Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jody, Jodi, Joe D. UPDATED

For the record: Cary Grant never said, "Judy, Judy, Judy."

What is the density in these areas? Zero? Just like Mt. Lebanon - 5,500 people per square mile.

Update September 28, 2015 10:02 PM The deadline for the RFP for sharpshooting was 10:00 AM this morning. Mt. Lebanon only heard from one firm. Guess who? White Buffalo. sigh. Coleen Vuono wanted to vote tonight on sharpshooting. Of course.


Anonymous said...

Oh, this makes perfect sense. In Ohio *neighborhood parks*, White Buffalo is anesthetizing, sterilizing and tagging deer but in Mt Lebanon they will kill them with guns. Thank you, Mt Lebanon & Pennsylvania for highlighting the terrible, cruel culture toward animals and people you have created and seek to sustain.

Anonymous said...

White Buffalo trains urban sharpshooters. The only rule: no alcohol for 12 hours before training. For as little as $975, you can take levels 1 & 2 of their courses and become a proud NWOCA Certified Urban Sharpshooter. In the level 2 class, they BEGIN "teaching proper decision making skills".