Friday, July 31, 2015
Brace yourselves, Folks
The Capital Improvement Program for 2016-2020 is now online. From an earlier comment:
I see Phase 2 for parking on Cedar Blvd. on page 42 of the CIP. $275,000 for Brafferton (page 41 of the CIP), $700,000 Phase 2 LIGHTING FOR WILDCAT FIELD (page 51 of the CIP) and the best one yet - are you sitting down? See page 44 of the CIP. $4.2 million for McNeilly Field set for 2018.
I see Phase 2 for parking on Cedar Blvd. on page 42 of the CIP. $275,000 for Brafferton (page 41 of the CIP), $700,000 Phase 2 LIGHTING FOR WILDCAT FIELD (page 51 of the CIP) and the best one yet - are you sitting down? See page 44 of the CIP. $4.2 million for McNeilly Field set for 2018.
Will the Sports Advisory Board have to cough up 25% of the cost for Phase 2 for parking and lighting Wildcat Field? It's doubtful. Will the SAB have to come up with a million dollars for McNeilly? Ha!
I am going to have a stroke. I just know it. The good news is that four votes, not three, are still required to incur debt. I guess the real question is where do the commission candidates running in the November election stand on all this?
I am going to have a stroke. I just know it. The good news is that four votes, not three, are still required to incur debt. I guess the real question is where do the commission candidates running in the November election stand on all this?
And the Darwin Award goes to MTL Resident Becky McDermott UPDATED
Darwin Awards is a tongue-in-cheek award given to someone who did something really stupid and ultimately died. Wikipedia says:
This is the only time where I wish this blog was public so that the deer haters could read how ridiculous they appear.
Update July 31, 2015 7:24 PM From this week's Administrative Report which goes out to the commission and staff:
"The criterion for the awards states, "In the spirit of Charles Darwin, the Darwin Awards commemorate individuals who protect our gene pool by making the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives. Darwin Award winners eliminate themselves in an extraordinarily idiotic manner, thereby improving our species' chances of long-term survival."[2]If there was a Darwin Award (with no one dying from stupidity) given for Letters to the Editor, it should be presented to Becky McDermott, who wrote this piece, Deer Don't Pay Property Taxes. Kids don't pay taxes. Dogs and cats don't pay taxes. Should we kill them too? I pay taxes, so do I get a say, Becky? I know you don't like those of us who want to "coexist."
This is the only time where I wish this blog was public so that the deer haters could read how ridiculous they appear.
Update July 31, 2015 7:24 PM From this week's Administrative Report which goes out to the commission and staff:
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Are you watching, Mt. Lebanon? UPDATED 3X
Sign the petition: Justice for Cecil the iconic collared lion slaughtered by trophy hunter in Zimbabwe!
On that same note, it appears that Mt. Lebanon is having difficulty getting residents to volunteer their properties in this densely populated community. This is the latest update on the municipal website.
White Buffalo Inc. needs more residents to donate their private properties for the program. Informational meetings will be held in the commission chamber of the municipal building Saturday, August 15, at 10 a.m. and Monday, August 17, at 7 p.m. Resident also may contact White Buffalo directly... Properties in dense residential areas with few trees will not be suitable for the program. [Nah-uh] Please do not contact Mt. Lebanon Municipality directly.
Update July 30, 2015 8:17 AM I confess that I had no idea what a treestand looked like. Googling treestands, I found this.
![]() | |
With the "thousands" of deer that PG's John Hayes reported Mt. Lebanon having, we may see more of this:
![]() | |
Update July 30, 2015 9:25 AM The hunters have been recruited. This extensive screening process cost Mt. Lebanon taxpayers $15,460. From the Mt. Lebanon website:
White Buffalo Inc, the wildlife management firm hired to screen, train and manage archers who will conduct a bow hunt this fall, has concluded recruiting hunters. The archers, who will hunt up to 12 hours a week, were required to show experience through harvest verification and will need to have a Bow Hunter Education Certification before they can begin.A hunter can take the course online. You must score 80% or higher to pass. Bow Hunter Education Certification.
Update August 1, 2015 10:40 PM This is the White Buffalo tweet mentioned in 10:06 PM's comment.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Another sham of a meeting taking place now UPDATED
I missed this article from yesterday's Trib. Mt. Lebanon to address pedestrian safety
The panel will include management analyst John Stinner; Thomas Klevan, manager of multimodal planning for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, which handles regional planning, prioritization and funding of transportation projects; Bike Pittsburgh advocacy director Eric Boer; PennDOT traffic engineer Phil Mutunga; Lt. Duane Fisher of the Mt. Lebanon Police traffic division; and Michael Haberman, traffic engineer for Gateway Engineers.
The commission work session is going on right now. sigh.
Update July 28, 2015 10:33 AM I'm convinced that my commissioner is as crazy as the one she replaced. Here is what Matt Santoni tweeted last night during the meeting:
Update July 28, 2015 10:33 AM I'm convinced that my commissioner is as crazy as the one she replaced. Here is what Matt Santoni tweeted last night during the meeting:
#MtLebo commission consensus seems to emphasize educating pedestrians & drivers; seeking more resources for @MtLebanonPolice enforcement

Traffic engineer Mike Haberman to #MtLebo: all traffic-calming measures (bump-outs, speed humps) should increase driver awareness.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 14h14 hours ago
Fisher recommends #MtLebo pass an ordinance allowing cops to cite ppl who cross against signals or outside crosswalks. Not common in suburbs
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 14h14 hours ago
Fisher says many pedestrians at fault in crashes- distracted, not obeying signs, jaywalking. Up to 65% at fault in #MtLebo crashes.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 14h14 hours ago
@MtLebanonPolice Lt Fisher: citations steady at ~4100/yr; crashes ~600/yr, between 10-18 pedestrians hit per year b/t 2010-2014
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 14h14 hours ago
@MtLebanonPolice Lt Fisher: "U-shaped" relationship b/t speed & crashes; more crash @ higher & lower speeds (distracted more @ lower speed)
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 15h15 hours ago
Timeline could have been issue with seeking grant $; self-funding could make 3-yr process a 3-mo process, #mtlebo traffic engineer says.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 15h15 hours ago
#MtLebo commissioner @KellyFraasch says it took years to get @PennDOTNews to fix up mid block crosswalk on Washington Rd.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 15h15 hours ago
Boer: @BikePGH working to create local bike-ped committees; could look at one in #MtLebo.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
Now Eric Boer of @BikePGH talking to #MtLebo about safe biking practices. Largest cohort of mbrs outside PGH live in S. Hills.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
Tom Klevan of SPC talks about all the funding srcs available to #MtLebo that could go to pedestrian or bike projects, incl. TAP, CMAQ
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
Stinner: #MtLebo educates kids well but not adults. Has TV station, @mtlmagazine, biz district advertising it can use to do outreach.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
#MtLebo commissioner Vuono concerned about more signs for pedestrians, says having too many is distracting drivers already.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
Analyst John Stinner notes high incidence of jaywalking in #MtLebo, no signs warning against it or penalties for it.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
OC uses mascots, sign carriers, PSAs, posters & stuff at local biz like coasters to encourage safe walking during summer tourist swarms.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
Looking @ best practices like NYC's Vision Zero goal of no traffic fatalities, Ocean City Md's "walk smart" initiative.
Matthew Santoni @msantoni 16h16 hours ago
At #MtLebo mtg on traffic/ped safety, consultant says there were 82 ped/bike v car crashes in Lebo since 2010.
Update July 28, 2015 6:41 PM Mt. Lebanon commissioners look to improve traffic safety
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Sunday: WITH the new signs UPDATED
Even after the nice signs were put up and the coaches were told to make sure people adhere to the rules, we still have this:
The pic below was a player retrieving a ball that bounced from Middle field onto WildCat and time out had to be called. What happens if a ball comes over from the other field when the outfielder is making a play in his own field? What happens if a ball that was hit from the other field hits a player on the other field and causes an injury?
This is the type of sign we really need:
Update July 29, 2015 11:17 AM I have been having an email exchange with John Bendel on this topic. (Imagine that!) Here it is.
New signs at the "Crown Jewel"
I recently learned that Mt. Lebanon has a sign shop above Public Works on Cedar Blvd. Apparently, the municipality got the message that taxpayers were unhappy with the total disregard by spectators and players alike. This new sign now appears at our "Crown Jewel."
I especially like this sign, which also appears at our million dollar field.
Yes, a laser printed piece of copy paper inserted into an Office Depot vinyl sheet protector has been posted to ban those pesky sunflower seeds, visible around home plate and in the dugout. He Who Shall Not Be Named promised to take full responsibility, and by golly, he did.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
MTLSD promises to do better with the asbestos dust, sort of.
Building A, the school's oldest building and housed the North Gym, has been demolished. Building C, which is the newest building, and the one which many of us tried to save, is the next building to go. From the PG article, Mt. Lebanon high school renovation on track to 2016 completion:
At Monday’s school board meeting, Tom Berkebile, construction manager P.J. Dick Inc., showed photos of once was the office of superintendent Timothy Steinhauer, but now is empty in anticipation of the campus’ “C” building, which formerly housed administrative offices, being demolished. Work on that project starts Aug. 10, when Precision Environmental Co. will begin removing the building’s outer layer for asbestos abatement.As usual, the Trib reporter goes into more depth in, Demolition of 'C' wing to begin at Mt. Lebo.
All the carcinogenic asbestos will be contained and removed from the site before the rest of the wing is knocked down, he said, and more dust controls will be considered. Neighbors complained about drifting dust from the earlier demolition of the high school's “A” building.More dust controls will be considered? I wonder how many kids are going to get mesothelioma or silicosis. The June 8 update said that they kept the demolition debris wet enough to not bother the neighbors. Letters were sent out to neighbors informing them of the demolition. I have been told that the county calls them, "Illegal Fugitive Emissions" when dust is visibly drifting off site. Here is the PowerPoint presentation of the Building A demolition.
Lebo's up the creek
This was the scene yesterday behind Wildcat Field.
Something was going on in that creek. It actually looked like they were installing the zinc filter...but only for the drainage from the parking lot. The field drainage uses a slightly more northbound connecter pipe. So many OSHA violations. At 10:00 last night, it was still going on - well past the hour that construction must stop in Mt. Lebanon. A neighbor walked down to the active site and called 911 to report construction activity occurring after the municipal ordinance of 7pm. The cops showed up and almost arrested the neighbor because he wasn't "nice" to the guy sleeping in a PT Cruiser parked over the hillside. They advised that the construction was an "emergency" to prevent sewage from flowing into the creek. An emergency. Yeah, right.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
The Lacrosse Suit Continues
On June 29, 2015, I posted Mt. Lebanon Lacrosse Association hit with defamation suit UPDATED 3X. Since then, there have been two more court dockets added to the case.
Bedortha v MTL LAX Brief in Opposition (Bedortha's Brief in Opposition to MTL Lacrosse's Preliminary Objection
Court Order by Judge O'Reilly
Bedortha v MTL LAX Brief in Opposition (Bedortha's Brief in Opposition to MTL Lacrosse's Preliminary Objection
Court Order by Judge O'Reilly
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
UPMC Sports Medicine for athletic training services through June 30, 2020
Through a Right To Know, I requested a copy of the proposal from UPMC Sports Medicine for athletic training services through June 30, 2020. According to the July 20, 2015 Agenda, the District requested proposals from local providers. The lowest cost response was from UPMC Sports Medicine for a five year contract totaling $179,000. The next lowest quote was from Allegheny Health Network at a five year cost of $212,500. The five year contract seems far more complicated (to me at least) than the previous contract, and was approved at last night's school board meeting.
A list of school districts using UPMC's services is included in the contract.
A list of school districts using UPMC's services is included in the contract.
UPMC Sports Medicine
List of liened taxes for the 2014 tax year UPDATED
At Monday's meeting, the school board approved for public display
the list of liened taxes for the 2014 tax year. Through a Right To Know, I obtained the list of liened taxes for the 2014 tax year.
Update July 23, 2015 8:47 AM Pittsburgh Business Times published a list of the top 75 ZIP codes with the highest net worths in the Pittsburgh region.
We think we are:
Update July 23, 2015 8:47 AM Pittsburgh Business Times published a list of the top 75 ZIP codes with the highest net worths in the Pittsburgh region.
We think we are:
when we can rarely keep up at:
Monday, July 20, 2015
We don't have a deer problem; we have a commission problem
Mt. Lebanon resident and Ward 5 candidate, William Hoon wrote the following letter to the editor of the Post-Gazette.
Letter to South Suburban editor: Deer numbers in Mt. Lebanon
Our commission wants a nice tidy box to cram the “deer problem” into, tie it up with a pretty bow and get on with killing action number four. Their premises are completely wrong, as is their goal of reducing dead deer on our roads by 50% over five years. What does that even mean? Our problem is not deer in Mt. Lebanon but rather an inept, poorly informed commission. They all need to be replaced.At the last commission meeting, Mt. Lebanon resident and Lebo Citizens reader, David Fusco presented this information during Citizen Comments.
- Deer-related accidents in Mt. Lebanon are down 35% in 2015 (19 accidents through June 30 based on MTL deer report projected out to 38 for the year compared to 58 last year).
- PA residents have 1:71 chance of being in a deer-related accident (State Farm Insurance Report).
- Mt. Lebanon residents currently have a 1:655 chance of being in a deer-related accident (2010 population x .65 [residents over 18 and presumed driving] divided by 38 [2015 projected accidents]).
- Upper St. Clair residents have a 1:190 chance of being in a deer-related accident (based on above formula applied to USC data and 73 accidents in 2014 based on the Commission's June 22 presentation).
- There are 10.4 deer-related accidents per square mile in USC (9.6 sq. mi. divided by 73).
- There are 6.3 deer-related accidents per square mile in MTL (6.06 sq. mi. divided by 38).
- If the Commission achieves a 50% reduction over 2014 numbers (down to 29 per year), that would translate to a 1:859 chance of a MTL resident being in a deer related accident. Compared to the national data, that would rank us 47 (between DC and Florida) despite PA being one of the largest natural habitats for white-tailed deer in the country. It would also reduce the number of accidents to 4.8 accidents per sq. mi.
- An arrow from a bow can travel over 300 yards per an article testing distance from Cabela's. (Admittedly this would have to be a misfire/accident, but any such chance is not warranted on the vehicle data).
- And lastly, the Commission's presentation from June 22 explicitly dispels the myth that deer are involved in the transmission of Lyme disease as I quoted. The above data demonstrates that the Commission's proposed program is not supported by deer-related accident data. In reality, achieving the stated goal of a 50% reduction in accidents would likely require near eradication of the deer population. And that appears to be what supporters are seeking as anything less would not prevent the concerns raised by so many related to gardens and "potential" deer-related accidents. Unfortunately, it simply appears that many residents do not believe deer have any place in urban residential communities - even ones that have essentially been built in the middle of the forest.Mr. Fusco also sent me a link to a website which discusses State Farm's data. DRIVERS BEWARE: THE ODDS AREN'T IN YOUR FAVOR
And here are some deer facts that all drivers should know:I highlighted the first deer fact. DEER ARE ON ALL ROADS. The commissioners don't seem to understand that fact. Killing deer is not the answer to their "problem."
- Deer are on all roads
- Deer are unpredictable
- Deer often move in groups
- Deer movement is most prevalent in the fall
- Dusk and dawn are high risk times
I asked the question, "Is it about deer/vehicular collisions or is it really about gardens?" Like so many other issues, the commissioners do not listen to facts, just wealthy constituents.
David Fusco,
deer-car collisions,
William Hoon
Sunday, July 19, 2015
UPMC, Tax Liens, PlanCon I, Salary Increases, Change Orders, and Credit Cards UPDATED
Normally, the School Board has two meetings per month, a construction update/discussion meeting and a business meeting. July is the exception. The School Board introduces and then passes agenda items on the same night. That night is tomorrow. Here are the highlights from the July School Board Meeting Agenda.
And finally:
Where is the $2,235 for panels coming from? They forgot to tell us.
Update July 24, 2015 6:55 PM According to the PG's Mt. Lebanon high school renovation on track to 2016 completion, the Board decided to table the vote for the credit card services.
List of Liened Taxes: RESOLVED, That the Board approves for public display the list of liened taxes for the 2014 tax year.
Local Services Tax (LST) Collections – The Municipal Tax Office currently processes the District’s LST collection. The cost of collection has been shared equally with the Municipality at $18,000. We are recommending a contract with Jordan Tax Service to do this collection. Jordan’s fees are 1.8% of sums collected plus a sum of 10% or 20% on collection of delinquent LTS accounts (the fee depending on how soon the tax is paid) plus half of all penalties and fines collected in litigation plus costs of going after delinquencies. We anticipate this contract would cost the District under $1,000 plus the cost to collect delinquencies. The Solicitor’s Office has reviewed the contract and recommends its approval. The Superintendent recommends approval of this contract.
Local Services Tax Collections: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the contract with Jordan Tax Services to collect Local Services Taxes at 1.8% of the collections plus additional cost to collect delinquencies in the form presented.******
Salary Increase for Assistant Superintendents – Annually, the Board is required to review the performance of the Assistant Superintendents: Dr. Ronald Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Dr. Marybeth Irvin, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education. In accordance with statutory requirements the performance of each has been rated as satisfactory. The recommended salary increases are within the 2.8% average salary increase as previously identified as the average Act 93 administrator increase. The Superintendent recommends the salary increases for satisfactory performance for each Assistant Superintendent.******
Salary Increase for Assistant Superintendents: RESOLVED, That the Board rates the performance of the Assistant Superintendents as satisfactory and approves the salary of $139,055 for Dr. Ronald Davis and $122,127 for Dr. Marybeth Irvin effective July 1, 2015.
DonorPro Contract: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the DonorPro Merchant Services Integrated Donation Processing contract at $10 per month plus 2.89% plus $.20 per credit card transaction for donations towards the Capital Campaign.
Athletic Trainer Services: RESOLVED, That the Board accepts the proposal from UPMC Sports Medicine for athletic training services at their five year price of $179,000 through June 30, 2020.The 2010-2015 Agreement is available on my website and below:
On April 19, 2010, the Mt. Lebanon Board of School Directors approved an agreement with UPMC Sports Medicine for athletic training services and physician services for the 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years at our cost of $154,000. UPMC will be needing designated parking, which is something that was never indicated by the School Board at any municipal meeting. Besides paying UPMC $154,000, MTLSD will agree to serve as a regional center for UPMC by providing auditorium, gymnasium, classroom or fields to UPMC so that they may have sports medicine and/or sports performance programs up to four times per contracted year. By the way, UPMC will have the right to charge a participation fee to attendees of these programs. We also have to display four UPMC banners throughout the year at various MTLSD sports venues.******
UPMC Athletic Training and Physician Services
PlanCon Part I Submission – PlanCon Part I is a required submission for State review of the change orders in a construction project. There are two sets of Part I submissions for Board consideration and approval as recommended by our architect. The Superintendent recommends approval of these submissions.
PlanCon Part I Submission: RESOLVED, That the Board approves submission of PlanCon Part I in the forms presented.
And finally:
Change Orders for High School Renovation Project –Change orders for Board approval for the month of July totaling $37,464 from the Contingency and $8,282 from the Capital Budget have been reviewed by the architect, PJ Dick and the District administration: a. GC-116-285 to Nello for $37,464 for roof, window, wall and concrete work, b. ME-34-286 to McKamish for $2,235 for panels, and c. ME 35-287 to McKamish for $8,282 for ductwork for a fume hood. The Superintendent recommends approval of these change orders.
Change Orders for High School Project: RESOLVED, That the Board approves the following list of change orders for the High School Renovation Project: a. GC-116-285 to Nello for $37,464 for roof, window, wall and concrete work, b. ME-34-286 to McKamish for $2,235 for panels, and c. ME 35-287 to McKamish for $8,282 for ductwork for a fume hood.
Where is the $2,235 for panels coming from? They forgot to tell us.
Update July 24, 2015 6:55 PM According to the PG's Mt. Lebanon high school renovation on track to 2016 completion, the Board decided to table the vote for the credit card services.
District administrators negotiated with DonorPro, a nonprofit company that already provides software for the capital campaign, to incorporate a software addition to process credit card payments. The cost would be $10 per month, plus 2.89 percent of the amount of each transaction and an additional 20 cents for each transaction.
After board member Dan Remely expressed concerns about security and whether the rate is optimal, the board directed administrators to seek more information about options.
assistant superintendents,
change orders,
credit cards,
liened properties,
PlanCon Part I,
UPMC Sports Medicine
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Toxic turf July 18, 2015 UPDATED
It has only been used for a couple of days and already lots of violations.
Sunflower seeds in the dugout.
The chairs - love the red cup. Water, of course.
Where are the signs for the turf rules and regulations?
From Steve Feller's weekly report:
Update July 18, 2015 10:59 PM
Sunflower seeds in the dugout.
The chairs - love the red cup. Water, of course.
Where are the signs for the turf rules and regulations?
| |||||||
Sunflower seeds |
Sunflower seeds |
Water fountain on backorder |
More chairs this evening |
Who removes this mesh fencing? |
Mesh fencing to have multiple games |
Any shoe checks for metal cleats? Do other teams pay to play in tournament? |
Friday, July 17, 2015
Kristen will be so proud of her replacement UPDATED
From: egillen476
To: cvuono
Cc: commission ; sfeller ; rsukal ;
philip.weis ; egillen476
Subject: Re: Taxes
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 1:37 pm
Easier said than done, Coleen. You, of all people, should know that. You had your house on the market for six months four years ago and couldn't sell it. Now you are asking $70,000 more and it has been on the market for almost a month now. Is that why your house is on the market? You won't say where you plan to move.
Thank you for your response, Coleen. I rarely get one.
Elaine Gillen
-----Original Message-----
From: Coleen Vuono
To: egillen476
Cc: Commission ; Stephen Feller ; Rudy Sukal
; Philip Weis
Sent: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 12:11 pm
Subject: Re: Taxes
Ms. Gillen,
With all of the complaints you have about Mt. Lebanon it seems to me that you really might be happier selling your
house and moving out of the community.
Coleen Vuono
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 11:32 AM, '' via Commission wrote:
I just paid my $826.06 municipal tax bill in protest. I have learned that Mt. Lebanon residents are not treated fairly.
Those who pay more in taxes are the ones who you seem to cater to.
Whether it is municipal trees, views on the use of weapons in our densely populated community, skewed public
information, pet projects, or even getting responses to emails, money talks in Mt. Lebanon.
I wrote on my check that I paid my taxes in protest. I'm sure you are all chuckling over this email, but it is the only
recourse that I have. It has never been this bad in all the years I have lived in Mt. Lebanon.
Elaine Gillen
Update July 17, 2015 4:02 PM Another email from Coleen. Wow! This is a record!
From: egillen476
To: cvuono
Cc: commission ; sfeller ; philip.weis
; egillen476
Subject: Re: Taxes
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 3:58 pm
Attachments: 31 Woodland Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15228 is For Sale _ Zillow.pdf (3591K)
Since this is all subject to Right To Knows, I wanted to cite my source, Coleen. The information on your house came
from Zillow. I have also
attached it as a pdf. If the information is incorrect, I could refer you to another real estate agent who would make sure
that the information is posted correctly. Perhaps the correction would help to sell your home faster, since this is what
the public sees. You're welcome.
While I have your attention, Coleen, do you plan on spending the balance of your term in Ward 3, should you sell your
home? How many times have I asked you this question before?
Elaine Gillen
-----Original Message-----
From: Coleen Vuono
To: egillen476
Cc: Commission ; Stephen Feller ; Rudy Sukal
; Philip Weis
Sent: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 1:54 pm
Subject: Re: Taxes
Ms. Gillen,
Just for the record-everything you said about my house is incorrect.
Coleen Vuono
Subject: Re: Taxes
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 1:37 pm
Easier said than done, Coleen. You, of all people, should know that. You had your house on the market for six months four years ago and couldn't sell it. Now you are asking $70,000 more and it has been on the market for almost a month now. Is that why your house is on the market? You won't say where you plan to move.
Thank you for your response, Coleen. I rarely get one.
Elaine Gillen
Coleen Vuono
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