Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Any relation?

In the Baldwin-Whitehall Patch, Robert Heally III interviewed Principal Scott Hagy of Keystone Oaks High School about the McNeilly Park "Sports Complex."
Keystone Oaks High Principal Scott Hagy and Seton-La Salle President Gary Rodgers were both interviewed for the Oct. 6 report, but neither had concerns over the proposed McNeilly Park.
"Mr. Hagy expressed no concerns in regard to criminal activities or traffic at the proposed McNeilly fields development," the report reads.
Isn't Mr. Hagy, Mt. Lebanon RB Luke Hagy's dad? Please tell me there is no connection.

Read more:


Lebo Citizens said...

The editor of the Patch, Robert Healy III has emailed this:
"Clarification, though, I did not interview Hagy. Hagy was interviewed for the Oct. 6 report that the Mt. Lebanon commission saw and was published on the municipal website.

I pulled quotes from that report."

Lebo Citizens said...

This comment appears under Robert Healy III's article:

Bob Downey
1:06pm on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There has to be much more input from the citizen's of Baldwin Township, since this propsed athletic facility will have a tremendous impact on our residents and the residents of Brookline and will have very little impact Mount Lebanon residents. This project will place athletic fields within 120 feet of residents back yards and will disrupt their privacy and the semi-seclusion that they have enjoyed for decades. This issue will have a financial impact on our residents. With the complex less than one-half mile from our municipal building, our police will most assuredly be the first responders to arrive once an emergency call is placed. It is doubtful that Mt. Lebanon can have a consistent response of less than 5 minutes, so it will cost our citizens patrol time from our streets. Another area that will be impacted is the storm-water run-off to the McNeilly corridor. McNeilly has been the location of several floods over the years. Once this facility is paved and has a road that leads directly to McNeilly, the water run-off will cause even more headaches for our township, the residents, and the businesses in our community. Their proposal has the fields adding almost 30 feet of fill on top of the existing sewar lines with insuffient funding. In the event of a failure or damage to the line, it will cost our residents significant funding when the need arises and most assuredly will require a tax increase. This adversely affects the citizens of Baldwin Township and will cost us money!

Lebo Citizens said...

Someone just emailed me this article from the PG. It confirms the connection.
Blue Chip Chat with Luke Hagy, Mt. Lebanon

Anonymous said...

Residents of other communities who attend Mt. Lebanon churches will be taxed for this athletic field through their offerings to their Mt Lebanon churches. That is an additional tax on them. But the deceitful athletic supporters must provide all available baby- sitting opportunities to Mt. Lebanon parents regardless of the tax fairness to Mount Lebanon residents or residents of other communities.

I'm told substance is becoming a bigger problem in Mount Lebanon, so the Baldwin police will have to respond to drug over doses too.

John Ewing

Anonymous said...

Why is the Principal of Keystone Oaks High School participating in the planning of Lebo's athletic fields?
Are we planning a school consolidation with Keystone Oaks? Is that why two elementary schools closed in KO?

John Ewing

Lebo Citizens said...

Looks like I touched a nerve with all the nasty, anonymous comments. Show some guts and sign your name to it. I may even publish it for you.

Franci Eberz said...

As to Mr. Ewing's comment/question: Keystone Oaks High School sits within Mt. Lebanon...that would be why Principal Hagy would be asked.
Also, what difference does it make who is his child? He was asked a question as Principal...not a parenting question.
Why do you (Elaine) show a concern about a "connection" to Luke Hagy? What does that have to do with this complex? Why would you bring a child's name into this discussion at all?

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit lady strikes again! Careful Elaine Franci Eberz might sue you like she sued two senior citizens when she was investigating a sitting board member.

John Ewing

Anonymous said...

Since the Keystone HS principal works in Mt. Lebanon we should interview him about substance abuse in ML - we know the ML administrators won't talk about it.

John Ewing

Lebo Citizens said...

Another update by Robert Healy III

"Thanks for the comments, Bob. For readers: Bob Downey is a Baldwin Township commissioner."