Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Either this is what we already knew, or it doesn't make sense

Not sure how I feel about the latest RTK which was denied.
We know there was never a vote, but not for the reason given. We playing semantics again.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a different number. I mean, fluid accounting seems to be all the rage in LeboLand.

This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

If there never was a “loan” or investment or what ever they’re calling it this week in the amount of $923,530.02 was does it show up on the bottom of the first page in the financial documents released 7/31/17 as a Loan from General Fund?

Oops, problem President Birks, Superintendent Steinhauer. It’s not like your constituents just picked an arbitrary number out of thin air. The least you could is explain why it appears in a financial statement.

Get huffy President Birks, it suits you.

Lebo Citizens said...

OMG, I forgot about those numbers. Now, a third set of numbers for FY ending 6/30/17.

Lebo Citizens said...

Please see my revised chart posted here and here .

Jan Klein should be hauled off in handcuffs at the next meeting. She keeps shaving expenditures in the FY ending 6/30/17. In three months, the CC has lost almost $55,000 in July to only losing $4,500 in September for the FY ending 6/30/17.

Now I understand why Hugh Beal questioned Jan Klein about the accuracy of the 8/31/17 spreadsheet.


Anonymous said...

Hell, at that rate, the campaign should be in the black to the tune of 2 million by January.

You know when there is a financial crime and the feds actually do their job? Know who goes to prison? The ringleader, and the bookkeepers and accountants. If I were JanJan, I would be journaling my everyday activities and stashing copies of records.

Anonymous said...

Instead of getting shitty with Nick regarding his inquiries why didn’t President Birks just direct the questions to Klein. Being an award-winning financial officer and that the campaign has been the topic of conversation for the last two months she should have a basic idea of answers to Nick’s questions.

Anonymous said...

It gets even worse. Jan Klein claims that total disbursements in September 2017 alone totaled $37,554.09 and total receipts were $15,492.81.

I did the math several ways and I can’t even come close to either of those totals.

The interest of $261.03 is correct though.

Lebo Citizens said...

What does this say about the auditors? Is that why we have had them for over 25 years and Jan wants to keep them? Is there some palm greasing going on?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it time for the PA AG to get involved in this mess? We do have enough evidence!

Anonymous said...

8:29...Mary Birks did direct one question towards Jan Klein regarding the detailed statement of the investments and whether that statement existed but Jan Klein skirted around that question and answered something about how things were audited.

And speaking of audits, does it really mean anything to Jan Klein? If it did, then how could she get away with going back and changing all those numbers on the financial spreadsheet years after the books were closed and audited?

And if the state contributions for SSI and PSERS were so important today that she had to go back and change all those numbers, why wasn't it important two, three or four years ago?

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Is there a follow up request asking for records relating to transactions in and out of the line item called "loan from general fund"? Those transaction dates should help pinpoint minutes or videos to look for proof of vote or discussion. Wouldn't want to create more work for administration if the material was already asked for.

Lebo Citizens said...

I didn't file anything like that. I don't think we are going to get any proof of vote. There wasn't one. I didn't see it on Timmy's timeline.

Anonymous said...

11:10...I have an RTK submitted asking for every income/expense line item from the beginning of the CC to mid September...I got the "need more time" response. It's amazing how easy it is to just pull down a menu and select the item you want from their financial software program and saving it as a PDF and sending it off but I would venture to say that Jan Klein needs all that "more time" to do her magic number routine.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Nick I watched Klein response to that question and thought it was so convoluted that I wondered if she was having “issues.”

Anonymous said...

As you started asking your legitimate questions Nick, Birks immediately whispered something to Steinhauer, who then turned and whispered something to Klein. Then seconds later started to cop an attitude with you you and stonewalling. I wonder if Birks said I’ll handle this, keep Klein quiet.

Anonymous said...

Can we freeze the District's assets until an outside audit is performed ? School Board Member Lebowitz is eyeing up $5,000,000 !

Lebo Citizens said...

That's a good question, 7:12 AM. I have no idea. Yep, Larry is rubbing his hands together and wants to blow it all on fields. Think how much the district can "save" by turfing multiple fields all at once!

Lebo Citizens said...

They did blow through $923,000+.