Monday, October 2, 2017

You can't do this in our parks. Public drunkenness TBD.

There is no smoking in our parks.* Our commissioners passed the ordinance a couple of years ago. So please, when you are firing your lethal weapons, such as high powered rifles or cross bows, in our parks, don't smoke. It can kill us.

*Public drunkenness TBD. To learn more, attend this event at Mt. Lebanon Public Library on Saturday, October 7, 2017 from 10:00 AM - Noon.

Update October 2, 2017 2:49 PM From yet ANOTHER Democrat. Sorry, but it is hilarious.


Anonymous said...

No smoking in the parks you say. I done never heard that one. i'm second generation mt. Lebanon resident. We all got happy when Lebo started to let us hunt in the park. They want us to hunt in the parks. I tell my youngins not to drink too much out there when there shootin. I don't know if their smokin. Maybe. I'm just happy that we don't have to leave the neighborhood to track down fresh venison for supper.

Anonymous said...

It appears that our neighboring Castle Shannon Police Department does not tolerate public intoxication, especially at almost 4 AM.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. You are allowed to shoot arrows in guns in Lebo parks-----while the parks are open to the public-----but not smoking is permitted. Okay. This sounds like typical Mt. Lebo.


Anonymous said...


Are you sure that this event you posted for Democrats is in Mt. Lebanon? Check out the area code for the number to call for information. It's 310. Where is that?


Anonymous said...

I'm looking at this post from the library. Is Gorilla holding a discussion about whether public drunkenness should be illegal in Mt. Lebanon? Does anyone else see the irony here? I agree with JD. What's with the 310 area code. Where does Gorilla live?

Anonymous said...

310 area code includes Los Angeles. Grella's cell.

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles? I guess that was one of Grella's many residences throughout the past small handful of years. I thought his last stop was in Nashville where he was selling real estate.

Does anyone take this guy seriously? I normally wouldn't care if it weren't for the fact that he is on the ballot next month for Mt. Lebanon Commissioner. Have our standards fallen that low?

Anonymous said...

Does Gorilla know that the term for commissioner is four years? I think he has been living in Mt. Lebanon going on four years now. That is a long time for Gorilla to drop anchor anywhere. I can't see him staying here for an additional four years. That would be a record for him.

Anonymous said...

Why are only democrats invited to Gorilla's thing at the Lebo library? Also, who is paying for use of the room? Gorilla?

Anonymous said...

The name Gorilla seems to have stuck to Grella. It's pretty amusing.

Anonymous said...

What does the local democrat committee think about Gorilla, now that he has found himself in trouble with the law? Are they going to back him, campaign for him? Are they fools?

Lebo Citizens said...

It sure is, 2:30 PM. Yet ANOTHER Democrat submitted a Gorilla yard sign announcing Saturday's event.
See the update.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh. I just looked at the picture, Elaine. Is Gorilla the young guy with the big space between his front teeth? That's the only way I recognize him.

PS I live in Ward 4. I am a democrat. I am voting for Fischer.

Anonymous said...

THAT is a riot. Keep them coming. Whoever you are.

Anonymous said...

There is no comparison between Gorilla and Bob Fischer. Bob is a great guy with deep roots. He deserves your votes, Ward Four.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha - just noticed the gorilla's teeth !

Anonymous said...

Great new graphic, Elaine. Like the space between those teeth too.

Hey, it looks like more than a few of us are interested in meeting before Gorilla's library meeting and then going to the meeting as a group to ask him to explain what he was doing bobbing and weaving on foot on Castle Shannon Blvd. at 4 AM, filled with booze and/or other drugs. That's the first question.

Anonymous said...

Are there rules about the tree stands? The local firefighter that uses twin hills has been observed with a collapsible tree stand that he sets up wherever he wants and then takes with him. Just asking. He's probably allowed to do it but it's kind of unnerving for the park users. Apparently, he hasn't had much luck because it has been too hot. It's always something, right?

Lebo Citizens said...

The archer in Twin Hills has a sweet gig going. We can't ask the municipality any questions. We don't have the right to know. Besides, that is why they hire Tony DeNicola. Just another fraud I uncovered, but for that I am the crazy lady.

The real question, 10:54 PM, was he smoking?

Anonymous said...

I need to say something, based on my personal experience, about all this shooting that goes on for seven straight months each year in our community of Mt. Lebanon. The key word here is "community." I used to think it was "shooting." This municipality has lost its way and community ties have been broken. There was a time when I loved walking up and down my street. Now, I dread it. I am anti-kill. I feel that shooting arrows and bullets in our densely populated muni endangers all of us. It places our children at high risk and anxiety. Neighbors whom I formerly considered rational have turned into people I no longer recognize. I would like to think that it is some sense of shame on their part, even sub-conscious, that drives them to huddle together and refuse to even speak to those of us who are anti-kill. But I'm afraid that as long as the community is focused on killing, that killing appeals to and brings out their primal aggression. Their facial expressions have soured. No longer do I hear laughter coming from their homes. Deer killing has become their single focus.

Similarly, our commissioners seem to be under the Tony DeNicola spell. He's the guy who makes all the money off these demented and insane and constant deer killing sprees in our parks and backyards.

We need some fresh horses on that commission. I don't know what Bob Fisher's stance is on deer killing in densely populated areas like ours. I do know that he is a grown-up and a contemplative man. I think he is capable of weighing all the evidence (on any issue) and coming to an independent conclusion. Clearly, Craig Grella lacks the maturity and perspective necessary to lead others. Bob Fischer is the only choice for Ward 4 Commissioner.

Please, ward 4 voters, think before you vote. Make the correct choice. That choice is Bob Fischer.

Sylvia P.

Anonymous said...

And thank you for not smoking.


Anonymous said...

Sylvia, in having a conversation with Fischer it was my understanding he’s against all the money spent on killing deer. His rational being that the killinged MTL deer will just be replaced by deer immigrating into MTL from other areas.
That doesn’t necessarily mean he is against some sort of deer control though.

Anonymous said...

The current commissioners will take the muni to the laundry when it comes to money. There is no fiscal restraint there. Of more concern is the lack of fiscal responsibility.

Anonymous said...

...and the lack of common sense.