Saturday, October 13, 2012

Election Day can't come soon enough

It seems like I get something from Raja every day. Yesterday, his postcard said that "His global company has created over 100 jobs in the Pittsburgh area." Uh, that may be true, but the rest of the story is here, in an old Lebo Citizens post. Is outsourcing a good thing or a bad thing? And then there is this: CEI Reviews This link is just one of many when searching for CEI reviews.

In today's daily mailing, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania says that Matt Smith broke his promise because he signed up for, and is vested to receive, a legislative pension. I don't know anything about Matt's financial status, but if I had the millions of dollars that Raja spent on his campaigns, I wouldn't need to sign up for any pensions either. Has Raja pledged not to take any money as Senator? I wouldn't think he would need to.

In my post, Raja and Fitzgerald clash on KDKA, I see Raja's website has been changed. It no longer says: Mr. Raja's tech firm, CEI, says on its website that it "strives to be No. 1 in outsourcing." I remember posting this article from Pittsburgh Business Times.

I realize that the Post Gazette usually endorses Democrats, but I tend to agree with them on this one. For state Senate: Rep. Matt Smith is ready to take a bigger role


John David Kendrick said...

I'm Republican and I'm supporting Matt Smith.

In my mind it's a matter of character and I think that Raja is bad news.

Anonymous said...

Outsourcing wouldn't necessarily be bad except for the VERY BIG fact that there are so many unemployed people here.

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Raja. It's important the Rs hold the Senate. Raja did some strange things but Matt never bucks the party line. You think Matt will vote for school choice?

Not a chance. He will side with the union instead.

I like both of them. Raja has definitely created jobs. Some here and some in India. He has an idea about what it takes. Matt, as nice as he is, will go with the D line and not lower the onerous business taxes in PA.

Anonymous said...

5:01 you will vote for a former commissioner that floated a bond to pay for roads? What is that? That's not R or D or sticking with any party line. It is just plain wrong!

Anonymous said...

5:01 here...

Like I said, he did some strange things.

But I would take that over someone who is so beholden to one party like Matt.

Anonymous said...

Matt for me

Anonymous said...

Me too - Matt rocks!

Anonymous said...

The Post gazette article this week was a true insight to Raja. Raja doesn't know the details of certain core responsibilities he would have in the Senate. Ouch. I want someone prepared for the job.

Anonymous said...

At this point I am so turned off my his negative campaigning that I will be voting for Matt Smith as a Republican.

anonymous said...

This post shows exactly what's wrong with the electorate. It's wholly ignorant. This isn't a popularity contest nor is any election. People have lost sight of that. I'm not sure what outsourcing has to do with a state level elected office. Government doesn't create private jobs; businesses do. Raja has made a lot of money because he knows how to do so. It certainly doesn't qualify him for Harrisburg but I think those points need to be mentioned.
I would also challenge any of you "Matt-is-so-cool" supporters to point to something Smith has done to benefit his district. Any useful bills he's sponsored? Any efforts he's made to help the South Hills? He's a typical tax and spend liberal. Sorry but that is the last thong we need right now.
So what's the answer? Hell if I know but as someone above pointed out, the vote will likely fall mostly along party lines. We need a viable third party so we all have better options.

Lebo Citizens said...

I guess I can only respond to my communications with both Raja and Matt. With Raja, I would get a response of "Thanks, Elaine" With Matt, I get an entire letter in the mail signed by Matt. Here is just part of one such letter when I contacted him on my support for a ban on the use of cell phones while driving. It is illegal in the state where my son goes to school to drive while on a cell phone.

"I believe that this is one of the paramount public safety issues of our time and I have worked hard to see that this legislation is enacted. Although legislation banning texting while driving was signed into law, it did not go far enough to include a ban on all handheld cell phone use." And he goes on to describe what he is doing.

I have been pleased with my contact with Matt's office. I get more than a "Thanks, Elaine." His follow up has been commendable. I can't ask for anything more. I feel as though he has represented me.

Anonymous said...

Matt Smith is a nice guy for sure but he has voted to raise taxes way too many times. He has to vote to raise taxes because he supports the teacher union and they need more and more money for their unrealistic benefits plan. He pretends he is siding with you when you talk to him about an issue and then votes D. Casey is the same way he said he doesn’t money going to other countries (which we borrow from China) but sends billions to other countries anyways and the people in many of these countries don’t want us there. Raja is no better sending jobs over seas and taking the homestead exemption on both his houses. Sorry Raja only one house can claim the exemption. Off to look at houses in Washington County…it’s time to move.

Anonymous said...

Hello 10:03 Raja? Is that you?

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Matt.

Lebo Citizens said...

5:01 PM Don't vote for Matt because he never bucks the party line? Vote for Raja for the Rs to hold the Senate? Aren't you doing the same thing?

Look at how many Rs are on the School Board. How's that working for you? You have Dale, Ed, Scott, Dan, and Mary was a R when she ran. Now she has jumped parties and is running as a D. But guess what.?

She is still Mary.

Raja floated a bond for sidewalks. Raja implemented the stormwater fee. Raja went to private meetings with the School Board. Raja had all his pals on the Parking Authority and didn't want to shut it down. What is coming out now about the Parking Authority? The Zamagias TIF crap and the uncollected parking tickets. Someone said that he had two Homestead Exclusions.

I get the party thing, but at this point, does that really matter?

Anonymous said...

Hello 945 Matt is that you?
Give me a break. The texting ban? So the one piece of legislation Smith helped pass is something that isn't enforced and is just another example of government intrusion, and you want more of that? What happened to him pushing for a part time legislature? Of course you get a letter back from him.since he isn't doing anything he has the time to write.

Lebo Citizens said...

No, 11:44 PM, I wrote that. E.T. Gillen at the top, and signed Elaine at the bottom.
Following your logic, I now understand why Josephine Posti doesn't answer my emails. She is too busy.
How about this? Vote for the better candidate. I'll stick with Matt Smith. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Matt gets my vote!

Anonymous said...

Mine too 6pm!

Anonymous said...

Late to the game here but between the two I will vote for Raja. He has been a life-long Republican and as a Republican, I refuse to support someone like Matt who's biggest contribution was a texting ban. Matt's comment to Elaine that the texting ban was the most paramount safety issue of our time is telling.

How about finding a way to ensure funding of local police departments? Would that not be a safety issue? How about trying to fix the pension mess for state employees to ensure we don't have massive layoffs of state police?

I'd say those issues trump a texting ban which was important, but rather trivial. It's not like anyone opposed it.

Anonymous said...

Matt raised taxes too many times. He supports the teacher's union and the pension plans the teachers get. Most people don't have pension plans like teachers do except for government workers. Pension costs are not sustainable. I got a letter today from Matt saying Corbett's education cuts are the cause of the low state test scores recently reported. The cause of the low state test scores are because students know they will be the ones to pay the debt that is mounting daily in large part because of the teacher pension costs. Students are discouraged from doing their best because they are going to have debt from college and then after graduation less chance for a job and they have to pay the pension debt for years to come. Students know from the media there aren't enough jobs when they graduate. There's no good choice Matt or Raja I don't know who I will vote for yet. If Matt gets voted in he will have to raise taxes again to pay for unrealistic teacher and government employee pensions.

Lebo Citizens said...

Like I said, Election Day can't come soon enough. Today, besides my daily Vote For Raja postcard in the mail, I got a yellow paper in my door from Team Raja. He sure likes to waste money on campaigns. He spends like there is no tomorrow.

Rich W said...

Matt has tried to fix problems in formulas related to pensions, particularly in positions where the pension benefit can be influenced by the amount of overtime/vacation/sick days received in the final year of employment. It's a start.

And the taxes that Matt "voted for" include the drink/rental car tax that was going to get passed by Harrisburg regardless to teach Pittsburgh/Allegheny county a lesson. That was the bitter pill Onorato had to swallow to avoid an increase in property taxes. Hard to blame Matt for that.

I'd be OK voting for a R, but not Raja. I'm very disappointed that the Rs we have aren't doing diddly about the PLBC.

Anonymous said...

We are currently looking at houses in Washington County to purchase. We are getting out of the bubble and Alleghany County. Probably not any better there as far as good people to vote for but the taxes are lower, houses are newer and the yards are larger.

Richard Gideon said...

Since people are baring their souls with respect to the Smith/Raja contest, I will join the frey.

Today I received a letter from Mr. Smith, addressed to me personally (nice touch), in which he says, "I write to update you on how Governor Corbett's education funding cuts have impacted education in Pennsylvania." He ends his letter by saying, "Please rest assured that I will continue to aggressively fight for increased education investment and will continue to oppose the Governor's attempts to slash this key investment in our future." Of course I realize that this is a form letter, and likely created by one of his staff members.

I sent said Smith an E-mail letting him know I was not impressed. The problem is not money; the problem is the system itself. During the last 40 years, the federal government alone has spent $1.8 trillion on education, and spending per pupil in the U.S. has tripled in real terms. Government at all levels spent an average of $149,000 on the 13-year education of a high school senior who graduated in 2009, compared to $50,000 (in 2009 dollars) for a 1970 graduate. Despite the dramatic increase in spending, there has been no notable change in student outcomes. (Source:the Reason Foundation)

It is rather obvious that Mr. Smith is in bed with the teacher's unions and the PSBA. But before one jumps to any conclusions, Raja has demonstrated that he is no friend of the taxpayer, given the mess he left in Mt. Lebanon. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans "get it" - and I will not be joined to the "voting for the lesser of two evils" crowd. Therefore I will skip this contest; or perhaps write-in my dog, whose understanding of economics is miles ahead of most of our local politicos.