Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Every dime the School Board doesn't take from us...

Every dime the School Board doesn't take from us, the new County administration will take.  Allegheny County tax hike pondered  Funny, they waited for the election to pass to announce that.

An FYI, the Commission introduced an ordinance last night (Bill No. 24-11) to raise the millage by .71 mills to a total of  5.47 mills. The uncertainty of the reassessment process will require future modifications to this rate.

After the December 7 opening of the bids for the high school project, I am counting on money experts out there to analyze what they mean in terms of tax increases. 

Bottom line, my Dress 4 Work service project next year may be intended for Mt. Lebanon residents. Something has to give.


Anonymous said...

Has the bid opening date been quietly extended to Dec. 14th. ?

Bill Lewis

Lebo Citizens said...

If so, Bill, it is so quiet that the Dec. 7 date is still on the District website.

John Ewing said...

Budget cuts from Washington, D.C., and Harrisburg fall on local Municipalities and Schools to raise taxes to make up for “entitlement” cuts.

Federal, State and Municipal governments and Schools all have budget problems. As the Federal and State cuts continue to fall on Municipalities and Schools in a slow wage growth economy we can expect the monthly payments to own a home will grow and our home values will fall.

Remember the neighborhood zip code profiles I put up in an earlier post? Zero population growth was our best neighborhood. Harrisburg might not be the only defaulted municipal bonds in the State.

John Ewing

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to figure out how one raises administrator and teacher salaries, increases vacation time, hires $1,000/day strategic plan facilitators and pursue a $100,000,000+ construction projects all the while compalining you don't have enough revenue!!!

Interesting coincidence... the word verification here for my comment is "sable"! Isn't that a hoot.

Giffen Good

Lebo Citizens said...

Bill, I haven't been able to find anything about the bid opening date moved to the 14th. Obviously, you have heard something. I guess Dec. 14 will be remembered as a Day of Infamy for Mt. Lebanon.
Giffen, that IS a hoot about your word verification. Did you all see the KDKA story about superintendents' salaries? Ours, with just two years experience, is above average in pay here in Allegheny County. Here is the link. Superintendent Salaries On The Rise

Jack Mulliken said...

To be honest, anyone who's surprised that Fitzgerald would propose a tax raise just days after his election doesn't know his record. When he's not being an enforcer for big labor (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/pittsburgh/s_723675.html) he's authoring drink taxes. He's 100% "Democrat Machine" politician and he's going to do what the machine tells him to do.

I don't agree with things Onorato did but at least the guy thought for himself once in a while.

(and before you say "but Raja..." yea, I wasn't for him either).