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http://doubledroptine.com/deer-hunts/printable-permission-form-for-mt-lebanon-deer-hunting/ |
Chris' Downloadable Permission Form
Update September 18, 2015 9:49 PM Barbara's email as referenced in her 8:50 PM comment:
From: Barbara
Date: Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 5:21 PM
Subject: archer soliciting un-trained resident hunters
To: commission@mtlebanon.org, mtlebodeer@whitebuffaloinc.org, alauth@mtlebanon.org, Stephen Feller < sfeller@mtlebanon.org>
Commissioners, Mr. Maddock, Chief Lauth, and Mr. Feller :
I'm writing to express a public safety concern I have relating to the apparent actions of one of the archers participating in the deer hunt.
Chris Double, the owner of Double Drop Tine Outfitters, appears to be using his interactions with Mt. Lebanon residents as a "vetted" archer to solicit additional archery hunting in Mt. Lebanon by un-screened, unqualified Mt. Lebanon property owners themselves. This is dangerous and will only increase the conflict that's already in our community. It also goes directly against the charge given by then-Chief McDonough to the archers in his December 10, 2014 letter, which states that "The [archery] program was accepted by the Mt. Lebanon Commission as a deer management tool, not as a 'hunting program' " and further emphasizes that "community relations is an important component of the program. You are representing Mt. Lebanon and the other archers in this program while you are afield. You are expected to act professionally at all times, and to strive to avoid conflict and controversy."
Mr. Double's website ( http://doubledroptine.com/deer-hunts/printable-permission-form-for-mt-lebanon-deer-hunting/) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ddtoutfitters) both provide a link to a downloadable permission form (screen shots attached) which Mr. Double states will be provided to all neighbors of Mt. Lebanon residents whose property he will be hunting on. The very first choice of actions a neighbor may select is this:
"( _) I am interested in learning how I can harvest deer on my property. (The new Mentored Adult Program as well as the time tested Mentored Youth Program)"
As you can see from the information provided by the PA Game Commission (http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_0_122068_0_0_43/http;/pubcontent.state.pa.us/publishedcontent/publish/marketingsites/game_commission/content/resources/newsreleases/newsrelease/articles/release__029_14.html) the Mentored Adult Program (I cannot even contemplate the Mentored Youth Program) has the explicit goal of increasing the population of hunters by allowing untrained hunters to hunt with a "mentor" (perhaps someone like Mr. Double himself) for up to 3 years without having to take a single safety or hunter education course. I am aware that hunting is legal on private property, even here in Mt. Lebanon; however, I am sure that neither the Commission nor the Police intended or would approve of an individual with special interests and the potential for financial gain (Mr. Double owns a hunting excursions business) coming into our deeply-divided and densely populated community and encouraging angry, frustrated property owners to take matters into their own un-trained hands.
Not only would untrained resident archers be putting their neighbors in danger -- they would be directly subverting the very safety measures (screening, experience, technical expertise, safety education) that you have tried to establish by organizing and paying for a community managed hunt in the first place!
Mr. Maddock, in your presentations to the Commission and the community, you have emphasized the importance of selecting archers who are not only qualified sportsmen, but who are "ethical" people who will exercise good judgment while in our community. Mr. Double's behavior strikes me as neither ethical nor based on good jugdment. If this is any indicator of the types of effects we could seeing in our community as a result of inviting archers in, I am even more worried and angry than I was before.
Commissioners, Mr. Maddock, Chief Lauth, and Mr. Feller: I am writing to you about this situation despite any negative effects doing so may have on me because I am afraid of what might happen if frustrated, angry property owners in our community start taking matters into their own hands. Hunting may be an individual's right, but public safety must be our community's priority. I am asking you to please take any action you feel would be appropriate and effective to ensure that the archers brought here to do a job do only that job, safely and ethically -- without further damaging our already divided community.
Thank you sincerely for your time and attention.
I know that there are many great people living in Mt Lebanon and that there are some great resources there. However, the charm and character of Mt Lebanon really has been lost on me by witnessing this deer hunting ordeal. Further, the concept that angry deer-hating people can obtain the assistance of a bowhunter to learn from scratch how to hunt in their yards in an extremely dense suburb coined as a "walking community with great schools" is beyond unsafe to me.
OMG, the world has gone mad. I am also having a lovely conversation with Dave Franklin on The Almanac discussion board.
Here is the link to The Almanac discussion. http://www.thealmanac.net/article/20150914/OPINION01/150919966
Dave is frustrated that he can't troll here, Jason.
I hope Lebo Citizens readers continue to email the commissioners at commission@mtlebanon.org Don't expect a response. They are not nice people.
I just called him out for what he is: A frustrated middle school bully.
Next, they'll be publishing Do-It-Yourself deer killing instructions in Mt. Lebanon Magazine. (And I know just the gal to write it!) This place feels as if someone has crept in during the night and vacuumed the brains out of not only four of the Commissioners but also an alarmingly high percentage of the citizens. Have they added something to our drinking water? Has someone had a "special" on lobotomies? Has the community shifted into a bizarre alternate universe without our noticing? I never imagined that I would be living with such people and under such circumstances...with people who revel at the idea of killing for killing's sake. This place is scary-sad!
Elaine, thank you for sharing this. I feel sick to my stomach. We have to write/call/e-mail the commissioners asap about this. I know I am. Will post my letter later this eve after I draft and send. They have really opened up a can of worms. It's frightening. And these archers were supposed to have been vetted!?
If you click on the link to the permission form he references, you'll see that it tells people about a "mentor" program for adults (and kids!) that will allow people to hunt on their property without a basic education course for 3 years!! They just need a mentor! Hmmm. I wonder if this guy just happens to be a mentor or happens to know one?
I googled the mentor program on PA Game Commission and found this info (their words, my ALL CAPS):
"The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners on Tuesday approved a mentor-based program for first-time hunters 18 years old and older.
Since 2006, the Game Commission has offered its Mentored Youth Hunting Program, which enables children under the age of 12 to obtain a permit and legally harvest select game species under the close supervision of a properly licensed adult mentor.
The new Mentored Adult Hunting Program would follow a similar model, and aims to add to the ranks of hunters.
This would be a limited-term opportunity available to adults. Under the program, a mentored adult could purchase a permit for NO MORE THAN THREE CONSECUTIVE LICENSE YEARS, at the end of which he or she would have to take a basic Hunter-Trapper Education course and purchase an adult hunting license."
It looks to me that all people would have to do is purchase an additional archery tag or whatever they call it, since the mentor one does not include a tag for deer.
The MTLSD remains silent.
11:10 AM
Sounds just like Chip D!
Jason, Roger, and Lena-
Dave, Chip, Timmy, the Commissioners, Timmy, and School Board members are not on this blog. They keep checking my website,www.lebocitizens.com, but they don't have access to this. What you saw on The Almanac's website is what they would do here - make personal attacks toward commenters and hijack the post.
Bendel said that the school district would be notified of the private properties where the hunting will take place. I would hope each principal would alert parents. Will that happen? Who knows? Will Chris notify the school district? Will his customers?
Bendel also said that the parks where there will be NO Hunting, will have signs stating that. I haven't seen any signs posted in the park next to me.
Chris Wolfson, the MMS principal, sends email blasts/status reports twice a week regarding the road construction or destruction on Castle Shannon Blvd.
No word yet from Chris (is he THE Chris) on the deer killing while kids walk to and from school beginning on Monday.
Nothing from Tim, either.
I didn't know Commissioner Bendel said the school districts would be notified of the properties. When did he say/write that? I'm late to this debate.
I had asked about that during Citizen Comments on Tuesday, Sept. 8. That is when Bendel promised that the school district would be notified.
I was studying Bendel as he answered that question about notifying the school district. He looked down and away from Phil Weis and did say that the district would be notified. It seemed to me that the school district was the furthest thing from Bendel's mind. My guess is that they are keeping Tim in the dark as long as they can. Parents should have received archery info from Tim by now.
This is how they diffuse responsibility for the outcome and avoid sharing information. No one will know who to blame if there is a problem. Should the commissioners, the school district or the police be responsible for the safety of children walking to/from school? How about ALL OF THEM?
Last year I reported a problem at one of the schools regarding severe motor vehicle safety problem directly to the police. Guess what? They told me they couldn't respond to it b/c they were dealing with a 3 car accident (no deer involved) and a public suicide in the uptown business district at the very same time.
But now they are going to monitor a deer hunt because they aren't busy enough. Right.
I agree, Lena. Bendel wasn't even sure if all the private properties are residential. The commissioners have no idea where all the properties are, thanks to people like Chris.
Jody Maddock and Tony DeNicola emphasized, both publicly and in emails, that the beginning of the archery season is most crucial since the deer haven't wised up. Saturday is the big day.
There are still 34,000+ anterless deer tags available. https://www.pa.wildlifelicense.com/deeravail.php We're 2B.
This "Chris" development is unnerving.
Regarding Chris Double, the archer whose permission form Elaine posted. I sent a very detailed e-mail to the Commission, White Buffalo, Steve Feller, and Chief Lauth expressing my surprise and anger that this guy is soliciting untrained hunters -- adults and KIDS, yes, kids -- here in Mt. Lebanon. (I gave Elaine permission to post this e-mail if she thinks it would be useful to readers). I provided links to the "mentor" programs. White Buffalo replied that he is not one of their approved archers, which means he's just someone who's gotten permission to hunt on someone's property, and who is trying to cash in on our deer and our angry residents. Chief Lauth's response to me was basically that PA Game Commission regulates hunting laws, so people can hunt, but they have to adhere to all safety zones and laws, etc. But the program is legal. That was the message. But if I see something "unsafe" or concerning to call the police..! Kelly Fraasch replied angry and incredulous that such a program could take place here and that there was apparently nothing the Chief has to say about it other than that it's a Game Commission program and they are in charge of hunting. So I am hoping she is going to look into this further and/or try to do something about it.
I plan to contact the guy below at the PA GC (Chief Lauth said he's the local contact) to express my concern about the appropriateness of such a program in a place like Mt. Lebanon and inquire about the requirements for such "mentors," especially in densely populated residential areas, as well as to ask whether signage is required or public disclosure of private property locations on which untrained people will be hunting, etc. Will share any response I get.
Southwest Regional office that covers Allegheny County:
Pat Anderson, Director
4820 Route 711
Bolivar, PA 15923
Phone: (724) 238-9523, (724) 238-9524
Email: pgc-swregion@pa.gov
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