Thursday, June 11, 2015

Mt. Lebanon Considers Shifting Cost Of Trash Hauling To Individual Homeowner

Mt. Lebanon Considers Shifting Cost Of Trash Hauling To Individual Homeowner

Delano: “What’s the guarantee that the next year and the next year and the next year, you don’t raise the millage back up again?”
Brumfeld [sic]: “Oh, there’s absolutely no guarantee.”
With lots of options under the pay-as-you-throw system from charging residents per trash bin, or requiring paid tags, or requiring special higher-priced trash bags, some residents say why fix something that works well.
“I do like the system the way that it is now,” says resident Lois Larry. “You don’t have to estimate how many containers am I going to have.”
I wonder what the Public Information Office thinks of Dave Brumfield speaking with the TV station.

"Once the TV stations and the blog starts, the situation is out of our control - and it is my office that looks bad," said Susan Morgans in a Right To Know.


Anonymous said...

I think Jon D. got it right when he said there is no guarantee the taxes will go up for less service.

We all know who runs the garbage industry; this is the first time our commission went to bed with them. But what else can you expect from a lawyer with a small income.

Anonymous said...

*Public servants look best when they APPEAR to be serving the community as a whole.*
- Susan Morgans

Anonymous said...

I know there are varied opinions re: PAYT amidst blog-dwellers here, but I think we can all agree on one thing:

The MTL government is dysfunctional and corrupt.

The more I know, the more I don't want to know. It gets uglier every day.

- Jason M.

Anonymous said...


It gets really ugly for the newcomers who already have a tax on top of their other taxes.

Dorothy said...

Nothing I have heard to date assures me that PAYT would NOT result in me paying TWO times for them to remove my trash, ONCE. Most recently, I was told by one of the Commissioners that I might expect that the amount that I am presently paying in taxes for trash removal might maybe be cut in half and that I might actually save money from the "other" half...IF I don't put too many bags out. EXCUSE ME, but WHAT THE HECK? Why would they be entitled to ANY of my tax money for trash removal IF I am required to PATC (PAY AT THE CURB)? Can SOMEONE enlighten me, here? To quote Alice in Wonderland, "IT JUST GETS CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER." If you ask me, WE'D BETTER START TO PAY ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!

Anonymous said...

If a part-time bookkeeper can do this, what can Steve Feller do?

Just thinking Mt Lebanon needs a better government... asap.

Anonymous said...

Think about it Dorothy. What has been the driving factor behind each and every policy this batch of 5 idiots has proposed? More $$$$!!! They need it to pay for their fancy artificial turf fields, indoor sports complexes, land acquisitions for fields, etc. the Newcomers Tax, the Supervote, the limited advertising of debt financing, PAYT, etc. These 5 commissioners spent today's allowance 2 years ago. It's all a scam to get more of our $$$ for their special interests. Big Dave Brumfield wants us to recycle more? Please. The guy wants your wallet like the Hamburglar wants a Big Mac.

Lebo Citizens said...

Dear "Scared,"
Please email me privately at I would like to know more about this issue.

Anonymous said...

7:10: I agree with you. What the municipality is using for cash at this point is funny money. Good point about Brumfield and the recycling. He doesn't give a hoot about recycling. Remember, too, that they will need to scrape up some more money to pay some low-life to kill in our parks.

Glad you're back, Elaine.

The Boss

Anonymous said...

It's all all about certain Commisaioners trying to decide how to find money for their pet projects, and not serving the needs of the community!
They definitely do not care about the community. It's all about money!!!

Dorothy said...

Hmmm...the planned retention of 1/2 of my trash collection taxes while, at the same time requiring me to Pay At The Curb, coupled with the big push to eliminate the Super Vote requirement for borrowing makes me wonder: WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY UP TO, NOW? And is this Pay At The Curb stuff just intended to divert our attention from the "something up the sleeve" that any good magician has? IF this is a giant smokescreen, what the heck ARE they really up to?

Anonymous said...

2:44 PM: I agree with you. There is always a smoke screen regarding the Commissioners. It seems they are always blowing smoke up the community's butt. The community would be wise to ignore the small stuff and look instead on the finances which are not being spent on public works, maintenance on trees, roads, etc.... The Comissioners seem to think the the public should pay more for on infrastructure, which as taxpayers, we have already paid for these services. Where the hell is all of the money being spent????