Friday, November 9, 2012

Just what the Commission needs

The agendas for Tuesday's Commission meetings have been published.
Besides public hearings for:
  • 2013 Manager's Recommended Budget
  • Recreation bond
Bill No. 20-12 will be introduced. Bill No. 20-12 is Brumfield's idea according to his website article, "Field Failure."

Introduction of Ordinance (Bill No. 20-12) establishing a Youth Sports Advisory Board.

The proposed advisory board will:

  • Review and assess all sports-related facilities and services in Mt. Lebanon. Recommend possible changes and improvements to sports-related facilities and services.
  • Assist in the continued safe provision of athletic opportunities to Mt. Lebanon residents.
  • Receive and consider public comment and other public input regarding sports facilities and services.
  • Support, promote and/or provide programs and services to assist athletes and coaches in Mt. Lebanon.
Membership of the board will consist of staff from the municipality and school district, a representative from any sports organization recognized by the municipality, a representative from the parks board and a commission liaison. The School District will also provide a liaison and may request participation by other staff or groups. Recommended Action: Introduce Ordinance (Bill No. 20-12).
The link to Bill No. 20-12 is incorrect. The clickable link is to Bill No. 21-12.


John Ewing said...

Who is on the Advisory Board besides Brumfield's cronies??

John Ewing said...

Hey Dave,

Run for Matt Smith's Hose seat; then you can turf the whole state using Other People's Money

Lebo Citizens said...

Staff will be on the Board and they shouldn't be. Staff never gets a vote on any board.

Anonymous said...

Nor should the school district!

This new YSA should be as autonomous as possible from the municipality and school district. They meet hash out their needs and wants then present them to the appropriate governing bodies to enact or ignore.

Anything else is a sham.

Anonymous said...

Think of the YSA advisory board as Dave Brumfield's kangaroo court that hears evidence of what the sports people want then does what they want.

Anonymous said...

This is borderline comical. I thought we were just turning into a third world country nationally. Now I see its happening at the local level. Anyone in favor of this absurd idea should be ashamed. And including the school district in any project will lead to what? You guessed it--spending more tax money we don't have on projects we don't want for fantastical needs that don't exist.
Keep it up, commission. Keep going down the wrong path. Elaine there has to be a way to wake up our slumbering community. Nobody is paying attention and that's exactly how shady crap like this gets embedded like a tapeworm.

Lebo Citizens said...

I see it as a done deal. The three commissioners who are six degrees of Jo Posti will vote this through. There is NOTHING to stop this. You elected 'em. The YSA will say that Mellon needs turf or Middle and Wildcat need turf. The YSA meaning Youth Sports Advisory, not to be confused with Youth Sports Alliance. Bottom line, it is still YSA with the same people involved.

Anonymous said...

Only in Mt. Lebanon...

John Ewing said...

It is common practice for an ad hoc advisory committee to have a staff member available to answer questions or to keep an advisory committee from making an error of some sort. They don't get a vote because they are advisory but they do have influence just as our municipal staff has on our commissioners. The practice is commonplace and proper. The alternative to using staff is to hire a consultant to guide the committee.


Anonymous said...

Quick question...

How many votes does it take to set up this committee?

Also, does it not significantly overlap with the existing Parks Advisory Board? Looking at the mission statement, this committee already appears to exist.

From the Municipal Website the Parks Advisory Board has the following duties:

Inventory parks and existing facilities
Organize clean-up programs
Promote resource preservation
Recommend fundraising
Recommend policies for park aesthetics and development
Recommend public/private partnerships
Recommend utilization by resident groups
Recommendations for the municipal budget
Review park programming

Seems like this group already exists but isn't giving the Dave's their coveted recommendation for turf. In fact, Dave F is already on this Board. Apparently he hasn't convinced the rest of the PAB to go along with his scheme so he just wants to get a new committee that will.

There is no need for this new board. The old one is doing just fine!

Lebo Citizens said...

Yes, it does overlap. But the beauty of this new YSA is that it is another joint entity with the school district. We know how well the municipal and school district liaisons are working and that one joint discussion session was a peach. You remember that February meeting where Posti and Cappuccii agreed to nothing while Brumfield and Linfante were more agreeable. That is when Brumfield thought it was a good idea to turf a middle school field. Brumfield had appointed Linfante, the one with no baggage, to be the liaison to the school district.
News flash, no meetings to discuss the Joint Maintenance Agreement have been set up either.