Sunday, November 4, 2012

Some signs of life on Lebo Fields

I happened to look on Lebo Fields today and saw there was finally some activity. On Dave Franklin's blog, "someone" asked Dave for an update on the bond issue. Here is his response: 
Lebo Fields October 31, 2012 8:52 AM The bond will not include any funds for fields. Unfortunately, Commissioner Fraasch would not support turf and the sports associations were unable to support an increasingly expensive Robb Hollow plan just to add one grass field in an ill-suited area. You can read about future plans at Meanwhile, Bethel just installed 2 new turf fields and USC just approved their third.
I point this out because Dave badgered me for weeks to promote his blog, Lebo Fields. His previous blog, Lebo Chat was a bust. I wouldn't promote that blog. Sorry, Dave. I feel responsible. I would hate for another one to bite the dust. It wouldn't look good on your resume.
What seems to be coming out is that it isn't about Field Failure, but the issue seems to be Field Envy.  It is always interesting to see how the Daves spin things. Do you think Mr. Franklin will be chosen as the representative from the Parks Advisory Board to serve on Dave Brumfield's newly created Mt. Lebanon Sports Facilities and Services Board?


Anonymous said...

Maybe it would be more practical to move the Dave's to USC or Berhel.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Fraasch supported eco-friendly turf. David Brumfield did not support eco-friendly turf.

Anonymous said...

This proves it, Dave Franklin is lying to the YSA members to get what he wants.

Lebo Citizens said...

Thanks for the reminder, 5:19 PM. Yes, Kelly blogged about Eco friendly turf on October 19, 2012. She goes on to say that the ad-hoc committee proposed by the Commission is for fundraising, not for more field studies. Dave, it is right here in black and white. I mean both Daves.

Anonymous said...

Dave Franklin is a liar. He is constantly misleading the YSA people. Dave Brumfield is no better. Didn't Kelly Fraasch offer two fields one turf and one grass?

Anonymous said...

How do you raise funds if you can't make up your mind if the issue is space or turf?

Anonymous said...

So are the turf people going to compete with the school board fund raiser?

I can see dueling kettles - one blue and one gold with Posti trying to out ring Brumfield for donations on Washington Road.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about Franklin's kettle on Beverly Rd.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Franklin and his pals could have been raising funds for McNeilly and were too good for ringing the ol bell. They simply can’t do it.
With all of Mr. Franklin's efforts to sabotage progress with new fields instead of turf he could have raised the money for his fields. This is a prime example of all talk and no gains. He has been a hinderance to us as sports people and it is getting old.

Anonymous said...

Attending board and commission meetings one would think the world revolves around artificial turf and Joint Maintenance Agreements.
Like 8:32 writes: "it's getting old" and this resident is sick hearing about the YSA, JMA, artificial turf, Mr. Franklin and Mr. Brumfield.
My recommendation to Mrs. Fraasch, move on before you sink further in the quagmire.
Robb Hollow has been in it's current state for how many years? The world won't end tomorrow if nothing is done there for a few years. Mean while there are two properties that do nothing but drain money away from other municipal infrastructure that is in need of upgrades. Deal with that, then maybe take a look at Robb Hollow again.
Kelly, your efforts to reach a compromise are appreciated, but the Dave's have no interest in reaching one... Turn a deaf ear, please.