Thursday, June 18, 2015

The longest quiet phase E V E R

Mt. Lebanon School Board extends consultant's contract
The campaign, conceived in early 2013 to offset some of the cost of the nearly completed $109.65 million high school renovation, has been moving along behind the scenes with the formation of committees and the quiet courtship of potential large donors. But there has been no public outreach, nor any announcement of what's been collected or what the district has paid.
District spokeswoman Cissy Bowman said the campaign remains in its “quiet phase,” with organizers planning “awareness events” for potential donors during the summer and into the next school year.


Anonymous said...

Wait, lemme get this straight... someone actually thinks private citizens, Lebo residents, are going to donate to a hugely unpopular, unnecessary, hideous high school renovation at the same time the School District's hands are in the other pocket of said donor, taking more and more money through millage increases? Sorry, but if Sissy comes knocking on my door she might be spit on.

Anonymous said...

"Spit on," 6:22?

Your comment is a cheep shot..