Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What the buck?

I sent the following letter to the commissioners this morning.

Last night was a very emotional and painful discussion session for me, as you undoubtedly noticed. I want to thank you, Dave, for allowing additional comments after the deer management presentation by Kristen.

I don't appreciate, however, Krsiten taking my citizens comments and twisting them during the discussion session Part 2. To single me out over and over again in your ongoing rants, meeting after meeting, because I have safety concerns over your deer culling plan is unprofessional and only leads to escalating [tempers during] discussions. You love to press my buttons, don't you, Kristen? How do you expect me to be respectful when you take cheap shots at me? Last night, you refrained from using my name [this time], but anyone watching the meeting knows you were speaking of me. In previous meetings, you came right out and mentioned my name. I don't know.  Should I be pleased that you didn't mention my name?

On your final page of your presentation, Kristen, you mention that "A majority of residents have requested and even begged us to implement a deer management program." Why does this remind me of Ed Kubit saying that community is equally divided over the high school renovation? There are 33,000 residents in Mt. Lebanon, Kristen. Over 200 residents volunteering their properties is not a majority.   Put it up for referendum. Or is this going to go down the same way as the high school project?

Elaine Gillen


Anonymous said...

What goes around, come around.
- Karma

Anonymous said...

Care to elaborate, 11:00 am ?

Anonymous said...

Give us the numbers, Ms. Linfante!

What is a "majority of residents"? Are your referring to most of your ward or most of your immediate neighbors?

Anonymous said...

Does Commissioner Linfante think that only humans have a right to inhabit this planet?

Anonymous said...

Listened to the Podcast.

I thought maybe you were exaggerating about Kristen's antics but my goodness did she interrupt and was she rude.

Unfortunately Mr. Brumfield didn't step in and tell Kristen to be nice.

Anyone who voted for Kristen should listen to this podcast and reconsider their choice in the next election. This isn't the first time she has thought the commission meeting was more about her and less about listening to residents voice their opinion.

Anonymous said...

From Genesis:

And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”


Anonymous said...

Cull the deer now for 2012. In the coming months, work with other municipalities on a long term plan to address the issue. View is as a south hills issue, macro level. One residents opinion

Lebo Citizens said...

John, I am sure you would want the cull for 2012, but logistically, it ain't gonna happen. The USDA requires a survey done first. At the last meeting, Marcia Taylor wasn't sure if there was money available for a survey this year. Second, after the pockets are identified, ( I can hear you saying, come to my house, I'll show you)then a contract has to be drawn and approved with Wildlife Services or whomever will do the dirty deed. Third, after all this is done, then the baiting begins. This involves dumping rotten apples in those locations. You have to lure the deer into your yard and have them comfortable with knowing this is a regular food source. The rotten apples attract bees, and the deer develop diarrhea from eating the rotton apples. Then you are cleaning that up. Sound good so far? The last culling, not the survey, cost us $51,000 plus expenses. Where does that come from? We haven't determined if a survey is fundable for 2012. Where does the $51,000 plus expenses (the number from the 2007-2008 culling, which was for a culling of up to 150 deer.) So if the "dear" (as Kristen had in her presentation) population has doubled every year as she projected, we could not afford a deer culling this year or even next year. Taxes will be raised or services will be cut. Unless you are willing to pay for a culling in your own yard, with neighbors' approval, I don't see it happening in 2012.

Anonymous said...

( I can hear you saying, come to my house, I'll show you) - Not accurate. I rarely have deer in my yard as it is a small lot with limited food for deer (no tulips, pears or apples). I see the deer just almost every evening. In a somewhat related matter, I saw a turkey Satuday night. Big, beautiful turkey near north meadowcroft

Anonymous said...

Quick! Cull the Turkey!~

Seriously though. You write about how you enjoyed the wildlife, in particular, how you enjoyed the turkey.

You probably also know that there are many in the community that enjoy the deer in the same manner.

Anonymous said...

So just where are all these deer that are perceived as such a problem? I haven't seen any in a good month on my street, and I'm in the same general area as the commissioner who supports the culling.

Are we sure there's really a problem?