Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Baldwin's McNeilly Park

Baldwin will be getting a new park.  It is called McNeilly Park.  Yes, part of "our" McNeilly Park is in Baldwin. I wonder if Baldwin will be sharing the expense of developing the park, or will our recreation bond be footing the entire bill? Will Baldwin be sharing their police force for public safety coverage? Will Baldwin be able to use the park? Do we have to get zoning approval from both Mt. Lebanon AND Baldwin? And what about the grant money that we got? Did we tell the Federal government that the land is also in Baldwin? It just keeps getting better and better.
McNeilly Park 17 acre parcel Baldwin and Lebo
McNeilly Park 6 acre parcel in Mt. Lebanon

Update October 6, 2011 7:00 AM Mt. Lebanon Planning Outdoor Athletics Complex to Border Baldwin Township  We only gave Baldwin FOUR DAYS notice? Baldwin Township residents: We share the same concerns and more. The athletic groups are strong in this community and will get their way.  That is unfortunate for the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute in The Trib:

"The bond also would finance the $3.1 million development of athletic fields, parking and other facilities at McNeilly Park, currently an undeveloped swath of 23 acres near Seton-La Salle High School."

Read more: Mt. Lebanon athletics boosters make big pitch for bond issue - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

LET ME SEE IF I READ YOU CORRECTLY. ARE YOU TELLING US ELAINE THAT OF THE 23 ACRES IN THE SITE ONLY 6 ARE ACTUALLY IN MT. LEBANON?!!!! Also, is it correct that the park is next to the Salvation Army facility being opened?
Dick Saunders

Lebo Citizens said...

I wish I knew the answer to that, Dick. Did you see what it is assessed for and what we paid for it? As the saying goes, more money than brains.

Matt Santoni said...


Since you've mentioned my article, I'll try to answer your question: The proposed park is in two parcels, 6 acres and 17 acres, both owned by Mt. Lebanon. The municipal border of Baldwin Township runs just inside the east and north edges of the two, meaning that two slivers measuring a total of about 1.3 acres lie within Baldwin's limits.

You can see the borders of the properties and the municipalities yourself using Pitt's PNCIS mapping tool:

Not sure about the new Salvation Army location and its proximity to the park. I've not yet driven by it myself and the mapping function on the county assessment page seems to be out of order.

Lebo Citizens said...

Here is the entire link, Dick. Mt. Lebanon athletic boosters make big pitch for bond issue
According to the Trib, we paid $1.8 million for property with the fair market value of $660,083.
Yep, more money than brains.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Matt. I understood that MTL now owns the 23 acres, but the links made it sound like 16 acres were actually in Baldwin. Thanks for clearing up the confusion. So only 1.3 acres actually lie in Baldwin Township.
Still its weird that a Lebo Park doesn't ALL lie in Lebo and is far easier for Baldwin residents to acess than most Mt. Lebonites.
Nice to see that you peruse Elaine's blog!
Thanks again for the clarification.
Dick Saunders

Michael Goodin said...

NBC's "Parks and Recreation" devoted a whole episode to this issue last season: Eagleton.

Anonymous said...

Matt, if I may perhaps you could answer some more questions.
The property was owned by private individuals prior to the Lebo purchase.... correct?
So now does MTL pay property and school taxes on the 1.3 acre plot in Baldwin to Baldwin or is it now offically within the bounderies of MTL?
Or is it exempt from the Baldwin tax roles?
Dick Saunders

Matt Santoni said...


That I do not know... I'm guessing that the tax-exempt status applies on both sides of the border.