Saturday, June 13, 2015

Tired of the trolls

I have been running my Lebo Citizens website for more than five years. David Huston has been kind enough to attend and record all the school board meetings for me. Such dedication, David. Thank you! This blog,,  is 4+ years old and has been a public blog for all those years. I have allowed comments from everyone, including some very "not nice" people. There is a name for this group of "not nice" people, Internet trolls.

Through the years, trolling has increased here on Lebo Citizens. This group has forgotten that my blog blog. It consists of documentation from Right To Knows, minutes of meetings, agendas, lists of cost overruns from various construction projects, photographs, and my views of what is happening in my hometown of Mt. Lebanon. The hours are long and the pay stinks. I am not complaining about it, but what I do object to are the hurtful comments and threats that are being submitted. If these people are so unhappy with this blog, why do they read it?

Fortunately, Blogger has an option that I can select which takes my blog from "Public" to "By Invitation Only." I have tested this option in the last 24 hours and have decided to make this switch permanently in the next few days. The folks who have asked to be invited will remain on the list and will continue to have access to the blog, once the change becomes permanent. If you want to be invited, please email me with your real name and email address. In the subject line, add "Please invite me." I realize that this will cut my readership drastically, but it is the risk I have to take. Do I really want the nasties here? My website, will remain available to everyone.

Thank you to all the wonderful people who I have met over the years, both virtually and in person. I regret that I have to take this action, but enough is enough.


Unknown said...

Ha, shows me what I know. I really am a Newcomer (still, after 4 years). I didn't even know you had a website.

So glad to be invited to the invitation-only blog. Love the changes, and expecting more to come.

Steve K. said...

Do you see the downside? Now you won't get a heads up from the morons. How many times has Brumfield, little dave and he-who-shall-not-be-named blown it with statements on your blog? Numerous! And it will be seen as a "Win" for them. They forced you out... Made you quit. In fact I haven't been to your blog in over a year but this morning at our son's practice it was being joked about. My wife backhanded me several times not wanting me to say something that would upset the "In" group. We are still outsiders and prove it with our special taxes. Good bye...

Lebo Citizens said...

I didn't quit.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to forward the troll comments to a Blue Devil Trolls blog? I think the community would benefit from knowing how dark and sinister some of its members are. With this transparency, some trolls may retreat and momentum may build for a better community.

I agree that it's important to stay strong and refuse to reduce your presence on the Internet due to the uncivilized behavior of those who oppose your point of view. I also believe you will reduce tour readership.

Lebo Citizens said...

I'm not reducing my Internet presence.

5:21 PM, I think the community is well aware of how dark and sinister some of its members are. They have been using this blog as their platform. I have been pretty open about it. I am getting quite a response from readers. I should have done this long ago.

Anonymous said...

Dave HAS WON.... He has run you underground, he's about to pocket a ton of money from HUD AND he is in the lead to move up to Harrisburg. Now the only thing left is to decide who he wants to replace him.

Lebo Citizens said...

I don't know where you are getting your facts, 5:08 AM. If you truly feel that Dave HAS WON, then please share the information that you have.

Nobody has run me underground. I have good reasons for doing this. Please respect my decision. Otherwise, you are just another troll.

Lebo Citizens said...

To the folks who regularly comment: First, I thank you for reading and commenting. Second, please send me an email requesting an invite. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Anonymous said...

Some of you seem to think that you have a right to read and comment on Elaine's blog. You don't. It's her blog.

I've never know Elaine to shun people who disagree on a subject(s). She invites different opinions and points of view.

My guess is that Elaine does not welcome trolls on her blog with mean and cruel personal agenda. I know I am sick of them.

Anonymous said...

11:59: I'm with you. Elaine does not require that readers of her blog agree with her. I've disagreed with her on several issues. When I comment on this blog, agree or disagree, I am civil and respectful, just like I strive to be in any situation.

Anonymous said...

So are you limiting just the ability to comment or to see the site at all?

Anonymous said...

Elaine has every right to limit abusive comments. It is her blog. It is her right to give boundaries to abusive people. She is doing what she needs to do to take care of herself in giving out info to the community! Enough said.

Lebo Citizens said...

7:47 PM, only readers who are invited will have access to my blog.

I've gotta ask, how is Greenhurst and Cedar?

Lebo Citizens said...

I got an answer to my question in this Tweet:
@NWSPittsburgh flash flooding at cedar Blvd at Greenhurst and Mt Lebanon Park
9:14pm - 14 Jun 15


Anonymous said...

I was on my way home after the intense rain and came upon a couple who could not start their car near the intersection. The driver had been following another car and could not see the deep water ahead. The water filled their car past the floor and the passenger's iPhone was wet and unusable. The passenger pushed their car into the nearby parking lot with the hope that it would dry overnight and would start in the morning. They put their belongings into the trunk of my car and I drove them home to Upper St. Clair. Given the heavy rain at this hour, I doubt that the car will start in the morning.

Why don't we put up warning indicators at that intersection when heavy rain occurs? It is a known flood plain and unsuspecting drivers can experience expensive damage as a result of their unknown risk when driving there. It's a shame that this couple will have to pay a co-pay and be without transportation when a warning system could have prevented the situation.

Elaine, I won't be joining your invitation-only blog due to my personal convictions relating to the internet. Thank you for all of the effort you put into your blog over the past five years. Although I have not always agreed with the opinions expressed here, it has been informative in many ways given all of the effort and research behind it.


Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much of an impact ripping out all that grass had on the flooding on Cedar Blvd!

Elaine, it's your blog so you get to do it your way. If someone opposes, they're always welcome to start their own blog.

--Tom the Tinker

Anonymous said...

5:08 AM: Please identify the DAVE who is supposedly heading for Harrisburg? In what capacity? I truly do not have a clue. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have followed this blog for some time, and like others, I enjoy the information presented here.

I do agree that "they" have "won" when it comes to making the blog "friends only". The audience will be much more limited when the blog is closed. Those who oppose the embarrassing secrets getting out to the general public, where they will be google searchable, will rest easy.

Lebo Citizens said...

I'm aware. By the same token, municipal-hired contractors and staff will be more productive at work. Same goes for the school district. These two groups represent a large chunk of the hits I get on a daily basis.

Bev said...

Elaine you have personally help me and my family when my commissioner would not. He supports his friends PERIOD. I have heard from several neighbors that he is in line to take Smith's spot. When I asked about the article in the paper about the special election I was told that it was a done deal and to drop it. Some things you don't question... This is one! And the HUD rumors floating around are about how HUD and the White House are paying off local politicians in higher income communities to build lower income housing even if zoning issues say no. The property on McNeily and Castle Shannon Blvd are both feared to be targeted. Also who got paid off... How much $$$.... And what is going to happen with that money? Will these commissioners keep it or what? One commissioners was overheard saying that nothing would come from this because Kane would never allow it.

Again thanks for your help and I'll miss reading your blog on my breaks but I'm like Ms. Stephenson and won't be joining. I hope you don't end up in a pissing contest with these commissioners and have to hand over your guest's emails and comments. This is where I disagree with some of your readers. They haven't won YET but they are making you manageable. It's control. Friday our big boss flew in and informed us that while we have Freedom,of Speech they had the Freedom to Fire if they felt our speech was not acceptable. You should see their examples.

Anonymous said...

Now there will be no one to disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

There is somebody in line for Matt Smith's seat. She is not a Mt. Lebanon resident.

Barbara S. said...

Like closing the door to keep a private conversation private, I'm glad you've taken this action, Elaine. I've watched in amazement as the trolls have been doing their best to undermine the democratic process in our community by attempting to discourage citizen participation in some of the most highly contentious matters rocking our community. And who would benefit, were their "friendly troll advice" taken? Certainly not the citizens. I'm sure that The Powers-That-Be must have been delighted by such recent actions of their surrogates, and I'm equally sure they must be most unhappy to hear that this door is now being locked, AND THEY'RE ON THE OUTSIDE! Good call, Elaine!

Richard Gideon said...

I'm not a big fan of Google - although I do use their search engine at times - and creating a Google account to log in to Elaine's Blogger site was not something I wanted to do. However, after reading over the requirements I discovered that it is not necessary to create a G-mail account to gain access. If you do use G-mail then you already have a Google account and gaining access should be rather easy. Blogger is owned by Google.

Each person who has visited here will have to make his or her decision as to what to do about joining. As to "winners and losers," I doubt whether the Trolls have any reason to celebrate. If I know anything about human nature, not being able to call up the Blog and read it will likely drive them crazy. And anyone who thinks those people will let it go are fooling themselves.

Barbara S. said...

Oh, and a final response to one of the vanishing trolls: Talk on the street is that all but the (statistically insignificant) complaining few of us who voice our concerns on this blog are actually blissfully happy in the Great State of Mt. Lebanon and haven't a complaint in the world. Seriously? I guess some people will go to any length to assure the Emperor that his wardrobe choice is perfection, itself. I, on the other hand, have read AMAZING position statements on this blog...well reasoned, well documented position statements reflecting serious concerns about significant issues confronting us all. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not confuse comment with action and decide that you've done enough; "preaching to the choir" won't get us where we need to be. The Commission has no need to change course when confronted by only one or two of us, while everyone else stays home. Someone once wrote, "politicians don't see the light until they feel the heat." PLEASE COME TO THE MEETINGS. PLEASE TAKE A STAND. DO YOUR PART TO MAKE SURE THEY FEEL THE HEAT!

Anonymous said...

Richard--I, too, would prefer not to open a Google account to access the blog. Care to share? Thank you.

Lebo Citizens said...

12:20 AM, Richard doesn't like to answer questions made by an anonymous person. What he said was that a gmail account is not necessary, but you do need to open a Google account, including a password to access this blog when it stops becoming public.

Lebo Citizens said...

One more thing, 12:20 AM, you will still need to email me with your real name and request an invite. I have been able to verify all but one request.