Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dress 4 Work

We all know that the economy is bad.  Some people are living paycheck to paycheck. That is one of the reasons I spoke against the 10.5% increase in our school taxes. (Remember, some of the same board members are up for reelection, but that is another story.) However, the people who are living paycheck to paycheck are the lucky ones.  There are many more who are unemployed and cannot afford to buy nice clothes for interviews or work.  Some local charities do not accept men’s suits anymore.  Many times, the larger charities sell clothing by the pound to industries that turn them into rags or shred them for stuffing.  The clothes that do make the racks cannot be purchased by those out of work because they do not have the resources to do so. 

Four years ago, I started Dress 4 Work through my church, in conjunction with Capacity Developers, Inc. Capacity Developers work with individuals in preparing for job interviews or employment. During the month of November, I will be collecting men’s business, scrubs, and business casual attire that are clean and fashionable. Items needed are men’s suits, slacks and jackets, scrubs, work shirts, golf shirts, dress shirts, ties, socks, shoes, and coats.  

If you have any donations, contact me at for details.

Please check your closets and drawers and at the same time, help job-seeking men become self-sufficient members of their communities. Thank you for supporting this annual event and helping men Dress 4 Work.


Anonymous said...

maybe you could use the professional clothing to get a job yourself!

Lebo Citizens said...

Nice comment.

Lebo Citizens said...

Perfect timing. The latest AARP Bulletin has an article called, "Get That Job. How to Break the Age Barrier in Tough Times." Now, all I have to do is start wearing men's clothing, Anonymous. I hope you look through your clothing and donate to those who aren't as lucky as you. I am trying to make lemonade out of lemons.