Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Those darn deer!

6:29 AM - 2 Jun 2015


Anonymous said...

Something odd about all those MTL deer incident reports.
There seems to be a big number that report an injured deer, a deer with a broken leg, etc., etc. A number of them don't though seem to include a mention of any vehicle involvement.
One can assume that these injured deer were struck by a vehicle of course, but how can we assume the impact occurred in Mt. Lebanon?
Maybe the deer were struck in USC, Bethel, Scott, Castle Shannon, Dormont and managed to limp their way into the bubble. So the accident might have possibly occurred outside our municipality.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, a deer was driving that SUV.

Anonymous said...

This accident actually occurred sometime between 6:45-7:30 am (the photo timestamp on kdka's tweet is 7:30 and they photographed the clean-up).

An officer stated that there were 3 cars involved. It's fortunate that the building's sidewalk curb was intact, a raised garden bed was in close proximity, and the car hit a post to prevent a greater impact.

Anonymous said...

That's a bad area where the accident occurred. With vehicles often coming around the blind curve at the bottom of the hill in the wrong because of vehicles parked in the Shady Drive right lane it requires defensive driving.

Add the alley being open again,  vehicles dashing in & out of the municipal lot and joggers and pedestrians ignoring the crosswalk signs at the Washington Road light and it's definitly an - accident waiting to happen area.

Really surprised there are more incidents at this locations.

Just think, the municipality was in their infinite wisdom, thinking about pushing for high density condos and townhomes just down the street.

Anonymous said...

I just got home after driving down Washington Rd. It's pretty busy out there right now. I was appalled at how fast people were driving on Washington Rd! People were tailgating me because I was driving the speed limit. Some passed me in the left lane, only to quickly get back in the right lane because someone was making a left in front of them. This is a busy, congested area with people trying to parallel park, people crossing the streets, trucks double parked to make deliveries. SLOW DOWN, PEOPLE! And while I'm at it - please, please, please slow down on Cedar Blvd. Especially near the Tennis courts. During a busy time of day down there recently, I witnessed a little boy who got away from his father while they were starting to go across Cedar to go to the courts. THANK GOD the on-coming cars were driving slow enough, paying attention and were able to stop. I have no doubt that father still shudders when he thinks about this. There are way too many drivers in that stretch who are speeding, heads down looking at their phones. PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!! Come on, MLPD - write some tickets!

Just Thinking... said...

I'm confused here. If there were THREE cars involved in this accident, I'm not sure how 12:35 can say that it's OBVIOUS that the deer (if there even WAS a deer), must have been driving the SUV. While it may be more likely than not that a deer would be more comfortable in an SUV than in your average compact car or sedan, we don't know enough about the other cars (actually, we know NOTHING about the other cars) OR about the deer involved (or presumed to be involved--because there's ALWAYS a deer involved, isn't there?) to reach such a conclusion. And isn't this exactly HOW our deer become so maligned, in the first place? I say that, until it is proved that a deer ate the tulips--I mean was driving one of the vehicles participating in this episode of Demolition Derby--, we are only playing into the hands of the Infamous Mt. Lebanon Garden Biddies by BLAMING IT ON THE DEER! Let's not pre-judge, People--

Just thinking... said...

Actually, I'm inclined to think that there probably WASN'T a deer in the SUV at all. Don't you think that, had a deer been driving that vehicle, the accident scene photographs would have shown it feasting at the "raised garden bed in close proximity" by the time the garden police arrived? I'm indebted to 1:04 PM for providing this additional piece of evidence. Case solved--THERE WAS NO DEER IN THE SUV!

Anonymous said...

It was a joke, boys and girls. Deer don't have drivers licenses.

Just Thinking... said...

Like all accidents involve licensed drivers??? The presence (or absence) of a license is of no help in determining who (or WHAT) was driving the SUV. I still think the raised garden bed provides the best evidence...

Anonymous said...

It's a joke. Get it?

Just Thinking... said...

The one(s) who insist it's a joke (5:51 & 4:27) seem to have difficulty entering into the joke, themselves. So...let's serious-up here and try collectively to remember ANY accident that has made the news that involved ANY deer? The Sunday of TWO FOUR-CAR pile-ups (Washington and Bower Hill Roads) had no deer; the hit-and-run incidents on Washington Rd. have had no deer; the motorcyclist who rear-ended the car on Connor as the car was stopping or slowing to let the turkeys cross the road to or from the deer corn bait, again, no deer; and now the subject accident, no deer. I wonder, just in passing, how, if deer pose such a traffic safety risk, how it is that they get so little media attention. Anyone know?