Here it is - the email referenced in the following comment:
An email that was between an Association leader and Mrs. Fraasch back in the Spring paints a very different picture to all the sympathy towards the sports group. I received a forwarded email that the Association leader sent to Mrs. Fraasch and it would make anyone think twice about the ill mannered behavior. She handled it in such a professional manner. It was apparent that the leader wanted us all to be backing his agenda for turf but it showed most of us sympathy towards Mrs. Fraasch and that she is willing to negotiate if members of the YSA were even remotely civil. This has not be a civil discussion on behalf of the sports groups and I think it is really a shame for Lebo. No one that saw the email would blame her if she left the fields people without an improvement. Actually a bunch of us have supported her since the email was distributed.
Kelly - I appreciate the time you spent as well. However I did give you some compelling proof regarding turf as well as some insight as to field conditions and I don't think you read what I gave you or even listened to what I said.
Quite honestly, the information you have obtained (if any) about the fields in Mt. Lebanon municipality is wrong. I offered to show you problems, explained to you what the problems are and I feel you really don't care to listen. If you believe that $840, 000 will fix your parks and recreation field problem your friends the bloggers really have you fooled!
It is obvious that the Town Hall Meeting meant nothing to you. You have your own agenda on what YOU want to do and that is your prerogative. However, you are are doing a disservice to the the youth of Mt. Lebanon (not to mention the taxpayers) - due to your own agenda.
You really can't believe that the citizens of USC, Peters and Bethel Park all have no regard for health and safety when they installed their artificial surfaces? We have had an artificial surface at the high school since the early 70' has been used by countless athletes, rec dept. programs (at no cost to the municipality!) and many other kids, parents, coaches and just about anyone who wanted to step foot on it!! No one has experienced any health problems!
Mt. Lebanon Commissioners have made 2 very bad investments to parks and recreation (Twin Hills & McNeilly)...yet they do nothing to solve, rectify or even consider a solution to these problems. Building another grass field (which will not help) at the public works is absurd....again your bloggers have you fooled. Why not ask your rec department and youth leagues - why go to individuals who are not familiar with athletic fields?
I more than cautioned each commission when they were going to purchase these parcels - and I can't tell you enough what a mistake it will be financially and how ineffective another grass field will be. Your not looking at ALL the possibilities or ALL the benefits of a turf field.
Perhaps maybe the YSA should start charging ALL users of fields for the $12/player user fee's....are you able to explain that to the cheerleaders, micro soccer and t-ball programs? They use the same fields we do and pay nothing!
I am putting my name and phone number on this correspondence as I am sure it will get passed along to all the SPINELESS bloggers in Mt. Lebanon. Maybe a good fund raiser for fields would be "Public Debates".......Bloggers vs. Field Rats....think they would show??
Yours in Youth Athletics
Chip Dalesandro
My first inclination was to not respond, however, I feel it’s necessary to respond so things can move on from your remarks.
This would be a good example as to why things haven’t moved forward in the past few years and that the YSA needed new leadership. A hot-headed email like that can make a Commissioner choose a multitude of other issues to focus on rather than something like Recreation. If you want me to move onto my “own agenda” I would be happy to and you will be sitting here without any movement for 4 years.
I have put in over 120 hours into meeting with folks about Parks/Fields/Recreation and 87 hours of those come from sports/YSA representatives, not bloggers. Actually 7 hours were meeting with bloggers. 26 hours were from the general community interested in the issue and current/former Commissioners. So to say that I am only listening to one side of the community is an insult and completely false.
The problem here is that not all of YSA wants turf and others would prefer looking at what we have before investing the money into something new. This ideology has been confirmed time-and-time again by your members and I happen to agree with them.
Your second problem, whether you were involved or not, you have a large group of sports associations that promised funding of the purchase of McNeilly and its’ development (not turf, but field space) since Krebbs was not working. So you have a community confidence problem, because a large group of this community feels that the associations owe them money and should at the very least follow through on written promises.
So, I guess I haven’t asked this to you, why didn’t you fundraise back then when you had the space bought for the sports/fields? Field space was purchased,a design created by Municipal Engineers and a plan that you could throw money into. This community has essentially put in over $2 million dollars (from taxes) into a field that will never be used and $0 was given by the sports associations. Today, if the sports groups would have pulled together, they would have the fields in use. Who essentially dropped the ball? Feel free to answer, but the truth is perception is sometimes everything and the community is concerned and not just the "bloggers."
You have brought up some relevant points in your email that I have been trying to get to the bottom of. I’m not sure our user fee schedule are fair and some might need to pay more. Do I want to see “pay as you go” not sure that’s a good option, but possible at this point. Do I see health issues related to turf? Yes, MRSA was a direct relation to our turf at the high school to name one. One year ago, I knew little about turf and started to do research. I have read hundreds of article pro/against the use of turf, including the items you gave to me last week. A couple of issues I have are the possible health issues that many (pro/against) articles note. I am willing to keep digging and even discussed some concerns/possibilities with Mark Flaherty today.
Let me wrap this up, Chip you can send all the nasty emails you want, call me dear in a belittling manner and yell all you like in public. I don’t care, but the bottom line is it doesn’t help you, the YSA or anyone else in this community. It simply pisses people off, so they are more incline to do the exact opposite of what you would like to see get accomplished.