Friday, June 5, 2015

"'Peril'...sell the fear."

Thank you, Jason Robi, whoever you are. That was his comment to Linda Wilson Fuoco's article Rabies, coyotes and ticks, oh my! Perils abound in the backyard this summer I wonder when the PG's deer hunter John Hayes, who wrote on February 1, 2014: "With thousands of white-tailed deer causing what has been called a public safety hazard in Mt. Lebanon.." will write his BS about deer for the obvious media blitz going on in time for the June 22 Commission Discussion Session on deer "management."

Fuoco, who responded with a comment on Lebo Citizens  was just part of the "media circus" as described by Susan Morgans. Somehow, Fuoco subscribed to the theory that there are 400 deer in Mt. Lebanon. Morgans defended her on Facebook.

The municipality is so entrenched in this prokill movement, that the two donated planters of deer resistant plants outside of the municipal building are dying from lack of water. Thanks to Barbara S., the planters got a healthy drink of water last night. Driving by today, I don't think MRTSA can revive one of them.

To be fair, I am starting to think it is the commission, being bullied by the power brokers. In the latest Right To Know, our former police chief wanted to end the deer incident report.

It was crazy how our commissioners expected our police force to protect corn. As far as the deer incident report, I have been saying all along that it is bogus. I never filed that August 20, 2014 report. I have never been able to remove that entry from the report. Now, I see that the report has many gaps of information. Yes, Coleman, the report is being used erroneously to push a personal agenda. Originally, we were told that the goal was to reduce deer/vehicle collisions by 50% in 3-5 years, from 2% to 1%. Our commissioners are relying on a deer killer's estimates while ignoring FLIR aerial surveys. They are now depending on an incomplete deer incident report, often confused with a deer accident report.

Our public misinformation office is busy at work contacting her clowns, gearing up for Round 2 of the media circus and the June 22, 2015 Commission Discussion Session featuring deer killer Tony DeNicola. All part of selling the fear.


Anonymous said...

Did I really catch this radio spot on KDKA this afternoon or did I just imagine it?

(circus calliope playing in the background)
"Come one. Come all.
Fun for all ages, come enjoy the fun.
Gleaming and glittering with gold being strewn about and wondrous taxing surprises for young and old.
Spine chilling attractions.
The children’s favorite clown.

The Manor Sisters, Public Information Circus is coming to town.

The world’s grandest, largest, best, amusement institution.
This is your chance to see vicious wild animals at their worst... mauling, crashing SUVs and eating tulips. Clowns, elephants & donkeys, dog and pony shows, plus death-defying high wire acts will mesmerize all.

This truly is the Greatest Show on Earth. Seating is limited, get there early
Coming to Mt. Lebanon Commission Chambers, June 22nd.

Anonymous said...

My son, at a very early age, was bitten by a dog in Bird Park. He healed. I didn't call the municipality and ask them to call the press so that I can tell my story of the mean dog and my son's ultimate recovery. And, I never made the comment to anyone that there are a lot of dogs in Mt. Lebanon and they need to be shot before they bite another kid.

What in the world was that woman on KDKA-TV telling David Highfield and why didn't he look at her as though she had three heads? (Maybe she did.)

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that last sentence from the ex-chief say everything that needs to be said about public information and the never-ending deer circus!

Remember it was made by someone inside the loop and in the know.
He wrote: "It [the deer incident report] is being used and/or interpreted much more widely (and erroneously), far outside its original intent."

Now whom do you suppose is the prime suspect for interpreting and ERRONEOUSLY using the deer incident report?
You get 3 guesses and the first two don't count.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, boys and girls. Today we're going to learn a new word-- can you say spinmeister?
Of course you can.

Anonymous said...

It certainly sheds light on Coleman's mindset. Even he told them the whole thing was ridiculous.

Lott said...

It's already a done deal! The commissioners declared along with the police that the deer population is too large and thus a danger. Like it or not it's all on record. If nothing is done to control the deer and there is an incident with no action taken our taxes and insurance rates will increase faster than our school (property) taxes. You all can bitch and whine but until study is done to show that the commissioner's report is in error come Fall the deer will be culled as they are in neighboring communities. Whether you agree with me or not ASK yourself why are so many lawyers politicians? Could it be to keep the business flowing in? Sorry for any errors but I'm writing this on my cellphone while riding home via the "T".

Lebo Citizens said...

7:40 PM, there was action taken in March, remember? A deer killer wrote a deer management plan, then was hired to implement the deer management plan that he was paid to write. The next step was to be sterilization. It is all on record.

Anonymous said...

Linda Fuoco's article demonizing wildlife is no surprise; i.e. this has been her standard modus operandi for years. However, her focus on demonizing deer has increase since she now appears to be trying to assist Susan Morgans to get public buy-in for Mt. Lebanon's deer slaughter. One has to wonder if there isn't some quid pro quo in the balance, i.e. getting hired as a reporter for Mt. Lebanon Magazine like ex-PG reporter Laura Pace Lilley, who previously was the PG reporter reporting on Mt. Lebanon's deer killing program.

First, Fuoco has no wildlife qualifications or expertise. In addition, note that Fuoco only goes to well known biased pro-hunting and pro-kill agencies and contacts for her quoted "experts", i.e. Cornell's DNR Department's Paul Curtis, and the Pa Game Commission. Ms. Fuoco never reaches out to Laura Simon, Wildlife Biologist and renowned deer expert with The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), or to Lynsey White Dasher, HSUS' Coyote expert, or to Camilla Fox, the executive director of Project Coyote. Fuoco only reaches out to pro-kill agencies and contacts. That fact alone should reveal her true motivations, where she stands with protecting animals, and the credibility of her articles.


Fuoco's article " Thirty to 60% percent of the ticks are now infected with the borrelia bacteria."

According to the landmark book published, “Lyme Disease, The Ecology of a Complex System” by Dr. Richard Ostfeld, only about 30 percent of ticks are infected with Lyme disease. Four small mammals (including white-footed mice) host 50% of the ticks, but account for 90% of infected ticks. That means that all the other possible hosts account for only 10% of infected ticks. There are, in fact, no credible (peer reviewed) studies that correlate a reduction in deer numbers with a reduction in Lyme disease.

Fuoco's article "What deer leave behind also can be a hazard. Feces is smelly and is an unattractive nuisance, but whether it is harmful if eaten by dogs and other pets remains to be determined."

"Deer poop is just recycled grass", Dr. John, Small animal veterinarian

On the question of dogs eating deer poop concerns, Dr. Patty Khuly replies: "most deer poop is pretty innocuous. It will NOT tend to make your dog sick."

As far as the deer poop being smelly claim, I have to assume that Ms. Fuoco has never encountered deer poop, or she has super hero smelling powers. Deer poop is recycled grass. It's big rabbit poop. There's no smell.

As far as it being an "unattractive nuisance"; heck, Ms. Fuoco is an unattractive nuisance. I guess that's a subjective opinion. Deer poop is just free fertilizer for the yard. It's never bothered me at all. I have bigger problems in life to worry about the attractiveness of deer poop, bird poop, rabbit poop, and squirrel poop. Ms. Fuoco needs to get a life!

Ms. Fuoco describes herself, "as an animal lover". What a joke. I don't know anyone in the animal protection movement that thinks she has any credibility, or reads her column. Most of the people I know don't even thinks she likes dogs, and that her act is a complete farse.

Ms. Fuoco uses her soap box not to educate or to promote humane co-existence, but to demonize wildlife to help justify their slaughter.

Anonymous said...

Fuoco is trying to sell papers through fear, in a dying, increasing irrelevant industry called 'the newspapers'. She is trying to save her job, which she can't, because technology necessitates it being replaced by blogs like Elaine's.

- Jason M.

Anonymous said...

In Mt. Lebanon, this deer would meet its fate at the business end of an AR-15 rifle while caged in a dark corral:\

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the major price increase the PG gave us at the news stand.

WHO Doesn't Love a Circus? said...

Yes, Boys and Girls, the Circus IS coming to YOUR town! Just not where June 5th's 3:47 PM thinks it is going to be set up. The Big Tents for the multi-ring event will be at the High School Fine Arts Auditorium--I would tell you where that is, IF I knew, myself. PLEASE Read your tickets carefully, B/C the start time is 6:00 PM. (and NOT the usual 8:00 PM circus time). You will STILL want to get there early: IF you want to park your car and IF you want to get a good seat to see all the action. Be prepared to be dazzled with statistics; educated guesses; real facts and pretend facts; and all manner of illogical logical evening truly to amaze! SO--MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW AND DON'T MISS THIS ONE: MONDAY, JUNE 22nd; 6:00 PM; H.S. FINE ARTS AUDITORIUM. Oh, and bring a muzzle. You won't need it if a trained bicycle-riding bear gets loose, but you may need it when you learn that we will NOT be allowed any time for Citizens' Comments! That's right, Folks--any misinformation we may hear will sit, unchallenged, until the July 14th Meeting, by which time it may be hoped by the Management that most of the Circus-Goers will have moved on to other forms of entertainment. Yes, the Organizers DO know how to put on a show!