The email exchange follows.
Subject: We know how you feel
I would like to add to my comment from last night concerning public hearings and citizens comments. Your behavior is appalling. You are hostile to those who do not share your viewpoints. May I remind you of your values as posted on your website:
At 12:24 PM, Kristen sent the following response:The discussion meeting agenda was revised so that we could hear, once again, your views on a deer survey. Your peers want to follow the budget process. During Citizen Comments, you interrupted speakers or interjected your opinion with those you disagree. During the public hearing, we got your input concerning deer management. We get it. We know how you feel. But these segments are OUR times to comment. It is YOUR time to LISTEN to our voices. Our solos have been replaced with Linfante obbligato. Is that how you want to achieve true harmony?A Good Neighbor – As a professional musician, my role is to listen, collaborate and communicate. These are qualities I will bring to the Mt. Lebanon Commission and I believe they will serve me well as your representative. We value good neighbors and open and honest dialogue in our community and I am willing to roll up my sleeves and do the hard work necessary to ensure a brighter future. It is my goal that our many voices achieve true harmony.
This is the beginning of a conversation and I am interested in hearing your thoughts
Last night was not an isolated incident. It is ongoing. As one resident pointed out, you interrupted her at the September meeting and treated another resident last night the same way. What that resident failed to mention, was that you were just as rude to me at the October meeting. I shutter to think that one day, you will be president of the Commission.
Elaine Gillen
Dear Ms. Gillen,
Thanks for contacting the commission. I regret that you see my
dialogue with residents as anything other than an effort to
When residents come and speak with the commission, I am acutely aware that there will be residents watching at home as well who do not
necessarily follow every meeting as some people do. I feel it is
important, in the spirit of open dialogue and transparency, to
represent where I stand on issues brought forth in any meeting -
especially when they are directed to me.
You may attend most meetings and know my stance on a variety of
issues, but there is an entire community that may not. It is my job
to let the community know where I stand.
I know your opinion about me, skateboard parks, Dan Miller, the
school district, etc. However, I would never ask for you to sit down
and not be heard simply because I already know where you stand. You
refer to "we" several times in your email to me. "We know how you
feel. We get it." I am not sure to whom you are referring when you
say "we". We have a community of almost 35,000. I serve all of them.
I stand by my approach as a commissioner. I am always willing to
allow anyone to express his/her opinion. It is my job to express mine
too. Not everyone will like what I have to say. However, I didn't
become a commissioner to make friends and gain admirers. I became a commissioner to help our community, and I have made a commitment to the hard work it takes to make tough municipal decisions.
Again, thank you for your comments. You are certainly entitled to
your opinion.
Best regards,
Kristen Linfante
Commissioner, Ward 3
Have to say it ... she is right.
1:50 PM, who is right?
This TV viewer picked up on that, Elaine. You are 100% correct.
Your commissioner is right. We should hear where she stands on issues. It is very transparent.
I think the obvious thing to do is to run against her. That'll show her. Oh, I guess you tried that. How did that work out?
2:37 PM, for the umpteenth time, I never ran against Kristen Linfante. Too bad you still don't understand.
Sorry, but my commissioner is wrong on this. We are given five minutes to speak. That is all. Just five minutes. How much time do the commissioners have to tell us where they stand on issues? The balance of the Commission meeting. It is a very transparent process. That is why it is called Citizen Comments. That is why the commissioners have discussion meetings. It is their time to discuss issues. That is also televised and recorded.
The president is wrong for allowing this to continue.
I see nothing wrong with a commissioner asking a question during Citizen comments. Your issue could be easily addressed by simply asking that the commissioners hold any questions until you have finished.
Having watched many of these meetings channel 33, I have never seen you complain when one of the other commissioners have asked a question during Citizen comments.
It's bad enough that she got elected. We don't need Ms. Linfante's grandstanding meeting after meeting, too.
Limphfnte is a unoin goon.
Elaine, we reap what we sow. If you expect these folks to be your buddy, after what you say here, guess again. I assume that's why you stopped going to school board meetings. I applaud any elected official who takes you on.
Dave Franklin
4:06 PM, I see nothing wrong with any commissioner asking a question during citizen comments. You obviously didn't see the October meeting when Linfante kept interrupting me. You haven't read the minutes from the September 24, 2012 meeting. Read Citizen Comments. I don't see any questions asked by Kristen. I see another speech on her soapbox.
Thanks, Dave. I stopped going to school board meetings because David Huston stepped up to cover them for me. Going to commission meetings and maintaining a blog and a website has become a full time job for me. I just don't have the time anymore. How about you? Why don't you go to more meetings?
One more thing, Dave. I just uploaded the podcasts to last night's meetings. Just an FYI, listen to how Kristen takes on more residents than just me. Kristen is not particular. She will go after anyone who does not agree with her. Are you still applauding?
So you send windbag Dave? to do what, record the meetings that are on cable?
Quid pro quo, Mr. Franklin?
5:26 PM, I had been asking for help and David was the only one who volunteered. As far as meetings that are on cable, those go away. Podcasts do not. Thanks.
Name calling 5:26! Is that how you disagree without being disagreeable?
I guess it pays to be hostile. Kristen just intimidated Dave and John to go for a deer survey. Dave would never go for a cull in the past. Now they have added $12000 to the budget for a survey.
Also, IT said that they cannot store audio recordings on the municipal website because of space. How am I able to do it?
While the commissioners figure out even more ways to increase the debt load is anyone paying attention to the stock market and what impact that will have on public employee pensions?
The budget meeting was wrapped up by 7:30 tonight. There was not one deduction made. In addition to the $12000 for the deer survey, my commissioner also asked for $1000 more given to Outreach. The manager recommended $100,500, but Kristen wanted them to have $1000 more.
"There are two things that I just can't tolerate - mean people and liars. The people who call themselves the "Concerned Citizens of Mt. Lebanon" have got both of those covered! I'm am so happy that residents are finally getting the real facts and are rethinking their allegiance to this fringe group."
Kristen Linfante
Real Lebo
April 20, 2010
Let that nut take us down the wrong path. Then what? There's only so much other people's money the commission can spend. It ends at some point. They want to play chicken so let's do it. I'm going to start requesting we spend money on anything and everything.
Also Linfante is clueless. It is mst certainly not a commissioner's job to make their opinion known. In fact the opposite is true. I don't care what her opinion is. On anything. What I do care about is having five people who are tasked with making decisions that benefit the entire community actually DOING IT. These commissioners are not.
I was just showing Real Lebo to someone tonight! Yes, I remember that post well, 9:50 PM! Yep, Kristen has been taking me on for years, Dave. In fact, she interrupted me that night too, when I had the floor at the school board meeting. Look how far we have come. Yea.
Linfatne has her own fringe group on Liberal Lane,
Dave, don't be silly.
Kristen doesn't just do this to Elaine. She does it to other commissioners and she does it to every single citizen with which she disagrees.
The other commissioners seem to be able to hold their differing opinions to themselves and use the commissioners part of the meeting to get their opinions out.
Watch the meeting from the other night and maybe you will see what she means.
C'mon now. You all know why Dave came to Kristen's defense. Bullies like this tend to stick together.
I have no problem with a Commissioner offering opinions during Citizens Comments. In fact, I'm sure many of the folks who speak would probably like to hear from the other 4 Commissioners to know how they feel about an issue or a point made by a resident. Several of Tuesday's speakers specifically addressed their comments/questions to her. She has every right - in fact in some cases an obligation - to respond. Unfortunately, even at the discussion session, we rarely get a chance to hear what Commissioners actually think about things. More and more is being decided and bartered for somewhere other than in the Commission chambers. I'd like to hear from ALL of them more often (and less about deer culling).
Dave Franklin
Mr. Franklin there is a difference in commenting/responding and interrupting.
By all means I agree the commissioners should respond to resident comments. Correct errors, present their opinions etc. Bit that should be done politely at the end of the citizens speaking time.
I agree with your other comment that much is being bartered beyond the commission chambers. Remind me, who were the key players that wanted to keep the SD/Commission liaison meetings private?
Do not forget Kristen and her kronies stomped all over an attempt to have a public forum on issues in the community.
And what the Kluck, don't you dare try to tell us they weren't invited. Kristen's campaign manager was one of the first people to ask questions from the audience.
And once again, who were the players that wanted the SD and muni meetings closed to the public?
Oh the irony of anonymous posters wanting to take the high road in a debate about transparency and open communication.
Dave Franklin
Ironic for sure. Thank you for starting to sign your name again Mr. Franklin.
As opposed to 5:26, right Dave? With whom you appear to not have a problem with?
Why is that?
8:25 & 9:52 seem to be supporting your 7:49 comment.
What's the problem?
Sure, 5:26 is no different. I hope that makes you feel better. However, I'll adopt the Gideon Rule and elect to only answer questions and debate those who choose to sign their names.
Dave Franklin
I uploaded the podcast from last night's 3rd budget review.
You will hear Kristen asking to consider increasing $ for Outreach, because they do a lot of good things. Kelly pointed out that Outreach receives quite a bit more from the muni than other groups and that they need to come up with a systematic way of determining how much to give. You will hear how Matt would not vote because he is on the Board. But guess what? So is Kristen!
I can just hear the spin. "You hate kids, Elaine."
First 8:25 and 9:52 asked rhetorical questions to which anyone that follows this stuff knows the answers too.
Second, Dave you broke the "Gideon Rule" here by responding to 10:00. I believe you also broke it on your own Lebofields blog I believe.
I'm not going to call you names and I'm not criticizing your comments.
I for one find the discussions here interesting, informative and thought-provoking. Anonymous post don't bother me as long as they are civil and pertinent. Granted anonminity sometimes gets the better of people and makes a case for signed comments. But so far the blogging community seems to rein in the bad stuff before it gets out of hand.
I as always could be wrong and don't mind a signed or anon criticism to set me straight.
Outreach counsels kids about underage drinking and drugs. Most of those problems come from athletes. A $100,5000 contribution to Outreach is just another freebie to Deadbeat Athletic Supporters who have cronies in government positions. If parents have a kid with a drinking or drug problem they should pay for their own kid’s treatment.
Why is the community bludgeoned into paying property taxes for a tribute to a drug and drinking charity?
Why are we subsidizing a charity that competes with private businessmen who provide this service?
This expense should suffer the Fiscal Cliff!
11:59, You Know Who has a new job. Send the Outreach bill to "Fat Wallet". He needs a tax deduction this year.
"Outreach counsels kids about underage drinking and drugs. Most of those problems come from athletes." Really 11:59? I haven't seen those statistics. Could you share your source?
Not so fast 11:59, the school district needs Fat Wallet's $100,000 contribution.
1:05 can file a right-to know request and ask for the information.
Who says the $100,000 should go to the District? Municipal money is needed for employee pensions and health benefits.
Why the need for the "Fat Wallet" comment.
Drugs and alcohol are a problem in this community. Is Outreach the way to deal with it, is there proof they're being effective... I don't have clue.
I'm curious why no one spoke up from outreach when the issue of booze consumption at youth sports activities and in the parks was discussed here.
The key phrases---in her own words---is that Linfante didn't become a commissioner "to make friends or gain admirers."
In other words, she counts and the rest of us don't.
Hmmm, isn't that the same philosophy as hang out with people that agree with you... just phrased differently.
In her defense, Marge Sable used to say the same thing. Trouble is - she got ridden out of town.
When a child appears in front of the Magistrate for an underage drinking citation, he automatically refers them to Outreach at the parents expense. I don't know why they would need to have more municipal funding. Parents should be able to find an alcohol awareness program on their own, funded by their insurance. If they choose Outreach that's one thing, they can pay on their own, but there are many such programs in the area.l I don't know if attending an alcohol awaremess program with friends is very effective. It becomes a status thing among the kids.
Outreach lookalike a good thing, but is there any evidence that is effective?
Underage drinking and Mr. McFeely's recent letter to parents about grinding and drug/alcohol problems suggest that Oitreach isn't having much of an impact.
A $100,500 municipal expense is a drop on the bucket if it's working. But, is it working is the $100,500 question. Is it better than any of the other organizations?
Outreach web site-
Outreach Teen & Family Services is a 501c(3) non-profit community based teen counseling agency. Founded in 1974, we provide professional, confidential, affordable counseling to young people ages 5 to 21 and their families. We see clients for a variety of concerns from anger management, family problems and school related issues to depression, anxiety, and drug and alcohol issues. All of our counselors hold a minimum of a Master's Degree. Clients are seen within a short period of time from the initial request for services. Funding for Outreach is provided by the Mt. Lebanon Municipality, Allegheny County, fees, foundations, corporations, school contracts, businesses, civic and religious groups, an annual fundraiser, and individual donations. Outreach turns no one away because of inability to pay. Several counselors are credentialed to accept Aetna, Highmark or UPMC insurance. In cases of financial hardship, the fees may be partially or wholly subsidized.
Events locations-
Dormont Library
Upper St. Clair Library
Whitehall Library
Upper St. Clair Library
Locations are
Mt. Lebanon
Fifth Avenue, Downtown
Why is the township subsidizing a United Way participant and serves the South Hills and the City of Pittsburgh ?
313, If the kids are referred at parent's expense, why did Outreach get any municipal funding?
Why are we funding a status symbol for the druggies and alcoholics?
My commissioner vowed to end block party fees. I emailed Steve Feller and the Commissioners today to see if the block party fees are still in the budget and if so, how much revenue do they generate. Here is Steve Feller's response:
"Block party fees are in the proposed fee schedule. We received about $2,650 this year in fees."
Did my commissioner give up that idea so that an additional $1000 could be given to Outreach?
3:58 says, " Funding for Outreach is provided by the Mt. Lebanon Municipality, Allegheny County, fees, foundations, corporations, school contracts, businesses, civic and religious groups, an annual fundraiser, and individual donations."
Also, "In cases of financial hardship, the fees may be partially or wholly subsidized."
This sounds like the district, the municipality and others are running a social welfare handout for parents who can afford to live in Mt. Lebanon and other expensive areas.
We also get taxed for going to church and having a party with our neighbors but we can't properly fix our roads or our sidewalks, right Dave Brumfield?
John Ewing
I found Outreach's website.
Outreach Teen and Family Services, Inc.
I like Outreach. I think they do a good job, but no way should Mt Lebanon municipality be paying $100,000 each year to fund it. We need someone in the police department preventing teen drug and alcohol use at $100,000 a year.
419, The police chief is president of the Outreach board. What better policeman can you get to prevent teen alcohol and drug use?
Again is there any evidence that Outreach works? If it does maybe we should give it $200,000. But if there no quantifiable evidence, increasing municipal contributions.
I also fond a commissioner pushing an increase to an organization in which they are a director a conflict of interest. Should they promote it, argue for it sure, but when it comes to vote, absolutely not.
Looking at the budget, Mt. Lebanon Village is getting $5,000 of our help. Mt. Lebanon Village "provides a support service and enrichment opportunities to assist Mt. Lebanon seniors in leading rewarding, active lives while remaining in their own homes." This is on page 51 of the budget. Wouldn't $1,000 increase have more of an impact for Mt. Lebanon Village? This is so out of whack.
Good Luck implementing next year's municipal Budget
Bloomberg News just reported this:
The Federal Reserve told the 30 largest banks to test whether they could withstand a severe recession in the U.S. and other major economies with weakening housing markets.
The most severe scenario outlined by the Fed includes a nearly 6.1 percent decline in U.S. gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2013 and an average unemployment rate of as much as 12.1 percent in the second quarter of 2014. Real disposable income contracts for five consecutive quarters, and house prices fall 21 percent from the third quarter of 2012 to the first quarter of 2015.
The 19 bank holding companies participating in the 2013 CCAR are Ally Financial Inc.; American Express Company; Bank of America Corporation; The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation; BB&T Corporation; Capital One Financial Corporation; Citigroup Inc.; Fifth Third Bancorp; The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Keycorp; MetLife, Inc.; Morgan Stanley; The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.; Regions Financial Corporation; State Street Corporation; SunTrust Banks, Inc.; U.S. Bancorp; and Wells Fargo & Company.
By all means build another park. It'll give the homeless a place to set up their Hooverville.
It'll look so much more luxurious if we carpet it with turf.
As far as the budget is concerned, I have no doubt that the people on the commission are sincere in their desires to do what they think is right for Mt. Lebanon. But I also believe that most of them are failing to consider the larger issue of the national economy and the effect a recession will have on the municipal tax base. And any "fixes" that come out of Washington will likely be temporary, as the politicians down there are just as unwilling to face reality as ours are here. Perhaps they should watch Congressman Ron Paul's farewell speech to Congress, or at least read the transcript.
I will give the Commission credit for at least giving a hearing to those citizens who argue for spending restraint, given the fiscal disaster that is likely to come; which is more than I can say for those "geniuses" over on Horsman Drive.
$100,000 for the teen center seems like an awful lot of money for a non-profit.
I think they are important and for the most part do good work, but I had no idea that we sent that much taxpayer money to them.
One must remember Lebo Brew Fest 2012...fundraiser for the Veterans Memorial and Outreach. Last year’s Brew Fest raised more than $18,000 for the memorial.
That's funny. Raising money for an.organization that's fights teen drinking by moving adult beer drinking out onto Main Street.
Can't wait for the fundraiser for the local branch of planned parenthood!
Teen Center is something else. They show $14,310. Outreach last was budgeted $95,480. This year, my commissioner wanted to kick in another $1000 on top of the $100,500.
The scary part to all this is that the commission cut nothing in the budget. They have two years to adopt a fiscal plan that incorporates all pension obligations completely in the balanced operating budget.
My commissioner could be president by then.
It is interesting how the Veteran's Memorial has to work to raise their own funds and Outreach just says gimmie $100,500 - oh, that is not enough, we need another $1,000.
What is/are the uses of the Outreach money that comes from property millage?
Teen Center is another $ink-Hole to lazy parents.
Teen Center a/k/a Day Care
...there but for the grace of god...4:02 and 11:18. Kids experiment...that does not mean that they are druggies or alcoholics. I know that I had a few drinks before my 21st birthday, if you didn't well then good for you.
Teen Center is not for lazy parents, all across the nation kids get in trouble because there is nothing for them to do in their hometowns. Teen center is proactive, it is run by volunteers. 10:09 Teen Center does not have a $100,000 budget,I am not sure where you are getting your information.
Your comments are nasty, ugly,negative and not helpful.
This shouldn't be a teen center bashing post. I think most people are just surprised to see $100,000 of taxpayer money given to the Teen Center- especially from the municipality that doesn't service kids the same way the school district does.
By definition, the Outreach has a greater than $100,000 budget given the taxpayer funding and non-profit fundraisers of which I believe they have at least two a year.
11:34--There is no "$100,000 of taxpayer money given to the Teen Center". Outreach and Teen Center are two entirely different things.--Neil Berch
Teen Center is not the same as Outreach.
Most of the Teen Center contribution went to salary the last time i had a breakdown. Taxpayers are paying for Day Care (babysitting). That stinks. The parents are lazy and cheap.
Funny how they can afford Lebo real estate prices and are too cheap to pay for their own babysitting.
Our experience with Teen Center was not good. Supervision was lacking.
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