Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The commissioners found the loophole. UPDATED

There will be a Commission Discussion Session for deer "management" on Monday, June 22, 2015 at the Mt. Lebanon High School Fine Arts Theater at 6:00 PM. There will be no Citizen Comments at that meeting. According to Title 65 - PA General Assembly, the commissioners shall provide a reasonable opportunity at each advertised regular meeting and advertised special meeting for residents to comment. But here is the loophole:
If the board or council determines that there is not sufficient time at a meeting for residents of the political subdivision or of the authority created by a political subdivision or for taxpayers of the political subdivision or of the authority created by a political subdivision or for both to comment, the board or council may defer the comment period to the next regular meeting or to a special meeting occurring in advance of the next regular meeting.
This is exactly what our illustrious Public Information Office has told us.
The public is welcome to attend and listen, but there will be no opportunity for public comment. Residents may comment on any of the issues at regularly scheduled commission meetings.
Note: The text has been changed since I added the quote. It is now listed as:
The public is welcome to attend and listen, but there will be NO OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT. Residents may comment on any of the issues at regularly scheduled commission meetings.

I will not be attending this special meeting due to a scheduling conflict, but will be looking forward to watching the dog and pony show...scratch that...the special deer "management" meeting on the municipal website later on in the week.

I am planning to make the switch for Lebo Citizens to go from Public to By Invitation status before Monday. If desired, email me with your real name to request an invite. I will email an invitation, once the information has been verified.

Update June 16, 2015 12:54 PM Non-lethal advocate/"Deer Doctor" Sandy Baker was not invited to present at the June 22, 2015 Deer "Management" meeting. I don't believe The Humane Society's Laura Simon was invited either. Only "expert" revealed is deer killer Tony DeNicola. I see that USDA Wildlife Services has been peeking here on Lebo Citizens. They were the group from the 2006-2008 deer killing that then-president Dan Miller fired. God Help Us All. 


Anonymous said...

I'm not an expert on this law but I am wondering if the intent of the law was to prevent meetings from dragging on indefinitely due to citizen comments. Are you sure there is a "loop-hole" regarding Mt Lebanon's plan WELL IN ADVANCE of a public meeting to hold the meeting without a comment period?

These people might know and be willing to provide input:


The PA News Media organization seems to already have Mt Lebanon on their radar from when the commissioners passed a home rule charter change regarding online advertising.

Anonymous said...

Note to USDA Wildlife Services: if you even consider trying to join this particular killing expedition, please know that we will be more than happy to organize free public showings of the growing number of documentaries revealing your outrageous killing programs. Here's a preview: http://www.predatordefense.org/USDA.htm

Anonymous said...

6pm start time?? why so early?? im still on the interstate commuting home at that time.. off topic but i was watching the 6/9 commission meeting and heard a well spoken woman from Virginia Manor whose complaints were that her neighbors threw out too much good junk on garbage day instead of donating it AND speeders through her neighborhood!! i was shocked she didnt mention a peep about DEER!!!

Lebo Citizens said...

I updated the post to include the change in the text by the Public Information Office. It is now being shouted in upper case that there will be "NO OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT" at the deer "management" meeting. THANK YOU SUSAN, FOR THE CLARIFICATION.

This meeting is no different than the June 12, 2014 "Field Enhancement" meeting. The invited "experts" have or will be submitting their "data" to the commissioners prior to the meeting just as they do before every discussion session. It is all being carefully scripted, just as the special toxic turf meeting was orchestrated when revealed through a RTK. I could file a RTK, but Feller will take the usual thirty extra days for a legal review to decide if the information requested is, in fact, public information.

At first, I was disappointed that I had a conflict and would not be able to attend the special deer "management" meeting, but now I realize that it is no big deal. The pro-kill women have the pro-kill commissioners wrapped around their little fingers. The pro-kill staff would have it no other way. Like the special toxic turf meeting, this is where the "experts" will tell us that killing deer and introducing lethal weapons to our densely populated community is a "good thing." They will ignore the 2014 aerial survey (which showed a deer population decrease of 42%,) and go with DeNicola's estimate that we have around 600 deer. I am not seeing 600 deer. Nobody is seeing 600 deer.

But the propaganda coming from 710 Washington Road would not have it any other way. I'm not buying it.

Anonymous said...

Your right Elaine. I'm not wasting my time going to the circus.

Anonymous said...

Once again, the municipality has invited a person who is already on its payroll, to give advice that the municipality wants to hear.

Tony DeNicola has no idea of the number of deer currently in Mt. Lebanon. Nobody does. He is an expert only in the killing world. He's a mercenary. The more deer he says we have, the more money he stands to make from us. Further, the municipality knows that if DeNicola "guesses" that a high number of deer live here, it will arouse the garden biddies from their hibernation to fight for their Hosta, simpletons that they are.

I prefer to watch next Tuesday's meeting when Netflix mails it to me. I would rather watch the charade in the comfort of my own home, instead of showing up at municipal theater and sitting among violent people.

Anonymous said...

Oh great. A meeting in the "fine arts" theater with a hired gun as the featured attraction.

I'm busy that night. I have to give myself a home permanent.

Anonymous said...

If they have a quorum present, it qualifies as a public meeting and the rules apply.Much like the illegal passage of reduced advertising for such meetings, the Commishes don't have any authority whatsoever to adopt their own rules.
Id suggest reaching out to local media. Im sure it will make a great story--"public denied opportunity to participate in public meeting".

Anonymous said...

The Mt. Lebo dictator knows that next Tuesday, on the first full day of summer, people with lives will not show up for another one of those canned and contrived deer kill meetings.

The dictator also knows that the garden biddies will be there, front and center, because they have nothing else to do, simpletons that they are.

Anonymous said...

Don't call it a dog and pony show. The hired killer may be poised to shoot anything with 4 legs.

Lebo Citizens said...

What would we hear in public comments, 8:31 AM? We would hear more about scary deer eating children, tons of Lyme Disease stories from people who were hiking in other parts of the state, deer/car accidents which occurred who knows where, "erroneous" information about the deer incident report (Chief Coleman's words, not mine), how we have too many deer, stories how our forests are being destroyed (all the forests in Mt. Lebanon), and my personal favorite - birds are disappearing because of the deer. If you turn off your air conditioners and open your windows, you can hear the birds chirping.

The commissioners aren't looking for facts, just anecdotal evidence provided by the Lebo Deer people that the deer must die.

Anonymous said...

Are there minutes from the last meeting held like this? Were there minutes from the turf one last summer? There are a lot of public meetings going on in Mt Lebanon that aren't videotaped and no minutes are recorded. I left a message for the attorney from the newspaper media organization but haven't heard back. It will get her attention if others call or write. It boggles my mind that this continues. Mt Lebanon is the poster child for a corrupted local government.

Anonymous said...

OMG. You heard about the birds, too? My daughter said there is a rumor spreading around at Jeff Middle School that the deer ate 400 birds. Deer do not eat birds. Deer don't go near birds. As we all should know by know, deer eat plants--- the garden ladies' plants.

And the answer is NO. I'm not showing up at that silly meeting next Tuesday.

Lebo Citizens said...

Since the discussion session will not permit citizen comments, the Lebo Deer people (why do they call themselves that when they are not for Lebo deer) are planning to concentrate on the ecosystem at the July 14 commission meeting. So no more Lyme Disease. No more deer poop. No more car accidents. Now it will be about the ecosystem. Don't ya just love junk science?

Anonymous said...

Actually, birds carry tics, too. When is the bird cull?


Anonymous said...

Well, they think that the science crap will make them sound smart. Apparently they know about the holes in the deer incident report. Ecosystem. Are humans in charge of that?

Anonymous said...

They may weave the faulty Lyme disease stories into the ecosystem presentation.

Anonymous said...

All critters are potential tick carriers. Why do the garden biddies focus only on deer spreading Lyme Disease?

Barbara S. said...

I am concerned about the unintended "message" that we will be sending if we stay away in droves from the meeting on the 22nd. Likely, this will be almost identical to last summer's dog and pony show (the infomercial for toxic turf), but that's not the point. We have been repeatedly surprised by the Whack-A-Mole nature of this fight--how, every time we counter (Whack) a tin-man argument of the garden biddies with FACTS, their "issue" with the deer morphs again and we are confronted with a NEW, intellectually-indefensible argument from them (Mole). We should be over-prepared, not under-prepared, to Whack the next Mole (and the one after that one...). IF it is true that knowledge is power, WHY would we want to ignore an opportunity to expand our knowledge? Additionally, and every bit as importantly, IF the Commissioners look out over the audience and ONLY see garden-loving deer haters, what conclusion would you expect them to draw? IF we give them the opportunity to conclude that deer killing is fine with everyone in the community, in what way have we held our position? If not us...WHO? If not now...WHEN? (BTW, this is NOT a limited-access site. By now, every garden biddy--all FIVE of them--must be celebrating the expectation of owning the night on the 22nd. Do we really want them to think they do?)

Anonymous said...

I cannot attend due to a previous engagement. However, I plan to watch the video.