insult people, don't you? Why is it that if you have sports minded children, we are somehow bad parents? I happen to have kids who also participate in the arts FYI. I believe in well rounded experiences, unlike you. This entire thread was about a comment made that somehow is a crushing blow to the theater, which it isn't. Then you drug the turf argument into it. We won't ever agree on it and one of us will be happy with the outcome and one won't. But to say this theater project is better in some way is false. It is just your opinion, it isn't fact.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant 12:26, just brilliant!

Somehow you deduce that I want young families with kids to move. How did you arrive at such a brilliant argument?
Because I said I hoped our lacrosse teams the Trib are calling elite in the WPIAL weren't competitive?
Oh wait, I know you can show me where I discussed the lack of time you spend with your kids?
This is interesting how you spin other people's comments to fit your own allusions.
Our kids are doing quite well in the world of athletics right now, without turf. As for Rec facilities, how many communities built their own hockey rinks? How many have a tennis center? A golf course? A brand new 8 lane indoor pool?
Yeah, you're right, we taxpayers hate young families and kids-- get 'em the hell out of here! We'll let all those facilities and unimproved fields like V
Brafferton sit empty.
No, don't expand your vision, reject anything that might appeal to an audience other than young families interested in sports.
I hate to write this, but apparently you find it perfectly acceptable... YOU SUCK!

Unknown said...

I am a person that will be using both. I still do not want my tax money to go to either. If my children need updated equipment, I will donate the money to cover the charge. If the Denis Theatre needs help, I would be willing to donate money. Taxpayer money should not go to the depends of the few over the needs of the many.

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:26, Reality check and you wrote it... people move here for the school district.
Guess the turfed field isn't the "crown jewel" that realtors will need to druve prospective young home buyers past!

Lebo Citizens said...

I am insulting? Oh, OK. I don't believe in well rounded experiences? Oh, OK. One of us will be happy with the outcome on the turf? We all know it will be you.

I can't speak for Charlotte, but I believe the point of this thread is that Dave Brumfield does not represent his constituents and can't define the word "fairness." He is the antithesis of what an elected official should be. He was out of line with his Corbett comment. He needs to apologize, much like Susan Morgans was asked to apologize over her offensive "to market, to market" piece.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, I loved going to the Denis Theatre with friends and getting ice cream afterwards.

Can't kids enjoys sports AND parks AND movies in Mt Lebanon?

If I don't support turf, that doesn't mean I am anti-kid. It actually means the opposite!

Anonymous said...

12:52 please point me to the comment that says if a family has sports minded kids the parents are bad?

I wrote harried parents and I've been their. Trying to juggle work, rush hour and a 6 pm game schedule several times a week can be trying. One does what one has to do and sometimes that includes a fast food on-the-run dinner for the kids. Or a hot dog and soda at the snack bar.
Not the healthiest diet, right.
Nor did I say the Denis Theatre is the solution for all things Mt. Lebanon. I happen to believe a flourishing theatre will benefit Uptown businesses more than an artificially turfed field.
Shoot me for having an opinion differing from yours, but please don't put words in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

That vote for "a dog" was me... My dog is smarter AND better behaved then you Brumfield! But both Smith and Miller know about "Corbett Sucks" comment. Will they do anything about it? No. They are BOTH friends and are assisting Brummie in his "growth" so he can move up in State politics. But grab that video as I'm sure the Democratic Party will scrub it. It will be quite useful when Brummie runs again. FYI - Monday Brummie will be in his glory so if you want to "Rain on his Parade" with anti-turf signs and better yet signs letting residents know that a MILLION $$$$ is being spent on turf join Crystal/Gypsy Parade. Believe it's 11am. Hope to see you there!

Anonymous said...

12:52, did you protest to Brumfield when he said "Corbett Sucks"?

Or do you not consider that insulting a person?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I agree w/Brumfield for once. Corbett's awful. I suspect a majority of Lebo voters will agree come election day.

Anonymous said...

I have a real problem with 12:52! The Dennis is for everyone! The turf fields are NOT! If you step on those fields without belonging to a sports group you will fined or arrested. They will no longer be family pickup games. Nor a bunch of kids having some fun. Lets be honest it's really the Lacrosse's Field that will allow a few baseball, soccer and football events ONLY if there isn't a Lacrosse game or practice. Why don't we push to name the field Franklin/Brumfield.

Anonymous said...

Funny but I wonder what Brumfield would do if someone insulted his "God" obama by saying "obama Sucks". Don't try this at the next commissioner's meeting because I have a feeling you might have a different outcome than Brumfield.

Anonymous said...

1:58-- curious, why do you believe Corbett is awful?

Maybe you can educate me or if your perceptions are wrong, I can educate you.

Just saying Corbett is awful doesn't teach anyone anything.
If he truly is awful, I don't want to vote for him.

Anonymous said...

1:58 With Corbett's action yesterday you will most likely get your wish and Wolf will get elected so I hope you're a public school teacher as they will again get rewarded with ANOTHER massive pay raise and tax payers will get socked to pay for it. More businesses will leave the state. We are. There are many states that welcome and want businesses. I only feel sad for the 32 employees left behind. Maybe they will wake up and see this state for what it is. A tax HELL!

Anonymous said...

Fined or arrested? Are you insane? Why would you say that? Why would you be arrested for stepping on a field? You can't just start a pick up game on any field now. These fields are PERMITTED for use at certain times. NOTHING is changing about that. That doesn't mean someone will be arrested for playing frisbee on the field.

What if a person doesn't want to visit the Denis? Is it still for everyone? Why wouldn't a field be just as much for everyone????? You make NO sense at all.

Anonymous said...

I am truly heartened by the dialogue on this thread! Elaine, I thank you for providing a forum where participants can share their opinions and learn from one another. Perhaps we aren't asleep at the wheel after all, maybe we'll even have better participation in the next election cycle!

I want to make sure my opinions are clear:

It's is unfortunate that our elected representative, Dave Brumfield, made a public derogatory statement about our Governor. It shows poor judgement on his part and reflects poorly on our community.

It is unfortunate that his comment has the potential to undermine a group of residents who have worked tirelessly to raise funds to reopen the theatre, including applying for grant dollars in the Governor's budget. They deserve better.

I do not think it is fair to use our tax dollars to turf fields. The on-going exorbitant costs, health and safety concerns, and environmental issues are just a few of the reasons why.

There are other options to enhance field space without going down the road to a brown field. Other options could serve recreational interests of a much larger segment of our community. (Commissioner Fraasch's Rob Hollow Plan). Since we are footing the bill, it would be a good idea to meet the needs of the largest portion of our population as possible.

Of the two, opening the theatre would be a better economic plan than turfing fields. I did not say it would cause an economic "boon". However, it's apples and oranges because the theatre folks aren't taking unassigned funds, the turf folks are. That isn't fair. Why don't the turf folks do the same, launch a capital campaign, purchase land and build whatever they want? Just don't ask all of us to pay for it.

Finally, we have spent much money recently for things in our community and the tax invoices show it. We have the high school and pool renovations that are high end designs. Now we want to turf fields, I think we need to rein it in. Just because there are unassigned funds doesn't mean they have to be spent. Why not return some of it to the residents or save it for a rainy day? Why do we have to have everything now?

-Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

There are many people in the world who do not grasp the concept of "delayed gratification."

Anonymous said...

I'm not so offended by what he said, (that's the order of the day anymore) as I am amused at his lack of common sense by expressing these views in such a public manner, and then laughing about it. Poster child of the know it all bully and arrogance. God forbid he reach any level other than muni. Funny how all these Demmy controlled states and cities are the ones that are either bankrupt or one step from it. Calf, Ill, Detroit, etc, etc.

Anonymous said...

It was made very clear that ONLY authorized sports groups would be allotted time on the turfed fields. When asked if the fields would be open to outside groups the answer was NO. This crap is 70% for Lacrosse (Brumfield) and 29.999999% for soccer. The other sports groups that are paying big bucks finally realize that they get little to zero use of the fields.

Lebo Citizens said...

Dave writes, "Should anyone ask I would readily apologize for the word I used but not for the sentiment that motivated it. That would include Mr. Corbett or any resident who just did not like my choice of words."

Dave, I'm asking.

Anonymous said...

Two and a half hours since 2:14 said Corbett was awful.
Asked why and so far no response.
One would think the reasons why he is would be on the tip of their tongue.

Anonymous said...

Mark my words, the Dennis will open, then close in about three years door to lack of interest. Theaters are closing alkyl over the US, even those that are labeled multi purpose.

Anonymous said...

The Hollywood is doing well.

Anonymous said...

"Movie theaters continue to draw more people than all theme parks and major U.S. sports combined."


Anonymous said...

12:44 The Republican committee of Mt Lebanon? No, they won't say anything. They're too busy praising Remely for his tax increase vote. They're probably passing the petition around to get Brumfield on the ballot for them next time.

For those of you who are defending Brumfield, have you actually watched him in Commission meetings and discussion sessions? If you have, can you seriously be defending him? The Newcomers stole his lunch and ate it in front of him. He was left stuttering and stammering saying anything so they'd go away (but they're not going away).

Dave, just sign the resignation. Save the rest of us in the Township the embarrassment of having you on our commission.

--Tom the Tinker

Anonymous said...

interesting how some people think that exposing kids to a cancer hazard and a general health hazard (asthma, increased number and severity of injuries, etc) is "pro-kid" while those who seek to protect the health and welfare of the children are "anti-kid" and against young families.....the Linfante-Brumfield crowd has elevated double speak to a new level on orders from the artificial turfers

Anonymous said...

As a Founder for the Denis Theatre Foundation's revitalization project and Advisory Board member, this public remark only undermines all of the efforts that our Board of Directors has made to secure financial support from the RACP funding [Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program] in Harrisburg.

Serious question. Does Ms. Stephenson speak for the Denis Theatre Foundation as a whole?

Anonymous said...

What a funny thread. I love the idea of the a theater in uptown...but let's face the facts: it was showing just the type of fare (which I love) before that it will in the future. And it failed because of a lack of business. The reality is this is a town of strip malls. Uptown is not where people do errands. I moved here from New England where almost all of our weekly errands (with the exception of groceries) happened in our town center. Uptown just isn't that...and it makes me sad.

And I'm a parent who spends far too much time on fields. Do I want more fields? That would be great and I really liked Kelly's plan. Do I think they should turf over middle and wildcat? Lousy idea.

And in terms of the schools...yes people move here for the schools and the idea that things are walkable. But other districts have caught up to Lebo. We've been disappointed and when I talk to my siblings I who live in New England and outside of Chicago I realize how far behind our curriculum really is. It's pretty tragic.

Just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Kelly, where forth art thou? You always tell the Republicans how you are our closest friend on the commission--but where are you when your Democrat colleagues are abusing us and their offices? Can you ever criticize Linfante and Brumfield no matter what they do or say? Show your independence, if you have any. I begin to doubt that you are up to the duties of a commissioner.

Your failure to speak on the kind of touchstone issues that have arisen in the past month is a clear demonstration that in fact you are no different from either Linfante or Brumfield. There can be little doubt that your financial and electoral support in this community are waning in direct consequence of your weakness (or were you just playing us all along?).

Anonymous said...

It's true, opposition to artificial turf is great, but it is not enough. On the tax-and-spend agenda, and on the arrogance and personal misbehavior of commissioners, Kelly has let us all down. I will no longer support Kelly Fraasch for any office as she is just an extention of the Machine that also gave us Linfante and Brumfield -- she is one of "them.".

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:04's comment about the curriculum. Needed say and I believe a Pitt professor alluded to the same point a few years ago on Bloglebo.

Anonymous said...

9:04, I guess you need to get out of the bubble a little more. Shadyside was a hot spot for years, Southside is the happening place to be for Lebo millenials and Lawerenceville is quickly becoming another go to place for the avante garde. None of those four (forgot Sewickley's shopping district) are strip malls.
Oh there is one more that seems to do well, Oakmont.
Now we can languish back, sit back and do nothing because Pittsburgh "is a town of strip malls" or we can think outside the bubble and try to create a New Hope!

Anonymous said...

And that is where this blog goes down the drain. Let's shoot the person that actually gives a damn on the commission.

Anonymous said...

9:04am - I'm with you. We came up from Dallas and were led to believe your local schools were superior. It was a bunch of BS. I'm not the only misplaced Texan that feels that way. And if I had wanted lefty politics I would have moved to California although I suppose in a way I did.

Bob D.

Lebo Citizens said...

10:38 AM, I was really torn about posting 9:09 and 9:24 AM's comments. Kelly Fraasch is the ONLY commissioner who listens. She has said many times that she is only one of five commissioners and has had no support from the other commissioners. They don't include her on emails and only found out about turfing Middle and Wildcat Fields in early November. It was clear that she was being shut out in my mother of RTKs.

Anonymous said...

9:24 If you have questions for Kelly, email her or post them here. I am sure she would be willing to answer them or ask them during a commission meeting or discussion.

Anonymous said...

My question for Kelly.

What can we do as citizens to commissioners when they make false claims and keep changing the rules?

For instance, bids are going out on artificial turf but we were told this project WOULD NOT procedure until the municipality had $250,000 'in the bank."
Not pledged, not promised, not in the hands of a foundation... They said 'in the bank.'

Anonymous said...

Correction- proceed not procedure @ 4:38.

Anonymous said...

Elaine: BUT Kelly votes for and with them, on everything they want but the turf. Kelly backs Dan and Matt blindly, too. Kelly is the kind of "leader" that has made possible the Linfante-Brumfield steamroller. Kelly has to go with the rest of them, just as Quisling went, too.

Anonymous said...

4:38 These are the things we voters must remember at the polls. There are very good reasons not to re-elect any of the commissioners. Nonetheless, it takes the commitment and effort to vote for reform (not to say "Change").

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Jon Delano/KDKA has been on investigating the political affairs here in Lebo?

Anonymous said...

There is a solid block of Stonewallers on the commission -- none will respond as if all of Elaine's award-winning journalism simply did not exist because it is an open forum that hosts all points of view - even criticism of our elected elite. One might ask if there were a truly informed and involved electorate if such arrogant behavior would continue? There is no reason to reform if no one is looking. By sticking their heads in the sand with regard to Elaine's blog - the only consistent platform for critical thought and opposing views - the Lebo Elite think it will all pass in the night. Not a single commissioner will commit their views to this wonderful full throated voice of democracy. THAT should be a wake up call to all of the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

On the subject of civility, we still also have no apology from Kritsten Linfante to her predecessor about all the nasty criticism she and her supporters hurled at him for doing exactly what she is doing now (listing her house for sale in a re-election year). Kristen, people do notice how you behave and it will affect your reputation as a commissioner.

Anonymous said...

4:38, I asked Kelly last week about this same concern. In the 11/25 discussion meeting John Bendel publicly stated "The project will not go forward until the non-municipal funds are secured.”

Kelly replied:
Yes in November he did say that but he began retracting his initial statement at the last meeting and talking about extending the deadline to June 15th instead of May.
He can do that with a majority of the board support. He could extend, lower the portion needed etc if he has the majority support.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

4:51, Don't be too tough on Kelly. As a result of the heavy rains last week, an 8 inch deep by 3 foot wide by 20 foot long gulley was created in front of my neighbor's house adjacent to the curb where a portion of Castle Shannon Blvd. was patched from a water main break.

I emailed (with photos attached) Tom Kelley, Steve Feller, Dan Miller, Matt Smith and all of the commissioners. Of all the commissioners only Kelly personally called me (within 1/2 hour) to express her concern and told me she contacted the municipality and the police department who came out to take a look at this crater.

Needless to say, not even Dave Brumfield called even though he oversees Ward 4.

In addition to Kelly, Dan Miller, a representative from Matt Smith's office called too, and Tom Kelley did forward my email over to PennDOT.

I may not agree with Kelly on every issue, but I do commend her for taking the time to contact me personally.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Nick M.
I agree with you on your comments about Kelly. Of all the commissioners she is the only one that shows the least bit of concern when a constituent has a problem.
She takes her job seriously and makes herself available even to residents that may disagree with her as opposed to others that clam up if they don't like what they're hearing.

Dan Miller and Matt Smith are pretty responsive as well, though they will toe the party line almost to a fault.

Having said all that, it will be interesting to see just how fast the problems are resolved for you and your neighbors in this location.

Anonymous said...

7:48, Needless to say the responsibility now lies with PennDOT to get this fixed. They were notified one week ago (5/17) and nothing has been done yet.

Just be careful when driving up from Shady Drive towards Barth/Hemlock. Don't drive to close to the right side, we may never see you again.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Buried in Brumfield's response to Ms. Stephenson is this tidbit: "I should have said that Democrats could agree that 'Corbett's policies and administration have been disastrous for Pennsylvania as a whole and Mt. Lebanon specifically.'"

Of course they'll agree Mr. Brumfield, otherwise they'd have to admit that the most expensive W PA high school project-- without boiler water feeds, ductwork running thru elevator shafts, unlevel gym floors, cafeteria without tables & chairs, auditorium without sound system or curtains will make Lebo taxes skyrocket. We won't mention handing out $1,000 bonuses to the people that were trusted to oversee the project.

Governor Corbett, Mr. Brumfield didn't cause the PSERS pension crisis, didn't allow the high school or municipal fields to deteriorate. He doesn't raise teacher compensation well above the CPI or pay the Campaign Chairperson more than the rate in a comparable position in private industry.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Mr. Brumfield!

Anonymous said...

8:01 - you asked if Ms. Stephenson represented the Denis Theatre. Fair enough question!

Now I'll ask you a serious question.

Is Mr. Brumfield's callous behaviour repesentitive of the lack of sophistication and ignorance of the facts in the democratic party?

Anonymous said...


Correction- representative

Anonymous said...


If you are serious about your question simply post your name and contact information to Elaine and I will glady follow up. Hope to hear from you soon.

-Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

You won't hear from them Ms. Stephenson.

But, by the off chance that you do- ask them if its OK if Linfante deceptively speaks for the ESB.

Lebo Citizens said...

I want to take a moment and remind everyone that there is a commission meeting on Tuesday night. I hope that Dave Brumfield puts on his big boy pants and publicly apologizes for his lewd comment about Gov. Corbett.
As always, Citizen Comments start at 8 PM.

Anonymous said...

Dave is having a grand ole time laughing about all the attention he's getting on the comment. He's being told how he's such a wonderful little socialist democrat from all around the State. That includes Miller and Smith! They are all laughing at US. What was it that Brumfield said on that same clip? Democrats care.... About what? Stealing? Lying? What are you teaching those young kids you coach? Cheating? How to hurt the other players? Do you have any idea what the parents are saying about you on side? You are NOT looked at as a leader but a chump! Many are counting the days till your kid is gone and you are replaced with a coach with some morals. Even my 10 year-old laughs at you and asks why we can't have coaches like Upper St Clair.

Anonymous said...

2:21 he still got elected!
What does that say about "US" and the 70% of registered voters that didn't show up at the polls?
Sorry to say it, but he has every right to be laughing.

Anonymous said...

Someone should ask Mr. Brumfield in what context his rudeness and disrespect for the office of the governor of this Commonwealth has any legitimacy? He is just a name caller. "Civility" Mr. Brumfield, a concept you don't seem to comprehend.

Just as troubling, though, is the fact that other commissioners, unanimously, just sit by silently tolerating (and thus supporting) this boorish abuse of the commission's bully pulpit. This is a shared shame among every single one of the commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Wake up Lebo -- our town has been taken over by those who do not care what you think, do not respect your labor or the property that your labor has allowed you to provide for your family, or for your welfare or the welfare of your family if it stands in the way of their pet projects (like turf that HURTS KIDS). What does it take (or put another way, "the answer is blowing in the wind").