from Foster Elementary
Hi Neighbors,
There is a project proposal underway for the construction of a 40,000 square foot, three story, 45’ high, long-term care facility with approximately 100 beds at the intersection of Terrace Dr. and Connor Rd. All access to and from the facility will be via a planned entrance on Terrace Drive.
On March 30th, the Zoning board granted a variance to build the facility on smaller plot of land than required by Mt. Lebanon ordinance. Now the developers have requested that the Planning Board recommend to change the zoning from Residential R1 to a Continuing Care Overlay District. As a resident of the neighborhood, I am not in favor of the zoning change but it is my understanding that some members of the Planning Board and the Township Commissioners are not fully aware of the strong discontent in the neighborhood regarding building a commercial facility in a residential neighborhood.
To voice your opinion regarding the project to the Planning Board, email Mt. Lebanon Municipal Planner, Ian McMeans with a copy to Mt. Lebanon Municipal Manager, Keith McGill and planning board member Suzanne Sieber by April 18th and your email will be given to the Planning Board members. You can use this email template:
Also please attend the Planning Board Meeting on April 25th at 7:00 pm at the Municipal Building, 710 Washington Road.
The developers are arguing that to have the property reclassified as an Overlay District will just continue the zoning currently used for The Pines. However, access to The Pines in not through a residential neighborhood. To lobby against the overlay request, residents must voice their opinions that the property remain zoned as it is, R1 for single family homes only and not to be an extension of the Continuing Care Overlay District. For the land to be a conservancy, the Municipality or someone else would have to purchase the land. Legal counsel for the developers will argue the nursing home will have less impact on the neighborhood than a development of singles family home. The early and late morning shift changes and delivery trucks will change our neighborhood.
Please note the Planning Board can only make a recommendation to the Commissioners, it cannot approve or deny the project. It is also imperative to email the commissioners ( and to attend the Commissioners’ meeting. I will send another email letting you know when that date has been set. Listed below are the commissioners’ emails:
David Brumfield:
Kelly Fraasch:
Stephen McLean: - Ward 3 District 3 for where the proposed development lies.
Steve Silverman:
John Bendel:
Please feel free to forward this email. Thanks for your help and support!
What exactly is the problem? It would mean more revenue for Mt. Lebanon and perhaps additional services for the aging population.
As far as the neighbors go if you want to control the land put your MONEY where your MOUTH is.. You do not have the right to control what goes on that piece of property.
I say develop it or if the neighbors choose to buy it!
Is it possible to continue the access road thru the Pines to access this "new site" perhaps have 2 points of entry and exit?
Sorry for the neighborhood but development is good for MT. Lebanon. I don't know for sure the cost to fill that property in. i imagine it has got to be astronomical. I doubt individual residents could afford to buy the land and transform it to be a buildable lot. Only a commercial entity is going to spend that kind of money.
If the neighbors want to they can buy that piece of property....
Let be developed, not only does it mean more property tax revenue for the municipality and school also increase LST revenue and brings in employees that will spend their wages in local restaurants and stores like those in the Galleria, the Fresh Market etc.
Having residents buy it and keep vacant does nothing to enhance the local economy! Sorry neighbors, think what good for the community as a whole.
Commissioners, don't even think TIF!
Zoning ordinances exist for a reason. I'm sure that none of you would be thrilled if a large commercial property was built in your neighborhood without proper planning.
Certainly, 9:14, but when you buy property next to undeveloped property that is a risk you take.
You refer to it as "a large commercial property," it's not like a strip mall or car dealership is moving into the neighborhood. Would a large apartment building or condos be more to your liking? A Pines-like facility is about as close to residential as you can get.
Take a look at the expensive USC homes that have been invaded by the Whole Foods development, you could have it worse.
How many residential neighborhoods in Mt. Lebanon have a high traffic, 4 lane road running parallel to it that don't have commercial properties properties in it?
I'm with you, 9:14. To 8:17's point, do you know whether there is evidence that employees at the current Pines shop at Fresh Market and the Galleria? Most employees of this type of facility live hand to mouth.
Seriously, Sylvia?
You don't think The Pines employees can afford a Dunkin Donuts breakfast sandwich or coffee, a Priimanti's sandwich or Fresh Market's Chicken Tuesday Special?
You don't think they might run over to kid's shops in the Galleria or meet their spouse for a Panera's dinner and movie?
Aesthetically, IMO a well-designed/maintained and low traffic facility similar to The Pines would be an improvement over the weed-infested jungle that currently exists at that location and the additional tax revenue would help everyone in the community over the long run.
I do though hope they do a thorough job planning the traffic situation. The entrance to The Pines and Primanti's is an accident waiting to happen in its current configuration.
Sylvia is dead serious about the Pines employees (most of them) not being able to afford ANYTHING at the Galleria or Primantis. I don't know about the Tuesday Special at Fresh Market. I think that Dunkin Donut Specials may attract a few of them.
People who make minimum wage do not buy their kids' clothing or toys in Gymboree or Learning Express. Get real, please.
That about as an elitist and narrow minded comment as I've ever heard on any Lebo blog ever, 8:54!
Of course those minimum wage workers couldn't possibly live in a two wage earner household. They never, ever might enjoy a movie or a pleasant diner or night out.
As every Lebo blue blood knows, if you're.not a resident of the Great State of Mt. Lebanon you must live in a box somewhere and dumpster dive for substanance or the occassional free venison from a deer cull.
8:54 what the hell is wrong with you. How do you know what and where people buy things? if you are so clairvoyant please post winning numbers to lottery ! You are a snob and it is what I like least about most of Mt. Lebanon residents. I bet you live in your parents house that has not been re-assesed since 1950.
I am just the opposite of a snob. I wasn't talking about who has more class--the rich or the poor. I know simple economics, though. It breaks my heart that the nurses aids in nursing homes, for the most part, can only afford Walmart.
I think Mt. Lebanon and its elitist attitude sucks. (I am also pro-deer.)
11:10, I think you missed the sarcasm.
8:54's comment reads suspiciously similar to an article that passed judgement on grocery store, Walmart and Costco shoppers.
Even if they're right about the spending and eating habits of The Pines' employees they are completely ignorant that families with someone in a retirement or care facility would payronize businesses like those in the Galleria.
Unless the squirrels, rabbits, deer and other wildlife are paying property taxes and income taxes etc. the proposed building is a boon for Mt. Lebanon.
Huh? Let it go. Either you don't understand what I am saying or I am not expressing myself adequately. BTW, I never wrote any articles on Walmart/Costco/or any other store shoppers.
8:54 sounds like WENDY BELL! We all know where her condescending attitude got her. Sometimes you are better off to remain silent.
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