Sandy Baker a.k.a. the Deer Doctor emailed the following documents to all of the commissioners this afternoon. She also FedEx'ed it yesterday to arrive this morning by 10:30 AM.
Cover letter from Sandy Baker
Mt. Lebanon Deer Report
Mt. Lebanon Recommendations
While there are no non-lethal panelists for Monday's dog and pony show, Sandy's report is a timely voice for a safe, non-lethal, and effective solution. Monday's deer discussion forum is a complete and blatant sham. The panel is all pro deer killers. The purpose is to
sell the Fall killing program. The fix is in. The Commission
has already decided. There will be no citizen comments. Residents who are opposed to violence or guns in our neighborhoods are being silenced. Residents opposed to this killing
program will just be annoying. With us censored, the commissioners can script and market this pro-deer killing forum
to the public.
The Post Gazette's John Hayes contacted a member of the Coalition for Coexistence. He said that aerial surveys are pointless and nobody uses them. Nobody counts animals, roadkill, or density. This is the same person who said that we have THOUSANDS of deer. Hayes is one of the clowns from our Public Misinformation Officer's media circus.
The fix is in, Folks.
Update June 19, 2015 11:07 AM A LeboALERT just went out at 10:55 AM. We have the honor and privilege to OBSERVE the deer killing vote on Monday. How many LeboALERTS is this now, Susan? Enjoy rubbing our noses in it?
This is an important notice from LeboALERT. You may observe Mon. 6 pm commission work session on deer at MLHS Fine Arts Theater. No public comment. June 19, 2015 7:19 PM
Mr. Feller,
The folks who are attending the deer management meeting on Monday, Jeannine Fleegel, Jody Maddock and Anthony DiNicola…are they being paid to attend the meeting?
If so, what is the total compensation being paid to each of them.
Thank you,
The folks who are attending the deer management meeting on Monday, Jeannine Fleegel, Jody Maddock and Anthony DiNicola…are they being paid to attend the meeting?
If so, what is the total compensation being paid to each of them.
Thank you,
Steve Feller's reply:
From: Stephen Feller []
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:48 PM
Cc: Commission
Subject: Re: meeting
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:48 PM
Cc: Commission
Subject: Re: meeting
Only one of them, Dr. DiNicola, is being compensated by Mt. Lebanon. I expect his total compensation to be $2,000.
I believe according to the Home Rule Charter, the local commissioners can have a meeting and can prohibit community comments in light of time limits; however, according to law, citizen comments are to be allowed at the next commissioner's meeting in regards to the past meeting. Why is the community not being allowed to comment? Why has the time not been scheduled for community comments?!!??
Because our comments are of no value. The commissioners have made up their minds. This is how they roll. The commissioners decided in advance that they were going to appoint pro-kill commissionette Vuono. The game commission will tell us that deer counts aren't important. PG's Hayes will tell us that counts don't matter. Citizen comments will be after the fact.
When will Mt. Lebanon wake up? It doesn't matter what we think. The commissioners don't need facts. They don't even need to prove that we have a deer "problem." The burden of proof should be on the commissioners. Not here in Mt. Lebanon.
Why was a representative of the Game Commission invited to speak at Monday evening's meeting? Is everyone from the NRA busy that night?
How much did they spend on Sandy Baker,only to dismiss all of her recommendations and reports?
I want to say around $1500. But the 5 prokill women were critical of the fee. They spoke at the meetings and told the commissioners that it was a waste of money. How did they know it was going to be dismissed?
The posted agenda for Monday's sham states that each expert is suggesting the need for a deer "management" plan. We paid Merlin the Magnificent $12,000 for his deer "management" plan.
Tony DeNicola is being paid $2,000 for attending Monday's sham.
I may wait until Monday before I change the status of this blog to private. I don't know yet.
So we are going to be paying out $12,000 for one deer management plan, $3,000 for 6 killed deer, $2,000 for DeNicola, $1,500 for Sandy Baker plus who knows how much more in the next few months...all this in less than a years time. What part of this qualifies as being fiscally responsible? And this is just the beginning.
Nick M.
A reader just asked me for another invite since the last invite expired. I didn't realize that the invitations expire. I would like this transition to go as easy as possible for those interested in staying on.
If readers change their minds and want to be invited, email me at with your real name. In the subject, please write: Invite me. Once I verify the information, I will send an invite. A gmail account is not necessary.
You mean the muni is paying Dr. Killdeer to pitch his services to the muni?
"Observe", Susan. What are we doing on Monday night, viewing another planet?
Oh, that's right. We are.
Elaine, I hope that you might reconsider taking your blog underground. Who cares about the trolls. You know who they are - just don't post their lies and personal attacks. It's your blog. The Mt. Lebanon public needs this blog to provide them with this kind of invaluable information in a public forum. No doubt, w/o your blog Mt. Lebanon residents would never see Sandy Baker's deer assessment report; i.e. Steve Feller will never post it on Mt. Lebanon's deer management website page for residents to review. Just like he never posted The Humane Society of the United States' letters to the Commission on deer management, or the most recent aerial deer survey showing a 40%+ reduction in deer. Feller only posts pro-kill information on their deer management website to help sell and support their deer killing agenda to the public. It's just like Monday's Deer Forum sham, which includes only pro-kill panelists. They censor all safe, humane, and non-lethal solutions, and resident voices opposed to turning our parks and neighborhoods into a private hunting club and shooting gallery. If your blog goes underground Mt. Lebanon's censorship and propaganda will be the winner, and the public will have less access to an independent and transparent news resource.
Elaine, I agree with 12:07PM. I hope you will reconsider. Please keep your blog public. So many people will not have access to all the valuable information you provide, if your blog becomes private.
Here's the deal, 12:07 PM and 5:06 PM,
Kelly Fraasch told me that my blog is toxic and I never say anything nice to the commissioners during citizen comments. She noted that I have asked for most of their resignations. She said that there are consequences to my actions. I am fighting with Mt. Lebanon over a dead tree that is not on my property. It is technically on a paper street which runs through Rockwood Park. Three other dead trees were removed by Public Works which were in a direct line with this tree, but now Rudy Sukal and Steve Feller say that it is my responsibility. What has changed? I have a blog and I exercise my constitutional rights to free speech. But as Kelly said, there are consequences to my actions.
I am tired of the Michalinas and the Chips of the world who lurk on my blog and because of my transparency, know every step I am making and can counter it, while calling me a "spineless blogger." I am tired of the Susan Morgans out there who get paid over $100,000 a year, bad mouths me to anyone who will listen and even to those who don't, such as several members of the media, reads my blog on the taxpayers' dime, seeks me out and has temper tantrums during or prior to public meetings with Feller's full knowledge of the situations and never get a goddam apology or even an acknowledgement from Feller. I have had enough of the hateful "anonymous" comments about the quality of my life. I'm tired of getting stuck with RTK bills for information that can be obtained by commissioners for free. The best one is when the trolls are bored with what I am writing. Nobody is forcing you to read it. No, I lied. The BEST one is the one who says that I can't get my way with everything. When have I gotten my way? Ever. I wish that person would meet the one who keeps saying that I am never on the winning side of anything.
I'm tired of all that. The way I look at taking the blog to "by invitation only," it is just like getting a free subscription. Send me your address and I send you access.
Elaine---I think that many well-intentioned people may not realize that the trolls take their heavy toll on you and, ultimately, your blog. Go private.
Elaine, I think it's best to screen out malicious, abusive, comments and not post them on your blog. It is your blog. Negative, abusive comments are ALWAYS inappropriate and should not be posted. Please give boundaries and keep your blog public. The community needs to know what's going on. YOU have total control of your blog. Please stop positing inappropriate comments and take control!
Sure, 8:47 PM. I'll accept the consequences for you. Want to pay to cut down the tree for starters?
Of course I have total control of my blog. I have 717 unapproved comments in my spam folder. It is the stuff outside of my blog.
All you have to do is send me your real name and email address. After I verify it, I will send you an invite.
So you took it upon yourself to block 717 blog comments that were for the community and you have them in your spam folder. Good for to you, Keep them and hide the comments you don't like from the whole community. No wonder you are getting negative feedback.
Thanks, 9:30 PM. I am definitely making the best decision.
This is about the sham of a meeting that is taking place on Monday. Let's get back on topic.
The commissioners will be voting to kill deer in Mt. Lebanon. They are now playing God and are talking about ecosystems. The commissioners know nothing about ecosystems. Our commissioners, the Game Commission, Municipal Planner, a director of campus services, and a deer killer are not ecologists. It is not about ecosystems. We would not have toxic turf sitting in the back of Dixon parking lot if it was.
The fix is in. Numbers don't mean anything to them. mtl has a lovely photo of five deer on Facebook. What does that prove? That we have five deer in Mt. Lebanon. Such b.s.
Humans are responsible for damage to the ecosystem. Who dragged the deer into THAT discussion?
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