Monday, October 1, 2012

I don't think it is a case of sour grapes...

OK, members of the School Board and Commission filed a police report against me for publishing a comment using the word, "Execute." I removed the comment.

Read Josephine Posti's latest one,  Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett bombing public education into Stone Age

I am told that I have hate in my heart. But Posti continually writes about the evils of Corbett and charter schools. It is written in her post:
Giving only parents the authority to make executive decisions about the school their students attend marginalizes other local taxpayers and silences the voices of the rest of the community and the locally elected school board members. 
I am confused. Isn't that what was done to four thousand residents when we signed that petition to cap the renovation project? Or is that the hate in my heart again?


Jack Mulliken said...

Wait... she rails against charter schools but was all-in on making sure that Mt Lebanon taxpayer funds went to the PA Cyber Charter school, which is embroiled in controversy.

What's the definition of duplicity?

Anonymous said...

So, who is running for school board?? Anyone??

Lebo Citizens said...

Oh yes, Birks and Posti. They're not getting my vote.

Anonymous said...

“Giving only parents the authority to make executive decisions about the school their students attend . . .”
Parents already have the right to send their kids to St. Bernard’s and Seton.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how her post references a tiny charter school on the east side of the state all the while ignoring the issue with the charter school right here in western PA that had her friend on the board.

I'm shocked she didn't mention the lack of oversight her friend failed to have at PA Cyber Charter. I'm shocked she failed to mention the fact that her friend hired himself (yes he abstained, but hello!) to do millions worth of technology work.

Would Mt. Lebanon hire a sitting board member to be its solicitor? Of course not, that would be a conflict of interest. Well, that is essentially what Jo's friend did at PA Cyber Charter.

As for the vouchers. We need more of them, not less. But, the issue is that there has not, as of yet, been proper oversight of the charter schools. Given the high profile shenanigans of people like Jo's friend, I am certain that within the next year the state will increase the oversight of the system. Corbett is a fan of voucher systems so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Does anyone else here think Jo Posti has one eye towards a higher office? Why always go after Corbett when your funding comes from him unless you are trying to get your name out there for something else? Something stinks...

anonymous said...

How dare any taxpaying parent marginalize the school board. Really, who do they think they are? You will bow down to Josie and the eight dwarves.
My, what a disgusting person she is. Conceited is a good place to start. And I'm glad someone mentioned the charter school. How's that whole thing going?

Anonymous said...

Did Ms. Posti ever stop and think that this is EXACTLY what parents what to do? Have more control over the education of their kids?

Right now I can decide where I want to buy a house. Where I want my kids to grow up, what kind of car I want to drive.

Does Ms. Posti pretend to know how best to educate MY children?

This is what school choice is all about. Some kids just won't do as well in public schools. They need the options that charter schools allow. Learning at your own pace outside of the cookie cutter approach that is Mt. Lebanon will do some kids good.

Mt. Lebanon is a great school district for about 80% of the kids that go through it. But that 20% shouldn't be silenced and forced to underperform academically just because people like Ms. Posti think they know what your kids need better than you do.

If it's true what somebody wrote above, that Ms. Posti is seeking higher office, I can't wait to vote for ANYONE but her.

Anonymous said...

Posti writes, “Direct pay is not an innocuous means to streamline an administrative process. It is a means by which school district subsidy dollars will be easily and quickly be transferred to charter schools without an adequate review process by school districts.”

Posti wants an adequate review process of charter school expenses but she doesn’t have the “smarts” to appoint a Finance Committee to review our own contracts in Mount Lebanon.

Richard Gideon said...

I congratulate Mrs. Posti for being forthright enough to publish her comments for all to see. If anyone had any doubts previously they should be removed now: she is a collectivist and apparently proud of it. In the Marxist world, children are the "property" of the state; to be educated and raised as the "government" sees fit. And school districts are governments. Disallowing parental choice is "de rigueur" for the collectivist school director; and central planning for your child is a tenant of his/her faith. Amen.

The day of the local school district is coming to an end. I, for one, say "good riddance."

Jack Mulliken said...

Mr Gideon, I couldn't agree more.

Richard Gideon said...

Thank you, Jack.

One other point I would like to make: Just because the local school district is in its final days does not mean it is going to "go quietly into that good night." Residents can expect our Directors and their supporters, the administration, and the teachers' union to put up a fight to the end. And if one thinks the current "neighbor vs. neighbor" situation is bad now, "you ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Anonymous said...

There is something particularly vitriolic, hateful and unproductive about your writing and your blog. I am not surprised they filed a police report against you. Most respectful blogs do not permit anonymous posting because people are so nasty when they know they are anonymous/have no accountability to their fellow citizens. You should consider requiring individuals to disclose their identity if you really want to contribute to an intelligent discourse. You probably would avoid having another police report filed against you, as well.

John David Kendrick said...

Elaine (and others),

I hate to say I told you so, but don't you remember me telling all of you [as far back as 2010] that these are the folks who raised our taxes and called the cops? ;)

-John David Kendrick

Lebo Citizens said...

4:06 PM, you are using Rob Gardner's favorite word, vitriolic. Sorry, my major isn't in fiction writing, nor am I a journalist. I have a limited vocabulary, so I just call it as I see it. It is who I am. Take it or leave it.

James Cannon 3 said...

Hey, 4:06, when you have time, Google the word "irony". Maybe I missed it but what's your name?

You assert the writing on the blog is "hateful and unproductive"? Perhaps you'd like to show us an example of where someone can obtain all the information that is dispensed on this blog? You see, No-Name, this entire blog could be rendered moot and irrelevant if only certain elected people would just be forthright, honest and open. I'm resonably certain most Americans, if asked, favor the concept of open government. Yet in our encased little hamlet, we seem to lacking that.

So, "hateful and unproductive"? If that's how you view facts and information, then yes, the label Marxist fits like a glove on an iron fist. If you don't like that or find it distasteful, try standing up for what's right and demand the school board and commission uphold their obligations to be open and honest with residents.

As usual, I'm happy to discuss this in person. Let me know, if you're ever willing to sign your name.

Lebo Citizens said...

4:06 PM, you might be interested in yesterday's LeboAlert.
"Cyber Safety presentation and panel discussion with Mt. Lebo police and FBI, tomorrow, 7 to 9 pm, Mellon Middle School auditorium. Free."
That would be tonight. Maybe you can file a complaint with the police and the FBI tonight over the lady in Mt. Lebanon who is trying to keep our local officials honest. Check out this North Hills blog.
North Hills Exposure
"North Hills Exposure was created to keep our elected and appointed leaders honorable and trustworthy. Through candid discussion we intend to rally support when needed, compliment and applaud when warranted, as well as criticize and condemn when deserved."