Monday, October 23, 2017

Hello? Anyone home? UPDATED

No answer from the school board or Timmy.

Can someone please explain the following:

In the treasurer’s report for September 2017 the “receipts” total for the capital campaign show a total of $15,492.81.

Doing a little calculation using the financial spreadsheets from 8/31 and 9/30, I come up with a total of $10,727.81.

That’s $32,504.81 - $21,777.00 = $10,727.81.

Where is the other $4765.00? Shouldn’t they match?

Looking at “disbursements,” total shown is $37,554.09 which really threw up a red flag just by looking at that number.

Again, doing a little calculation just as above I come up with $18,492.24.

That’s $62,404.84 - $43,912.60 = $18,492.24.

Where is the other $19,061.85? Shouldn’t that match as well?

Using the same calculations the interest is correct at $261.03.

That’s $816.02 - $554.99 = $261.03

Can someone please shed some light on this? Could my math be that wrong?

Thank you,

Nicholas Meduho
Mt. Lebanon, PA


How's this for a Nightmare on Horsman? Policy DIF/GBEBD Staff Responsibility for Safeguarding District Assets 
The definition of fraud and dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following: 
• theft or other misappropriation of assets, including assets of the District, our students, suppliers or others with whom we have a business relationship;
• misstatements and other irregularities in school records;
• forgery or other alteration of documents;
• bribery and other deceptive unlawful acts; and/or
• any similar acts. 
If there is any suspicion of altered documents, or misappropriations of assets, they are to be reported to Timmy or Jan Klein. OMG
All relevant matters, including suspected but unproved matters, should be referred to the building principal, the Superintendent, or the Director of Business.


Unknown said...

It's that Common Core math all the kids are dancing to.

Anonymous said...

Maybe our directors and the sports proponents suffered to many concussions!

Not sure under what topic to drop this comment, but we may want to look closely at whether we really need to buy into Lebowitz’s exclamation that we’ll need more turfed fields in the immediate future.
“State laws have reduced concussion risks in high school kids, study finds”
The Washington Post

“High school athletes have reported an estimated 2.7 million concussions in the past 10 years. Read the full story”

“The new research on concussion comes at a time when school officials and parents are grappling with how to respond to the growing evidence of how severely brain injuries can affect athletes. Many parents have begun to hold their kids back from participating in football in particular.”

Anonymous said...

At least they are trying to define fraud. That's a start.