Sunday, October 9, 2011

How about good spelling as a goal?

Got my colorful campaign door card from the Cappucci, Cooper, and Lebowitz gang.  Anyone notice the spelling error?

Hint: It is one of their goals.

Let's look at their goals.  The first one talks about constituent satisfaction.  Remember how many of us wanted some or most of the current board members to resign in an earlier poll?  Let's not forget how we were ignored when I submitted our 25 questions about the renovation.  80% of us believed that the school board would not answer our questions concerning the renovation in the latest Lebo Citizens poll. How about the 4,000 of us who signed the petition?
The second goal talks about managing our finances responsibly. Don't see that happening with our latest Taj Mahal project.
The third goal is to move our district forward with a new Strategic Plan.  Isn't that one of Dr. Steinhauer's 2011-2012 goals?
And the final goal is to..oops...there it is: POSTION our district to be a leader in 21st-century education. 
I hope spell check will be included in 21st-century education.
I don't know Mr. Cooper, but when it comes to "Caring Leadership," the leader of the high school renovation doesn't seem to care that we have unanswered questions and that we do not approve of the cost of the project.


Anonymous said...

They have POSTI-ON the brain.

Liz Huston

Anonymous said...

How embarrassing! If I were one of the three candidates pictured, I'd demand a refund (unless they approved the card the way it appears).

This is more evidence that we need to teach our kids the basics---like spelling---even if they have access to spell check. Also, this is a lesson about reading carefully, too.

Grace L. Brown

Anonymous said...

A school consultant, an attorney, and a teacher's kid with a spelling error. Only in Mount Lebanon. Bill Hook

Anonymous said...

They can't spell and they didn't add the costs correctly for the high school. Do we really want bad spelling and poor math skills on the Board? Bill Hook

Anonymous said...

Someone should publish the results of the stakeholder satisfaction number from the last Harris survey!
Irts not easyily accessible.
I believe stakeholder satisfaction fell quite a bit.
Its easy to print empty campaign priomises.
Dick Saunders

Anonymous said...

Whits ralley reazy to mafe a mizsteak when ur eeen a hrry! Sorry!
Dick Saunders