Friday, July 10, 2015

Archery hunt planned UPDATED

The agenda for Tuesday's Commission Meeting, to be held at the Mt. Lebanon High School Fine Arts Theatre, has been posted. Looks like an archery hunt is a go!

13. Consideration of a proposal for professional deer management services. 
White Buffalo, Inc. has submitted a proposal to select and train archery hunters and work with property owners on an archery hunt. The contract proposal totals $15,460. Recommended Action: Move to authorize the proper municipal officials to enter into a contract for archery management services, with the understanding that: (a) Dr. DeNicola and Jody Maddock will follow the rigorous screening and training criteria outlined in their proposal of June 30, 2015; (b) Prior to conducting an archery hunt, representatives of White Buffalo will attend the September 8, 2015, Commission meeting to describe the details of the final program including the background of the manager and hunters, number of public and private properties to be used, and safety procedures that will be utilized.


Anonymous said...

Where is the proposal from June 30th for the public to view?

Nick M.

Lebo Citizens said...

Good question, Nick! Why did we bother having the dog and pony show where we paid DeNicola $2000 to attend? It is all decided before we even have a chance to ask questions. Sandy Baker's recommendations were never discussed either. I sent a rather snarky email to the commissioners.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the proposal that is being decided on and I'm sure a lot more folks do too. This so-called doing things behind the taxpayer's backs needs to stop.

Nick M.

Lebo Citizens said...

Isn't it amazing that the two experts brought in for the dog and pony show are going to be working together? And both working with the third expert - the PA Game Commission!

I really hated reading this, but I just did a search to see what
the average distance a deer runs after being "arrowed." It looks like it may average 50 yards, further if trailed too quickly.

Anonymous said...

Did the archery expert need 1 year of planning or preparation to implement a successful archery program?

Anonymous said...

Why aren't we focusing more on speeding cars?

Lebo Citizens said...

Yes, there is quite a bit of coordination that needs to be done. I will put up one of his visuals which demonstrates that.

Anonymous said...

They will, "describe the background of the manager and hunters".
Will this description include a criminal and child abuse background check?
What about drug and alcohol testing?

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't the proposal been posted on the municipal website? Why has there been no notification to the public at a Commissioner's meeting and an opportunity been given for public comments? This stinks! An obvious cover-up and no public input for how our tax dollars being spent! This needs to be investigated!!!

Anonymous said...

8:26, even a discussion regarding goats in Bird Park is more important than focusing on speeding cars. The priorities are all screwed up in this town. I didn't even know we had goats in Mt. Lebanon.

Nick M.

Lebo Citizens said...

OK, lawyers, you need to watch this YouTube video. It is a warning for anyone using White Buffalo. He should be a convicted felon.

Unknown said...

Where is the RFP?

Mary E said...

Lena - Good point!!

Also, I wanted to point out the capabilities of the PGC. This study involves invasive procedures on deer... Thus, I would think sterilization would be a reasonable intervention to undertake in a densely populated area.